org.yamcs.mdb.ProcessingData Maven / Gradle / Ivy
package org.yamcs.mdb;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import org.yamcs.commanding.ArgumentValue;
import org.yamcs.parameter.LastValueCache;
import org.yamcs.parameter.ParameterValue;
import org.yamcs.parameter.ParameterValueList;
import org.yamcs.parameter.RawEngValue;
import org.yamcs.parameter.Value;
import org.yamcs.xtce.Argument;
import org.yamcs.xtce.ArgumentInstanceRef;
import org.yamcs.xtce.DataSource;
import org.yamcs.xtce.DynamicIntegerValue;
import org.yamcs.xtce.Parameter;
import org.yamcs.xtce.ParameterInstanceRef;
import org.yamcs.xtce.ParameterInstanceRef.InstanceRelativeTo;
import org.yamcs.xtce.ParameterOrArgumentRef;
* This class holds live information used during a (XTCE) processing.
* It is created when data is incoming and is used in a processing pipeline. For example when a packet is received, the
* following pipeline is executed:
* - a new processing data object is instantiated containing an empty parameter list and a reference to the latest
* parameter value cache
* - parameters are added to it as extracted from the packet
* - calibration (raw to engineering conversion) is performed on the newly added parameters
* - algorithms are run creating new parameters also added to the processing data object
* - monitoring and generation of alarms is done for the new parameters
* - command verifiers are run (possibly creating new parameters TBD)
* - the parameter archive is populated
* A processing can also start when receiving command history information (used as part of command verification), when
* receiving processed parameters via the pp stream or periodically by algorithms.
* There will be different threads running in parallel, each with its own ProcessingData object but one object cannot be
* shared with another thread.
* The following data is part of this object:
* - tmParamsCache - stores the latest values of the "released" TM parameters from a processor (processor's
* lastValueCache). Data can be updated from outside of this processing thread. The cache will buffer older values for
* some parameters if required (for example algorithms or match criteria can require old instances of parameter
* values).
* - tmParams - stores the "current" delivery - parameters that are being produced during the current pipeline
* execution. This list will only modify from within the pipeline (and is not visible outside) and all the data here is
* considered "more recent" than the data from the tmParamsCache. At the end of the execution of the pipeline, the data
* is moved from here to the tmParamsCache (i.e the processor lastValueCache)
* - cmdArgs - if the processing is part of a command, this stores the arguments of the command. Otherwise it is null.
* The command arguments are not modified during the pipeline execution.
* - cmdParamsCache - this is similar with the tmParams but stores parameters that are contextualized to the command.
* This includes command properties and command history parameters. The list can modify from outside the pipeline.
* - cmdParams - stores the "current" delivery command parameters. It is initialised when command history information
* is received. New elements can be added by algorithms producing command parameter values. A command parameter is one
* whose datasource is {@link DataSource#COMMAND}.
public class ProcessingData {
final protected LastValueCache tmParamsCache;
final protected ParameterValueList tmParams;
final protected Map cmdArgs;
final protected LastValueCache cmdParamsCache;
final protected ParameterValueList cmdParams;
* Used in a TM processing pipeline - for example when a TM packet is received
public static ProcessingData createForTmProcessing(LastValueCache tmValueCache) {
return new ProcessingData(tmValueCache, new ParameterValueList(), null, null, null);
* Used in TC processing when command history events are received, they will be added to the cmdParams.
public static ProcessingData createForCmdProcessing(LastValueCache tmValueCache,
Map arguments, LastValueCache cmdLastValueCache) {
return new ProcessingData(tmValueCache, new ParameterValueList(), arguments, cmdLastValueCache,
new ParameterValueList());
* Processing data which contains values to be used in algorithm initialisation.
* The tmParams and cmdParams will be null.
public static ProcessingData createInitial(LastValueCache tmParamsCache, Map arguments,
LastValueCache cmdParamsCache) {
return new ProcessingData(tmParamsCache, null, arguments, cmdParamsCache, null);
* Create a new processing data object with the tmParamsCache and tmParams shared with the data object, but with new
* cmdParams. To be used in command verifiers - each command has its own context with different cmdParams.
* It is used when starting a command processing chain.
public static ProcessingData cloneForCommanding(ProcessingData data, Map arguments,
LastValueCache cmdParams) {
return new ProcessingData(data.tmParamsCache, data.tmParams, arguments, cmdParams, new ParameterValueList());
* keeps the tmParamsCache and tmParams from the given data
public static ProcessingData cloneForTm(ProcessingData data) {
return new ProcessingData(data.tmParamsCache, data.tmParams, null, null, null);
* creates an object with an empty cache and with the given values as current tm delivery. Used in unit tests
public static ProcessingData createForTestTm(ParameterValue... pvlist) {
ProcessingData data = new ProcessingData(new LastValueCache(), new ParameterValueList(), null, null, null);
for (ParameterValue pv : pvlist) {
return data;
* same as above but creates command parameters
public static ProcessingData createForTestCmd(ParameterValue... pvlist) {
ProcessingData data = new ProcessingData(new LastValueCache(), null,
null, new LastValueCache(), new ParameterValueList());
for (ParameterValue pv : pvlist) {
return data;
public ProcessingData(LastValueCache lastValueCache, ParameterValueList tmParams,
Map cmdArgs, LastValueCache cmdParamsCache, ParameterValueList cmdParams) {
this.tmParams = tmParams;
this.tmParamsCache = lastValueCache;
this.cmdArgs = cmdArgs;
this.cmdParams = cmdParams;
this.cmdParamsCache = cmdParamsCache;
public ParameterValueList getTmParams() {
return tmParams;
public void addTmParam(ParameterValue pv) {
public void addTmParams(List params) {
public void addCmdParam(ParameterValue pv) {
* Returns a parameter value associated to the parameter reference or null if none is found.
* The instance is according to XTCE rules: if tmParams/cmdParams contains multiple values for the parameter, then
* the oldest one (first inserted in the list) is instance 0, the next one is instance 1, etc.
* The negative instances are retrieved from the cache: -1 is the latest value in tmParamsCache (the one which was
* added last), -2 is the previous one and so on.
* If {@code allowOld = true} and the tmParams/cmdParams does not contain a value for the parameter, then the
* instances in the cache are counted down from 0 instead of -1.
* If {@code allowOld = false}, the return will always be null if the tmParams/cmdParams does not contain a value
* for the parameter.
public ParameterValue getParameterInstance(ParameterInstanceRef pref) {
Parameter param = pref.getParameter();
if (param.isCommandParameter()) {
return get(cmdParams, cmdParamsCache, param, pref.getInstance(), pref.getRelativeTo());
} else {
return get(tmParams, tmParamsCache, param, pref.getInstance(), pref.getRelativeTo());
private static ParameterValue get(ParameterValueList params, LastValueCache paramsCache, Parameter param,
int instance, InstanceRelativeTo instanceRelativeTo) {
switch (instanceRelativeTo) {
// paramsCache not considered
if (params == null) {
return null;
return params.getFromEnd(param, -instance);
int n = -instance;
if (params != null) {
var pv = params.getFromEnd(param, n);
if (pv != null) {
return pv;
n -= params.count(param);
if (paramsCache == null) {
return null;
return paramsCache.getValueFromEnd(param, n);
// paramsCache is not considered
if (params == null || instance < 0) {
return null;
return params.get(param, instance);
// this is from Yamcs before 5.10.4
if (params == null || params.getFirstInserted(param) == null) {
if (paramsCache == null || instance > 0) {
return null;
return paramsCache.getValueFromEnd(param, -instance);
} else {
if (instance >= 0) {
return params.get(param, instance);
} else {
return paramsCache.getValueFromEnd(param, -instance - 1);
default -> throw new IllegalStateException("Unknown " + instanceRelativeTo);
public ArgumentValue getCmdArgument(Argument arg) {
return (cmdArgs == null) ? null : cmdArgs.get(arg);
public Map getCmdArgs() {
return cmdArgs;
* Returns true if the {@code tmParams} or {@code cmdParams} contains a value for {@code param}
public boolean containsUpdate(Parameter param) {
if (param.isCommandParameter()) {
return cmdParams != null && cmdParams.getFirstInserted(param) != null;
} else {
return tmParams != null && tmParams.getFirstInserted(param) != null;
public ParameterValueList getCmdParams() {
return cmdParams;
public long resolveDynamicIntegerValue(DynamicIntegerValue div) throws XtceProcessingException {
ParameterOrArgumentRef ref = div.getDynamicInstanceRef();
RawEngValue pv = null;
if (ref instanceof ParameterInstanceRef) {
pv = getParameterInstance((ParameterInstanceRef) ref);
} else if (ref instanceof ArgumentInstanceRef) {
ArgumentInstanceRef argRef = (ArgumentInstanceRef) ref;
Argument arg = cmdArgs.keySet().stream().filter(a -> a.getName().equals(argRef.getName())).findFirst()
if (arg == null) {
throw new XtceProcessingException("Missing argument for dynamic integer value: " + ref.getName());
pv = cmdArgs.get(arg);
if (pv == null) {
throw new XtceProcessingException("Missing value for dynamic integer value: " + ref.getName());
Value value = ref.useCalibratedValue() ? pv.getEngValue() : pv.getRawValue();
if (value == null) {
throw new XtceProcessingException("Missing " + (ref.useCalibratedValue() ? "engineering" : "raw")
+ " value for dynamic size in bits parameter: " + ref.getName());
try {
return div.transform(value.toLong());
} catch (UnsupportedOperationException e) {
throw new XtceProcessingException("Cannot interpret value of type " + value.getClass()
+ " as integer; used in the dynamic value specification");
public String toString() {
return "EvaluatorInput [params=" + tmParams
+ ", cmdArgs=" + ((cmdArgs == null) ? null : cmdArgs.values())
+ ", cmdParams=" + cmdParams
+ ", cmdParamsCache=" + cmdParamsCache + "]";