org.yamcs.ProcessorConfig Maven / Gradle / Ivy
package org.yamcs;
import org.yamcs.Spec.OptionType;
import org.yamcs.logging.Log;
import org.yamcs.mdb.ContainerProcessingOptions;
import org.yamcs.mdb.MetaCommandProcessor;
* Configuration options for a processor
public class ProcessorConfig {
private static final String CONFIG_KEY_PARAMETER_CACHE = "parameterCache";
private static final String CONFIG_KEY_ALARM = "alarm";
private static final String CONFIG_KEY_GENERATE_EVENTS = "generateEvents";
private static final String CONFIG_KEY_SUBSCRIBE_ALL = "subscribeAll";
private static final String CONFIG_KEY_RECORD_INITIAL_VALUES = "recordInitialValues";
private static final String CONFIG_KEY_RECORD_LOCAL_VALUES = "recordLocalValues";
private static final String CONFIG_KEY_TM_PROCESSOR = "tmProcessor";
private static final String CONFIG_KEY_MAX_TC_SIZE = "maxTcSize";
private static final String CONFIG_KEY_CONTAINERLESS_CMDS = "allowContainerlessCommands";
private static final String CONFIG_KEY_CHECK_COMMAND_CLEARANCE = "checkCommandClearance";
private static final String CONFIG_KEY_CHECK_PARAMETER_VALIDITY_RANGES = "checkParameterValidityRanges";
private static final String CONFIG_KEY_SUBSCRIBE_CONTAINER_ARCHPART = "subscribeContainerArchivePartitions";
private static final String CONFIG_KEY_PERSIST_PARAMETERS = "persistParameters";
boolean checkParameterAlarms = true;
boolean parameterAlarmServerEnabled = false;
boolean eventAlarmServerEnabled = false;
int maxTcSize = 4096;
boolean recordInitialValues = false;
boolean recordLocalValues = false;
int eventAlarmMinViolations = 1;
boolean subscribeAll = false;
boolean generateEvents = false;
boolean checkCommandClearance = false;
boolean checkParameterValidityRanges = true;
// if true, save at shutdown and load at startup the value of all parameters having the persistent flag set
boolean persistParameters = false;
// if set to true, subscribe by default to all containers that have the useAsArchivePartiton flag set
// used to have nice statistics showing the number of each packet received for the realtime and replay processors
boolean subscribeContainerArchivePartitions = true;
// if positive, the number of days to load the past alarms at startup
private double alarmLoadDays = 30;
* If this is set to true, the {@link MetaCommandProcessor} will release commands without binary encoding if a
* MetaCommand has no container associated.
* The link is then responsible to encode the command somehow starting from the command name and argument
* assignments.
boolean allowContainerlessCommands = false;
final ContainerProcessingOptions containerProcOptions;
static Log log = new Log(ProcessorConfig.class);
public ProcessorConfig(YConfiguration config) {
YConfiguration contProc = YConfiguration.emptyConfig();
if (config != null) {
for (String key : config.getRoot().keySet()) {
if (CONFIG_KEY_ALARM.equals(key)) {
} else if (CONFIG_KEY_SUBSCRIBE_ALL.equals(key)) {
subscribeAll = config.getBoolean(CONFIG_KEY_SUBSCRIBE_ALL);
} else if (CONFIG_KEY_PARAMETER_CACHE.equals(key)) {
"Since version 5.11 parameter cache has been moved from the processor to the ParameterRetrievalService");
} else if (CONFIG_KEY_TM_PROCESSOR.equals(key)) {
contProc = config.getConfig(key);
} else if (CONFIG_KEY_RECORD_INITIAL_VALUES.equals(key)) {
recordInitialValues = config.getBoolean(key);
} else if (CONFIG_KEY_RECORD_LOCAL_VALUES.equals(key)) {
recordLocalValues = config.getBoolean(key);
} else if (CONFIG_KEY_GENERATE_EVENTS.equals(key)) {
generateEvents = config.getBoolean(key);
} else if (CONFIG_KEY_MAX_TC_SIZE.equals(key)) {
maxTcSize = config.getInt(key);
} else if (CONFIG_KEY_CONTAINERLESS_CMDS.equals(key)) {
allowContainerlessCommands = config.getBoolean(key);
} else if (CONFIG_KEY_CHECK_COMMAND_CLEARANCE.equals(key)) {
checkCommandClearance = config.getBoolean(key);
checkParameterValidityRanges = config.getBoolean(key);
subscribeContainerArchivePartitions = config.getBoolean(key);
} else if (CONFIG_KEY_PERSIST_PARAMETERS.equals(key)) {
persistParameters = config.getBoolean(key);
} else {
log.warn("Ignoring unknown config key '{}'", key);
containerProcOptions = new ContainerProcessingOptions(contProc);
public static Spec getSpec() {
Spec spec = new Spec();
spec.addOption(CONFIG_KEY_ALARM, OptionType.MAP).withSpec(getAlarmSpec());
spec.addOption(CONFIG_KEY_SUBSCRIBE_ALL, OptionType.BOOLEAN).withDefault(false);
spec.addOption(CONFIG_KEY_PARAMETER_CACHE, OptionType.ANY);
spec.addOption(CONFIG_KEY_TM_PROCESSOR, OptionType.MAP).withSpec(ContainerProcessingOptions.getSpec());
spec.addOption(CONFIG_KEY_RECORD_INITIAL_VALUES, OptionType.BOOLEAN).withDefault(false);
spec.addOption(CONFIG_KEY_RECORD_LOCAL_VALUES, OptionType.BOOLEAN).withDefault(false);
spec.addOption(CONFIG_KEY_GENERATE_EVENTS, OptionType.BOOLEAN).withDefault(false);
spec.addOption(CONFIG_KEY_MAX_TC_SIZE, OptionType.INTEGER).withDefault(4096);
spec.addOption(CONFIG_KEY_CONTAINERLESS_CMDS, OptionType.BOOLEAN).withDefault(false);
spec.addOption(CONFIG_KEY_CHECK_COMMAND_CLEARANCE, OptionType.BOOLEAN).withDefault(false);
spec.addOption(CONFIG_KEY_SUBSCRIBE_CONTAINER_ARCHPART, OptionType.BOOLEAN).withDefault(true);
spec.addOption(CONFIG_KEY_PERSIST_PARAMETERS, OptionType.BOOLEAN).withDefault(false);
return spec;
public static Spec getAlarmSpec() {
Spec spec = new Spec();
spec.addOption("loadDays", OptionType.FLOAT).withDefault(30);
spec.addOption("parameterCheck", OptionType.BOOLEAN).withDefault(true);
spec.addOption("parameterServer", OptionType.STRING).withDefault("enabled");
spec.addOption("eventServer", OptionType.STRING).withDefault("disabled");
spec.addOption("eventAlarmMinViolations", OptionType.INTEGER).withDefault(1);
return spec;
* Default configuration
public ProcessorConfig() {
containerProcOptions = new ContainerProcessingOptions();
private void parseAlarmConfig(YConfiguration alarmConfig) {
if (alarmConfig.containsKey("check")) {
throw new ConfigurationException(
"Deprecation: in processor.yaml, please replace config -> alarm -> check with config -> alarm -> parameterCheck");
checkParameterAlarms = alarmConfig.getBoolean("parameterCheck", checkParameterAlarms);
if (alarmConfig.containsKey("server")) {
throw new ConfigurationException(
"Deprecation: in processor.yaml, please replace config -> alarm -> server with config -> alarm -> parameterServer");
if (alarmConfig.containsKey("parameterServer")) {
parameterAlarmServerEnabled = "enabled".equalsIgnoreCase(alarmConfig.getString("parameterServer"));
if (parameterAlarmServerEnabled) {
checkParameterAlarms = true;
eventAlarmServerEnabled = "enabled".equalsIgnoreCase(alarmConfig.getString("eventServer", null));
eventAlarmMinViolations = alarmConfig.getInt("eventAlarmMinViolations", eventAlarmMinViolations);
alarmLoadDays = alarmConfig.getDouble("alarmLoadDays", alarmLoadDays);
* Returns the maximum allowed size for a telecommand (TC) in bytes.
* @return the maximum TC size
public int getMaxCommandSize() {
return maxTcSize;
* Returns the minimum number of violations required to trigger an event alarm.
* @return the minimum number of event alarm violations
public int getEventAlarmMinViolations() {
return eventAlarmMinViolations;
* Returns whether event generation is enabled.
* It refers to the events generated inside the processor (for example when encountering errors on processing
* packets) not events in general.
* @return true if event generation is enabled, false otherwise
public boolean generateEvents() {
return generateEvents;
public ContainerProcessingOptions getContainerProcessingOptions() {
return containerProcOptions;
* Returns whether commands without associated containers are allowed.
* @return true if containerless commands are allowed, false otherwise
public boolean allowContainerlessCommands() {
return allowContainerlessCommands;
* Returns whether command clearance checks are enabled.
* @return true if command clearance checks are enabled, false otherwise
public boolean checkCommandClearance() {
return checkCommandClearance;
* Returns whether parameter validity range checks are enabled.
* @return true if parameter validity range checks are enabled, false otherwise
public boolean checkParameterValidityRanges() {
return checkParameterValidityRanges;
public boolean subscribeContainerArchivePartitions() {
return subscribeContainerArchivePartitions;
public void setSubscribeContainerArchivePartitions(boolean b) {
this.subscribeContainerArchivePartitions = b;
* Returns whether parameter persistence is enabled, meaning parameter values will be saved at shutdown and loaded
* at startup.
* If enabled, only parameters with the persistence flag set are saved
* @return true if parameter persistence is enabled, false otherwise
public boolean persistParameters() {
return persistParameters;
* Returns the number of past days of alarm data to load at startup.
* If zero or negative, no alarms are loaded.
* @return the number of days of alarm data to load
public double getAlarmLoadDays() {
return alarmLoadDays;
public void setAlarmLoadDays(double alarmLoadDays) {
this.alarmLoadDays = alarmLoadDays;
public String toString() {
return "ProcessorConfig [checkParameterAlarms=" + checkParameterAlarms + ", parameterAlarmServerEnabled="
+ parameterAlarmServerEnabled + ", eventAlarmServerEnabled=" + eventAlarmServerEnabled + ", maxTcSize="
+ maxTcSize + ", recordInitialValues=" + recordInitialValues + ", recordLocalValues="
+ recordLocalValues + ", eventAlarmMinViolations=" + eventAlarmMinViolations + ", subscribeAll="
+ subscribeAll + ", generateEvents=" + generateEvents + ", containerProcOptions=" + containerProcOptions
+ ", alarmLoadDays=" + alarmLoadDays + "]";