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* While not strictly 'validation', the spec also allows defining additional metadata like the 'default' keyword which
* is used in the merged result of a validation.
* Furthermore, a spec validation applies a limited set of type transformations.
public class Spec {
private static final Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(Spec.class);
* Spec implementation that allows any key.
public static final Spec ANY = new Spec();
static {
ANY.allowUnknownKeys = true;
private static final Spec OPTION_DESCRIPTOR = new Spec();
static {
OPTION_DESCRIPTOR.addOption("title", OptionType.STRING).withRequired(true);
OPTION_DESCRIPTOR.addOption("description", OptionType.LIST_OR_ELEMENT)
OPTION_DESCRIPTOR.addOption("type", OptionType.STRING)
OPTION_DESCRIPTOR.addOption("required", OptionType.BOOLEAN).withDefault(false);
OPTION_DESCRIPTOR.addOption("secret", OptionType.BOOLEAN).withDefault(false);
OPTION_DESCRIPTOR.addOption("hidden", OptionType.BOOLEAN).withDefault(false);
OPTION_DESCRIPTOR.addOption("default", OptionType.ANY);
OPTION_DESCRIPTOR.addOption("versionAdded", OptionType.STRING);
OPTION_DESCRIPTOR.addOption("deprecationMessage", OptionType.STRING);
OPTION_DESCRIPTOR.addOption("elementType", OptionType.STRING)
OPTION_DESCRIPTOR.addOption("choices", OptionType.LIST)
OPTION_DESCRIPTOR.addOption("suboptions", OptionType.MAP)
OPTION_DESCRIPTOR.addOption("applySpecDefaults", OptionType.BOOLEAN)
private Map options = new LinkedHashMap<>();
private Map aliases = new HashMap<>();
private boolean allowUnknownKeys = false;
private List> requiredOneOfGroups = new ArrayList<>(0);
private List> requireTogetherGroups = new ArrayList<>(0);
private List> mutuallyExclusiveGroups = new ArrayList<>(0);
private List whenConditions = new ArrayList<>(0);
* Returns true if this spec contains the specified option.
public boolean containsOption(String name) {
return options.containsKey(name);
* Add an {@link Option} to this spec.
* @throws IllegalArgumentException
* if an option with this name is already defined.
public Option addOption(String name, OptionType type) {
if (options.containsKey(name) || aliases.containsKey(name)) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Option '" + name + "' is already defined");
var option = new Option(this, name, type);
options.put(name, option);
return option;
* Remove an {@link Option} from this spec.
public void removeOption(String name) {
public void allowUnknownKeys(boolean allowUnknownKeys) {
this.allowUnknownKeys = allowUnknownKeys;
* Specify a set of keys of which at least one must be specified. Note that this not enforce that only one is
* specified. You can combine this check with {@link #mutuallyExclusive(String...)} if that is required.
public void requireOneOf(String... keys) {
* Specify a set of keys that must appear together. This check only applies as soon as at least one of these keys
* has been specified.
public void requireTogether(String... keys) {
* Specify a set of keys that are mutually exclusive. i.e. at most one of them may be specified.
public void mutuallyExclusive(String... keys) {
* Add a condition that is only verified when {@code key.equals(value)}
* @param key
* the name of an option
* @param value
* the value that triggers the conditional check
* @return an instance of {@link WhenCondition} for further configuration options
public WhenCondition when(String key, Object value) {
var whenCondition = new WhenCondition(this, key, value);
return whenCondition;
* Validate the given arguments according to this spec.
* @param args
* the arguments to validate.
* @return the validation result where defaults have been added to the input arguments
* @throws ValidationException
* when the specified arguments did not match this specification
public YConfiguration validate(YConfiguration args) throws ValidationException {
var ctx = new ValidationContext(args.getPath());
var result = doValidate(ctx, args.getRoot(), "", false);
var wrapped = YConfiguration.wrap(result);
wrapped.parent = args.parent;
wrapped.parentKey = args.parentKey;
wrapped.rootLocation = args.rootLocation;
return wrapped;
* Validate the given arguments according to this spec.
* @param args
* the arguments to validate, keyed by argument name.
* @return the validation result where defaults have been added to the input arguments
* @throws ValidationException
* when the specified arguments did not match this specification
public Map validate(Map args) throws ValidationException {
return doValidate(new ValidationContext(""), args, "", false);
private Map doValidate(ValidationContext ctx, Map args, String parent,
boolean suppressWarnings)
throws ValidationException {
for (var group : requiredOneOfGroups) {
if (count(args, group) == 0) {
var msg = "One of the following is required: " + group;
if (!"".equals(parent)) {
msg += " at " + parent;
throw new ValidationException(ctx, msg);
for (var group : mutuallyExclusiveGroups) {
if (count(args, group) > 1) {
var msg = "The following arguments are mutually exclusive: " + group;
if (!"".equals(parent)) {
msg += " at " + parent;
throw new ValidationException(ctx, msg);
for (var group : requireTogetherGroups) {
int n = count(args, group);
if (n > 0 && n != group.size()) {
var msg = "The following arguments are required together: " + group;
if (!"".equals(parent)) {
msg += " at " + parent;
throw new ValidationException(ctx, msg);
var satisfiedWhenConditions = -> {
var arg = args.get(whenCondition.key);
return arg != null && arg.equals(whenCondition.value);
for (var whenCondition : satisfiedWhenConditions) {
var missing =
.filter(key -> !args.containsKey(key))
if (!missing.isEmpty()) {
var path = "".equals(parent) ? whenCondition.key : (parent + "->" + whenCondition.key);
throw new ValidationException(ctx, String.format(
"%s is %s but the following arguments are missing: %s",
path, whenCondition.value, missing));
// Build a new set of args where defaults have been entered
// Make this a linked hashmap to keep the defined order
var result = new LinkedHashMap();
// Check the provided arguments
for (var entry : args.entrySet()) {
var argName = entry.getKey();
var path = "".equals(parent) ? argName : (parent + "->" + argName);
var option = getOption(argName);
if (option == null) {
for (var whenCondition : satisfiedWhenConditions) {
option = whenCondition.options.get(argName);
if (option != null) {
if (option == null) {
if (allowUnknownKeys) {
result.put(argName, entry.getValue());
} else {
throw new ValidationException(ctx, "Unknown argument " + path);
} else if (result.containsKey( {
throw new ValidationException(ctx,
String.format("Argument '%s' already specified. Check for aliases.",;
} else {
var arg = entry.getValue();
var resultArg = option.validate(ctx, arg, path, suppressWarnings);
result.put(, resultArg);
var effectiveOptions = new ArrayList<>(options.values());
for (var whenCondition : satisfiedWhenConditions) {
for (var option : effectiveOptions) {
var specified = args.containsKey(;
for (var alias : aliases.entrySet()) {
if (alias.getValue().equals( && args.containsKey(alias.getKey())) {
specified = true;
if (!specified) {
var path = "".equals(parent) ? : parent + "->" +;
if (option.required) {
throw new ValidationException(ctx, "Missing required argument " + path);
var defaultValue = option.validate(ctx, option.computeDefaultValue(), path,
true /* suppressWarnings */);
if (defaultValue != null) {
result.put(, defaultValue);
return result;
public Collection