org.yamcs.archive.CcsdsTmIndex Maven / Gradle / Ivy
package org.yamcs.archive;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.io.UncheckedIOException;
import java.nio.ByteBuffer;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.concurrent.CompletableFuture;
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicInteger;
import java.util.stream.Collectors;
import javax.naming.ConfigurationException;
import org.rocksdb.RocksDBException;
import org.rocksdb.RocksIterator;
import org.yamcs.AbstractYamcsService;
import org.yamcs.InitException;
import org.yamcs.NotThreadSafe;
import org.yamcs.StandardTupleDefinitions;
import org.yamcs.StreamConfig;
import org.yamcs.StreamConfig.StandardStreamType;
import org.yamcs.ThreadSafe;
import org.yamcs.YConfiguration;
import org.yamcs.protobuf.Yamcs.ArchiveRecord;
import org.yamcs.protobuf.Yamcs.NamedObjectId;
import org.yamcs.tctm.CcsdsPacket;
import org.yamcs.utils.TimeEncoding;
import org.yamcs.utils.TimeInterval;
import org.yamcs.utils.parser.ParseException;
import org.yamcs.yarch.HistogramSegment;
import org.yamcs.yarch.Stream;
import org.yamcs.yarch.StreamSubscriber;
import org.yamcs.yarch.Tuple;
import org.yamcs.yarch.YarchDatabase;
import org.yamcs.yarch.YarchDatabaseInstance;
import org.yamcs.yarch.YarchException;
import org.yamcs.yarch.rocksdb.AscendingRangeIterator;
import org.yamcs.yarch.rocksdb.RdbStorageEngine;
import org.yamcs.yarch.rocksdb.Tablespace;
import org.yamcs.yarch.rocksdb.YRDB;
import org.yamcs.yarch.rocksdb.protobuf.Tablespace.TablespaceRecord;
import org.yamcs.yarch.rocksdb.protobuf.Tablespace.TablespaceRecord.Type;
import org.yamcs.yarch.streamsql.StreamSqlException;
* Completeness index of CCSDS telemetry. The structure of the rocksdb records:
* key: tbsIndex[4 bytes], apid[2bytes], start time[8 bytes], start seq count[2 bytes]
* value: end time[8bytes], end seq count[2 bytes], num packets [4 bytes]
* FIXME: because the sequence count wraps around, there is a bug in case packets with the same timestamp and wrapped
* around sequence counts are received - see testApidIndexSameTimeAndWraparound for failing test. the old TokyoCabinet
* based indexer didn't use the sequence count as part of the key but allowed multiple records with the same key. To
* replicate this in RocksDB, one would need to have the RocksDB entries composed of all records with the same startime
public class CcsdsTmIndex extends AbstractYamcsService implements TmIndexService {
static final String TM_INDEX_NAME = "CCSDS";
// if time between two packets with the same apid is more than one hour,
// make two records even if they packets are in sequence (because maybe there is a wrap around involved)
static long maxApidInterval = 3600 * 1000l;
private static AtomicInteger streamCounter = new AtomicInteger();
protected Tablespace tablespace;
int tbsIndex;
List streamNames;
public void init(String yamcsInstance, String serviceName, YConfiguration args) throws InitException {
super.init(yamcsInstance, serviceName, args);
if (config.containsKey("streams")) {
streamNames = config.getList("streams");
} else {
streamNames = StreamConfig.getInstance(yamcsInstance)
.map(sce -> sce.getName())
YarchDatabaseInstance ydb = YarchDatabase.getInstance(yamcsInstance);
tablespace = RdbStorageEngine.getInstance().getTablespace(ydb);
try {
} catch (RocksDBException e) {
throw new InitException("Failed to open rocksdb", e);
log.debug("Listening to streams {}", streamNames);
protected void doStart() {
YarchDatabaseInstance ydb = YarchDatabase.getInstance(yamcsInstance);
for (String s : streamNames) {
Stream stream = ydb.getStream(s);
if (stream == null) {
notifyFailed(new ConfigurationException("Stream " + s + " does not exist"));
protected void doStop() {
YarchDatabaseInstance ydb = YarchDatabase.getInstance(yamcsInstance);
for (String s : streamNames) {
Stream stream = ydb.getStream(s);
if (stream != null) {
private void openDb() throws RocksDBException {
List l = tablespace.filter(Type.TM_INDEX, yamcsInstance,
tr -> !tr.hasTmIndexName() || TM_INDEX_NAME.equals(tr.getTmIndexName()));
TablespaceRecord tbr;
if (l.isEmpty()) {
tbr = tablespace.createMetadataRecord(yamcsInstance,
// add a record at the beginning and at the end to make sure the cursor doesn't run out
YRDB db = tablespace.getRdb();
byte[] v = new byte[Record.VAL_SIZE];
db.put(firstKey(tbr.getTbsIndex()), v);
db.put(lastKey(tbr.getTbsIndex()), v);
} else {
tbr = l.get(0);
tbsIndex = tbr.getTbsIndex();
private static byte[] firstKey(int tbsIndex) {
return Record.key(tbsIndex, (short) 0, (long) 0, (short) 0);
private static byte[] lastKey(int tbsIndex) {
return Record.key(tbsIndex, Short.MAX_VALUE, Long.MAX_VALUE, Short.MAX_VALUE);
public void onTuple(Stream stream, Tuple tuple) {
byte[] packet = (byte[]) tuple.getColumn(StandardTupleDefinitions.TM_PACKET_COLUMN);
if (packet.length < 7) {
log.warn("Short packet (size : {}) received by the CcsdsTmIndex Ignored.", packet.length);
long time = getTime(tuple);
short apid = CcsdsPacket.getAPID(packet);
short seq = (short) CcsdsPacket.getSequenceCount(packet);
try {
addPacket(apid, time, seq);
} catch (RocksDBException e) {
log.error("got exception while saving the packet into index", e);
* Get the generation time for use in the index key.
* The default implementations returns the value of the gentime
column from the tuple (set by the data
* link preprocessor).
protected long getTime(Tuple tuple) {
return (Long) tuple.getColumn(StandardTupleDefinitions.GENTIME_COLUMN);
synchronized void addPacket(short apid, long instant, short seq) throws RocksDBException {
YRDB db = tablespace.getRdb();
RocksIterator it = tablespace.getRdb().newIterator();
try {
it.seek(Record.key(tbsIndex, apid, instant, seq));
// go to the right till we find a record bigger than the packet
int cright, cleft;
Record rright, rleft;
while (true) {
assert (it.isValid());
rright = new Record(it.key(), it.value());
cright = compare(apid, instant, seq, rright);
if (cright == 0) { // duplicate packet
if (log.isTraceEnabled()) {
log.trace("ignored duplicate packet: apid={} time={} seq={}", apid,
TimeEncoding.toOrdinalDateTime(instant), seq);
} else if (cright < 0) {
} else {
rleft = new Record(it.key(), it.value());
cleft = compare(apid, instant, seq, rleft);
if (cleft == 0) {// duplicate packet
if (log.isTraceEnabled()) {
log.trace("ignored duplicate packet: apid={} time={} seq={}", apid,
TimeEncoding.toOrdinalDateTime(instant), seq);
// the cursor is located on the left record and we have a few cases to examine
if ((cleft == 1) && (cright == -1)) { // left and right have to be merged
rleft.seqLast = rright.seqLast;
rleft.lastTime = rright.lastTime;
rleft.numPackets += rright.numPackets + 1;
db.put(rleft.key(tbsIndex), rleft.val());
db.delete(rright.key(tbsIndex)); // remove the right record
} else if (cleft == 1) {// attach to left
rleft.seqLast = seq;
rleft.lastTime = instant;
db.put(rleft.key(tbsIndex), rleft.val());
} else if (cright == -1) {// attach to right
rright.seqFirst = seq;
rright.firstTime = instant;
db.put(rright.key(tbsIndex), rright.val());
} else { // create a new record
Record r = new Record(apid, instant, seq, 1);
db.put(r.key(tbsIndex), r.val());
} finally {
* compare the packet with the record. returns:
* - <-1 packet fits at the right and is not attached
- -1 packet fits at the right and is attached
- 0 packet fits inside
- 1 packet fits at the left and is attached
- >1 packet fits at the right and is not attached
private static int compare(short apid, long time, short seq, Record ar) {
short arapid = ar.apid();
if (apid != arapid) {
return 0x3FFF * Integer.signum(apid - arapid);
int c = compare(time, seq, ar.firstTime(), ar.firstSeq());
if (c <= 0) {
return c;
c = compare(time, seq, ar.lastTime(), ar.lastSeq());
if (c >= 0) {
return c;
return 0;
* Compares two packets (assuming apid is the same) and returns the same thing like the function above
* @param time1
* @param seq1
* @param time2
* @param seq2
* @return
static int compare(long time1, short seq1, long time2, short seq2) {
if (time1 < time2) {
if (((time2 - time1) <= maxApidInterval) && (((seq2 - seq1) & 0x3FFF) == 1)) {
return -1;
} else {
return -0x3FFF;
} else if (time1 == time2) {
int d = (seq1 - seq2) & 0x3FFF;
if (d < 0x2000) {
return d;
return d - 0x4000;
} else {
if (((time1 - time2) <= maxApidInterval) && (((seq1 - seq2) & 0x3FFF) == 1)) {
return 1;
} else {
return 0x3FFF;
* (non-Javadoc)
* @see org.yamcs.yarch.usoc.TmIndex#deleteRecords(long, long)
public synchronized void deleteRecords(long start, long stop) {
try {
deleteRecords(new TimeInterval(start, stop));
} catch (RocksDBException e) {
log.error("Error when deleting records from the ccsdstmindex", e);
public static List getApids(CcsdsTmIndex ccsdsTmIndex) throws RocksDBException {
List apids = new ArrayList<>();
YarchDatabaseInstance ydb = YarchDatabase.getInstance(ccsdsTmIndex.getYamcsInstance());
Tablespace tablespace = RdbStorageEngine.getInstance().getTablespace(ydb);
try (RocksIterator cur = tablespace.getRdb().newIterator()) {
Record ar;
short apid = 0;
while (true) {
cur.seek(Record.key(ccsdsTmIndex.tbsIndex, apid, Long.MAX_VALUE, Short.MAX_VALUE));
ar = new Record(cur.key(), cur.value());
apid = ar.apid();
if (apid == Short.MAX_VALUE) {
return apids;
class CcsdsIndexIteratorAdapter implements IndexIterator {
CcsdsIndexIterator iterator;
final Set apids;
CcsdsIndexIteratorAdapter(Set apids, long start, long stop) {
this.apids = apids;
iterator = new CcsdsIndexIterator((short) -1, start, stop);
public void close() {
public ArchiveRecord getNextRecord() {
while (true) {
Record r = iterator.getNextRecord();
if (r == null) {
return null;
short apid = r.apid;
if ((apids == null) || (apids.contains(apid))) {
String pn = "apid_" + apid;
NamedObjectId id = NamedObjectId.newBuilder().setName(pn).build();
ArchiveRecord.Builder arb = ArchiveRecord.newBuilder().setId(id).setNum(r.numPackets)
return arb.build();
class CcsdsIndexIterator {
long start, stop;
AscendingRangeIterator rangeIt;
short apid, curApid;
Record curr;
public CcsdsIndexIterator(short apid, long start, long stop) {
if (start < 0) {
start = 0;
if (stop < 0) {
stop = Long.MAX_VALUE;
this.apid = apid;
this.start = start;
this.stop = stop;
// jumps to the beginning of the curApid returning true if there is any record matching the start criteria
// and false otherwise
boolean jumpAtApid() throws RocksDBException {
byte[] kstart = Record.key(tbsIndex, curApid, start, (short) 0);
byte[] kend = Record.key(tbsIndex, curApid, stop, (short) 0xFFFF);
if (rangeIt != null) {
rangeIt = new AscendingRangeIterator(tablespace.getRdb().newIterator(), kstart, kend);
return rangeIt.isValid();
// sets the position of the acur at the beginning of the next apid which matches the start criteria
boolean nextApid() throws RocksDBException {
if (curApid == -1) { // init
if (apid != -1) {
curApid = apid;
return jumpAtApid();
} else {
curApid = 0;
if (apid != -1) {
return false;
while (true) {
try (RocksIterator it = tablespace.getRdb().newIterator()) {
it.seek(Record.key(tbsIndex, curApid, Long.MAX_VALUE, Short.MAX_VALUE));
if (!it.isValid()) {
return false;
Record ar = new Record(it.key(), it.value());
curApid = ar.apid();
if (curApid == Short.MAX_VALUE) {
return false;
if (jumpAtApid()) {
return true;
public Record getNextRecord() {
if (rangeIt == null || !rangeIt.isValid()) {
try {
if (!nextApid()) {
return null;
} catch (RocksDBException e) {
throw new UncheckedIOException(new IOException(e));
Record r = new Record(rangeIt.key(), rangeIt.value());
return r;
public void close() {
if (rangeIt != null) {
public IndexIterator getIterator(List names, long start, long stop) {
if (names == null) {
return new CcsdsIndexIteratorAdapter(null, start, stop);
} else {
Set apids = names.stream()
.filter(name -> name.getName().startsWith("apid_"))
.map(name -> Short.valueOf(name.getName().substring(5)))
return new CcsdsIndexIteratorAdapter(apids, start, stop);
public void streamClosed(Stream stream) {
log.warn("Stream {} closed", stream.getName());
if (streamNames.isEmpty()) {
// if all the streams we are subscribed to are closed we fail the service
log.warn("No stream left");
notifyFailed(new Exception("stream clsed"));
public synchronized CompletableFuture rebuild(TimeInterval interval) throws YarchException {
CompletableFuture cf = new CompletableFuture<>();
if (interval.hasStart() || interval.hasEnd()) {
log.info("{}: Rebuilding the CCSDS tm index for time interval: {}", yamcsInstance,
try {
} catch (Exception e) {
log.error("Error when removing the existing CCSDS tm index", e);
return cf;
} else {
log.info("{} Rebuilding the CCSDS tm index from scratch", yamcsInstance);
try {
tablespace.removeTbsIndex(Type.TM_INDEX, tbsIndex);
} catch (Exception e) {
log.error("Error when removing existing tm index", e);
return cf;
String timeColumnName = StandardTupleDefinitions.GENTIME_COLUMN;
String streamName = "histo_rebuild_" + streamCounter.incrementAndGet();
YarchDatabaseInstance ydb = YarchDatabase.getInstance(yamcsInstance);
try {
ydb.execute("create stream " + streamName + " as select * from tm "
+ getWhereCondition(timeColumnName, interval));
} catch (StreamSqlException | ParseException e) {
throw new RuntimeException(e);
Stream stream = ydb.getStream(streamName);
stream.addSubscriber(new StreamSubscriber() {
public void streamClosed(Stream stream) {
public void onTuple(Stream stream, Tuple tuple) {
CcsdsTmIndex.this.onTuple(stream, tuple);
return cf;
private synchronized void deleteRecords(TimeInterval interval) throws RocksDBException {
YRDB db = tablespace.getRdb();
try (RocksIterator it = db.newIterator()) {
it.seek(firstKey(tbsIndex)); // header
while (it.isValid()) {
Record r = new Record(it.key(), it.value());
if (r.apid == Short.MAX_VALUE) {
byte[] keyStart = Record.key(tbsIndex, r.apid, interval.hasStart() ? interval.getStart() : 0,
(short) 0);
byte[] keyEnd;
if (interval.hasEnd()) {
keyEnd = Record.key(tbsIndex, r.apid, interval.getEnd(), (short) 0);
} else {
keyEnd = Record.key(tbsIndex, r.apid, Long.MAX_VALUE, (short) 0);
db.getDb().deleteRange(keyStart, keyEnd);
public static String getWhereCondition(String timeColumnName, TimeInterval interval) {
if (!interval.hasStart() && !interval.hasEnd()) {
return "";
StringBuilder whereCnd = new StringBuilder();
whereCnd.append(" where ");
if (interval.hasStart()) {
long start = HistogramSegment.GROUPING_FACTOR * (interval.getStart() / HistogramSegment.GROUPING_FACTOR);
whereCnd.append(timeColumnName + " >= " + start);
if (interval.hasEnd()) {
whereCnd.append(" and ");
if (interval.hasEnd()) {
long stop = HistogramSegment.GROUPING_FACTOR * (1 + interval.getEnd() / HistogramSegment.GROUPING_FACTOR);
whereCnd.append(timeColumnName + " < " + stop);
return whereCnd.toString();
class Record {
long firstTime, lastTime;
short apid;
short seqFirst, seqLast;
int numPackets;
static final int KEY_SIZE = 16;
static final int VAL_SIZE = 14;
public Record(byte[] key, byte[] val) {
ByteBuffer keyb = ByteBuffer.wrap(key);
ByteBuffer valb = ByteBuffer.wrap(val);
keyb.getInt();// tbsIndex
apid = keyb.getShort();
firstTime = keyb.getLong();
seqFirst = keyb.getShort();
lastTime = valb.getLong();
seqLast = valb.getShort();
numPackets = valb.getInt();
public Record(short apid, long time, short seq, int numPackets) {
this.apid = apid;
this.firstTime = time;
this.lastTime = time;
this.seqFirst = seq;
this.seqLast = seq;
this.numPackets = numPackets;
static byte[] key(int tbsIndex, short apid, long start, short seqFirst) {
ByteBuffer bbk = ByteBuffer.allocate(KEY_SIZE);
return bbk.array();
public long firstTime() {
return firstTime;
public long lastTime() {
return lastTime;
public short apid() {
return apid;
public short firstSeq() {
return seqFirst;
public short lastSeq() {
return seqLast;
byte[] key(int tbsIndex) {
return key(tbsIndex, apid, firstTime, seqFirst);
byte[] val() {
ByteBuffer bbv = ByteBuffer.allocate(VAL_SIZE);
return bbv.array();
public String toString() {
return "apid=" + apid() + " time: (" + firstTime + "," + lastTime + ") seq:(" + firstSeq() + "," + lastSeq()
+ ")";
public int numPackets() {
return numPackets;