org.yamcs.cascading.YamcsLink Maven / Gradle / Ivy
package org.yamcs.cascading;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.concurrent.ScheduledThreadPoolExecutor;
import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit;
import org.yamcs.ConfigurationException;
import org.yamcs.Spec;
import org.yamcs.Spec.OptionType;
import org.yamcs.YConfiguration;
import org.yamcs.client.ClientException;
import org.yamcs.client.ConnectionListener;
import org.yamcs.client.YamcsClient;
import org.yamcs.client.base.WebSocketClient;
import org.yamcs.client.mdb.MissionDatabaseClient;
import org.yamcs.cmdhistory.CommandHistoryPublisher;
import org.yamcs.tctm.AbstractLink;
import org.yamcs.tctm.AggregatedDataLink;
import org.yamcs.tctm.Link;
import com.google.common.util.concurrent.ThreadFactoryBuilder;
public class YamcsLink extends AbstractLink implements AggregatedDataLink, ConnectionListener {
YamcsClient yclient;
String upstreamInstance;
List subLinks = new ArrayList<>();
YamcsTmLink tmLink;
YamcsTcLink tcLink;
YamcsParameterLink ppLink;
YamcsTmArchiveLink tmArchiveLink;
YamcsEventLink eventLink;
String upstreamName;
String upstreamProcessor;
ScheduledThreadPoolExecutor timer = new ScheduledThreadPoolExecutor(1,
new ThreadFactoryBuilder().setNameFormat("YamcsLink").build());
long reconnectionDelay;
private String username;
private char[] password;
volatile boolean connected = false;
public void init(String instance, String name, YConfiguration config) {
super.init(instance, name, config);
this.reconnectionDelay = config.getLong("reconnectionDelay", 5000);
yclient = YamcsClient.newBuilder(config.getString("yamcsUrl"))
.withConnectionAttempts(config.getInt("connectionAttempts", 20))
.withVerifyTls(config.getBoolean("verifyTls", true))
if (config.containsKey("username")) {
if (config.containsKey("password")) {
username = config.getString("username");
password = config.getString("password").toCharArray();
} else {
throw new ConfigurationException("Username provided with no password");
} else if (config.containsKey("password")) {
throw new ConfigurationException("Password provided with no username");
if (config.getBoolean("tm", true)) {
tmLink = new YamcsTmLink(this);
tmLink.init(instance, name + ".tm", config);
if (config.getBoolean("tc", true)) {
tcLink = new YamcsTcLink(this);
tcLink.init(instance, name + ".tc", config);
if (config.getBoolean("pp", true)) {
ppLink = new YamcsParameterLink(this);
ppLink.init(instance, name + ".pp", config);
if (config.getBoolean("tmArchive", true)) {
tmArchiveLink = new YamcsTmArchiveLink(this);
tmArchiveLink.init(instance, name + ".tmArchive", config);
if (config.getBoolean("event", true)) {
eventLink = new YamcsEventLink(this);
eventLink.init(instance, name + ".event", config);
this.upstreamName = config.getString("upstreamName");
if (upstreamName.contains("<") || upstreamName.contains(">")) {
throw new ConfigurationException("Invalid upstream name '" + upstreamName + "'. It cannot contain < or >");
this.upstreamProcessor = config.getString("upstreamProcessor", "realtime");
this.upstreamInstance = config.getString("upstreamInstance");
public Spec getSpec() {
Spec spec = getDefaultSpec();
spec.addOption("yamcsUrl", OptionType.STRING).withRequired(true)
.withDescription("The URL to connect to the server.");
spec.addOption("username", OptionType.STRING)
.withDescription("Username to connect to the server");
spec.addOption("password", OptionType.STRING).withSecret(true)
.withDescription("Password to connect to the server");
spec.addOption("upstreamInstance", OptionType.STRING).withRequired(true)
.withDescription("The instance to connect to.");
spec.addOption("upstreamProcessor", OptionType.STRING).withDefault("realtime")
.withDescription("The processor to connect to. Default is realtime");
spec.addOption("upstreamName", OptionType.STRING).withRequired(true)
"The name of the upstream Yamcs server. The name will be used in the command history entries");
spec.addOption("verifyTls", OptionType.BOOLEAN).withDefault(true)
.withDescription("If the connection is over SSL, "
+ "this option can enable/disable the verification of the server certificate against local accepted CA list");
spec.addOption("reconnectionDelay", OptionType.INTEGER).withDefault(5000)
.withDescription("If the connection fails or breaks, "
+ "the time (in milliseconds) to wait before reconnection.");
spec.addOption("connectionAttempts", OptionType.INTEGER).withDefault(20)
"How many times to attempt reconnection if the connection fails. "
+ "Reconnection will not be reatempted if the authentication fails. "
+ "Link disable/enable is required to reattempt the connection");
* TM
spec.addOption("tm", OptionType.BOOLEAN).withDefault(true)
.withDescription("Subscribe telemetry containers (packets). "
+ "The list of containers (packets) has to be specified using the containers option.");
spec.addOption("tmRealtimeStream", OptionType.STRING);
spec.addOption("tmArchive", OptionType.BOOLEAN)
.withAliases("archiveTm") // Legacy typo
spec.addOption("tmArchiveStream", OptionType.STRING);
spec.addOption("containers", OptionType.LIST).withAliases("packets")
.withDescription("The list of packets to subscribe to.");
spec.when("tm", true).requireAll("containers");
spec.addOption("retrievalDays", OptionType.INTEGER);
spec.addOption("mergeTime", OptionType.INTEGER);
spec.addOption("gapFillingInterval", OptionType.INTEGER);
* PP
spec.addOption("pp", OptionType.BOOLEAN).withDefault(true)
.withDescription("Subscribe parameters. "
+ "The list of parameters has to be specified using the parameters option.");
spec.addOption("ppRealtimeStream", OptionType.STRING);
spec.addOption("parameters", OptionType.LIST).withElementType(OptionType.STRING)
.withDescription("The list of parameters to subscribe to.");
* TC
spec.addOption("tc", OptionType.BOOLEAN).withDefault(true)
.withDescription("Allow to send TC and subscribe to command history.");
spec.addOption("keepUpstreamAcks", OptionType.LIST)
.withDescription("List of command acknowledgements names received "
+ "from the upstream server to keep unmodified")
spec.addOption("commandMapping", OptionType.LIST).withElementType(OptionType.MAP)
.withDescription("The mapping of commands and arguments between downstream and upstream.");
spec.addOption("failCommandIfNoMappingMatches", OptionType.BOOLEAN).withDefault(false)
.withDescription("Fail the command if no mapping matches");
spec.addOption("commandPostprocessorClassName", OptionType.STRING);
spec.addOption("commandPostprocessorArgs", OptionType.MAP).withSpec(Spec.ANY);
* EV
spec.addOption("event", OptionType.BOOLEAN).withDefault(true)
.withDescription("Allow to subscribe to realtime events.");
spec.addOption("eventRealtimeStream", OptionType.STRING);
return spec;
public Status connectionStatus() {
return connected ? Status.OK : Status.UNAVAIL;
public boolean isConnected() {
return connected;
public List getSubLinks() {
return subLinks;
public long getDataInCount() {
long count = 0;
for (Link l : subLinks) {
count += l.getDataInCount();
return count;
public long getDataOutCount() {
return tcLink == null ? 0 : tcLink.getDataOutCount();
public void resetCounters() {
for (Link l : subLinks) {
public void doDisable() {
WebSocketClient wsclient = yclient.getWebSocketClient();
if (wsclient != null && wsclient.isConnected()) {
public void doEnable() {
timer.execute(() -> connectToUpstream());
private void connectToUpstream() {
WebSocketClient wsclient = yclient.getWebSocketClient();
if (wsclient != null && wsclient.isConnected()) {
// we have to protect against double connection because there might be a timer and a user action that causes
// it to come in here
try {
if (username != null) {
yclient.login(username, password);
} catch (ClientException cause) {
log.warn("Connection to upstream Yamcs server failed", cause);
eventProducer.sendWarning("Connection to upstream Yamcs failed: " + cause);
if (tmLink != null || tmArchiveLink != null) {
if (tcLink != null && !tcLink.isDisabled()) {
if (ppLink != null && !ppLink.isDisabled()) {
if (eventLink != null && !eventLink.isDisabled()) {
private void retrieveContainers() {
MissionDatabaseClient mdbClient = getClient().createMissionDatabaseClient(getUpstreamInstance());
ContainerFetcher.fetchAndMatch(mdbClient, config.getList("containers"), log)
.whenComplete((list, t) -> {
if (t != null) {
log.warn("Failed to fetch containers from remote: {}", t);
if (tmLink != null) {
if (!tmLink.isDisabled()) {
if (tmArchiveLink != null) {
if (!tmArchiveLink.isDisabled()) {
protected void doStart() {
if (!isDisabled()) {
protected void doStop() {
public void connecting() {
log.debug("Connecting to upstream Yamcs server");
public void connected() {
connected = true;
log.debug("Connected to upstream Yamcs server");
public void connectionFailed(Throwable cause) {
eventProducer.sendWarning("Connection to upstream Yamcs failed: " + cause);
public void disconnected() {
connected = false;
if (isRunningAndEnabled()) {
log.warn("Disconnected from upstream Yamcs server");
timer.schedule(() -> connectToUpstream(), reconnectionDelay, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS);
} else {
log.debug("Disconnected from upstream Yamcs server");
YamcsClient getClient() {
return yclient;
String getUpstreamName() {
return upstreamName;
String getUpstreamInstance() {
return upstreamInstance;
String getUpstreamProcessor() {
return upstreamProcessor;
public ScheduledThreadPoolExecutor getExecutor() {
return timer;
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