org.yamcs.cascading.YamcsTcLink Maven / Gradle / Ivy
package org.yamcs.cascading;
import static org.yamcs.cmdhistory.CommandHistoryPublisher.AcknowledgeSent_KEY;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Map.Entry;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap;
import java.util.concurrent.ExecutionException;
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicInteger;
import org.yamcs.YConfiguration;
import org.yamcs.YamcsServer;
import org.yamcs.client.Command;
import org.yamcs.client.CommandListener;
import org.yamcs.client.CommandSubscription;
import org.yamcs.client.YamcsClient;
import org.yamcs.client.base.WebSocketClient;
import org.yamcs.client.mdb.MissionDatabaseClient;
import org.yamcs.client.processor.ProcessorClient;
import org.yamcs.client.processor.ProcessorClient.CommandBuilder;
import org.yamcs.cmdhistory.CommandHistoryPublisher;
import org.yamcs.cmdhistory.CommandHistoryPublisher.AckStatus;
import org.yamcs.commanding.ArgumentValue;
import org.yamcs.commanding.PreparedCommand;
import org.yamcs.protobuf.Commanding.CommandHistoryAttribute;
import org.yamcs.protobuf.Commanding.CommandHistoryEntry;
import org.yamcs.protobuf.Commanding.CommandId;
import org.yamcs.protobuf.Mdb.ArgumentAssignmentInfo;
import org.yamcs.protobuf.Mdb.ArgumentInfo;
import org.yamcs.protobuf.Mdb.CommandInfo;
import org.yamcs.protobuf.SubscribeCommandsRequest;
import org.yamcs.protobuf.Yamcs.Value;
import org.yamcs.tctm.AbstractTcDataLink;
import org.yamcs.tctm.AggregatedDataLink;
import org.yamcs.utils.ValueUtility;
import org.yamcs.xtce.Argument;
public class YamcsTcLink extends AbstractTcDataLink {
YamcsLink parentLink;
private CommandSubscription cmdSubscription;
private ProcessorClient procClient;
private MissionDatabaseClient mdbClient;
private String cmdOrigin;
private boolean failCommandIfNoMappingMatches;
private Set keepUpstreamAcks = new HashSet<>();
private ArrayList commandMapDataList = new ArrayList<>();
Map sentCommands = new ConcurrentHashMap<>();
Map upstreamCmdCache = new ConcurrentHashMap<>();
private AtomicInteger tcCount = new AtomicInteger();
public YamcsTcLink(YamcsLink parentLink) {
this.parentLink = parentLink;
public void init(String instance, String name, YConfiguration config) {
super.init(instance, name, config);
this.cmdOrigin = YamcsServer.getServer().getServerId() + "-" + instance + "-" + this.linkName;
List l;
if (config.containsKey("keepUpstreamAcks")) {
l = config.getList("keepUpstreamAcks");
} else {
l = List.of(CommandHistoryPublisher.CcsdsSeq_KEY);
if (config.containsKey("commandMapping")) {
List commandMapConfigList = config.getConfigList("commandMapping");
commandMapConfigList.forEach(conf -> commandMapDataList.add(new CommandMapData(conf)));
} else {
// add default direct command mapping.
log.info("Using default config for Cascading command mapping");
commandMapDataList.add(new CommandMapData());
failCommandIfNoMappingMatches = config.getBoolean("failCommandIfNoMappingMatches");
keepUpstreamAcks = new HashSet<>(l);
public boolean sendCommand(PreparedCommand pc) {
for (CommandMapData data : commandMapDataList) {
if (data.getCommandType() == CommandMapData.CommandType.DEFAULT) {
return sendDirectCommand(pc, data);
String pcfqn = pc.getMetaCommand().getQualifiedName();
String pcCommandPath;
if (data.getLocalPath().endsWith("/")) {
pcCommandPath = pcfqn.substring(0, pcfqn.lastIndexOf("/") + 1);
} else {
pcCommandPath = pcfqn;
if (pcCommandPath.startsWith(data.getLocalPath())) {
switch (data.getCommandType()) {
case DIRECT:
return sendDirectCommand(pc, data);
return sendEmbeddedBinaryCommand(pc, data);
throw new IllegalStateException();
if (failCommandIfNoMappingMatches) {
failedCommand(pc.getCommandId(), "No command mapping matched the command");
return true;
} else {
return false;
private boolean sendEmbeddedBinaryCommand(PreparedCommand pc, CommandMapData data) {
CommandInfo upstreamCmd = getUpstreamCmd(data.getUpstreamPath());
if (upstreamCmd == null) {
String msg = "Cannot send the command because upstream command '" + data.getUpstreamPath()
+ "' is not available";
failedCommand(pc.getCommandId(), msg);
return true;
byte[] cmdBinary = postprocess(pc);
if (cmdBinary == null) {
// the post-processor must have failed the command
return true;
CommandBuilder cb = procClient.prepareCommand(data.getUpstreamPath());
long count = tcCount.getAndIncrement();
cb.withSequenceNumber((int) count);
sentCommands.put(cmdOrigin + "-" + count, pc);
if (pc.getComment() != null) {
List args = getUpstreamArguments(upstreamCmd);
boolean found = false;
for (ArgumentInfo entry : args) {
if (entry.getName().equals(data.getUpstreamArgumentName())) {
found = true;
cb.withArgument(data.getUpstreamArgumentName(), cmdBinary);
} else if (!entry.hasInitialValue()) {
log.warn("The upstream command requires a value also for argument '{}'", entry.getName());
if (!found) {
String msg = "Cannot send the command because upstream argument '" + data.getUpstreamArgumentName()
+ "' was not found";
failedCommand(pc.getCommandId(), msg);
return true;
// we take the time now because after the command is issued, the current time will be after the upstream
// Queued/Released timestamps
long time = getCurrentTime();
var cf = cb.issue();
var size = cb.getSizeOfTheLastCommandIssued();
cf.whenComplete((c, t) -> {
if (t != null) {
log.warn("Error sending command ", t);
failedCommand(pc.getCommandId(), t.getMessage());
} else {
dataOut(1, size);
commandHistoryPublisher.publishAck(pc.getCommandId(), AcknowledgeSent_KEY, time, AckStatus.OK);
return true;
private boolean sendDirectCommand(PreparedCommand pc, CommandMapData data) {
String upstreamCmdName;
String pcfqn = pc.getMetaCommand().getQualifiedName();
if (data.getCommandType() == CommandMapData.CommandType.DEFAULT) {
upstreamCmdName = pcfqn;
} else {
String upstreamCmdPath = data.getUpstreamPath();
if (upstreamCmdPath.endsWith("/")) {
upstreamCmdName = upstreamCmdPath + pcfqn.substring(data.getLocalPath().length());
} else {
upstreamCmdName = upstreamCmdPath;
CommandInfo upstreamCmd = getUpstreamCmd(upstreamCmdName);
if (upstreamCmd == null) {
String msg = "Cannot send the command because upstream command definition is not available";
failedCommand(pc.getCommandId(), msg);
return true;
CommandBuilder cb = procClient.prepareCommand(upstreamCmd.getQualifiedName());
long count = tcCount.getAndIncrement();
cb.withSequenceNumber((int) count);
sentCommands.put(cmdOrigin + "-" + count, pc);
if (pc.getComment() != null) {
List reqArgs = getUpstreamArguments(upstreamCmd);
for (Entry entry : pc.getArgAssignment().entrySet()) {
String argName = entry.getKey().getName();
if (reqArgs.stream().anyMatch(ai -> argName.equals(ai.getName()))) {
// TODO aggregates/arrays
cb.withArgument(argName, toClientValue(entry.getValue()));
// we take the time now because after the command is issued, the current time will be after the upstream
// Queued/Released timestamps
long time = getCurrentTime();
cb.issue().whenComplete((c, t) -> {
if (t != null) {
log.warn("Error sending command ", t);
failedCommand(pc.getCommandId(), t.getMessage());
} else {
commandHistoryPublisher.publishAck(pc.getCommandId(), AcknowledgeSent_KEY, time, AckStatus.OK);
return true;
private Object toClientValue(ArgumentValue value) {
return ValueUtility.getYarchValue(value.getEngValue());
// retrieve the arguments which can be sent in the upstream command
private List getUpstreamArguments(CommandInfo upstreamCmd) {
Set assignedArgs = new HashSet<>();
CommandInfo ci = upstreamCmd;
while (true) {
for (ArgumentAssignmentInfo aai : ci.getArgumentAssignmentList()) {
if (ci.hasBaseCommand()) {
ci = ci.getBaseCommand();
} else {
ci = upstreamCmd;
List reqArgs = new ArrayList<>();
while (true) {
for (ArgumentInfo ai : ci.getArgumentList()) {
if (!assignedArgs.contains(ai.getName())) {
if (ci.hasBaseCommand()) {
ci = ci.getBaseCommand();
} else {
return reqArgs;
private CommandInfo getUpstreamCmd(String upstreamCmdName) {
CommandInfo cinfo = upstreamCmdCache.get(upstreamCmdName);
if (cinfo == null) {
try {
log.debug("Retrieving information about command {} from upstream", upstreamCmdName);
cinfo = mdbClient.getCommand(upstreamCmdName).get();
} catch (InterruptedException | ExecutionException e) {
log.warn("Failed to retrieve command definition " + upstreamCmdName + " from upstream: " + e);
return null;
upstreamCmdCache.put(upstreamCmdName, cinfo);
return cinfo;
protected void doStart() {
if (!isEffectivelyDisabled()) {
public void doDisable() {
if (cmdSubscription != null) {
cmdSubscription = null;
* Called when a command history update is received from the upstream server
* @param command
* @param cmdHistEntry
void commandUpdated(Command command, CommandHistoryEntry che) {
PreparedCommand pc = sentCommands.get(command.getOrigin() + "-" + command.getSequenceNumber());
if (pc != null) {
for (CommandHistoryAttribute cha : che.getAttrList()) {
String name = transformCommandHistoryAttributeName(cha.getName());
publishCmdHistory(pc.getCommandId(), name, cha.getValue());
} // else TODO: should we add to command history commands not sent by us?
private String transformCommandHistoryAttributeName(String name) {
if (keepUpstreamAcks.contains(name)) {
return name;
} else {
return "yamcs<" + parentLink.getUpstreamName() + ">_" + name;
private void publishCmdHistory(CommandId cmdId, String name, Value value) {
switch (value.getType()) {
case SINT32:
commandHistoryPublisher.publish(cmdId, name, value.getSint32Value());
case UINT32:
commandHistoryPublisher.publish(cmdId, name, value.getUint32Value());
case UINT64:
commandHistoryPublisher.publish(cmdId, name, value.getUint64Value());
case SINT64:
commandHistoryPublisher.publish(cmdId, name, value.getSint64Value());
case STRING:
commandHistoryPublisher.publish(cmdId, name, value.getStringValue());
commandHistoryPublisher.publish(cmdId, name, value.getTimestampValue());
case BINARY:
commandHistoryPublisher.publish(cmdId, name, value.getBinaryValue().toByteArray());
log.warn("Cannot publish command history attributes of type {}", value.getType());
public void doEnable() {
if (cmdSubscription != null && !cmdSubscription.isDone()) {
if (parentLink.isConnected()) {
private void subscribeCommanding() {
YamcsClient yclient = parentLink.getClient();
procClient = yclient.createProcessorClient(parentLink.getUpstreamInstance(), parentLink.getUpstreamProcessor());
mdbClient = yclient.createMissionDatabaseClient(parentLink.getUpstreamInstance());
cmdSubscription = yclient.createCommandSubscription();
cmdSubscription.addListener(new CommandListener() {
public void onUpdate(Command command, CommandHistoryEntry cmdHistEntry) {
commandUpdated(command, cmdHistEntry);
public void onError(Throwable t) {
eventProducer.sendWarning("Got error when subscribign to commanding: " + t);
public void onUpdate(Command command) {
protected Status connectionStatus() {
Status parentStatus = parentLink.connectionStatus();
if (parentStatus == Status.OK) {
boolean ok = cmdSubscription != null && !cmdSubscription.isDone();
return ok ? Status.OK : Status.UNAVAIL;
} else {
return parentStatus;
protected void doStop() {
if (!isDisabled()) {
public AggregatedDataLink getParent() {
return parentLink;
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