org.yamcs.cli.RocksDbBenchmark Maven / Gradle / Ivy
package org.yamcs.cli;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.concurrent.Semaphore;
import java.util.concurrent.ThreadLocalRandom;
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicInteger;
import org.yamcs.StandardTupleDefinitions;
import org.yamcs.archive.XtceTmRecorder;
import org.yamcs.utils.TimeEncoding;
import org.yamcs.yarch.DataType;
import org.yamcs.yarch.PartitioningSpec;
import org.yamcs.yarch.Stream;
import org.yamcs.yarch.StreamSubscriber;
import org.yamcs.yarch.TableDefinition;
import org.yamcs.yarch.TableWriter;
import org.yamcs.yarch.TableWriter.InsertMode;
import org.yamcs.yarch.Tuple;
import org.yamcs.yarch.TupleDefinition;
import org.yamcs.yarch.YarchDatabase;
import org.yamcs.yarch.YarchDatabaseInstance;
import org.yamcs.yarch.rocksdb.RdbStorageEngine;
import com.beust.jcommander.Parameter;
import com.beust.jcommander.ParameterException;
import com.beust.jcommander.Parameters;
@Parameters(commandDescription = "Benchmark rocksdb storage engine. The benchmark consists of a table load and a few selects.\n"
+ "The table is loaded with telemetry packets received at frequencies of [10/sec, 1/sec, 1/10sec, 1/60sec and 1/hour].\n"
+ "The table will be identical to the tm table and will contain a histogram on pname (=packet name).\n"
+ "It is possible to specify how many partitions (i.e. how many different pnames) to be loaded for each frequency\n"
+ "and the time duration of the data." + "")
class RocksDbBenchmark extends Command {
@Parameter(names = "--dbDir", description = "the directory where the database will be created.\n"
+ "A \"rocksbench\" archive instance will be created in this directory", required = true)
String dbDir;
@Parameter(names = "--count", description = "The partition counts for the 5 frequencies: [10/sec, 1/sec, 1/10sec, 1/60sec and 1/hour].\n"
+ "It has to be specified as a string (use quotes).\n"
+ "By default, it is \"5 5 5 5 5\"", required = false)
String counts = "5 5 5 5 5";
@Parameter(names = "--duration", description = "The duration in hours of the simulated data. By default it's 24 hours", required = false)
int durationHours = 24;
@Parameter(names = "--baseTime", description = "Start inserting data with this time. By default it's 2017-01-01T00:00:00", required = false)
String baseTime = "2017-01-01T00:00:00";
// frequencies in 100ms
private long freq[] = { 1, 10, 100, 600, 36000 };
private int count[];
private String tableName = "tm";
private YarchDatabaseInstance ydb;
public RocksDbBenchmark(RocksDbCli rocksDbCli) {
super("bench", rocksDbCli);
void validate() {
String[] a = counts.split("\\s+");
if (a.length != freq.length) {
throw new ParameterException(
"Invalid count specified; please provide " + freq.length + " numbers (e.g. \"1 2 3 4 5\"");
count = new int[a.length];
for (int i = 0; i < a.length; i++) {
try {
count[i] = Integer.valueOf(a[i]);
} catch (NumberFormatException e) {
throw new ParameterException("Cannot parse '" + a[i] + "' to integer.");
public void execute() throws Exception {
this.ydb = YarchDatabase.getInstance("rocksbench");
TableDefinition tblDef = ydb.getTable(tableName);
if (tblDef == null) {
TupleDefinition tdef = XtceTmRecorder.RECORDED_TM_TUPLE_DEFINITION;
tblDef = new TableDefinition(tableName, tdef,
PartitioningSpec pspec = PartitioningSpec.valueSpec(XtceTmRecorder.PNAME_COLUMN);
} else {
console.println("Table " + tableName + " already exists!. Old data will not be overwritten.");
populate(tblDef, durationHours * 36000l);
console.println("*********************** reading data ********************");
read(tableName, null, -1);
for (int j = 0; j < freq.length; j++) {
if (count[j] == 0) {
read(tableName, "/rocksbench/packet_" + j + "_0", freq[j]);
read(tableName, null, -1);
void populate(TableDefinition tblDef, long duration100ms) throws Exception {
RdbStorageEngine rse = (RdbStorageEngine) ydb.getStorageEngine(tblDef);
TableWriter tw = rse.newTableWriter(ydb, tblDef, InsertMode.INSERT);
long baseTime = TimeEncoding.parse("2017-01-01T00:00:00");
console.println("writing " + durationHours + " hours of data starting with " + TimeEncoding.toString(baseTime));
ThreadLocalRandom r = ThreadLocalRandom.current();
byte[] b = new byte[256];
int numPackets = 0;
TupleDefinition tdef = tblDef.getTupleDefinition();
long t0 = System.currentTimeMillis();
long genTime = baseTime;
for (long i = 0; i < duration100ms; i++) {
for (int j = 0; j < freq.length; j++) {
if (i % freq[j] == 0) {
for (int k = 0; k < count[j]; k++) {
Tuple t;
int seqNum = (int) i;
genTime = baseTime + i * 100L + j;
long recTime = TimeEncoding.getWallclockTime();
t = new Tuple(tdef,
new Object[] { genTime, seqNum, recTime, b, "/rocksbench/packet_" + j + "_" + k });
tw.onTuple(null, t);
if (numPackets % 1000000 == 0) {
console.println(String.format("%3dM packets written; %d%% completed", numPackets / 1000000,
i * 100 / duration100ms));
console.println("write finished; last packet time: " + TimeEncoding.toString(genTime) + "; total numPackets: "
+ numPackets);
long t1 = System.currentTimeMillis();
long d = t1 - t0;
"time to populate " + (d / 1000.0) + " seconds; speed: " + (numPackets * 1000l / d) + " packets/sec");
void read(String tblName, String packetName, long rate100ms) throws Exception {
long t0 = System.currentTimeMillis();
String q = "create stream s as select * from " + tblName;
if (packetName != null) {
q = q + " where pname='" + packetName + "'";
Stream s = ydb.getStream("s");
Semaphore semaphore = new Semaphore(0);
AtomicInteger count = new AtomicInteger();
s.addSubscriber(new StreamSubscriber() {
int c = 0;
public void onTuple(Stream stream, Tuple tuple) {
if (packetName != null) {
if (!packetName.equals(tuple.getColumn("pname"))) {
throw new RuntimeException("invalid tuple received");
public void streamClosed(Stream stream) {
long t1 = System.currentTimeMillis();
long d = t1 - t0;
long speed = 1000 * count.get() / d;
if (packetName == null) {
console.println(String.format("time to read all %d packets: %.3f seconds, speed: %d packets/second",
count.get(), d / 1000.0, speed));
} else {
"time to read %8d %s (pkt rate: %.2f sec) packets: %.3f seconds, speed: %d packets/second",
count.get(), packetName, rate100ms / 10.0, d / 1000.0, speed));
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