org.yamcs.management.LinkManager Maven / Gradle / Ivy
package org.yamcs.management;
import static org.yamcs.cmdhistory.CommandHistoryPublisher.AcknowledgeSent_KEY;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Optional;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.concurrent.CopyOnWriteArrayList;
import java.util.concurrent.CopyOnWriteArraySet;
import org.yamcs.ConfigurationException;
import org.yamcs.Spec;
import org.yamcs.StandardTupleDefinitions;
import org.yamcs.TmPacket;
import org.yamcs.ValidationException;
import org.yamcs.YConfiguration;
import org.yamcs.YamcsServer;
import org.yamcs.YamcsServerInstance;
import org.yamcs.client.utils.WellKnownTypes;
import org.yamcs.cmdhistory.CommandHistoryPublisher;
import org.yamcs.cmdhistory.CommandHistoryPublisher.AckStatus;
import org.yamcs.cmdhistory.StreamCommandHistoryPublisher;
import org.yamcs.commanding.PreparedCommand;
import org.yamcs.logging.Log;
import org.yamcs.management.LinkManager.InvalidPacketAction.Action;
import org.yamcs.mdb.Mdb;
import org.yamcs.mdb.MdbFactory;
import org.yamcs.memento.MementoDb;
import org.yamcs.parameter.SystemParametersProducer;
import org.yamcs.parameter.SystemParametersService;
import org.yamcs.protobuf.Commanding.CommandId;
import org.yamcs.protobuf.links.LinkInfo;
import org.yamcs.tctm.AggregatedDataLink;
import org.yamcs.tctm.Link;
import org.yamcs.tctm.LinkMemento;
import org.yamcs.tctm.LinkState;
import org.yamcs.tctm.ParameterDataLink;
import org.yamcs.tctm.StreamPbParameterSender;
import org.yamcs.tctm.TcDataLink;
import org.yamcs.tctm.TmPacketDataLink;
import org.yamcs.time.Instant;
import org.yamcs.utils.ServiceUtil;
import org.yamcs.utils.YObjectLoader;
import org.yamcs.yarch.Stream;
import org.yamcs.yarch.StreamSubscriber;
import org.yamcs.yarch.Tuple;
import org.yamcs.yarch.YarchDatabase;
import org.yamcs.yarch.YarchDatabaseInstance;
import com.google.common.util.concurrent.Service;
import com.google.gson.Gson;
* Service that manages all the data links:
* - is endpoint for the /links API calls
* - for the commanding links it will only send commands if the link is enabled. If no commanding link is enabled, a
* negative Sent ACK will be produced.
* - TODO: can set exclusive flags - i.e. only one link from a group can be enabled at a time
* The configuration of this service is done in the "dataLinks" sections of the yamcs.<instance-name>.yaml file.
public class LinkManager {
private static final String MEMENTO_KEY = "yamcs.links";
public static final String PP_STREAM_KEY = "ppStream";
private Map linksByName = new HashMap<>();
private YarchDatabaseInstance ydb;
Log log;
final String yamcsInstance;
Set linkListeners = new CopyOnWriteArraySet<>();
final CommandHistoryPublisher cmdHistPublisher;
Map tcStreamSubscribers = new HashMap<>();
// To be fully replaced by linksByName, currently still
// used for deprecated register/unregister methods in LinkListener.
List links = new CopyOnWriteArrayList<>();
public LinkManager(String instanceName) throws ValidationException {
this.yamcsInstance = instanceName;
log = new Log(getClass(), instanceName);
ydb = YarchDatabase.getInstance(instanceName);
cmdHistPublisher = new StreamCommandHistoryPublisher(yamcsInstance);
YamcsServerInstance instance = YamcsServer.getServer().getInstance(instanceName);
YConfiguration instanceConfig = instance.getConfig();
if (instanceConfig.containsKey("dataLinks")) {
var mementoDb = MementoDb.getInstance(instanceName);
var memento = mementoDb.getObject(MEMENTO_KEY, LinkMemento.class)
.orElse(new LinkMemento());
List linkConfigs = instanceConfig.getConfigList("dataLinks");
for (YConfiguration linkConfig : linkConfigs) {
createDataLink(linkConfig, memento);
} else {
log.info("No link created because the section dataLinks was not found");
private void createDataLink(YConfiguration linkConfig, LinkMemento memento) throws ValidationException {
String className = linkConfig.getString("class");
String linkName = linkConfig.getString("name");
if (linksByName.containsKey(linkName)) {
throw new ConfigurationException(
"Instance " + yamcsInstance + ": there is already a link named '" + linkName + "'");
Link link = YObjectLoader.loadObject(className);
Spec spec = link.getSpec();
if (spec != null) {
if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {
Map unsafeArgs = ((YConfiguration) linkConfig).getRoot();
Map safeArgs = spec.maskSecrets(unsafeArgs);
log.debug("Raw args for {}: {}", linkName, safeArgs);
linkConfig = spec.validate((YConfiguration) linkConfig);
if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {
Map unsafeArgs = ((YConfiguration) linkConfig).getRoot();
Map safeArgs = spec.maskSecrets(unsafeArgs);
log.debug("Initializing {} with resolved args: {}", linkName, safeArgs);
link.init(yamcsInstance, linkName, linkConfig);
// Try to restore previous link state, but if enabledAtStartup
// is explicitly configured, give priority to that setting.
boolean enabledAtStartup = true;
if (linkConfig.containsKey("enabledAtStartup")) {
enabledAtStartup = linkConfig.getBoolean("enabledAtStartup");
} else {
var savedState = memento.getLinkState(linkName);
if (savedState != null) {
enabledAtStartup = savedState.isEnabled();
if (!enabledAtStartup) {
configureDataLink(link, linkConfig);
* Connects the links to streams
* Updates the mappings which are provided via API
* Can be called dynamically for example when an aggregate link updates its sub-links
public void configureDataLink(Link link, YConfiguration linkArgs) {
if (linkArgs == null) {
linkArgs = YConfiguration.emptyConfig();
// this is the old configuration where each link was configured one stream
Stream singleStream = getStream(linkArgs, "stream");
// this is the new configuration where one can specify one of each stream for a link
// such that we can have links doing both TC and TM
Stream tcStream = getStream(linkArgs, "tcStream");
Stream tmStream = getStream(linkArgs, "tmStream");
Stream ppStream = getStream(linkArgs, PP_STREAM_KEY);
if (link instanceof TmPacketDataLink) {
TmPacketDataLink tmLink = (TmPacketDataLink) link;
if (tmLink.isTmPacketDataLinkImplemented()) {
Stream streamf = tmStream == null ? singleStream : tmStream;
if (streamf != null) {
InvalidPacketAction ipa = getInvalidPacketAction(link.getName(), linkArgs);
tmLink.setTmSink(tmPacket -> processTmPacket(tmLink, tmPacket, streamf, ipa));
} else {
throw new ConfigurationException("No stream configured for parameter link " + link.getName()
+ ". Please set a stream using the 'ppStream; option");
if (link instanceof TcDataLink) {
TcDataLink tcLink = (TcDataLink) link;
if (tcLink.isTcDataLinkImplemented()) {
Stream stream = tcStream == null ? singleStream : tcStream;
if (stream != null) {
TcStreamSubscriber tcs = tcStreamSubscribers.get(stream);
if (tcs == null) {
tcs = new TcStreamSubscriber(true);
tcStreamSubscribers.put(stream, tcs);
// the Yamcs gateway links will send ygw registered commands even if the isTcDataLinkImplemented
// returns false (because it does not want to send normal MDB binary commands)
// thats why we set the command history publisher so it can still update the command history
if (link instanceof ParameterDataLink) {
ParameterDataLink ppLink = (ParameterDataLink) link;
if (ppLink.isParameterDataLinkImplemented()) {
Stream stream = ppStream == null ? singleStream : ppStream;
if (stream != null) {
ppLink.setParameterSink(new StreamPbParameterSender(yamcsInstance, stream));
if (link instanceof AggregatedDataLink) {
for (Link l : ((AggregatedDataLink) link).getSubLinks()) {
configureDataLink(l, l.getConfig());
linksByName.put(link.getName(), link);
String json = null;
if (!linkArgs.toMap().isEmpty()) {
json = new Gson().toJson(linkArgs.toMap());
registerLink(link.getName(), json, link);
Stream getStream(YConfiguration linkArgs, String configKey) {
Stream stream = null;
String streamName = linkArgs.getString(configKey, null);
if (streamName != null) {
stream = ydb.getStream(streamName);
if (stream == null) {
throw new ConfigurationException("Cannot find stream '" + streamName + "'");
return stream;
private void processTmPacket(TmPacketDataLink tmLink, TmPacket tmPacket, Stream stream, InvalidPacketAction ipa) {
if (tmPacket.isInvalid()) {
if (ipa.action == Action.DROP) {
} else if (ipa.action == Action.DIVERT) {
Tuple t = new Tuple(StandardTupleDefinitions.INVALID_TM,
new Object[] { tmPacket.getReceptionTime(), ipa.divertStream.getDataCount(),
tmPacket.getPacket() });
} // if action is PROCESS, continue below
Instant ertime = tmPacket.getEarthReceptionTime();
Tuple t = null;
if (ertime == Instant.INVALID_INSTANT) {
ertime = null;
Long obt = tmPacket.getObt() == Long.MIN_VALUE ? null : tmPacket.getObt();
String rootContainer = tmPacket.getRootContainer() != null
? tmPacket.getRootContainer().getQualifiedName()
: null;
t = new Tuple(StandardTupleDefinitions.TM, new Object[] {
private InvalidPacketAction getInvalidPacketAction(String linkName, YConfiguration linkArgs) {
InvalidPacketAction ipa = new InvalidPacketAction();
if (linkArgs.containsKey("invalidPackets")) {
ipa.action = linkArgs.getEnum("invalidPackets", Action.class);
if (ipa.action == Action.DIVERT) {
String divertStream = linkArgs.getString("invalidPacketsStream", "invalid_tm");
ipa.divertStream = ydb.getStream(divertStream);
if (ipa.divertStream == null) {
throw new ConfigurationException("Cannot find stream '" + divertStream
+ "' (required if invalidPackets: DIVERT has been specified)");
} else {
ipa.action = Action.DROP;
return ipa;
public void startLinks() {
SystemParametersService collector = SystemParametersService.getInstance(yamcsInstance);
if (collector != null) {
linksByName.forEach((name, link) -> {
if (link instanceof SystemParametersProducer) {
collector.registerProducer((SystemParametersProducer) link);
linksByName.forEach((name, link) -> {
if (link instanceof Service) {
log.debug("Starting service link {}", name);
((Service) link).startAsync();
linksByName.forEach((name, link) -> {
if (link instanceof Service) {
ServiceUtil.awaitServiceRunning((Service) link);
public void stopLinks() {
linksByName.forEach((name, link) -> {
unregisterLink(name, link);
if (link instanceof Service) {
((Service) link).stopAsync();
linksByName.forEach((name, link) -> {
if (link instanceof Service) {
log.info("Awaiting termination of link {}", link.getName());
ServiceUtil.awaitServiceTerminated((Service) link, YamcsServer.SERVICE_STOP_GRACE_TIME, log);
private void registerLink(String linkName, String spec, Link link) {
LinkInfo.Builder linkb = LinkInfo.newBuilder().setInstance(yamcsInstance)
if (link.getDetailedStatus() != null) {
var extra = link.getExtraInfo();
if (extra != null) {
Link parent = link.getParent();
if (parent != null) {
LinkInfo linkInfo = linkb.build();
links.add(new LinkWithInfo(link, linkInfo));
linkListeners.forEach(l -> {
private void unregisterLink(String linkName, Link link) {
Optional o = getLinkWithInfo(linkName);
if (o.isPresent()) {
LinkWithInfo lwi = o.get();
linkListeners.forEach(l -> {
* Use {@link #getLink(String)} instead.
public Optional getLinkWithInfo(String linkName) {
return links.stream()
.filter(lwi -> linkName.equals(lwi.linkInfo.getName()))
* Adds a listener that is to be notified when any processor, or any client is updated. Calling this multiple times
* has no extra effects. Either you listen, or you don't.
public boolean addLinkListener(LinkListener l) {
return linkListeners.add(l);
public void enableLink(String linkName) {
log.debug("received enableLink for {}", linkName);
public void disableLink(String linkName) {
log.debug("received disableLink for {}", linkName);
public void resetCounters(String linkName) {
log.debug("received resetCounters for {}", linkName);
private void saveMemento() {
var memento = new LinkMemento();
for (var link : getLinks()) {
var state = LinkState.forLink(link);
memento.addLinkState(link.getName(), state);
var mementoDb = MementoDb.getInstance(yamcsInstance);
mementoDb.putObject(MEMENTO_KEY, memento);
private Link checkAndGetLink(String linkName) {
Link link = getLink(linkName);
if (link == null) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException(
"There is no link named '" + linkName + "' in instance " + yamcsInstance);
return link;
public boolean removeLinkListener(LinkListener l) {
return linkListeners.remove(l);
public List getLinks() {
return new ArrayList<>(linksByName.values());
* Return the link by the given name or null if there is no such link.
public Link getLink(String linkName) {
return linksByName.get(linkName);
public Set getCommandStreams() {
return tcStreamSubscribers.keySet();
* What to do with invalid packets.
static class InvalidPacketAction {
enum Action {
* Do nothing
* Send packets on the normal TM stream
* Send packets on an alternate stream
Stream divertStream;
Action action;
* @deprecated Access to linkInfo copy will be removed in a future release.
public class LinkWithInfo {
final Link link;
LinkInfo linkInfo;
public LinkWithInfo(Link link, LinkInfo linkInfo) {
this.link = link;
this.linkInfo = linkInfo;
public Link getLink() {
return link;
class TcStreamSubscriber implements StreamSubscriber {
final List tcLinks = new ArrayList<>();
final boolean failIfNoLinkAvailable;
public TcStreamSubscriber(boolean failIfNoLinkAvailable) {
this.failIfNoLinkAvailable = failIfNoLinkAvailable;
void addLink(TcDataLink tcLink) {
public void onTuple(Stream s, Tuple tuple) {
Mdb mdb = MdbFactory.getInstance(yamcsInstance);
PreparedCommand pc = PreparedCommand.fromTuple(tuple, mdb);
boolean sent = false;
String reason = "no link available";
for (TcDataLink tcLink : tcLinks) {
if (tcLink.isCommandingAvailable()) {
try {
if (tcLink.sendCommand(pc)) {
sent = true;
} catch (Exception e) {
log.error("Error sending command via link {}", tcLink, e);
reason = "Error sending command via " + tcLink.getName() + ": " + e.getMessage();
if (!sent && failIfNoLinkAvailable) {
CommandId commandId = pc.getCommandId();
log.info("Failing command stream: {}, cmdId: {}, reason: {}", s.getName(), pc.getCommandId(), reason);
long currentTime = YamcsServer.getTimeService(yamcsInstance).getMissionTime();
cmdHistPublisher.publishAck(commandId, AcknowledgeSent_KEY,
currentTime, AckStatus.NOK, reason);
cmdHistPublisher.commandFailed(commandId, currentTime, reason);
public void streamClosed(Stream s) {
log.debug("Stream {} closed", s.getName());