org.yamcs.mdb.DataEncodingDecoder Maven / Gradle / Ivy
package org.yamcs.mdb;
import static org.yamcs.mdb.DataEncodingUtils.getRawFloatValue;
import static org.yamcs.mdb.DataEncodingUtils.getRawIntegerValue;
import java.nio.charset.Charset;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
import org.yamcs.parameter.Value;
import org.yamcs.protobuf.Yamcs.Value.Type;
import org.yamcs.utils.BitBuffer;
import org.yamcs.utils.MilStd1750A;
import org.yamcs.utils.ValueUtility;
import org.yamcs.xtce.BinaryDataEncoding;
import org.yamcs.xtce.BooleanDataEncoding;
import org.yamcs.xtce.DataEncoding;
import org.yamcs.xtce.DynamicIntegerValue;
import org.yamcs.xtce.FloatDataEncoding;
import org.yamcs.xtce.IntegerDataEncoding;
import org.yamcs.xtce.IntegerDataEncoding.Encoding;
import org.yamcs.xtce.StringDataEncoding;
* Decodes TM data according to the specification of the DataEncoding This is a generic catch all decoder, relies on
* specific custom decoders implementing the DataDecoder interface when necessary.
* @see org.yamcs.mdb.DataDecoder
public class DataEncodingDecoder {
ProcessorData pdata;
BitBuffer buffer;
Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(this.getClass().getName());
public DataEncodingDecoder(ContainerProcessingContext pcontext) {
this(pcontext.proccessorData, pcontext.buffer);
public DataEncodingDecoder(ProcessorData pdata, BitBuffer buffer) {
this.pdata = pdata;
this.buffer = buffer;
* Extract the raw, uncalibrated parameter value from the buffer, using the provider context to find referenced
* parameter values for variably-sized objects.
* @param de
* the data encoding
* @param pcontext
* the processing context, or null if the context is unknown
* @return the extracted value, or null if something went wrong - in this case the parameter will be marked with
* aquisitionStatus = INVALID
public Value extractRaw(DataEncoding de, ContainerProcessingContext pcontext) {
if (de.getFromBinaryTransformAlgorithm() != null) { // custom algorithm
DataDecoder dd = pdata.getDataDecoder(de);
return dd.extractRaw(de, pcontext, buffer);
} else {
Value rv;
if (de instanceof IntegerDataEncoding) {
rv = extractRawInteger((IntegerDataEncoding) de, pcontext);
} else if (de instanceof FloatDataEncoding) {
rv = extractRawFloat((FloatDataEncoding) de, pcontext);
} else if (de instanceof StringDataEncoding) {
rv = extractRawString((StringDataEncoding) de, pcontext);
} else if (de instanceof BooleanDataEncoding) {
rv = extractRawBoolean((BooleanDataEncoding) de);
} else if (de instanceof BinaryDataEncoding) {
rv = extractRawBinary((BinaryDataEncoding) de, pcontext);
} else {
log.error("DataEncoding {} not implemented", de);
throw new IllegalArgumentException("DataEncoding " + de + " not implemented");
return rv;
private Value extractRawInteger(IntegerDataEncoding ide, ContainerProcessingContext pcontext) {
// Integer encoded as string, don't even try reading it as int
if (ide.getEncoding() == Encoding.STRING) {
return extractRaw(ide.getStringEncoding(), pcontext);
int numBits = ide.getSizeInBits();
long rv = buffer.getBits(numBits);
switch (ide.getEncoding()) {
// nothing to do
int n = 64 - numBits;
// shift left to get the sign and back again
rv = (rv << n) >> n;
boolean negative = ((rv >>> (numBits - 1) & 1L) == 1L);
if (negative) {
rv = rv & ((1 << (numBits - 1)) - 1); // remove the sign bit
rv = -rv;
negative = ((rv >>> (numBits - 1) & 1L) == 1L);
if (negative) {
n = 64 - numBits;
rv = (rv << n) >> n;
rv = ~rv;
rv = -rv;
default: // shouldn't happen
throw new IllegalStateException();
return getRawValue(ide, rv);
private static Value getRawValue(IntegerDataEncoding ide, long longValue) {
if (ide.getSizeInBits() <= 32) {
if (ide.getEncoding() == Encoding.UNSIGNED) {
return ValueUtility.getUint32Value((int) longValue);
} else {
return ValueUtility.getSint32Value((int) longValue);
} else {
if (ide.getEncoding() == Encoding.UNSIGNED) {
return ValueUtility.getUint64Value(longValue);
} else {
return ValueUtility.getSint64Value(longValue);
private Value extractRawString(StringDataEncoding sde, ContainerProcessingContext pcontext) {
int position = buffer.getPosition();
if ((position & 7) != 0) {
throw new ContainerDecodingException(pcontext,
"String data that does not start at byte boundary not supported");
// bmr = buffer, max, or remaining size
int bmr = sde.getMaxSizeInBytes();
if (bmr < 0 || bmr > buffer.remainingBytes()) {
bmr = buffer.remainingBytes();
// first determine the buffer size
int bufSize = -1;
DynamicIntegerValue div = sde.getDynamicBufferSize();
if (div != null) {
bufSize = getDynamicSizeInBytes(div, pcontext);
if (bufSize > bmr) {
throw new ContainerDecodingException(pcontext,
"Size of string buffer computed from " + div.getDynamicInstanceRef().getName()
+ "exceeds the "
+ ((bmr == sde.getMaxSizeInBytes()) ? "max" : "remaining") + " size in bytes: "
+ bufSize + ">" + bmr);
bmr = bufSize;
} else if (sde.getSizeInBits() > 0) {
bufSize = sde.getSizeInBits() >>> 3;
if (bufSize > bmr) {
throw new ContainerDecodingException(pcontext, "Fixed size of string buffer exceeds the "
+ ((bmr == sde.getMaxSizeInBytes()) ? "max" : "remaining") + " size in bytes: "
+ bufSize + ">" + bmr);
bmr = bufSize;
// find the string size
int sizeInBytes = 0;
switch (sde.getSizeType()) {
case FIXED:
assert (bufSize > 0);
sizeInBytes = bufSize;
if (sde.getSizeInBytesOfSizeTag() > bmr) {
throw new ContainerDecodingException(pcontext, "Size in bytes of the size tag exceeds the "
+ (bmr == bufSize ? "buffer" : bmr == sde.getMaxSizeInBytes() ? "max" : "remaining")
+ " size: " + sde.getSizeInBytesOfSizeTag() + ">" + bmr);
sizeInBytes = (int) buffer.getBits(sde.getSizeInBitsOfSizeTag());
if (sde.getSizeInBytesOfSizeTag() + sizeInBytes > bmr) {
throw new ContainerDecodingException(pcontext, "Size in bytes of buffer exceeds the "
+ (bmr == bufSize ? "buffer" : bmr == sde.getMaxSizeInBytes() ? "max" : "remaining")
+ " size: " + (sde.getSizeInBytesOfSizeTag() + sizeInBytes) + ">" + bmr);
if (bufSize < 0) {
bufSize = sde.getSizeInBytesOfSizeTag() + sizeInBytes;
while (sizeInBytes < bmr && buffer.getByte() != sde.getTerminationChar()) {
if (bufSize < 0) {
if (sizeInBytes == bmr) {
// if the buffer size is not set (either from sizeInBits or from DynamicIntegerValue)
// we do not want to just eat the remaining of the buffer
throw new ContainerDecodingException(pcontext,
"Cannot find string terminator 0x" + Integer.toHexString(sde.getTerminationChar()));
bufSize = sizeInBytes + 1;
default: // shouldn't happen, CUSTOM should have an binary transform algorithm
throw new IllegalStateException();
// extract the string
byte[] b = new byte[sizeInBytes];
buffer.setPosition(position + (bufSize << 3));
return ValueUtility.getStringValue(new String(b, Charset.forName(sde.getEncoding())));
private Value extractRawFloat(FloatDataEncoding de, ContainerProcessingContext pcontext) {
switch (de.getEncoding()) {
case IEEE754_1985:
return extractRawIEEE754_1985(de);
case MILSTD_1750A:
return extractRawMILSTD_1750A(de);
case STRING:
return extractRaw(de.getStringDataEncoding(), pcontext);
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Float Encoding " + de.getEncoding() + " not implemented");
private Value extractRawIEEE754_1985(FloatDataEncoding de) {
if (de.getSizeInBits() == 32) {
return ValueUtility.getFloatValue(Float.intBitsToFloat((int) buffer.getBits(32)));
} else {
return ValueUtility.getDoubleValue(Double.longBitsToDouble(buffer.getBits(64)));
private Value extractRawMILSTD_1750A(FloatDataEncoding de) {
if (de.getSizeInBits() == 32) {
return ValueUtility.getFloatValue((float) MilStd1750A.decode32((int) buffer.getBits(32)));
} else {
return ValueUtility.getDoubleValue(MilStd1750A.decode48(buffer.getBits(64)));
private Value extractRawBoolean(BooleanDataEncoding bde) {
return ValueUtility.getBooleanValue(buffer.getBits(1) != 0);
private Value extractRawBinary(BinaryDataEncoding bde,
ContainerProcessingContext pcontext) {
if (buffer.getPosition() % 8 != 0) {
throw new XtceProcessingException(
"Binary Parameter that does not start at byte boundary not supported. bitPosition: "
+ buffer.getPosition());
int sizeInBytes;
switch (bde.getType()) {
sizeInBytes = bde.getSizeInBits() / 8;
sizeInBytes = (int) buffer.getBits(bde.getSizeInBitsOfSizeTag());
sizeInBytes = getDynamicSizeInBytes(bde.getDynamicSize(), pcontext);
default: // shouldn't happen
throw new IllegalStateException();
if (sizeInBytes > buffer.remainingBytes()) {
throw new IndexOutOfBoundsException("Cannot extract binary parameter of size " + sizeInBytes
+ ". Remaining in the buffer: " + buffer.remainingBytes());
byte[] b = new byte[sizeInBytes];
return ValueUtility.getBinaryValue(b);
* return the nominal Value.Type of a raw value corresponding to the given XTCE data encoding definition
* @param encoding
* @return
public static org.yamcs.protobuf.Yamcs.Value.Type getRawType(DataEncoding encoding) {
if (encoding instanceof IntegerDataEncoding) {
IntegerDataEncoding ide = (IntegerDataEncoding) encoding;
if (ide.getSizeInBits() <= 32) {
if (ide.getEncoding() == Encoding.UNSIGNED) {
return Type.UINT32;
} else {
return Type.SINT32;
} else {
if (ide.getEncoding() == Encoding.UNSIGNED) {
return Type.UINT64;
} else {
return Type.SINT64;
} else if (encoding instanceof FloatDataEncoding) {
FloatDataEncoding fpt = (FloatDataEncoding) encoding;
if (fpt.getSizeInBits() <= 32) {
return Type.FLOAT;
} else {
return Type.DOUBLE;
} else if (encoding instanceof BooleanDataEncoding) {
return Type.BOOLEAN;
} else if (encoding instanceof BinaryDataEncoding) {
return Type.BINARY;
} else if (encoding instanceof StringDataEncoding) {
return Type.STRING;
} else {
throw new IllegalStateException("Unknonw data encoding '" + encoding + "'");
public static Value getRawValue(DataEncoding de, Object value) {
if (de instanceof IntegerDataEncoding) {
return getRawIntegerValue((IntegerDataEncoding) de, value);
} else if (de instanceof FloatDataEncoding) {
return getRawFloatValue((FloatDataEncoding) de, value);
} else if (de instanceof StringDataEncoding) {
return ValueUtility.getStringValue(value.toString());
} else if (de instanceof BooleanDataEncoding) {
if (value instanceof Boolean) {
return ValueUtility.getBooleanValue((Boolean) value);
} else {
return null;
} else {
throw new IllegalStateException("Unknown data encoding '" + de + "'");
private int getDynamicSizeInBytes(DynamicIntegerValue div, ContainerProcessingContext pcontext) {
long sizeInBits;
try {
sizeInBits = pcontext.result.resolveDynamicIntegerValue(div);
} catch (XtceProcessingException e) {
throw new ContainerDecodingException(pcontext, e.getMessage());
if (sizeInBits % 8 != 0) {
throw new ContainerDecodingException(pcontext,
"Variable size in bits parameter is not a multiple of 8: "
+ sizeInBits);
if (sizeInBits > Integer.MAX_VALUE) {
throw new ContainerDecodingException(pcontext,
"Variable size in bits parameter is too large: " + sizeInBits);
return (int) (sizeInBits / 8);
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