org.yamcs.parameter.ArrayParameterCache Maven / Gradle / Ivy
package org.yamcs.parameter;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.BitSet;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap;
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicInteger;
import java.util.concurrent.locks.ReadWriteLock;
import java.util.concurrent.locks.ReentrantReadWriteLock;
import org.yamcs.logging.Log;
import org.yamcs.protobuf.Yamcs.Value.Type;
import org.yamcs.utils.IntArray;
import org.yamcs.utils.SortedIntArray;
import org.yamcs.utils.TimeEncoding;
import org.yamcs.utils.ValueUtility;
import org.yamcs.xtce.Parameter;
* This is another implementation of the parameter cache using arrays to store primitive values (instead of storing
* {@link Value}).
public class ArrayParameterCache implements ParameterCache {
SimpleParameterIdMap pidMap = new SimpleParameterIdMap();
final Log log;
long cacheStartTime = 0;
ConcurrentHashMap tables = new ConcurrentHashMap<>();
final ConcurrentHashMap parametersToCache;
final ParameterCacheConfig cacheConfig;
ArrayParameterCache(String instance, ParameterCacheConfig cacheConfig) {
log = new Log(this.getClass(), instance);
this.cacheConfig = cacheConfig;
parametersToCache = cacheConfig.cacheAll ? null : new ConcurrentHashMap<>();
public void update(Collection pvs) {
Map m = new HashMap<>();
for (ParameterValue pv : pvs) {
long t = pv.getGenerationTime();
if (t < cacheStartTime) {
if (!(cacheConfig.cacheAll || parametersToCache.containsKey(pv.getParameter()))) {
SortedParameterList l = m.get(t);
if (l == null) {
l = new SortedParameterList(pidMap);
m.put(t, l);
long maxTimestamp = -1;
for (Map.Entry entry : m.entrySet()) {
long t = entry.getKey();
SortedParameterList pvList = entry.getValue();
addToCache(t, pvList);
if (t > maxTimestamp) {
maxTimestamp = t;
private void addToCache(long t, SortedParameterList pvList) {
SortedIntArray sia = pvList.getParameterIdArray();
ParameterValueTable table = tables.get(sia);
if (table == null) {
table = new ParameterValueTable(sia, cacheConfig.maxDuration, cacheConfig.maxNumEntries);
ParameterValueTable table1 = tables.putIfAbsent(sia, table);
if (table1 != null) {
table = table1;
table.add(t, pvList.getParameterValueList());
public ParameterValue getLastValue(Parameter pdef) {
List pidlist = getParameterIds(pdef);
ParameterValue result = null;
long tmax = Long.MIN_VALUE;
for (ParameterId p : pidlist) {
SortedIntArray sia = findLatestTableContaining(p.id);
if (sia == null) {
ParameterValueTable table = tables.get(sia);
long t = table.getLastTime();
if (t < tmax) {
ParameterValue pv = table.getLastValue(p);
if (t == tmax) {
if (result != null && result.getAcquisitionTime() < pv.getAcquisitionTime()) {
result = pv;
} else {
result = pv;
tmax = t;
return result;
public List getValues(List plist) {
List pidlist = getParameterIds(plist);
List result = new ArrayList<>(plist.size());
for (int i = 0; i < pidlist.size(); i++) {
ParameterId p = pidlist.get(i);
if (p == null) {
pidlist.set(i, null);
SortedIntArray sai = findLatestTableContaining(p.id);
if (sai == null) {
ParameterValueTable table = tables.get(sai);
List sublist = new ArrayList<>();
for (int j = i + 1; j < pidlist.size(); j++) {
ParameterId p1 = pidlist.get(j);
if (p1 == null) {
if (sai.contains(p1.id)) {
pidlist.set(j, null);
table.retrieveLastValues(sublist, result);
long now = TimeEncoding.getWallclockTime();
// check expiration
for (ParameterValue pv : result) {
if (!pv.status.isExpired() && pv.isExpired(now)) {
return result;
private SortedIntArray findLatestTableContaining(int pid) {
long tmax = Long.MIN_VALUE;
SortedIntArray result = null;
for (Map.Entry me : tables.entrySet()) {
SortedIntArray sai = me.getKey();
long t = me.getValue().getLastTime();
if (sai.contains(pid) && t > tmax) {
result = sai;
tmax = t;
return result;
public List getAllValues(Parameter pdef) {
return getAllValues(pdef, Long.MIN_VALUE, Long.MAX_VALUE);
public List getAllValues(Parameter pdef, long start, long stop) {
List pidlist = getParameterIds(pdef);
List result = new ArrayList<>();
int numTables = 0;
for (ParameterId p : pidlist) {
for (Map.Entry me : tables.entrySet()) {
SortedIntArray sia = me.getKey();
if (sia.contains(p.id)) {
me.getValue().retrieveAll(p, start, stop, result);
// if values are retrieved from multiple tables, we need to sort them by generation time
// (in reverse order such that the newest is first)
if (numTables > 1) {
Collections.sort(result, (pv1, pv2) -> Long.compare(pv2.getGenerationTime(), pv1.getGenerationTime()));
if (result.isEmpty()) {
return null;
return result;
* This is the same as above but returns null if the cache does not cover the interval starting with start.
public List getAllValuesIfCovered(Parameter pdef, long start, long stop) {
List pidlist = getParameterIds(pdef);
List result = new ArrayList<>();
int numTables = 0;
for (ParameterId p : pidlist) {
for (Map.Entry me : tables.entrySet()) {
SortedIntArray sia = me.getKey();
if (sia.contains(p.id)) {
if (!me.getValue().retrieveAllIfCovered(p, start, stop, result)) {
return null;
// if values are retrieved from multiple tables, we need to sort them by generation time
// (in reverse order such that the newest is first)
if (numTables > 1) {
Collections.sort(result, (pv1, pv2) -> Long.compare(pv2.getGenerationTime(), pv1.getGenerationTime()));
if (result.isEmpty()) {
return null;
return result;
public List> getAllValues(List parameters, long start, long stop) {
List pidlist = getParameterIds(parameters);
List> result = new ArrayList<>();
boolean mergingRequired = false;
for (Map.Entry me : tables.entrySet()) {
boolean dataFound = me.getValue().retrieveAll(pidlist, start, stop, result);
mergingRequired = mergingRequired || dataFound;
// if values are retrieved from multiple tables, we need to sort them by generation time
// (in reverse order such that the newest is first)
if (mergingRequired) {
Collections.sort(result, (pvList1, pvList2) -> Long.compare(pvList2.get(0).getGenerationTime(),
if (result.isEmpty()) {
return null;
return result;
public List> getAllValuesIfCovered(List parameters, long start, long stop) {
// TODO Auto-generated method stub
return null;
private List getParameterIds(List pdefList) {
List result = new ArrayList<>();
for (Parameter pdef : pdefList) {
Map m = pidMap.get(pdef);
if (m == null) {
if (!cacheConfig.cacheAll) {
parametersToCache.put(pdef, Boolean.TRUE);
} else {
for (Map.Entry me : m.entrySet()) {
int pid = me.getValue();
int type = me.getKey();
result.add(new ParameterId(pdef, pid, SimpleParameterIdMap.getRawType(type),
return result;
private List getParameterIds(Parameter pdef) {
List result = new ArrayList<>();
Map m = pidMap.get(pdef);
if (m == null) {
if (!cacheConfig.cacheAll) {
parametersToCache.put(pdef, Boolean.TRUE);
} else {
for (Map.Entry me : m.entrySet()) {
int pid = me.getValue();
int type = me.getKey();
result.add(new ParameterId(pdef, pid, SimpleParameterIdMap.getRawType(type),
return result;
static class ParameterId {
Parameter pdef;
int id;
Type engType;
Type rawType;
public ParameterId(Parameter p, int pid, Type rawType, Type engType) {
this.pdef = p;
this.id = pid;
this.rawType = rawType;
this.engType = engType;
static class SimpleParameterIdMap {
// parameter fqn -> parameter type -> parameter id
Map> p2pidCache = new HashMap<>();
AtomicInteger pidGenerator = new AtomicInteger();
public synchronized int createAndGet(Parameter param, Type engType, Type rawType) {
int type = numericType(engType, rawType);
Map m = p2pidCache.get(param);
if (m == null) {
m = new HashMap<>();
p2pidCache.put(param, m);
Integer pid = m.get(type);
if (pid == null) {
pid = pidGenerator.incrementAndGet();
m.put(type, pid);
return pid;
Parameter getParameterForPid(int x) {
for (Map.Entry> me : p2pidCache.entrySet()) {
for (Map.Entry me1 : me.getValue().entrySet()) {
if (x == me1.getValue()) {
return me.getKey();
return null;
public Map get(Parameter p) {
return p2pidCache.get(p);
// compose a numeric type from engType and rawType (we assume that no more than 2^15 types will ever exist)
static int numericType(Type engType, Type rawType) {
int et = (engType == null) ? 0xFFFF : engType.getNumber();
int rt = (rawType == null) ? 0xFFFF : rawType.getNumber();
return et << 16 | rt;
static Type getEngType(int numericType) {
int et = numericType >> 16;
if (et == 0xFFFF) {
return null;
} else {
return Type.forNumber(et);
static Type getRawType(int numericType) {
int rt = numericType & 0xFFFF;
if (rt == 0xFFFF) {
return null;
} else {
return Type.forNumber(rt);
static class SortedParameterList {
final SimpleParameterIdMap parameterIdMap;
final SortedIntArray parameterIdArray = new SortedIntArray();
final List sortedPvList = new ArrayList<>();
public SortedParameterList(SimpleParameterIdMap paraId) {
this.parameterIdMap = paraId;
public void add(ParameterValue pv) {
Value engValue = pv.getEngValue();
Value rawValue = pv.getRawValue();
Type engType = (engValue == null) ? null : engValue.getType();
Type rawType = (rawValue == null) ? null : rawValue.getType();
int parameterId = parameterIdMap.createAndGet(pv.getParameter(), engType, rawType);
int pos = parameterIdArray.insert(parameterId);
sortedPvList.add(pos, pv);
public int size() {
return parameterIdArray.size();
public SortedIntArray getParameterIdArray() {
return parameterIdArray;
public List getParameterValueList() {
return sortedPvList;
* Stores values for list of parameters of predefined types
* It's like a big table:
* t0, ev01, rv01, ps01, ev02, rv02, ps02 ...
* t1, ev11, rv11, ps11, ev12, rv12, ps12 ... ....
* where: t = timestamp ev = engineering value rv = raw value ps = parameter status
* Each column is stored as an array of different type (depending on the parameter type). The array works as a
* circular list
static class ParameterValueTable {
static final int MAX_NUM_ENTRIES = 1024;
static final int INITIAL_CAPACITY = 16;
long[] generationTimeColumn;
final Object[] rawValueColumns;
final Object[] engValueColumns;
final Object[] statusColumns;
final long[][] acquisitionTimeColumns;
final int numParams;
final long timeToCache;
int head = 0;
int tail = head;
int maxNumEntries = MAX_NUM_ENTRIES;
final SortedIntArray pids;
long coverageStart = TimeEncoding.INVALID_INSTANT;
ReadWriteLock lock = new ReentrantReadWriteLock();
ParameterValueTable(SortedIntArray pids, long timeToCache, int maxNumEntries) {
this.numParams = pids.size();
this.pids = pids;
this.rawValueColumns = new Object[numParams];
this.engValueColumns = new Object[numParams];
this.statusColumns = new Object[numParams];
this.acquisitionTimeColumns = new long[numParams][];
this.timeToCache = timeToCache;
this.maxNumEntries = maxNumEntries;
private void init(List sortedPvList) {
this.generationTimeColumn = new long[INITIAL_CAPACITY];
for (int i = 0; i < sortedPvList.size(); i++) {
ParameterValue pv = sortedPvList.get(i);
Value v = pv.getEngValue();
if (v != null) {
engValueColumns[i] = getNewColumn(v.getType());
Value rawV = pv.getRawValue();
if (rawV != null) {
rawValueColumns[i] = getNewColumn(rawV.getType());
statusColumns[i] = new ParameterStatus[INITIAL_CAPACITY];
acquisitionTimeColumns[i] = new long[INITIAL_CAPACITY];
public void add(long t, List sortedPvList) {
try {
if (numParams != sortedPvList.size()) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid number of parameters, expected " + sortedPvList.size());
int _head = head;
if (generationTimeColumn == null) {
} else if (_head == tail) {
long t0 = generationTimeColumn[_head];
if (t < t0) {
// parameter older than the last one in the table -> ignore
boolean doubled = false;
if (t - t0 < timeToCache) {
doubled = doubleCapacity();
_head = head;
if (!doubled) {
tail = (tail + 1) & (generationTimeColumn.length - 1);
generationTimeColumn[_head] = t;
for (int i = 0; i < numParams; i++) {
storeParameter(i, _head, sortedPvList.get(i));
head = (_head + 1) & (generationTimeColumn.length - 1);
} finally {
public void retrieveLastValues(List sublist, List result) {
try {
int row = (head - 1) & (generationTimeColumn.length - 1);
for (ParameterId p : sublist) {
result.add(getParameterValue(row, p));
} finally {
public ParameterValue getLastValue(ParameterId p) {
try {
int row = (head - 1) & (generationTimeColumn.length - 1);
return getParameterValue(row, p);
} finally {
public void retrieveAll(ParameterId p, long start, long stop, List result) {
try {
// col1 will be different than col2 when there are multiple values for the same parameter
int col2 = pids.higherBound(p.id);
int col1 = col2;
while (col1 > 0 && pids.get(col1 - 1) == p.id) {
int _tail = tail;
int _head = head;
int n = generationTimeColumn.length - 1;
int row = _head;
do {
row = (row - 1) & n;
for (int col = col2; col >= col1; col--) {
if (generationTimeColumn[row] > start && generationTimeColumn[row] <= stop) {
result.add(getParameterValue(row, col, p));
} while (row != _tail);
} finally {
// return true if any data has been retrieved
public boolean retrieveAll(List plist, long start, long stop, List> result) {
try {
// Precompute column bounds for all requested ParameterIds
IntArray bounds = new IntArray();
for (ParameterId p : plist) {
int col2 = pids.higherBound(p.id);
int col1 = col2;
while (col1 > 0 && pids.get(col1 - 1) == p.id) {
bounds.add(col1); // Add the lower bound
bounds.add(col2); // Add the upper bound
if (bounds.isEmpty()) {
return false;
int _tail = tail;
int _head = head;
int n = generationTimeColumn.length - 1;
int row = _head;
// Iterate over the rows of the circular buffer
do {
row = (row - 1) & n;
// Only process rows within the specified time range
if (generationTimeColumn[row] > start && generationTimeColumn[row] <= stop) {
List rowValues = new ArrayList<>();
// Collect parameter values for all requested ParameterIds in this row
for (int i = 0; i < plist.size(); i++) {
ParameterId p = plist.get(i);
int col1 = bounds.get(i * 2); // Retrieve lower bound
int col2 = bounds.get(i * 2 + 1); // Retrieve upper bound
for (int col = col2; col >= col1; col--) {
rowValues.add(getParameterValue(row, col, p));
// Add the collected values for the current row to the result
} while (row != _tail);
} finally {
return true;
* This is the same as above but returns false if the timestamp of the first entry in the table is older than
* start.
* If this is the case, it means that the interval [start, stop) is not completely covered by this cache entry
* (so the code calling this may decide to perform a reply instead)
* If the method returns false, the result will not be modified
public boolean retrieveAllIfCovered(ParameterId p, long start, long stop, List result) {
try {
if (start + 1 < generationTimeColumn[tail]) {
return false;
// col1 will be different than col2 when there are multiple values for the same parameter
int col2 = pids.higherBound(p.id);
int col1 = col2;
while (col1 > 0 && pids.get(col1 - 1) == p.id) {
int _tail = tail;
int _head = head;
int n = generationTimeColumn.length - 1;
int row = _head;
do {
row = (row - 1) & n;
for (int col = col2; col >= col1; col--) {
if (generationTimeColumn[row] > start && generationTimeColumn[row] <= stop) {
result.add(getParameterValue(row, col, p));
} while (row != _tail);
return true;
} finally {
private ParameterValue getParameterValue(int row, ParameterId p) {
int col = pids.search(p.id);
return getParameterValue(row, col, p);
private ParameterValue getParameterValue(int row, int col, ParameterId p) {
ParameterValue pv = new ParameterValue(p.pdef);
if (p.rawType != null) {
pv.setRawValue(getValue(rawValueColumns[col], p.rawType, row));
if (p.engType != null) {
pv.setEngValue(getValue(engValueColumns[col], p.engType, row));
pv.setStatus((ParameterStatus) ((Object[]) statusColumns[col])[row]);
return pv;
private Value getValue(Object o, Type type, int idx) {
switch (type) {
return ValueUtility.getBooleanValue(((BitSet) o).get(idx));
case DOUBLE:
return ValueUtility.getDoubleValue(((double[]) o)[idx]);
case FLOAT:
return ValueUtility.getFloatValue(((float[]) o)[idx]);
case SINT32:
return ValueUtility.getSint32Value(((int[]) o)[idx]);
case UINT32:
return ValueUtility.getUint32Value(((int[]) o)[idx]);
case SINT64:
return ValueUtility.getSint64Value(((long[]) o)[idx]);
case UINT64:
return ValueUtility.getUint64Value(((long[]) o)[idx]);
return ValueUtility.getTimestampValue(((long[]) o)[idx]);
case STRING:
return ValueUtility.getStringValue((String) ((Object[]) o)[idx]);
case BINARY:
return ValueUtility.getBinaryValue((byte[]) (((Object[]) o)[idx]));
case ARRAY:
return (Value) (((Object[]) o)[idx]);
throw new IllegalStateException("Unknown type " + type);
public long getLastTime() {
try {
int row = (head - 1) & (generationTimeColumn.length - 1);
return generationTimeColumn[row];
} finally {
private void storeParameter(int col, int row, ParameterValue pv) {
Value v = pv.getEngValue();
if (v != null) {
storeValue(engValueColumns[col], row, v);
v = pv.getRawValue();
if (v != null) {
storeValue(rawValueColumns[col], row, v);
ParameterStatus status = pv.getStatus();
if (row > 0) { // avoid filling up memory with identical ParameterStatus
ParameterStatus prevStatus = (ParameterStatus) ((Object[]) statusColumns[col])[row - 1];
if (prevStatus.equals(status)) {
status = prevStatus;
((Object[]) statusColumns[col])[row] = status;
acquisitionTimeColumns[col][row] = pv.getAcquisitionTime();
private void storeValue(Object o, int pos, Value v) {
Type type = v.getType();
switch (type) {
case BOOLEAN -> ((BitSet) o).set(pos, v.getBooleanValue());
case DOUBLE -> ((double[]) o)[pos] = v.getDoubleValue();
case FLOAT -> ((float[]) o)[pos] = v.getFloatValue();
case SINT32 -> ((int[]) o)[pos] = v.getSint32Value();
case UINT32 -> ((int[]) o)[pos] = v.getUint32Value();
case SINT64 -> ((long[]) o)[pos] = v.getSint64Value();
case UINT64 -> ((long[]) o)[pos] = v.getUint64Value();
case TIMESTAMP -> ((long[]) o)[pos] = v.getTimestampValue();
case STRING -> {
Object[] objArray = (Object[]) o;
String stringValue = v.getStringValue();
if (pos > 0 && stringValue.equals(objArray[pos - 1])) {
objArray[pos] = objArray[pos - 1];
} else {
objArray[pos] = stringValue;
case BINARY -> {
Object[] objArray = (Object[]) o;
byte[] binaryValue = v.getBinaryValue();
if (pos > 0 && binaryValue.equals(objArray[pos - 1])) {
objArray[pos] = objArray[pos - 1];
} else {
objArray[pos] = binaryValue;
Object[] objArray = (Object[]) o;
if (pos > 0 && v.equals(objArray[pos - 1])) {
objArray[pos] = objArray[pos - 1];
} else {
objArray[pos] = v;
default -> throw new IllegalStateException("Unknown type " + type);
private Object getNewColumn(Type type) {
switch (type) {
return new BitSet(INITIAL_CAPACITY);
case DOUBLE:
return new double[INITIAL_CAPACITY];
case FLOAT:
return new float[INITIAL_CAPACITY];
case SINT32:
case UINT32:
return new int[INITIAL_CAPACITY];
case SINT64:
case UINT64:
return new long[INITIAL_CAPACITY];
case STRING:
case BINARY:
case ARRAY:
return new Object[INITIAL_CAPACITY];
throw new IllegalStateException("Unknown type " + type);
private boolean doubleCapacity() {
int capacity = generationTimeColumn.length;
if (capacity >= maxNumEntries) {
return false;
int newCapacity = 2 * capacity;
long[] o2 = new long[newCapacity];
System.arraycopy(generationTimeColumn, head, o2, 0, capacity - head);
System.arraycopy(generationTimeColumn, 0, o2, capacity - head, head);
generationTimeColumn = o2;
for (int i = 0; i < numParams; i++) {
Object c = engValueColumns[i];
if (c != null) {
engValueColumns[i] = growCapacity(c, newCapacity);
c = rawValueColumns[i];
if (c != null) {
rawValueColumns[i] = growCapacity(c, newCapacity);
c = statusColumns[i];
if (c != null) {
statusColumns[i] = growCapacity(c, newCapacity);
c = acquisitionTimeColumns[i];
acquisitionTimeColumns[i] = (long[]) growCapacity(c, newCapacity);
tail = 0;
head = capacity;
return true;
private Object growCapacity(Object o, int newCapacity) {
if (o instanceof int[]) {
int[] o1 = (int[]) o;
int[] o2 = new int[newCapacity];
System.arraycopy(o1, head, o2, 0, o1.length - head);
System.arraycopy(o1, 0, o2, o1.length - head, head);
return o2;
} else if (o instanceof double[]) {
double[] o1 = (double[]) o;
double[] o2 = new double[newCapacity];
System.arraycopy(o1, head, o2, 0, o1.length - head);
System.arraycopy(o1, 0, o2, o1.length - head, head);
return o2;
} else if (o instanceof float[]) {
float[] o1 = (float[]) o;
float[] o2 = new float[newCapacity];
System.arraycopy(o1, head, o2, 0, o1.length - head);
System.arraycopy(o1, 0, o2, o1.length - head, head);
return o2;
} else if (o instanceof long[]) {
long[] o1 = (long[]) o;
long[] o2 = new long[newCapacity];
System.arraycopy(o1, head, o2, 0, o1.length - head);
System.arraycopy(o1, 0, o2, o1.length - head, head);
return o2;
} else if (o instanceof Object[]) {
Object[] o1 = (Object[]) o;
Object[] o2 = new Object[newCapacity];
System.arraycopy(o1, head, o2, 0, o1.length - head);
System.arraycopy(o1, 0, o2, o1.length - head, head);
return o2;
} else if (o instanceof BitSet) {
return o;
} else {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Cannot double objects of type " + o.getClass());
public void clear() {
public boolean caching(ParameterWithId pid) {
// TODO Auto-generated method stub
return false;