org.yamcs.parameter.ParameterRequestManager Maven / Gradle / Ivy
package org.yamcs.parameter;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap;
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicInteger;
import org.yamcs.ConfigurationException;
import org.yamcs.InvalidIdentification;
import org.yamcs.InvalidRequestIdentification;
import org.yamcs.Processor;
import org.yamcs.logging.Log;
import org.yamcs.protobuf.Yamcs.NamedObjectId;
import org.yamcs.xtce.Parameter;
* Distributes parameters from {@link ParameterProcessorManager} to {@link ParameterConsumer}
* The consumers will subscribe to parameters, this class (we call it PRM) will subscribe itself to providers
* and send to consumers each time the providers provide some values.
public class ParameterRequestManager {
Log log;
// Maps the parameters to the request(subscription id) in which they have been asked
private ConcurrentHashMap param2RequestMap = new ConcurrentHashMap<>();
// Maps the request (subscription id) to the consumer
private Map request2ParameterConsumerMap = new ConcurrentHashMap<>();
// contains subscribe all
private Map subscribeAllConsumers = new ConcurrentHashMap<>();
private static AtomicInteger lastSubscriptionId = new AtomicInteger();
public final Processor processor;
LastValueCache lastValueCache;
ParameterProcessorManager ppm;
* Creates a new ParameterRequestManager, configured to listen to the specified XtceTmProcessor.
public ParameterRequestManager(ParameterProcessorManager ppm) throws ConfigurationException {
this.processor = ppm.processor;
this.ppm = ppm;
log = new Log(getClass(), processor.getInstance());
this.lastValueCache = processor.getLastValueCache();
* called by a consumer to subscribe to all parameters
public int subscribeAll(ParameterConsumer consumer) {
int id = lastSubscriptionId.incrementAndGet();
log.debug("new subscribeAll with subscriptionId {}", id);
subscribeAllConsumers.put(id, consumer);
return id;
* called by a consumer to remove a "subscribe all" subscription
* return true of the subscription has been removed or false if it was not there
* @param subscriptionId
* @return
public boolean unsubscribeAll(int subscriptionId) {
return subscribeAllConsumers.remove(subscriptionId) != null;
* Called by a consumer to create a new subscription
* @param paraList
* @param tpc
* @return the newly created subscription id
public int addRequest(final Collection paraList, final ParameterConsumer tpc) {
final int id = lastSubscriptionId.incrementAndGet();
log.debug("new request with subscriptionId {} with {} items", id, paraList.size());
for (Parameter p : paraList) {
log.trace("adding to subscriptionID: {} item:{} ", id, p.getQualifiedName());
addItemToRequest(id, p);
request2ParameterConsumerMap.put(id, tpc);
return id;
* Called by a consumer to create a subscription with one parameter
* @param para
* @param tpc
* @return the newly created subscription id
public int addRequest(final Parameter para, final ParameterConsumer tpc) {
final int id = lastSubscriptionId.incrementAndGet();
log.debug("new request with subscriptionId {} for parameter: {}", id, para.getQualifiedName());
addItemToRequest(id, para);
request2ParameterConsumerMap.put(id, tpc);
return id;
* Called by a consumer to create request with a given id. This is called when switching processors, the id is
* coming from the other processor.
* @param subscriptionId
* - subscription id
* @param paraList
* @param tpc
public void addRequest(int subscriptionId, List paraList, ParameterConsumer tpc) {
for (int i = 0; i < paraList.size(); i++) {
log.trace("creating subscriptionID:{} with item:{}", subscriptionId, paraList.get(i));
addItemToRequest(subscriptionId, paraList.get(i));
request2ParameterConsumerMap.put(subscriptionId, tpc);
* Called by a consumer to add a parameter to an existing subscription.
* @param subscriptionId
* @param para
public void addItemsToRequest(final int subscriptionId, final Parameter para) throws InvalidRequestIdentification {
log.debug("adding to subscriptionID {}: items: {} ", subscriptionId, para.getName());
addItemToRequest(subscriptionId, para);
* Called by a consumer to add parameters to an existing subscription.
* @param subscriptionId
* @param paraList
* list of parameters that are added to the subscription
* @throws InvalidRequestIdentification
public void addItemsToRequest(final int subscriptionId, final List paraList)
throws InvalidRequestIdentification {
log.debug("adding to subscriptionID {}: {} items ", subscriptionId, paraList.size());
for (int i = 0; i < paraList.size(); i++) {
addItemToRequest(subscriptionId, paraList.get(i));
private void verifySubscriptionId(int subscriptionId) throws InvalidRequestIdentification {
if (!request2ParameterConsumerMap.containsKey(subscriptionId)) {
throw new InvalidRequestIdentification("no such subscriptionID", subscriptionId);
* Called by a consumer to remove a parameter from a subscription.
* If the parameter is not part of the subscription, the operation will have no effect.
* @param subscriptionID
* @param param
public void removeItemsFromRequest(int subscriptionID, Parameter param) {
removeItemFromRequest(subscriptionID, param);
* Called by a consumer to remove parameters from a subscription.
* Any parameter that is not in the subscription will be ignored.
* @param subscriptionID
* @param paraList
public void removeItemsFromRequest(int subscriptionID, List paraList) {
for (int i = 0; i < paraList.size(); i++) {
removeItemFromRequest(subscriptionID, paraList.get(i));
private void addItemToRequest(int id, Parameter para) {
SubscriptionArray al_req = param2RequestMap.computeIfAbsent(para, k -> new SubscriptionArray());
private void removeItemFromRequest(int subscriptionId, Parameter para) {
if (param2RequestMap.containsKey(para)) { // is there really any request associated to this parameter?
SubscriptionArray al_req = param2RequestMap.get(para);
// remove the subscription from the list of this parameter
if (al_req.remove(subscriptionId)) {
* Don't remove the al_req from the map and
* don't ask provider to stop providing
* because it is not thread safe (maybe another thread just asked to start providing after seeing that
* the list is empty
* if(al_req.isEmpty()) { //nobody wants this parameter anymore
* if(!cacheAll) provider.stopProviding(para);
* }
} else {
log.warn("parameter removal requested for {} but not part of subscription {}", para, subscriptionId);
} else {
log.warn("parameter removal requested for {} but not subscribed", para);
* Removes all the parameters from a subscription and returns them into an List.
public List removeRequest(int subscriptionId) {
log.debug("removing request for subscriptionId {}", subscriptionId);
// It's a bit annoying that we have to loop through all the parameters to find the ones that
// are relevant for this request. We could keep track of an additional map.
ArrayList result = new ArrayList<>();
// loop through all the parameter definitions
// find all the subscriptions with the requested subscriptionId and add their corresponding
// itemId to the list.
Iterator> it = param2RequestMap.entrySet().iterator();
while (it.hasNext()) {
Map.Entry m = it.next();
Parameter param = m.getKey();
SubscriptionArray al_req = m.getValue();
if (al_req.remove(subscriptionId)) {
if (al_req.isEmpty()) { // nobody wants this parameter anymore
* if(!cacheAll) { commented out because not thread safe
* getProvider(param).stopProviding(param);
* }
return result;
private void subscribeToProviders(Parameter param) throws NoProviderException {
* Called to subscribe to providers for the given parameters.
* Unless already subscribed, the PRM will start delivering from now on those parameters.
* @param itemList
public void subscribeToProviders(Collection itemList) {
* returns a parameter based on fully qualified name
* @param fqn
* @return
* @throws InvalidIdentification
public Parameter getParameter(String fqn) throws InvalidIdentification {
return ppm.getParameter(fqn);
* @param paraId
* @return the corresponding parameter definition for a IntemIdentification
* @throws InvalidIdentification
* in case no provider knows of this parameter.
public Parameter getParameter(NamedObjectId paraId) throws InvalidIdentification {
return ppm.getParameter(paraId);
* Called by a provider with a list of provided parameters called "current delivery".
* The PRM will take ownership of the current delivery (and modify it!).
* The following steps are performed (in the provider thread, possible by multiple providers in parallel!):
* - Run algorithms. All results from algorithms are also added to the list.
* - Check alarms.
* - Distribute to subscribers.
* - Add to parameter cache (if enabled).
* - Add to the last value cache.
public void update(ParameterValueList pvlist) {
// build the customised lists for the subscribers and send it to them
HashMap> subscription = new HashMap<>();
for (var consumer : subscribeAllConsumers.values()) {
consumer.updateItems(0, pvlist);
updateSubscription(subscription, pvlist);
for (Map.Entry> entry : subscription.entrySet()) {
Integer subscriptionId = entry.getKey();
ArrayList al = entry.getValue();
ParameterConsumer consumer = request2ParameterConsumerMap.get(subscriptionId);
if (consumer == null) {
log.warn("subscriptionId {} appears in the delivery list, but there is no consumer for it",
} else {
consumer.updateItems(subscriptionId, al);
* adds the passed parameters to the subscription
* @param subscription
* @param currentDelivery
private void updateSubscription(HashMap> subscription,
Collection currentDelivery) {
if (currentDelivery == null) {
for (Iterator it = currentDelivery.iterator(); it.hasNext();) {
ParameterValue pv = it.next();
Parameter pDef = pv.getParameter();
SubscriptionArray cowal = param2RequestMap.get(pDef);
// now walk through the requests and add this item to their delivery list
if (cowal == null) {
for (int s : cowal.getArray()) {
ArrayList al = subscription.get(s);
if (al == null) {
al = new ArrayList<>();
subscription.put(s, al);
public String toString() {
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
sb.append("Current Subscription list:\n");
for (Parameter param : param2RequestMap.keySet()) {
sb.append("requested by [");
SubscriptionArray al_req = param2RequestMap.get(param);
for (int id : al_req.getArray()) {
return sb.toString();
* Returns the last known value for each parameter.
* @param plist
* @return
public List getValuesFromCache(Collection plist) {
List al = new ArrayList<>(plist.size());
for (Parameter p : plist) {
ParameterValue pv = lastValueCache.getValue(p);
if (pv != null) {
return al;
* Get the last value from cache for a specific parameters
* @param param
* @return
public ParameterValue getLastValueFromCache(Parameter param) {
return lastValueCache.getValue(param);