org.yamcs.parameterarchive.BackFiller Maven / Gradle / Ivy
package org.yamcs.parameterarchive;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Comparator;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.concurrent.CopyOnWriteArrayList;
import java.util.concurrent.Future;
import java.util.concurrent.ScheduledThreadPoolExecutor;
import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit;
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicInteger;
import org.yamcs.ConfigurationException;
import org.yamcs.Processor;
import org.yamcs.ProcessorFactory;
import org.yamcs.Spec;
import org.yamcs.Spec.OptionType;
import org.yamcs.StandardTupleDefinitions;
import org.yamcs.StreamConfig;
import org.yamcs.StreamConfig.StandardStreamType;
import org.yamcs.YConfiguration;
import org.yamcs.YamcsServer;
import org.yamcs.archive.ReplayOptions;
import org.yamcs.logging.Log;
import org.yamcs.time.TimeService;
import org.yamcs.utils.LongArray;
import org.yamcs.utils.TimeEncoding;
import org.yamcs.yarch.Stream;
import org.yamcs.yarch.StreamSubscriber;
import org.yamcs.yarch.Tuple;
import org.yamcs.yarch.YarchDatabase;
import org.yamcs.yarch.YarchDatabaseInstance;
import com.google.common.util.concurrent.ThreadFactoryBuilder;
* Back-fills the parameter archive by triggering replays: - either regularly scheduled replays - or monitor data
* streams (tm, param) and keep track of which segments have to be rebuild
public class BackFiller implements StreamSubscriber {
List schedules;
long t0;
int runCount;
final ParameterArchive parchive;
long warmupTime;
final TimeService timeService;
static AtomicInteger count = new AtomicInteger();
private final Log log;
final ScheduledThreadPoolExecutor executor;
// set of segments that have to be rebuilt following monitoring of streams
private Map streamUpdates;
// streams which are monitored
private List subscribedStreams;
// after how many backfilling tasks to trigger a parchive.compact()
int compactFrequency = -1;
int compactCount = 0;
long quietPeriodThreshold;
private List listeners = new CopyOnWriteArrayList<>();
private List streamUpdatePolicy = new ArrayList<>();
private boolean automaticBackfillingEnabled = true;
private List> scheduledFutures = new ArrayList<>();
* Constructs a new BackFiller
* The backfiller is used for manual requests and also by automatic backfilling.
* defaultAutomaticBackfilling is used as default for whether to schedule or not backfillings. If the realtime
* filler is enabled, the automatic backfilling is disabled by default.
BackFiller(ParameterArchive parchive, YConfiguration config, boolean defaultAutomaticBackfilling) {
this.parchive = parchive;
this.log = new Log(BackFiller.class, parchive.getYamcsInstance());
parseConfig(config, defaultAutomaticBackfilling);
timeService = YamcsServer.getTimeService(parchive.getYamcsInstance());
executor = new ScheduledThreadPoolExecutor(1,
new ThreadFactoryBuilder().setNameFormat("ParameterArchive-BackFiller-" + parchive.getYamcsInstance())
public static Spec getSpec() {
Spec spec = new Spec();
spec.addOption("warmupTime", OptionType.INTEGER).withDefault(60);
spec.addOption("automaticBackfilling", OptionType.BOOLEAN).withAliases("enabled").withRequired(false);
spec.addOption("monitorStreams", OptionType.LIST).withElementType(OptionType.STRING);
spec.addOption("streamUpdateFillFrequency", OptionType.INTEGER)
.withDeprecationMessage("Please use the streamUpdateFillPolicy").withDefault(3600);
Spec policyEntry = new Spec();
policyEntry.addOption("dataAge", OptionType.FLOAT).withRequired(true);
policyEntry.addOption("fillFrequency", OptionType.INTEGER).withDefault(3600);
policyEntry.addOption("quietThreshold", OptionType.INTEGER).withDefault(60);
spec.addOption("streamUpdateFillPolicy", OptionType.LIST).withElementType(OptionType.MAP).withSpec(policyEntry);
Spec schedSpec = new Spec();
schedSpec.addOption("startInterval", OptionType.INTEGER);
schedSpec.addOption("numIntervals", OptionType.INTEGER);
spec.addOption("schedule", OptionType.MAP).withSpec(schedSpec);
spec.addOption("compactFrequency", OptionType.INTEGER).withDefault(-1);
return spec;
synchronized void scheduleAutoFillers() {
if (!this.automaticBackfillingEnabled) {
if (schedules != null && !schedules.isEmpty()) {
int c = 0;
for (Schedule s : schedules) {
if (s.frequency == -1) {
var f = executor.scheduleAtFixedRate(() -> {
}, 0, s.frequency, TimeUnit.SECONDS);
if (c > 0) {
long now = timeService.getMissionTime();
t0 = ParameterArchive.getIntervalStart(now);
var f = executor.schedule(() -> {
}, t0 - now, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS);
if (subscribedStreams != null && !subscribedStreams.isEmpty()) {
var f = executor.scheduleAtFixedRate(() -> {
}, 5, 5, TimeUnit.SECONDS);
public synchronized void enableAutomaticBackfilling(boolean enable) {
if (this.automaticBackfillingEnabled == enable) {
log.debug("automatic backfilling is already {}", automaticBackfillingEnabled ? "enabled" : "disabled");
for (var f : scheduledFutures) {
this.automaticBackfillingEnabled = enable;
if (enable) {
log.debug("automatic backfilling has been {}", automaticBackfillingEnabled ? "enabled" : "disabled");
private void parseConfig(YConfiguration config, boolean defaultAutomaticBackfilling) {
this.warmupTime = 1000L * config.getInt("warmupTime", 60);
this.compactFrequency = config.getInt("compactFrequency", -1);
if (config.containsKey("schedule")) {
List l = config.getConfigList("schedule");
schedules = new ArrayList<>(l.size());
for (YConfiguration sch : l) {
int segstart = sch.getInt("startSegment");
int numseg = sch.getInt("numSegments");
long interval = sch.getInt("interval", -1);
Schedule s = new Schedule(segstart, numseg, interval);
List monitoredStreams;
if (config.containsKey("monitorStreams")) {
monitoredStreams = config.getList("monitorStreams");
} else {
StreamConfig sc = StreamConfig.getInstance(parchive.getYamcsInstance());
monitoredStreams = new ArrayList<>();
sc.getEntries(StandardStreamType.TM).forEach(sce -> monitoredStreams.add(sce.getName()));
sc.getEntries(StandardStreamType.PARAM).forEach(sce -> monitoredStreams.add(sce.getName()));
if (!monitoredStreams.isEmpty()) {
if (config.containsKey("streamUpdateFillPolicy")) {
if (monitoredStreams.isEmpty()) {
log.warn("Monitored streams is empty, the streamUpdateFillPolicy will not be used");
List l = config.getConfigList("streamUpdateFillPolicy");
for (YConfiguration sch : l) {
long dataAge = (long) (sch.getDouble("dataAge") * 3600_000);
long fillFrequency = sch.getLong("fillFrequency", 3600) * 1000;
long quietThreshold = sch.getLong("quietThreshold") * 1000;
streamUpdatePolicy.add(new StreamUpdatePolicyEnter(dataAge, fillFrequency, quietThreshold));
} else if (config.containsKey("streamUpdateFillFrequency")) {
var streamUpdateFillFrequency = 1000 * config.getLong("streamUpdateFillFrequency", 3600);
streamUpdatePolicy.add(new StreamUpdatePolicyEnter(-1, streamUpdateFillFrequency, -1));
} else {
streamUpdatePolicy.add(new StreamUpdatePolicyEnter(-3600_000, 600_000, 10_000));
streamUpdatePolicy.add(new StreamUpdatePolicyEnter(7200_000, -1, 60_000));
streamUpdates = new HashMap<>();
subscribedStreams = new ArrayList<>(monitoredStreams.size());
YarchDatabaseInstance ydb = YarchDatabase.getInstance(parchive.getYamcsInstance());
for (String streamName : monitoredStreams) {
Stream s = ydb.getStream(streamName);
if (s == null) {
throw new ConfigurationException(
"Cannot find stream '" + s + "' required for the parameter archive backfiller");
public Future> scheduleFillingTask(long start, long stop) {
return executor.schedule(() -> runTask(start, stop), 0, TimeUnit.SECONDS);
private void runTask(long start, long stop) {
try {
start = ParameterArchive.getIntervalStart(start);
stop = ParameterArchive.getIntervalEnd(stop) + 1;
BackFillerTask bft = new BackFillerTask(parchive);
String timePeriod = '[' + TimeEncoding.toString(start) + "-" + TimeEncoding.toString(stop) + ')';
log.debug("Starting parameter archive fillup for interval {}", timePeriod);
long t0 = System.nanoTime();
ReplayOptions rrb = ReplayOptions.getAfapReplay(start - warmupTime, stop, false);
Processor proc = ProcessorFactory.create(parchive.getYamcsInstance(),
"ParameterArchive-backfilling_" + count.incrementAndGet(), "ParameterArchive", "internal",
if (bft.aborted) {
log.warn("Parameter archive fillup for interval {} aborted", timePeriod);
} else {
long t1 = System.nanoTime();
log.debug("Parameter archive fillup for interval {} finished, processed {} samples in {} millisec",
timePeriod, bft.getNumProcessedParameters(), (t1 - t0) / 1_000_000);
for (BackFillerListener listener : listeners) {
listener.onBackfillFinished(start, stop, bft.getNumProcessedParameters());
if (compactFrequency != -1 && ++compactCount >= compactFrequency) {
compactCount = 0;
} catch (Exception e) {
log.error("Error when running the archive filler task", e);
private void runSchedule(Schedule s) {
if (!automaticBackfillingEnabled) {
long start, stop;
long intervalDuration = ParameterArchive.getIntervalDuration();
if (s.frequency == -1) {
start = t0 + (runCount - s.intervalStart) * intervalDuration;
stop = start + s.numIntervals * intervalDuration - 1;
} else {
long now = timeService.getMissionTime();
start = now - s.intervalStart * intervalDuration;
stop = start + s.numIntervals * intervalDuration - 1;
runTask(start, stop);
private void checkStreamUpdates() {
if (!automaticBackfillingEnabled) {
LongArray rebuildIntervals;
synchronized (streamUpdates) {
if (streamUpdates.isEmpty()) {
// wall clock time is used to compare with the lastUpdate and lastRebuild since these are set by the
// System.currentTime
var nowWc = System.currentTimeMillis();
// mission time is used to compare with the interval time to get the data age
var nowMt = timeService.getMissionTime();
rebuildIntervals = new LongArray(streamUpdates.size());
var it = streamUpdates.entrySet().iterator();
while (it.hasNext()) {
var streamUpdateEntry = it.next();
long age = nowMt - streamUpdateEntry.getKey();
var applicablePolicyEntry = streamUpdatePolicy.get(0);
for (int i = 1; i < streamUpdatePolicy.size(); i++) {
var supe = streamUpdatePolicy.get(i);
if (age < supe.dataAge) {
applicablePolicyEntry = supe;
var streamUpdate = streamUpdateEntry.getValue();
if (applicablePolicyEntry.fillFrequency > 0
&& nowWc - streamUpdate.lastRebuild > applicablePolicyEntry.fillFrequency) {
streamUpdate.lastRebuild = nowWc;
} else if (applicablePolicyEntry.quietThreshold > 0
&& nowWc - streamUpdate.lastUpdate > applicablePolicyEntry.quietThreshold) {
for (int i = 0; i < rebuildIntervals.size(); i++) {
int j;
for (j = i; j < rebuildIntervals.size() - 1; j++) {
if (ParameterArchive.getIntervalEnd(rebuildIntervals.get(j)) != rebuildIntervals.get(j + 1)) {
runTask(rebuildIntervals.get(i), ParameterArchive.getIntervalEnd(rebuildIntervals.get(j)));
i = j;
// runs all schedules with interval -1
private void runSegmentSchedules() {
if (!automaticBackfillingEnabled) {
for (Schedule s : schedules) {
if (s.frequency == -1) {
static class Schedule {
public Schedule(int intervalStart, int numIntervals, long frequency) {
this.intervalStart = intervalStart;
this.numIntervals = numIntervals;
this.frequency = frequency;
int intervalStart;
int numIntervals;
long frequency;
public void shutDown() throws InterruptedException {
if (subscribedStreams != null) {
for (Stream s : subscribedStreams) {
executor.awaitTermination(10, TimeUnit.SECONDS);
public void onTuple(Stream stream, Tuple tuple) {
long gentime = tuple.getTimestampColumn(StandardTupleDefinitions.GENTIME_COLUMN);
if (gentime == TimeEncoding.INVALID_INSTANT) {
log.warn("Ignorning tuple with invalid gentime {}", tuple);
long t0 = ParameterArchive.getIntervalStart(gentime);
synchronized (streamUpdates) {
long now = System.currentTimeMillis();
var streamUpdate = streamUpdates.computeIfAbsent(t0, t -> new StreamUpdate(now));
streamUpdate.lastUpdate = now;
public void streamClosed(Stream stream) {
log.debug("Stream {} closed", stream.getName());
public void addListener(BackFillerListener listener) {
public void removeListener(BackFillerListener listener) {
static class StreamUpdate {
long lastUpdate;
long lastRebuild;
StreamUpdate(long lastRebuild) {
this.lastRebuild = lastRebuild;
* all values are milliseconds
static record StreamUpdatePolicyEnter(long dataAge, long fillFrequency, long quietThreshold) {
public String toString() {
return String.format("StreamUpdatePolicyEnter{dataAge=%.2f h, fillFrequency=%.2f s, quietThreshold=%.2f s}",
dataAge / 3600000.0, fillFrequency / 1000.0, quietThreshold / 1000.0);