org.yamcs.parameterarchive.MultiParameterRetrieval Maven / Gradle / Ivy
package org.yamcs.parameterarchive;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.util.Comparator;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.PriorityQueue;
import java.util.function.Consumer;
import org.rocksdb.RocksDBException;
import org.yamcs.logging.Log;
import org.yamcs.parameter.ParameterRetrievalOptions;
import org.yamcs.parameter.ParameterValue;
import org.yamcs.utils.TimeEncoding;
import org.yamcs.yarch.protobuf.Db.ParameterStatus;
* Retrieves multiple parameters from the Parameter Archive.
* The Parameter Archive stores parameters in segments - one segment contains multiple values for the same parameter.
* Even more, the values of one parameter may be split into multiple groups.
* This class will merge (interleave) the segments such as the output is a list of parameters at each timestamp.
* If we imagine the parameter values as a matrix where one line corresponds to all parameters timestamped at one
* specific time, the purpose of this class is to transform from columns (Parameter Archive representation) to rows
* (user requested representation)
public class MultiParameterRetrieval {
final ParameterArchive parchive;
final MultipleParameterRequest mpvr;
final AggrrayBuilder[] aggarrayBuilders;
SegmentEncoderDecoder vsEncoder = new SegmentEncoderDecoder();
private final Log log;
public MultiParameterRetrieval(ParameterArchive parchive, MultipleParameterRequest mpvr) {
this.parchive = parchive;
this.mpvr = mpvr;
this.aggarrayBuilders = new AggrrayBuilder[0];
this.log = new Log(this.getClass(), parchive.getYamcsInstance());
public void retrieve(Consumer consumer) throws RocksDBException, IOException {
log.trace("Starting a parameter retrieval: {}", mpvr);
ParameterGroupIdDb pgDb = parchive.getParameterGroupIdDb();
PriorityQueue queue = new PriorityQueue<>(new IteratorComparator(mpvr.ascending));
int[] parameterGroupIds = mpvr.parameterGroupIds;
for (int i = 0; i < mpvr.parameterIds.length; i++) {
ParameterId paraId = mpvr.parameterIds[i];
ParameterRetrievalOptions req = ParameterRetrievalOptions.newBuilder().withStartStop(mpvr.start, mpvr.stop)
.withRetrieveRawValues(mpvr.retrieveRawValues && paraId.hasRawValue())
if (parameterGroupIds != null) {
queueIterator(queue, paraId, parameterGroupIds[i], req);
} else {
int pid0 = paraId.isSimple() ? paraId.getPid() : paraId.getComponents().get(0);
for (int pgid : pgDb.getAllGroups(pid0)) {
queueIterator(queue, paraId, pgid, req);
log.trace("Got {} parallel iterators", queue.size());
Merger merger = new Merger(mpvr, consumer);
ParameterIterator it = null;
try {
while (!queue.isEmpty()) {
it = queue.poll();
merger.process(it.getParameterId(), it.getParameterGroupId(), it.value());
if (merger.sentEnough())
if (it.isValid()) {
} catch (ConsumerAbortException e) {
log.debug("Stopped early due to receiving ConsumerAbortException");
} finally {
if (it != null) {
queue.forEach(it1 -> it1.close());
log.trace("Retrieval finished");
private void queueIterator(PriorityQueue queue,
ParameterId paraId, int pgid, ParameterRetrievalOptions req) {
ParameterIterator it;
if (paraId.isSimple()) {
it = new SimpleParameterIterator(parchive, paraId, pgid, req);
} else {
it = new AggrrayIterator(parchive, paraId, pgid, req);
if (it.isValid()) {
} else {
* Merge values from the parallel iterators taking care that parameters from the same group end up in the same list
static class Merger {
int count = 0;
// group id -> parameter list
Map values = new HashMap<>();
long curTime = TimeEncoding.INVALID_INSTANT;
final MultipleParameterRequest mpvr;
final Consumer consumer;
public Merger(MultipleParameterRequest mpvr, Consumer consumer) {
this.mpvr = mpvr;
this.consumer = consumer;
void process(ParameterId paraId, int pgid, TimedValue tv) {
long t = tv.instant;
if (t != curTime) {
curTime = t;
ParameterIdValueList vlist = values.computeIfAbsent(pgid, k1 -> new ParameterIdValueList(tv.instant));
ParameterValue pv = new ParameterValue(paraId.getParamFqn());
if (tv.engValue != null) {
if (tv.rawValue != null) {
if (tv.paramStatus != null) {
ParameterStatus ps = tv.paramStatus;
if (ps.hasAcqStatus()) {
} else if (ps.hasAcquisitionStatus()) {
if (ps.hasMonitoringResult()) {
if (ps.getAlarmRangeCount() > 0) {
if (ps.hasExpireMillis()) {
if (ps.hasRangeCondition()) {
vlist.add(paraId.getPid(), pv);
public void flush() {
for (ParameterIdValueList pvlist : values.values()) {
if (sentEnough()) {
boolean sentEnough() {
return mpvr.limit > 0 && count >= mpvr.limit;
static class IteratorComparator implements Comparator {
final boolean ascending;
public IteratorComparator(boolean ascending) {
this.ascending = ascending;
public int compare(ParameterIterator it1, ParameterIterator it2) {
TimedValue pvs1 = it1.value();
TimedValue pvs2 = it2.value();
int c = ascending ? Long.compare(pvs1.instant, pvs2.instant)
: Long.compare(pvs2.instant, pvs1.instant);
if (c != 0) {
return c;
// make sure the parameters are extracted in the order of their id
// (rather than some random order from PriorityQueue)
return Integer.compare(it1.getParameterId().getPid(), it2.getParameterId().getPid());