org.yamcs.parameterarchive.ParameterArchive Maven / Gradle / Ivy
package org.yamcs.parameterarchive;
import static org.yamcs.yarch.rocksdb.RdbStorageEngine.TBS_INDEX_SIZE;
import static org.yamcs.yarch.rocksdb.RdbStorageEngine.dbKey;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.io.PrintStream;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.concurrent.Future;
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicLong;
import org.rocksdb.ColumnFamilyHandle;
import org.rocksdb.ReadOptions;
import org.rocksdb.RocksDBException;
import org.rocksdb.RocksIterator;
import org.rocksdb.WriteBatch;
import org.rocksdb.WriteOptions;
import org.yamcs.AbstractYamcsService;
import org.yamcs.ConfigurationException;
import org.yamcs.InitException;
import org.yamcs.Spec;
import org.yamcs.Spec.OptionType;
import org.yamcs.YConfiguration;
import org.yamcs.YamcsServer;
import org.yamcs.parameterarchive.ParameterGroupIdDb.ParameterGroup;
import org.yamcs.time.Instant;
import org.yamcs.time.TimeService;
import org.yamcs.utils.ByteArrayUtils;
import org.yamcs.utils.DatabaseCorruptionException;
import org.yamcs.utils.DecodingException;
import org.yamcs.utils.IntHashSet;
import org.yamcs.utils.PartitionedTimeInterval;
import org.yamcs.utils.SortedIntArray;
import org.yamcs.utils.TimeEncoding;
import org.yamcs.utils.TimeInterval;
import org.yamcs.yarch.TimePartitionInfo;
import org.yamcs.yarch.TimePartitionSchema;
import org.yamcs.yarch.YarchDatabase;
import org.yamcs.yarch.YarchDatabaseInstance;
import org.yamcs.yarch.rocksdb.AscendingRangeIterator;
import org.yamcs.yarch.rocksdb.RdbStorageEngine;
import org.yamcs.yarch.rocksdb.Tablespace;
import org.yamcs.yarch.rocksdb.YRDB;
import org.yamcs.yarch.rocksdb.protobuf.Tablespace.TablespaceRecord;
import org.yamcs.yarch.rocksdb.protobuf.Tablespace.TablespaceRecord.Type;
import org.yamcs.yarch.rocksdb.protobuf.Tablespace.TimeBasedPartition;
* The parameter archive stores data in partitions(optional) -> intervals -> segments.
* A partition covers one year/month/day and each partition has its own RocksDB database.
* An interval covers 2^23 millisec (=~ 139 minutes) - so for any timestamp (Yamcs time) we know exactly in which
* interval it falls.
* A segment covers at most maxSegmentSize samples for one parameter. The segments do not cover a fixed period of time;
* we use them to avoid intervals getting very large; usually (1Hz or less frequency data) there is only one segment in
* an interval.
* Segments cannot span across intervals.
* When new data has been received in the past, the whole interval has to be re-created (by doing a replay); that likely
* means a new split of the respective interval into segments.
public class ParameterArchive extends AbstractYamcsService {
* version 0 - before Yamcs 5.10
* version 1 - starting with Yamcs 5.10
* - uses the RocksDB merge operator
* - sorts properly the timestamps
public static final int VERSION = 1;
public static final boolean STORE_RAW_VALUES = true;
public static final int NUMBITS_MASK = 23; // 2^23 milliseconds =~ 139 minutes per interval
public static final int TIMESTAMP_MASK = (0xFFFFFFFF >>> (32 - NUMBITS_MASK));
public static final long INTERVAL_MASK = ~TIMESTAMP_MASK;
// from Yamcs 5.9.0, store the parameter archive data into a separate Column Family with this name
public static final String CF_NAME = "parameter_archive";
// how long in the future (compared to mission time) to allow data part of the coverage
private long coverageEndDelta = 3600_000;
private ParameterIdDb parameterIdDb;
private Tablespace tablespace;
TimePartitionSchema partitioningSchema;
// the tablespace record holding partition information
TablespaceRecord pinfoTablespaceRecord;
private PartitionedTimeInterval partitions = new PartitionedTimeInterval<>();
TimeService timeService;
private BackFiller backFiller;
private RealtimeArchiveFiller realtimeFiller;
YConfiguration realtimeFillerConfig;
YConfiguration backFillerConfig;
boolean realtimeFillerEnabled;
int maxSegmentSize;
boolean sparseGroups;
double minimumGroupOverlap;
AtomicLong coverageEnd = new AtomicLong(TimeEncoding.NEGATIVE_INFINITY);
public Spec getSpec() {
Spec spec = new Spec();
spec.addOption("backFiller", OptionType.MAP).withSpec(BackFiller.getSpec());
spec.addOption("realtimeFiller", OptionType.MAP).withSpec(RealtimeArchiveFiller.getSpec());
spec.addOption(YarchDatabaseInstance.PART_CONF_KEY, OptionType.STRING).withAliases("partitioningSchema")
.withChoices("YYYY/DOY", "YYYY/MM", "YYYY", "none");
spec.addOption("maxSegmentSize", OptionType.INTEGER).withDefault(500);
spec.addOption("sparseGroups", OptionType.BOOLEAN).withDefault(true);
spec.addOption("minimumGroupOverlap", OptionType.FLOAT).withDefault(0.5);
spec.addOption("coverageEndDelta", OptionType.INTEGER).withDefault(60)
.withDescription("how long in the future in seconds (compared to mission time) "
+ "to allow data part of the coverage)");
return spec;
public void init(String yamcsInstance, String serviceName, YConfiguration config) throws InitException {
super.init(yamcsInstance, serviceName, config);
timeService = YamcsServer.getTimeService(yamcsInstance);
YarchDatabaseInstance ydb = YarchDatabase.getInstance(yamcsInstance);
tablespace = RdbStorageEngine.getInstance().getTablespace(ydb);
this.maxSegmentSize = config.getInt("maxSegmentSize");
if (config.containsKey("realtimeFiller")) {
realtimeFillerConfig = config.getConfig("realtimeFiller");
realtimeFillerEnabled = realtimeFillerConfig.getBoolean("enabled", false);
log.debug("realtimeFillerConfig: {}", realtimeFillerConfig);
} else {
realtimeFillerEnabled = false;
partitioningSchema = ydb.getTimePartitioningSchema(config);
this.backFiller = new BackFiller(this, config.getConfigOrEmpty("backFiller"), !realtimeFillerEnabled);
sparseGroups = config.getBoolean("sparseGroups");
minimumGroupOverlap = config.getDouble("minimumGroupOverlap");
coverageEndDelta = config.getLong("coverageEndDelta") * 1000;
try {
TablespaceRecord.Type trType = TablespaceRecord.Type.PARCHIVE_PINFO;
List trl = tablespace.filter(trType, yamcsInstance, trb -> true);
if (trl.size() > 1) {
throw new DatabaseCorruptionException(
"More than one tablespace record of type " + trType.name() + " for instance " + yamcsInstance);
parameterIdDb = new ParameterIdDb(yamcsInstance, tablespace, sparseGroups, minimumGroupOverlap);
if (trl.isEmpty()) { // new database
} else {// existing database
pinfoTablespaceRecord = trl.get(0);
if (pinfoTablespaceRecord.hasPartitioningSchema()) {
partitioningSchema = TimePartitionSchema.getInstance(pinfoTablespaceRecord.getPartitioningSchema());
if (partitions.isEmpty() && partitioningSchema == null) {
partitions.insert(new Partition(
pinfoTablespaceRecord.hasParchiveCf() ? pinfoTablespaceRecord.getParchiveCf() : null,
} catch (RocksDBException | IOException | DecodingException e) {
throw new InitException(e);
* Called in the init function to initialize the database
private void initializeDb() throws RocksDBException {
log.debug("initializing db");
TablespaceRecord.Builder trb = TablespaceRecord.newBuilder().setType(Type.PARCHIVE_PINFO);
if (partitioningSchema != null) {
} else {
partitions.insert(new Partition(CF_NAME, VERSION));
pinfoTablespaceRecord = tablespace.createMetadataRecord(yamcsInstance, trb);
public TimePartitionSchema getPartitioningSchema() {
return partitioningSchema;
* Called in the init function to read the existing partitions
private void readPartitions() throws IOException, RocksDBException {
YRDB db = tablespace.getRdb();
byte[] range = new byte[TBS_INDEX_SIZE];
ByteArrayUtils.encodeInt(pinfoTablespaceRecord.getTbsIndex(), range, 0);
try (AscendingRangeIterator it = new AscendingRangeIterator(db.newIterator(), range, range)) {
while (it.isValid()) {
TimeBasedPartition tbp = TimeBasedPartition.parseFrom(it.value());
String cfName = tbp.hasPartitionCf() ? tbp.getPartitionCf() : null;
Partition p = new Partition(tbp.getPartitionStart(), tbp.getPartitionEnd(), tbp.getPartitionDir(),
cfName, tbp.getParchiveVersion());
if (partitions.insert(p, 0) == null) {
throw new DatabaseCorruptionException("Partition " + p + " overlaps with existing partitions");
public ParameterIdDb getParameterIdDb() {
return parameterIdDb;
public ParameterGroupIdDb getParameterGroupIdDb() {
return parameterIdDb.getParameterGroupIdDb();
public void updateCoverageEnd(long t) {
long t0 = coverageEnd.getAndUpdate(current -> Math.max(current, t));
if (t != t0 && log.isDebugEnabled()) {
log.debug("Updated coverageEnd from {} to {}", TimeEncoding.toString(t0), TimeEncoding.toString(t));
* Sets the {@link #coverageEnd} to negative infinity
* This method is used mostly in unit tests
public void resetCoverageEnd() {
public void writeToArchive(PGSegment pgs) throws RocksDBException, IOException {
Partition p = createAndGetPartition(pgs.getInterval());
YRDB rdb = tablespace.getRdb(p.partitionDir, false);
ColumnFamilyHandle cfh = cfh(rdb, p);
try (WriteBatch writeBatch = new WriteBatch(); WriteOptions wo = new WriteOptions()) {
if (p.version == 0) {
writeToBatchVersion0(cfh, writeBatch, pgs);
} else {
writeToBatch(rdb, cfh, writeBatch, pgs);
rdb.write(wo, writeBatch);
public void writeToArchive(long interval, Collection pgList) throws RocksDBException, IOException {
Partition p = createAndGetPartition(interval);
YRDB rdb = tablespace.getRdb(p.partitionDir, false);
ColumnFamilyHandle cfh = cfh(rdb, p);
long maxTime = Instant.MIN_INSTANT;
try (WriteBatch writeBatch = new WriteBatch(); WriteOptions wo = new WriteOptions()) {
for (PGSegment pgs : pgList) {
assert (interval == pgs.getInterval());
if (p.version == 0) {
writeToBatchVersion0(cfh, writeBatch, pgs);
} else {
writeToBatch(rdb, cfh, writeBatch, pgs);
maxTime = Math.max(maxTime, pgs.getSegmentEnd());
rdb.write(wo, writeBatch);
// write data to the archive using the merge operator.
// first segment has to be written with put, the subsequent ones with merge
// the merge operator will merge the segments into intervals
private void writeToBatch(YRDB rdb, ColumnFamilyHandle cfh, WriteBatch writeBatch, PGSegment pgs)
throws RocksDBException {
log.trace("Writing {}", pgs);
int pgid = pgs.getParameterGroupId();
var pgParams = getParameterGroupIdDb().getParameterGroup(pgid);
IntHashSet orphans = null;
if (pgs.isFirstInInterval() && pgParams.size() != pgs.numParameters()) {
// we store here all parameters that are part of this group but not part of the first segment of the
// interval
orphans = new IntHashSet(pgParams);
// write the time segment
SortedTimeSegment timeSegment = pgs.getTimeSegment();
byte[] timeKey = new SegmentKey(parameterIdDb.timeParameterId, pgs.getParameterGroupId(),
pgs.getInterval(), SegmentKey.TYPE_ENG_VALUE).encode();
byte[] timeValue = SegmentEncoderDecoder.encode(timeSegment);
if (pgs.isFirstInInterval()) {
writeBatch.put(cfh, timeKey, timeValue);
} else {
writeBatch.merge(cfh, timeKey, timeValue);
// and then the consolidated value segments
for (var pvs : pgs.pvSegments) {
log.trace("Writing {}", pvs);
int parameterId = pvs.pid;
if (orphans != null) {
if (pvs.numGaps() + pvs.numValues() != timeSegment.size()) {
String pname = parameterIdDb.getParameterFqnById(parameterId);
throw new IllegalStateException(
"Trying to write to archive an engineering value segment whose number of values ("
+ pvs.numValues()
+ ") + number of gaps (" + pvs.numGaps() + ") is different than the time segment ("
+ timeSegment.size() + ") " + "for parameterId: " + parameterId + "(" + pname
+ ") and segment: [" + TimeEncoding.toString(timeSegment.getSegmentStart()) + " - "
+ TimeEncoding.toString(timeSegment.getSegmentEnd()) + "]");
BaseSegment vs = pvs.getConsolidatedEngValueSegment();
BaseSegment rvs = pvs.getConsolidatedRawValueSegment();
BaseSegment pss = pvs.getConsolidatedParmeterStatusSegment();
SortedIntArray gaps = pvs.getGaps();
byte[] gapKey = new SegmentKey(parameterId, pgid, pgs.getInterval(), SegmentKey.TYPE_GAPS).encode();
if (!pgs.isFirstInInterval() && pgs.wasPreviousGap(pvs.pid)) {
byte[] gapValue = SegmentEncoderDecoder.encodeGaps(0, pgs.segmentIdxInsideInterval);
writeBatch.merge(cfh, gapKey, gapValue);
byte[] engKey = new SegmentKey(parameterId, pgs.getParameterGroupId(), pgs.getInterval(),
byte[] engValue = SegmentEncoderDecoder.encode(vs);
if (pgs.isFirstInInterval() || pgs.wasPreviousGap(pvs.pid)) {
writeBatch.put(cfh, engKey, engValue);
} else {
writeBatch.merge(cfh, engKey, engValue);
if (STORE_RAW_VALUES && rvs != null) {
byte[] rawKey = new SegmentKey(parameterId, pgid, pgs.getInterval(), SegmentKey.TYPE_RAW_VALUE)
byte[] rawValue = SegmentEncoderDecoder.encode(rvs);
if (pgs.isFirstInInterval() || pgs.wasPreviousGap(pvs.pid)) {
writeBatch.put(cfh, rawKey, rawValue);
} else {
writeBatch.merge(cfh, rawKey, rawValue);
byte[] pssKey = new SegmentKey(parameterId, pgid, pgs.getInterval(), SegmentKey.TYPE_PARAMETER_STATUS)
byte[] pssValue = SegmentEncoderDecoder.encode(pss);
if (pgs.isFirstInInterval() || pgs.wasPreviousGap(pvs.pid)) {
writeBatch.put(cfh, pssKey, pssValue);
} else {
writeBatch.merge(cfh, pssKey, pssValue);
if (gaps != null) {
byte[] gapsValue = SegmentEncoderDecoder.encodeGaps(pgs.segmentIdxInsideInterval, gaps);
if (pgs.isFirstInInterval()) {
writeBatch.put(cfh, gapKey, gapsValue);
} else {
writeBatch.merge(cfh, gapKey, gapsValue);
} else if (pgs.isFirstInInterval()) {
if (rdb.get(cfh, gapKey) != null) {
writeBatch.delete(cfh, gapKey);
if (orphans != null) {
// there might have been previously (in the previous fillings) records containing these parameters, we have
// to remove them
for (int pid : orphans) {
var key = new SegmentKey(pid, pgid, pgs.getInterval(),
byte[] statusKey = key.encode();
if (rdb.get(cfh, statusKey) != null) {
writeBatch.delete(cfh, statusKey);
key.type = SegmentKey.TYPE_RAW_VALUE;
writeBatch.delete(cfh, key.encode());
key.type = SegmentKey.TYPE_ENG_VALUE;
writeBatch.delete(cfh, key.encode());
key.type = SegmentKey.TYPE_GAPS;
writeBatch.delete(cfh, key.encode());
if (!pgs.isFirstInInterval() && pgs.currentFullGaps != null && pgs.currentFullGaps.size() > 0) {
// insert gap records for parameters appearing in the interval in the previous segments but not in this one
for (int pid : pgs.currentFullGaps) {
byte[] rawKey = new SegmentKey(pid, pgid, pgs.getInterval(), SegmentKey.TYPE_GAPS).encode();
byte[] rawValue = SegmentEncoderDecoder.encodeGaps(pgs.segmentIdxInsideInterval,
pgs.segmentIdxInsideInterval + pgs.size());
writeBatch.merge(cfh, rawKey, rawValue);
// writes to the archive without using the rocksdb merge operator (which merges segments together into intervals).
// The segment start (instead of the interval start) is part of the key which means that we need to remove old
// data as it may have a different segment start resulting into a different key.
private void writeToBatchVersion0(ColumnFamilyHandle cfh, WriteBatch writeBatch, PGSegment pgs)
throws RocksDBException {
removeOldOverlappingSegments(cfh, writeBatch, pgs);
// write the time segment
SortedTimeSegment timeSegment = pgs.getTimeSegment();
byte[] timeKey = new SegmentKey(parameterIdDb.timeParameterId, pgs.getParameterGroupId(),
pgs.getSegmentStart(), SegmentKey.TYPE_ENG_VALUE).encodeV0();
byte[] timeValue = SegmentEncoderDecoder.encode(timeSegment);
writeBatch.put(cfh, timeKey, timeValue);
// and then the consolidated value segments
for (var pvs : pgs.pvSegments) {
int parameterId = pvs.pid;
if (pvs.numGaps() + pvs.numValues() != timeSegment.size()) {
String pname = parameterIdDb.getParameterFqnById(parameterId);
throw new IllegalStateException(
"Trying to write to archive an engineering value segment whose number of values ("
+ pvs.numValues()
+ ") + number of gaps (" + pvs.numGaps() + ") is different than the time segment ("
+ timeSegment.size() + ") " + "for parameterId: " + parameterId + "(" + pname
+ ") and segment: [" + TimeEncoding.toString(timeSegment.getSegmentStart()) + " - "
+ TimeEncoding.toString(timeSegment.getSegmentEnd()) + "]");
BaseSegment vs = pvs.getConsolidatedEngValueSegment();
BaseSegment rvs = pvs.getConsolidatedRawValueSegment();
BaseSegment pss = pvs.getConsolidatedParmeterStatusSegment();
SortedIntArray gaps = pvs.getGaps();
byte[] engKey = new SegmentKey(parameterId, pgs.getParameterGroupId(), pgs.getSegmentStart(),
byte[] engValue = SegmentEncoderDecoder.encode(vs);
writeBatch.put(cfh, engKey, engValue);
if (STORE_RAW_VALUES && rvs != null) {
byte[] rawKey = new SegmentKey(parameterId, pgs.getParameterGroupId(), pgs.getSegmentStart(),
byte[] rawValue = SegmentEncoderDecoder.encode(rvs);
writeBatch.put(cfh, rawKey, rawValue);
byte[] pssKey = new SegmentKey(parameterId, pgs.getParameterGroupId(), pgs.getSegmentStart(),
byte[] pssValue = SegmentEncoderDecoder.encode(pss);
writeBatch.put(cfh, pssKey, pssValue);
if (gaps != null) {
byte[] rawKey = new SegmentKey(parameterId, pgs.getParameterGroupId(), pgs.getSegmentStart(),
byte[] rawValue = SegmentEncoderDecoder.encodeGaps(pgs.getSegmentIdxInsideInterval(), gaps);
writeBatch.put(cfh, rawKey, rawValue);
private void removeOldOverlappingSegments(ColumnFamilyHandle cfh, WriteBatch writeBatch, PGSegment pgs)
throws RocksDBException {
long segStart = pgs.getSegmentStart();
long segEnd = pgs.getSegmentEnd();
int pgid = pgs.getParameterGroupId();
byte[] timeKeyStart = new SegmentKey(parameterIdDb.timeParameterId, pgid, segStart, (byte) 0).encodeV0();
byte[] timeKeyEnd = new SegmentKey(parameterIdDb.timeParameterId, pgid, segEnd, Byte.MAX_VALUE)
deleteRange(cfh, writeBatch, timeKeyStart, timeKeyEnd);
for (var pvs : pgs.pvSegments) {
int pid = pvs.pid;
byte[] paraKeyStart = new SegmentKey(pid, pgid, segStart, (byte) 0).encodeV0();
byte[] paraKeyEnd = new SegmentKey(pid, pgid, segEnd, Byte.MAX_VALUE).encodeV0();
deleteRange(cfh, writeBatch, paraKeyStart, paraKeyEnd);
private void deleteRange(ColumnFamilyHandle cfh, WriteBatch writeBatch, byte[] start, byte[] end)
throws RocksDBException {
if (cfh != null) {
writeBatch.deleteRange(cfh, start, end);
} else {
writeBatch.deleteRange(start, end);
* get partition for interval, creating it if it doesn't exist
* @param intervalStart
* @throws RocksDBException
private Partition createAndGetPartition(long intervalStart) throws RocksDBException {
synchronized (partitions) {
Partition p = partitions.getFit(intervalStart);
if (p == null) {
TimePartitionInfo pinfo = partitioningSchema.getPartitionInfo(intervalStart);
p = new Partition(pinfo.getStart(), pinfo.getEnd(), pinfo.getDir(), CF_NAME, VERSION);
p = partitions.insert(p, 60000L);
assert p != null;
TimeBasedPartition tbp = TimeBasedPartition.newBuilder().setPartitionDir(p.partitionDir)
byte[] key = new byte[TBS_INDEX_SIZE + 8];
ByteArrayUtils.encodeInt(pinfoTablespaceRecord.getTbsIndex(), key, 0);
ByteArrayUtils.encodeLong(pinfo.getStart(), key, TBS_INDEX_SIZE);
tablespace.putData(key, tbp.toByteArray());
return p;
public Future> reprocess(long start, long stop) {
log.debug("Scheduling a reprocess for interval [{} - {}]", TimeEncoding.toString(start),
if (backFiller == null) {
throw new ConfigurationException("backFilling is not enabled");
return backFiller.scheduleFillingTask(start, stop);
* a copy of the partitions from start to stop inclusive
* @param start
* @param stop
* @return a sorted list of partitions
public List getPartitions(long start, long stop, boolean ascending) {
List r = new ArrayList<>();
Iterator it;
if (ascending) {
it = partitions.overlappingIterator(new TimeInterval(start, stop));
} else {
it = partitions.overlappingReverseIterator(new TimeInterval(start, stop));
while (it.hasNext()) {
return r;
protected void doStart() {
if (realtimeFillerEnabled) {
realtimeFiller = new RealtimeArchiveFiller(this, realtimeFillerConfig);
protected void doStop() {
log.debug("Stopping ParameterArchive service for instance {}", yamcsInstance);
try {
if (realtimeFiller != null) {
} catch (Exception e) {
log.error("Error stopping realtime filler", e);
public void printKeys(PrintStream out) throws DecodingException, RocksDBException, IOException {
out.println("pid\t pgid\t type\tSegmentStart\tcount\tsize\tstype");
for (Partition p : partitions) {
try (RocksIterator it = getIterator(p)) {
while (it.isValid()) {
SegmentKey key = p.version == 0 ? SegmentKey.decodeV0(it.key()) : SegmentKey.decode(it.key());
byte[] v = it.value();
BaseSegment s;
s = SegmentEncoderDecoder.decode(it.value(), key.segmentStart);
out.println(key.parameterId + "\t " + key.parameterGroupId + "\t " + key.type + "\t"
+ TimeEncoding.toString(key.segmentStart) + "\t" + s.size() + "\t" + v.length + "\t"
+ s.getClass().getSimpleName());
* Delete all partitions that overlap with [start, stop) segment.
* @param start
* @param stop
* @throws RocksDBException
* @return all the partitions removed
public List deletePartitions(long start, long stop) throws RocksDBException {
// List parts = getPartitions(start, stop, true);
throw new UnsupportedOperationException("operation not supported");
* Remove all the data and metadata related to the parameter archive and initialize a new database
* Prior to Yamcs 5.9.0 the Parameter Archive was stored on the default RocksDB column family. After the purge
* operation, the parameter archive will be moved to its own column family
* If the parameter archive is stored in the default column family this operation will remove all the records.
* If the parameter archive is stored into its own column family this operation will simply drop that column family
* (for all time based partitions)
* @throws RocksDBException
* @throws InterruptedException
* @throws IOException
public void purge() throws RocksDBException, InterruptedException, IOException {
log.info("Purging the parameter archive");
log.debug("Shutting down the back filler");
if (realtimeFiller != null) {
log.debug("Shutting down the realtime filler");
var allPids = parameterIdDb.getAllPids();
int pgTbsIndex = parameterIdDb.getParameterGroupIdDb().tbsIndex;
for (var p : partitions) {
log.debug("purging partition {}", p);
YRDB rdb = tablespace.getRdb(p.partitionDir, false);
if (p.cfName == null || YRDB.DEFAULT_CF.equals(p.cfName)) {
WriteBatch wb = new WriteBatch();
for (int i = 0; i < allPids.size(); i++) {
var tbsIndex = allPids.get(i);
wb.deleteRange(dbKey(tbsIndex), dbKey(tbsIndex + 1));
try (WriteOptions wo = new WriteOptions()) {
rdb.write(wo, wb);
} else {
partitions = new PartitionedTimeInterval<>();
log.debug("removing metadata records related to main parameter archive data");
// data has been removed in the partition loop above
log.debug("removing parameter groups and related metadata");
tablespace.removeTbsIndex(TablespaceRecord.Type.PARCHIVE_PGID2PG, pgTbsIndex);
log.debug("removing partitions and related metadata");
tablespace.removeTbsIndex(TablespaceRecord.Type.PARCHIVE_PINFO, pinfoTablespaceRecord.getTbsIndex());
log.debug("removing metadata storing aggregate/array composition");
// there is no data of this type stored
parameterIdDb = new ParameterIdDb(yamcsInstance, tablespace, sparseGroups, minimumGroupOverlap);
log.debug("Starting the back filler");
backFiller = new BackFiller(this, backFillerConfig, !realtimeFillerEnabled);
if (realtimeFillerEnabled) {
log.debug("Starting the realtime filler");
realtimeFiller = new RealtimeArchiveFiller(this, realtimeFillerConfig);
public RocksIterator getIterator(Partition p) throws RocksDBException, IOException {
YRDB rdb = tablespace.getRdb(p.partitionDir, false);
return rdb.newIterator(cfh(rdb, p));
public RdbIteratorWithOptions getIteratorWithOptions(Partition p) throws RocksDBException, IOException {
YRDB rdb = tablespace.getRdb(p.partitionDir, false);
var snapshot = rdb.getSnapshot();
ReadOptions opts = new ReadOptions();
var it = rdb.newIterator(cfh(rdb, p), opts);
return new RdbIteratorWithOptions(it, opts);
public SortedTimeSegment getTimeSegment(Partition p, long segmentStart, int parameterGroupId)
throws RocksDBException, IOException {
var sk = new SegmentKey(parameterIdDb.timeParameterId, parameterGroupId, segmentStart,
byte[] timeKey = p.version == 0 ? sk.encodeV0() : sk.encode();
YRDB rdb = tablespace.getRdb(p.partitionDir, false);
var cfh = cfh(rdb, p);
byte[] tv = rdb.get(cfh, timeKey);
if (tv == null) {
return null;
try {
return (SortedTimeSegment) SegmentEncoderDecoder.decode(tv, segmentStart);
} catch (DecodingException e) {
throw new DatabaseCorruptionException(e);
public SortedTimeSegment getTimeSegment(Partition p, long segmentStart, int parameterGroupId, ReadOptions opts)
throws RocksDBException, IOException {
var sk = new SegmentKey(parameterIdDb.timeParameterId, parameterGroupId, segmentStart,
byte[] timeKey = p.version == 0 ? sk.encodeV0() : sk.encode();
YRDB rdb = tablespace.getRdb(p.partitionDir, false);
var cfh = cfh(rdb, p);
byte[] tv = rdb.get(cfh, opts, timeKey);
if (tv == null) {
return null;
try {
return (SortedTimeSegment) SegmentEncoderDecoder.decode(tv, segmentStart);
} catch (DecodingException e) {
throw new DatabaseCorruptionException(e);
* Used by the realtime filler to read a PGSegment for an interval in order to add data to it
* returns null if no data for the given interval is found
* This is only used starting with version 1 (when the merge operator has been introduced). The behaviour before
* could be incorrect.
PGSegment readPGsegment(ParameterGroup pg, long intervalStart) throws IOException, RocksDBException {
var partition = createAndGetPartition(intervalStart);
if (partition.version == 0) {
return null;
var timeSegment = getTimeSegment(partition, intervalStart, pg.id);
if (timeSegment == null) {
return null;
YRDB rdb = tablespace.getRdb(partition.partitionDir, false);
var cfh = cfh(rdb, partition);
List pvsList = new ArrayList<>();
for (int pid : pg.pids) {
ValueSegment engValueSegment = null;
ValueSegment rawValueSegment = null;
ParameterStatusSegment parameterStatusSegment = null;
SortedIntArray gaps = null;
try {
var sk = new SegmentKey(pid, pg.id, intervalStart, SegmentKey.TYPE_ENG_VALUE);
byte[] key = partition.version == 0 ? sk.encodeV0() : sk.encode();
byte[] value = rdb.get(cfh, key);
if (value != null) {
engValueSegment = (ValueSegment) SegmentEncoderDecoder.decode(value, intervalStart);
sk = new SegmentKey(pid, pg.id, intervalStart, SegmentKey.TYPE_RAW_VALUE);
key = partition.version == 0 ? sk.encodeV0() : sk.encode();
value = rdb.get(cfh, key);
if (value != null) {
rawValueSegment = (ValueSegment) SegmentEncoderDecoder.decode(value, intervalStart);
sk = new SegmentKey(pid, pg.id, intervalStart, SegmentKey.TYPE_PARAMETER_STATUS);
key = partition.version == 0 ? sk.encodeV0() : sk.encode();
value = rdb.get(cfh, key);
if (value != null) {
parameterStatusSegment = (ParameterStatusSegment) SegmentEncoderDecoder.decode(value,
sk = new SegmentKey(pid, pg.id, intervalStart, SegmentKey.TYPE_GAPS);
key = partition.version == 0 ? sk.encodeV0() : sk.encode();
value = rdb.get(cfh, key);
if (value != null) {
gaps = SegmentEncoderDecoder.decodeGaps(value);
ParameterValueSegment pvs = new ParameterValueSegment(pid, timeSegment, engValueSegment,
rawValueSegment, parameterStatusSegment, gaps);
} catch (DecodingException e) {
throw new DatabaseCorruptionException(e);
return new PGSegment(pg.id, timeSegment, pvsList);
Partition getPartitions(long instant) {
synchronized (partitions) {
return partitions.getFit(instant);
public long coverageEnd() {
return coverageEnd.get();
* returns the interval (instant) where this instant could fit.
* @param instant
* @return
public static long getIntervalStart(long instant) {
return getInterval(instant);
public static long getInterval(long instant) {
return instant & INTERVAL_MASK;
* returns the end of the interval where the instant fits
* @param instant
* @return
public static long getIntervalEnd(long instant) {
return instant | TIMESTAMP_MASK;
* duration in milliseconds of one segment
* @return
public static long getIntervalDuration() {
return TIMESTAMP_MASK + 1l;
public Tablespace getTablespace() {
return tablespace;
int getMaxSegmentSize() {
return maxSegmentSize;
public RealtimeArchiveFiller getRealtimeFiller() {
return realtimeFiller;
public BackFiller getBackFiller() {
return backFiller;
// this method is never used
// we leave it in if we want to experiment again with manual compaction
public void disableAutoCompaction(long start, long stop) {
try {
var interval = new TimeInterval(start, stop);
log.debug("Disabling auto-compaction on partitions overlapping with {}", interval.toStringEncoded());
var it = partitions.overlappingIterator(interval);
while (it.hasNext()) {
Partition p = it.next();
YRDB rdb = tablespace.getRdb(p.partitionDir, false);
rdb.disableAutoCompaction(cfh(rdb, p));
} catch (RocksDBException e) {
throw new ParameterArchiveException("error compacting", e);
// this method is never used
// we leave it in if we want to experiment again with manual compaction
public void enableAutoCompaction(long start, long stop) {
try {
var interval = new TimeInterval(start, stop);
log.debug("Enabling auto-compaction on partitions overlapping with {}", interval.toStringEncoded());
var it = partitions.overlappingIterator(interval);
while (it.hasNext()) {
Partition p = it.next();
YRDB rdb = tablespace.getRdb(p.partitionDir, false);
rdb.enableAutoCompaction(cfh(rdb, p));
} catch (RocksDBException e) {
throw new ParameterArchiveException("error compacting", e);
public void compact() {
try {
log.debug("Compacting all partitions");
long t0 = System.currentTimeMillis();
for (Partition p : partitions) {
YRDB rdb = tablespace.getRdb(p.partitionDir, false);
rdb.compactRange(cfh(rdb, p));
log.debug("Compaction finished in {} millisec", System.currentTimeMillis() - t0);
} catch (RocksDBException e) {
throw new ParameterArchiveException("error compacting", e);
* Returns the ColumnFamilyHandle for the partition.
* The databases created after 5.9.0 will use a different column family; before that version the data will be stored
* in the default column family
ColumnFamilyHandle cfh(YRDB rdb, Partition p) throws RocksDBException {
if (p.cfName == null) {
return rdb.getDefaultColumnFamilyHandle();
} else {
return rdb.createAndGetColumnFamilyHandle(p.cfName);
public long maxCoverageEnd() {
return timeService.getMissionTime() + coverageEndDelta;
* Computes the coverage end as the greatest timestamp of a parameter in the archive, smaller than now
* In order to find that, it iterates over all time segments
* @throws IOException
* @throws RocksDBException
* @throws DecodingException
public long getCoverageEnd(long now) throws RocksDBException, IOException, DecodingException {
long covEnd = TimeEncoding.NEGATIVE_INFINITY;
log.debug("Computing coverage end as greatest timestamp of a parameter smaller than {}",
if (getParameterGroupIdDb().numGroups() == 0) {
log.debug("No parameter group, coverageEnd is {}", TimeEncoding.toString(covEnd));
return covEnd;
var partitions = getPartitions(TimeEncoding.MIN_INSTANT, now, false);
if (partitions.isEmpty()) {
log.debug("No partition, coverageEnd is {}", TimeEncoding.toString(covEnd));
return covEnd;
// he first partition (in descending order) should be enough but maybe it will contain no data, that's why we
// iterate
var nowIntervalEnd = getIntervalEnd(now);
for (var p : partitions) {
try (RocksIterator it = getIterator(p)) {
var groupIterator = getParameterGroupIdDb().groupIterato();
pg_loop: while (groupIterator.hasNext()) {
var pg = groupIterator.next();
var sk = new SegmentKey(parameterIdDb.timeParameterId, pg.id, nowIntervalEnd, Byte.MAX_VALUE);
byte[] timeKey = p.version == 0 ? sk.encodeV0() : sk.encode();
while (it.isValid()) {
sk = p.version == 0 ? SegmentKey.decodeV0(it.key()) : SegmentKey.decode(it.key());
if (sk.parameterGroupId != pg.id) {
// no time segment for this parameter group
continue pg_loop;
if (getIntervalEnd(sk.segmentStart) <= covEnd) {
// this time segment ends before the current covEnd, no point in decoding it
continue pg_loop;
var sts = (SortedTimeSegment) SegmentEncoderDecoder.decode(it.value(), sk.segmentStart);
long covEnd1;
int pos = sts.search(now);
if (pos >= 0) {
covEnd1 = sts.getTime(pos);
} else {
pos = -pos - 1;
if (pos == 0) {
covEnd1 = sts.getTime(pos - 1);
covEnd = Long.max(covEnd, covEnd1);
log.debug("Found coverageEnd {}", TimeEncoding.toString(covEnd));
return covEnd;
public static class Partition extends TimeInterval {
final String partitionDir;
final private String cfName;
final int version;
Partition(String cfName, int version) {
this.partitionDir = null;
this.cfName = cfName;
this.version = version;
Partition(long start, long end, String dir, String cfName, int version) {
super(start, end);
this.partitionDir = dir;
this.cfName = cfName;
this.version = version;
public String toString() {
return "partition: " + partitionDir + "[" + TimeEncoding.toString(getStart()) + " - "
+ TimeEncoding.toString(getEnd()) + "], version: " + version;
public String getPartitionDir() {
return partitionDir;