org.yamcs.parameterarchive.ParameterValueSegment Maven / Gradle / Ivy
package org.yamcs.parameterarchive;
import org.yamcs.parameter.BasicParameterValue;
import org.yamcs.parameter.Value;
import org.yamcs.parameter.ValueArray;
import org.yamcs.protobuf.Yamcs.Value.Type;
import org.yamcs.utils.PeekingIterator;
import org.yamcs.utils.SortedIntArray;
import org.yamcs.utils.TimeEncoding;
import org.yamcs.yarch.protobuf.Db.ParameterStatus;
import static org.yamcs.parameterarchive.ParameterArchive.STORE_RAW_VALUES;
import java.util.NoSuchElementException;
* Stores parameter values for one parameter over a time range.
* It is composed of a time, engineering, raw and parameter status segments and possibly by a list of gaps;
* The engineering, raw and parameter status contain only the data - gaps are not stored in the segment themselves (the
* timeSegment has by definition no gap).
* To convert from a position as used in the time segment to a position in the other segments, the gaps have to be taken
* into account. Such conversion can naturally result in no value if the requested position is part of the gaps.
* The time segment is shared with other objects of this class and is updated outside this class
public class ParameterValueSegment {
final int pid;
final SortedTimeSegment timeSegment;
// engValueSegment should not be null during buildup but maybe null during retrieval (if the retrieving of
// engineering values is skipped)
ValueSegment engValueSegment;
private ValueSegment rawValueSegment;
private ParameterStatusSegment parameterStatusSegment;
// stores the indices (positions) of the gaps
SortedIntArray gaps;
public ParameterValueSegment(int pid, SortedTimeSegment timeSegment, ValueSegment engValueSegment,
ValueSegment rawValueSegment, ParameterStatusSegment parameterStatusSegment, SortedIntArray gaps) {
this.pid = pid;
this.timeSegment = timeSegment;
this.engValueSegment = engValueSegment;
this.rawValueSegment = rawValueSegment;
this.parameterStatusSegment = parameterStatusSegment;
this.gaps = gaps;
* Creates a new segment and insert one value. The value is used to determine the individual engineering/raw segment
* types. All future values are expected to be the same type.
* The length of the segment (number of parameters) is given by the timeSegment length.
* If the length is greater than 1, then all other positions will be initialised with gaps.
public ParameterValueSegment(int pid, SortedTimeSegment timeSegment, int pos, BasicParameterValue pv) {
this.pid = pid;
this.timeSegment = timeSegment;
Value v = pv.getEngValue();
if (v != null) {
engValueSegment = getNewSegment(v.getType());
} else {
engValueSegment = null;
parameterStatusSegment = new ParameterStatusSegment(true);
Value rawV = pv.getRawValue();
if (rawV != null) {
rawValueSegment = getNewSegment(rawV.getType());
} else {
rawValueSegment = null;
} else {
rawValueSegment = null;
for (int i = 0; i < pos; i++) {
insert(pos, pv);
for (int i = pos + 1; i < timeSegment.size(); i++) {
public void insertGap(int pos) {
if (gaps == null) {
gaps = new SortedIntArray();
} else {
// the position of all the indices following the pos have to increase by 1
gaps.addIfGreaterOrEqualThan(pos, 1);
public void insert(int pos, BasicParameterValue pv) {
if (pos == timeSegment.size()) {
// fast path inserting data at the end, no need to care about gaps
if (engValueSegment != null) {
if (rawValueSegment != null) {
} else {
if (gaps == null) {
if (engValueSegment != null) {
engValueSegment.insert(pos, pv.getEngValue());
parameterStatusSegment.insertParameterValue(pos, pv);
if (rawValueSegment != null) {
rawValueSegment.insert(pos, pv.getRawValue());
} else {
int pos1;
var idx = gaps.search(pos);
if (idx < 0) {
pos1 = pos + idx + 1;
} else {
pos1 = pos - idx;
if (engValueSegment != null) {
engValueSegment.insert(pos1, pv.getEngValue());
parameterStatusSegment.insertParameterValue(pos1, pv);
if (rawValueSegment != null) {
rawValueSegment.insert(pos1, pv.getRawValue());
gaps.addIfGreaterOrEqualThan(pos, 1);
// returns the modified position after gaps are eliminated or -1 if the position corresponds to a gap
private int gaplessPosition(int pos) {
if (gaps == null) {
return pos;
} else {
var idx = gaps.search(pos);
if (idx < 0) {
return pos + idx + 1;
} else {
return -1;
* returns the modified position after gaps are eliminated
* if the position corresponds to a gap, return the next position or the segment size if the gap is at the end
* it assumes gaps is non null
int nextAfterGap(int pos) {
var idx = gaps.search(pos);
if (idx < 0) {
return pos + idx + 1;
} else {
return pos - idx;
* returns the modified position after gaps are eliminated
* if the position corresponds to a gap, return the previous position or -1 if the gap is at the beginning
* it assumes gaps is non null
int previousBeforeGap(int pos) {
var idx = gaps.search(pos);
if (idx < 0) {
return pos + idx + 1;
} else {
int x = pos - idx - 1;
return x < 0 ? -1 : x;
* Optimise for writing to archive
public void consolidate() {
if (engValueSegment != null) {
if (rawValueSegment != null) {
// the raw values will only be stored if they are different than the engineering values
if (rawValueSegment.equals(engValueSegment)) {
rawValueSegment = null;
} else {
public ParameterValueArray getRange(int posStart, int posStop, boolean ascending, boolean retrieveParameterStatus) {
long[] timestamps;
if (gaps == null) {
timestamps = timeSegment.getRange(posStart, posStop, ascending);
} else {
timestamps = timeSegment.getRangeWithGaps(posStart, posStop, ascending, gaps);
if (ascending) {
posStart = nextAfterGap(posStart);
posStop = nextAfterGap(posStop);
} else {
posStart = previousBeforeGap(posStart);
posStop = previousBeforeGap(posStop);
if (posStart >= posStop) {// only gaps
return null;
ValueArray engValues = null;
if (engValueSegment != null) {
engValues = engValueSegment.getRange(posStart, posStop, ascending);
ValueArray rawValues = null;
if (rawValueSegment == engValueSegment) {
rawValues = engValues;
} else if (rawValueSegment != null) {
rawValues = rawValueSegment.getRange(posStart, posStop, ascending);
ParameterStatus[] paramStatus = null;
if (retrieveParameterStatus) {
paramStatus = parameterStatusSegment.getRangeArray(posStart, posStop, ascending);
return new ParameterValueArray(timestamps, engValues, rawValues, paramStatus);
public long getSegmentStart() {
return timeSegment.getSegmentStart();
public long getSegmentEnd() {
return timeSegment.getSegmentEnd();
public int numGaps() {
return gaps == null ? 0 : gaps.size();
public int numValues() {
int numGaps = gaps == null ? 0 : gaps.size();
return timeSegment.size() - numGaps;
public BaseSegment getConsolidatedEngValueSegment() {
return (BaseSegment) engValueSegment;
public BaseSegment getConsolidatedRawValueSegment() {
return (BaseSegment) rawValueSegment;
public BaseSegment getConsolidatedParmeterStatusSegment() {
return (BaseSegment) parameterStatusSegment;
static private ValueSegment getNewSegment(Type type) {
switch (type) {
case BINARY:
return new BinaryValueSegment(true);
case STRING:
return new StringValueSegment(true);
case SINT32:
return new IntValueSegment(true);
case UINT32:
return new IntValueSegment(false);
case FLOAT:
return new FloatValueSegment();
case SINT64:
case UINT64:
case TIMESTAMP: // intentional fall through
return new LongValueSegment(type);
case DOUBLE:
return new DoubleValueSegment();
return new BooleanValueSegment();
throw new IllegalStateException("Unknown type " + type);
public TimedValue getTimedValue(int pos) {
pos = gaplessPosition(pos);
if (pos < 0) {
return null;
long t = timeSegment.getTime(pos);
Value ev = (engValueSegment == null) ? null : engValueSegment.getValue(pos);
Value rv = (rawValueSegment == null) ? null : rawValueSegment.getValue(pos);
ParameterStatus ps = (parameterStatusSegment == null) ? null : parameterStatusSegment.get(pos);
return new TimedValue(t, ev, rv, ps);
public Value getEngValue(int pos) {
pos = gaplessPosition(pos);
if (pos < 0) {
return null;
return engValueSegment.getValue(pos);
public Value getRawValue(int pos) {
pos = gaplessPosition(pos);
if (pos < 0) {
return null;
return rawValueSegment.getValue(pos);
public SortedIntArray getGaps() {
return gaps;
public PeekingIterator newAscendingIterator(long t0) {
return new AscendingIterator(t0);
public PeekingIterator newDescendingIterator(long t0) {
return new DescendingIterator(t0);
* In rare circumstances, a segment read from the archive has to be modified.
* This method updates the object such that it can be modified
public void makeWritable() {
if (rawValueSegment != null) {
public String toString() {
return "ParameterValueSegment[pid:" + pid + ", timeSegmentSize: " + timeSegment.size() +
", parameterStatusSegment.size: " + parameterStatusSegment.size() +
", start: " + TimeEncoding.toString(getSegmentStart())
+ ", end: " + TimeEncoding.toString(getSegmentEnd())
+ "\ngaps: " + gaps
+ "\nengValue:" + engValueSegment
+ "\nrawValue:" + rawValueSegment
+ "]";
class AscendingIterator implements PeekingIterator {
private int idxT;
private int idxV;
private int idxG;
private TimedValue currentValue = null;
public AscendingIterator(long t0) {
idxT = timeSegment.lowerBound(t0);
if (gaps == null) {
idxV = idxT;
} else {
idxG = gaps.search(idxT);
if (idxG < 0) {
idxG = -(idxG + 1);
idxV = idxT - idxG;
public boolean isValid() {
return currentValue != null;
public TimedValue value() {
if (!isValid()) {
throw new NoSuchElementException();
return currentValue;
public void next() {
while (gaps != null && idxG < gaps.size() && idxT == gaps.get(idxG)) {
if (idxV < numValues()) {
Value ev = (engValueSegment == null) ? null : engValueSegment.getValue(idxV);
Value rv = (rawValueSegment == null) ? null : rawValueSegment.getValue(idxV);
ParameterStatus ps = (parameterStatusSegment == null) ? null : parameterStatusSegment.get(idxV);
currentValue = new TimedValue(timeSegment.getTime(idxT), ev, rv, ps);
} else {
currentValue = null;
class DescendingIterator implements PeekingIterator {
private int idxT;
private int idxV;
private int idxG;
private TimedValue currentValue = null;
public DescendingIterator(long t0) {
idxT = timeSegment.higherBound(t0);
if (gaps == null) {
idxV = idxT;
} else {
idxG = gaps.search(idxT);
if (idxG < 0) {
idxG = -(idxG + 2);
idxV = idxT - idxG - 1;
public boolean isValid() {
return currentValue != null;
public TimedValue value() {
if (!isValid()) {
throw new NoSuchElementException();
return currentValue;
public void next() {
while (gaps != null && idxG >= 0 && idxT == gaps.get(idxG)) {
if (idxT >= 0 && idxV >= 0) {
Value ev = (engValueSegment == null) ? null : engValueSegment.getValue(idxV);
Value rv = (rawValueSegment == null) ? null : rawValueSegment.getValue(idxV);
ParameterStatus ps = (parameterStatusSegment == null) ? null : parameterStatusSegment.get(idxV);
currentValue = new TimedValue(timeSegment.getTime(idxT), ev, rv, ps);
} else {
currentValue = null;