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org.yamcs.parameterarchive.RealtimeArchiveFiller Maven / Gradle / Ivy

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package org.yamcs.parameterarchive;

import static org.yamcs.parameterarchive.ParameterArchive.getInterval;

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.concurrent.CompletableFuture;
import java.util.concurrent.ExecutorService;
import java.util.concurrent.Executors;
import java.util.concurrent.RejectedExecutionException;
import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit;
import java.util.function.Function;

import org.rocksdb.RocksDBException;
import org.yamcs.ConfigurationException;
import org.yamcs.Processor;
import org.yamcs.Spec;
import org.yamcs.YConfiguration;
import org.yamcs.YamcsServer;
import org.yamcs.Spec.OptionType;
import org.yamcs.parameterarchive.ParameterGroupIdDb.ParameterGroup;
import org.yamcs.utils.TimeEncoding;


 * Realtime archive filler task - it works even if the data is not perfectly sorted

* It can save data in max two intervals at a time. The first interval is kept open only as long as the most recent * timestamp received is not older than orderingThreshold ms from the interval end *

* * When new parameters are received, they are sorted into groups with all parameter from the same group having the same * timestamp. * *

* Max two segments are kept open for each group, one in each interval. * *

* If the group reaches its max size, it is archived and a new one opened. * */ public class RealtimeArchiveFiller extends AbstractArchiveFiller { String processorName = "realtime"; final String yamcsInstance; Processor realtimeProcessor; int subscriptionId; ExecutorService executor; Map queues = new HashMap<>(); private YamcsServer yamcsServer; // Maximum time to wait for new data before flushing to archive int flushInterval = 60; // seconds // max allowed time for old data long sortingThreshold;// milliseconds // reset the processing if time jumps in the past by this much long pastJumpThreshold; int numThreads; public RealtimeArchiveFiller(ParameterArchive parameterArchive, YConfiguration config) { super(parameterArchive); this.yamcsInstance = parameterArchive.getYamcsInstance(); flushInterval = config.getInt("flushInterval", 60); processorName = config.getString("processorName", processorName); sortingThreshold = config.getInt("sortingThreshold"); numThreads = config.getInt("numThreads", getDefaultNumThreads()); pastJumpThreshold = config.getLong("pastJumpThreshold") * 1000; if (flushInterval * 1000 < sortingThreshold) { throw new ConfigurationException("flushInterval (" + flushInterval + " seconds) cannot be smaller than the sorting threshold (" + sortingThreshold + " milliseconds)"); } } static Spec getSpec() { Spec spec = new Spec(); spec.addOption("enabled", OptionType.BOOLEAN); spec.addOption("processorName", OptionType.STRING).withDefault("realtime"); spec.addOption("sortingThreshold", OptionType.INTEGER).withDefault(1000); spec.addOption("numThreads", OptionType.INTEGER); spec.addOption("pastJumpThreshold", OptionType.INTEGER) .withDescription("When receiving data with an old timestamp differing from the previous data " + "by more than this threshold in seconds, the old segments are flushed to archinve and a new one is started. " + "This is to avoid that the data is rejected because the time is reinitialized on-board for example.") .withDefault(86400); spec.addOption("flushInterval", OptionType.INTEGER).withDescription( "If no data is received for a parameter group in this number of seconds, then flush the data to disk. " + "If data is received, the data will be flushed after maxSegmentSize data points are received") .withDefault(60); return spec; } /** * Gets the Yamcs server reference. Code in this class should call this method rather than * YamcsServer.getServer() so the server can be mocked for unit testing. * * @return the Yamcs server reference */ private synchronized YamcsServer getYamcsServer() { if (yamcsServer == null) { yamcsServer = YamcsServer.getServer(); } return yamcsServer; } /** * Sets the Yamcs server to use. Default scope for unit testing. Should only be called by unit tests. * * @param yamcsServer * the Yamcs server to use, perhaps a mock object */ synchronized void setYamcsServer(YamcsServer yamcsServer) { this.yamcsServer = yamcsServer; } protected void start() { // subscribe to the realtime processor realtimeProcessor = getYamcsServer().getProcessor(yamcsInstance, processorName); if (realtimeProcessor == null) { throw new ConfigurationException("No processor named '" + processorName + "' in instance " + yamcsInstance); } subscriptionId = realtimeProcessor.getParameterRequestManager().subscribeAll(this); log.debug("Starting executor for archive writing with {} threads", numThreads); executor = Executors.newFixedThreadPool(numThreads, new ThreadFactoryBuilder().setNameFormat("realtime-parameter-archive-writer-%d").build()); var timer = getYamcsServer().getThreadPoolExecutor(); if (timer != null) { timer.scheduleAtFixedRate(this::flushPeriodically, flushInterval, flushInterval, TimeUnit.SECONDS); } } private void flushPeriodically() { long now = System.currentTimeMillis(); for (var queueEntry : queues.entrySet()) { SegmentQueue queue = queueEntry.getValue(); synchronized (queue) { if (!queue.isEmpty() && now > queue.getLatestUpdateTime() + flushInterval * 1000L) { log.debug("Flush interval reached without new data for parameter group {}, flushing queue", queueEntry.getKey()); queue.flush(); } } } } public void shutDown() throws InterruptedException { realtimeProcessor.getParameterRequestManager().unsubscribeAll(subscriptionId);"Shutting down, writing all pending segments"); for (SegmentQueue queue : queues.values()) { queue.flush(); } executor.shutdown(); if (!executor.awaitTermination(30, TimeUnit.SECONDS)) { log.warn("Timed out before flushing all pending segments"); } } @Override protected void processParameters(long t, BasicParameterList pvList) { ParameterGroup pg; try { pg = parameterGroupIdMap.getGroup(pvList.getPids()); } catch (RocksDBException e) { log.error("Error creating parameter group id", e); return; } SegmentQueue segQueue = queues.computeIfAbsent(, id -> new SegmentQueue(, maxSegmentSize, pgs -> scheduleWriteToArchive(pgs), interval -> readPgSegment(pg, interval))); synchronized (segQueue) { if (!segQueue.isEmpty()) { long segStart = segQueue.getStart(); if (t < segStart - pastJumpThreshold) { log.warn( "Time jumped in the past; current timestamp: {}, new timestamp: {}. Flushing old data.", TimeEncoding.toString(segStart), TimeEncoding.toString(t)); segQueue.flush(); } else if (t < segStart - sortingThreshold) { log.warn("Dropping old data with timestamp {} (minimum allowed is {})." + "Unsorted data received in the realtime filler? Consider using a backfiller instead", TimeEncoding.toString(t), TimeEncoding.toString(segStart - sortingThreshold)); return; } } if (segQueue.addRecord(t, pvList)) { segQueue.sendToArchive(t - sortingThreshold); } else { log.warn("Realtime parameter archive queue full." + "Consider increasing the writerThreads (if CPUs are available) or using a back filler"); } } } private PGSegment readPgSegment(ParameterGroup pg, long interval) { try { return parameterArchive.readPGsegment(pg, interval); } catch (IOException | RocksDBException e) { log.error("Error reading old data from archive", e); return null; } } private CompletableFuture scheduleWriteToArchive(PGSegment pgs) { CompletableFuture cf = new CompletableFuture<>(); try { executor.submit(() -> { doWriteToArchive(pgs, cf); }); } catch (RejectedExecutionException e) { // the executor is shutdown and won't accept new tasks, keep writing in the same thread doWriteToArchive(pgs, cf); } return cf; } private void doWriteToArchive(PGSegment pgs, CompletableFuture cf) { try { long t0 = System.nanoTime(); parameterArchive.writeToArchive(pgs); long d = System.nanoTime() - t0; log.debug("Wrote segment {} to archive in {} millisec", pgs, d / 1000_000); cf.complete(null); } catch (RocksDBException | IOException e) { log.error("Error writing segment to the parameter archive", e); cf.completeExceptionally(e); } } /** * Called when risking running out of memory, drop all data */ @Override protected void abort() { queues.clear(); } private int getDefaultNumThreads() { int n = Runtime.getRuntime().availableProcessors() - 1; return n > 0 ? n : 1; } /** * Return the list of segments for the (parameterId, parameterGroupId) currently in memory. If there is no data, an * empty list is returned. *

* If ascending is false, the list of segments is sorted by descending start time but the data inside the segments * is still sorted in ascending order. *

* The segments are references to the data that is being added, that means they are modified by external threads. *

* Some segments may just being written to the archive, so care has to be taken by the caller to eliminate duplicate * data when using the return of this method combined with reading data from archive. The {@link SegmentIterator} * does that. * * * @param parameterId * @param parameterGroupId * @param ascending * @return */ public List getSegments(int parameterId, int parameterGroupId, boolean ascending) { SegmentQueue queue = queues.get(parameterGroupId); if (queue == null) { return Collections.emptyList(); } return queue.getPVSegments(parameterId, ascending); } public List getSegments(ParameterId[] pids, int parameterGroupId, boolean ascending) { SegmentQueue queue = queues.get(parameterGroupId); if (queue == null) { return Collections.emptyList(); } return queue.getPVSegments(pids, ascending); } /** * * This class is used to accumulate "slightly" unsorted data and also keeps the data while is being written to the * archive. *

* Works like a queue, new segments are added to the tail, they are written to the archive from the head. The * elements in the queue are only cleared (set to null) after they have been written to the archive, even if * theoretically they are out of the queue. *

* This gives the chance to still use the data in the retrieval. See {@link SingleParameterRetrieval} and * {@link MultiParameterRetrieval} * *

* theoretically if the data comes at the high frequency and the sortingThreshold is high, we can accumulate lots of * segments in memory. There is however a limit of 16 hardcoded for now. *

* Sometimes the maxSegmentSize is exceeded because if a segment is full and new unsorted data fits inside, it is * still added. * */ static class SegmentQueue { static final int QSIZE = 16; // has to be a power of 2! static final int MASK = QSIZE - 1; final PGSegment[] segments = new PGSegment[QSIZE]; int head = 0; int tail = 0; final int parameterGroupId; final int maxSegmentSize; private long latestUpdateTime; // this function is used to write to the archive // it returns a completable future which is completed when the data has been written. final Function> writeToArchiveFunction; // used to read an existing segment from the archive at startup or if after a period of inactivity the data has // been flushed final Function readFromArchiveFunction; // we use this to make sure that only one write is running for a given pg at a time CompletableFuture lastWriteFuture = CompletableFuture.completedFuture(null); public SegmentQueue(int parameterGroupId, int maxSegmentSize, Function> writeToArchiveFunction, Function readFromArchiveFunction) { this.parameterGroupId = parameterGroupId; this.maxSegmentSize = maxSegmentSize; this.writeToArchiveFunction = writeToArchiveFunction; this.readFromArchiveFunction = readFromArchiveFunction; } public long getStart() { if (isEmpty()) { throw new IllegalStateException("queue is empty"); } return segments[head].getSegmentStart(); } /** * Add the record to the queue. *

* Given the queue state s1, s2, s3... sn, it is inserted into the sk such that the t is in the same interval as * sk and either sk is not full, or t * If not such a segment exists, a new segment is created and inserted in the queue (if the queue is not full). *

* Returns true if the record has been added or false if the queue was full. */ public synchronized boolean addRecord(long t, BasicParameterList pvList) { latestUpdateTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); int k = head; long tintv = getInterval(t); if (isEmpty()) { // we need to read the existing interval from the archive, we may need to add to it // or in any case to continue it PGSegment prevSeg = readFromArchiveFunction.apply(tintv); if (prevSeg != null && t <= prevSeg.getSegmentEnd()) { // data fits into the previous segment prevSeg.makeWritable(); prevSeg.addRecord(t, pvList); segments[tail] = prevSeg; tail = inc(tail); return true; } // else we make a new segment continuing the previous one (if it exists) var pids = pvList.getPids(); PGSegment seg = new PGSegment(parameterGroupId, ParameterArchive.getInterval(t), pids.size()); seg.addRecord(t, pvList); if (prevSeg != null) { prevSeg.freeze(); seg.continueSegment(prevSeg); } segments[tail] = seg; tail = inc(tail); return true; } // SeqmentQueue not empty, look for a segment where to place the new data for (; k != tail; k = inc(k)) { PGSegment seg = segments[k]; long kintv = seg.getInterval(); if (kintv < tintv) { continue; } else if (kintv > tintv) { break; } if (t <= seg.getSegmentEnd() || seg.size() < maxSegmentSize) { // when the first condition is met only (i.e. new data coming in the middle of a full segment) // the segment will become bigger than the maxSegmentSize seg.addRecord(t, pvList); return true; } } // new segment to be added on position k // If there is only one slot free, then the queue is already full. // if segments[tail] is not null, it means it hasn't been written to the archive yet (async operation), // we do not want to overwrite it because it won't be found in the retrieval if (inc(tail) == head || segments[tail] != null) { return false; } var pids = pvList.getPids(); PGSegment seg = new PGSegment(parameterGroupId, ParameterArchive.getInterval(t), pids.size()); seg.addRecord(t, pvList); // shift everything between k and tail to the right for (int i = k; i != tail; i = inc(i)) { segments[inc(i)] = segments[i]; } tail = inc(tail); // insert on position k segments[k] = seg; return true; } /** * send to archive all segments which are either from an older interval than t1 or are full and their end is * smaller than t1. *

* Writing to archive is an async operation, and the completable future returned by the function is called when * the writing to archive has been completed and is used to null the entry in the queue. Before the entry is * null, the data can still be used in the retrieval. */ void sendToArchive(long t1) { while (head != tail) { PGSegment seg = segments[head]; if (seg.getInterval() >= getInterval(t1) && (seg.size() < maxSegmentSize || seg.getSegmentEnd() >= t1)) { break; } sendHeadToArchive(); } } synchronized void flush() { while (head != tail) { sendHeadToArchive(); } } // send the head to the archive and move the head towards the tail private void sendHeadToArchive() { PGSegment seg = segments[head]; seg.freeze(); int _head = head; head = inc(head); if (head != tail) { var nextSeg = segments[head]; if (nextSeg.getInterval() == seg.getInterval()) { nextSeg.continueSegment(seg); } } toArchive(_head); } private void toArchive(int idx) { PGSegment seg = segments[idx]; lastWriteFuture = lastWriteFuture .thenCompose(v -> writeToArchiveFunction.apply(seg)) .thenAccept(v -> segments[idx] = null); } public int size() { return (tail - head) & MASK; } public boolean isEmpty() { return head == tail; } /** * Returns a list of segments for the pid. * *

* The ascending argument can be used to sort the segments in ascending or descending order. The values inside * the segments will always be ascending (but one can iterate the segment in descending order). * */ public synchronized List getPVSegments(int pid, boolean ascending) { if (isEmpty()) { return Collections.emptyList(); } if (ascending) { return getSegmentsAscending(pid); } else { return getSegmentsDescending(pid); } } private List getSegmentsAscending(int pid) { List r = new ArrayList<>(); int k = head; while (k != tail && segments[dec(k)] != null) { k = dec(k); } while (k != tail) { PGSegment seg = segments[k]; if (seg == null) { continue; } ParameterValueSegment pvs = seg.getParameterValue(pid); if (pvs != null) { r.add(pvs); } k = inc(k); } return r; } private List getSegmentsDescending(int pid) { List r = new ArrayList<>(); int k = dec(tail); while (true) { PGSegment seg = segments[k]; if (seg == null) { break; } ParameterValueSegment pvs = seg.getParameterValue(pid); if (pvs != null) { r.add(pvs); } k = dec(k); } return r; } /** * Returns a list of segments for the pid. * *

* The ascending argument can be used to sort the segments in ascending or descending order. The values inside * the segments will always be ascending (but one can iterate the segment in descending order). * */ public synchronized List getPVSegments(ParameterId[] pids, boolean ascending) { if (head == tail) { return Collections.emptyList(); } if (ascending) { return getSegmentsAscending(pids); } else { return getSegmentsDescending(pids); } } private List getSegmentsAscending(ParameterId[] pids) { List r = new ArrayList<>(); int k = head; while (k != tail && segments[dec(k)] != null) { k = dec(k); } while (k != tail) { PGSegment seg = segments[k]; if (seg == null) { continue; } MultiParameterValueSegment pvs = seg.getParametersValues(pids); if (pvs != null) { r.add(pvs); } k = inc(k); } return r; } private List getSegmentsDescending(ParameterId[] pids) { List r = new ArrayList<>(); int k = dec(tail); while (true) { PGSegment seg = segments[k]; if (seg == null) { break; } MultiParameterValueSegment pvs = seg.getParametersValues(pids); if (pvs != null) { r.add(pvs); } k = dec(k); } return r; } /** * Circularly increment k */ static final int inc(int k) { return (k + 1) & MASK; } /** * Circularly decrement k */ static final int dec(int k) { return (k - 1) & MASK; } public long getLatestUpdateTime() { return latestUpdateTime; } } }

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