org.yamcs.replication.ReplicationMaster Maven / Gradle / Ivy
package org.yamcs.replication;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.io.UncheckedIOException;
import java.nio.BufferOverflowException;
import java.nio.ByteBuffer;
import java.nio.file.DirectoryStream;
import java.nio.file.Files;
import java.nio.file.Path;
import java.nio.file.Paths;
import java.nio.file.StandardCopyOption;
import java.nio.file.attribute.BasicFileAttributes;
import java.time.Instant;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentSkipListMap;
import java.util.concurrent.ScheduledFuture;
import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit;
import java.util.regex.Matcher;
import java.util.regex.Pattern;
import java.util.stream.Collectors;
import javax.net.ssl.SSLException;
import org.yamcs.AbstractYamcsService;
import org.yamcs.ConfigurationException;
import org.yamcs.InitException;
import org.yamcs.Spec;
import org.yamcs.Spec.OptionType;
import org.yamcs.YConfiguration;
import org.yamcs.YamcsServer;
import org.yamcs.replication.protobuf.ColumnInfo;
import org.yamcs.replication.protobuf.Request;
import org.yamcs.replication.protobuf.StreamInfo;
import org.yamcs.yarch.ColumnDefinition;
import org.yamcs.yarch.ColumnSerializer;
import org.yamcs.yarch.ColumnSerializerFactory;
import org.yamcs.yarch.Stream;
import org.yamcs.yarch.StreamSubscriber;
import org.yamcs.yarch.Tuple;
import org.yamcs.yarch.TupleDefinition;
import org.yamcs.yarch.YarchDatabase;
import org.yamcs.yarch.YarchDatabaseInstance;
import com.google.protobuf.CodedOutputStream;
import com.google.protobuf.MessageLite;
import com.google.protobuf.TextFormat;
import io.netty.channel.ChannelHandler;
import io.netty.handler.ssl.SslContext;
import io.netty.handler.ssl.SslContextBuilder;
* Implements the master part of the replication. At any moment there is one current file where the replication data is
* written.
* @author nm
public class ReplicationMaster extends AbstractYamcsService {
ConcurrentSkipListMap replFiles = new ConcurrentSkipListMap<>();
volatile ReplicationFile currentFile = null;
List toDeleteList = new ArrayList<>();
int port;
List streamNames;
List translators = new ArrayList<>();
long expiration;
Path replicationDir;
int pageSize;
int maxPages;
int maxFileSize;
TcpRole tcpRole;
List slaves;
long reconnectionInterval;
int instanceId;
SslContext sslCtx = null;
// files not accessed longer than this will be closed
private long fileCloseTime;
// how often to run the sync on the current file
private long fileSyncTime;
Pattern filePattern;
int maxTupleSize;
long timeMsgFreqMillis;
ScheduledFuture> closeUnusedFilesSchedule;
ScheduledFuture> deleteExpiredFilesSchedule;
ScheduledFuture> syncCurrentFileSchedule;
public void init(String yamcsInstance, String serviceName, YConfiguration config) throws InitException {
super.init(yamcsInstance, serviceName, config);
instanceId = YamcsServer.getServer().getInstance(yamcsInstance).getInstanceId();
tcpRole = config.getEnum("tcpRole", TcpRole.class, TcpRole.SERVER);
port = config.getInt("port", -1);
expiration = (long) (config.getDouble("expirationDays", 7.0) * 24 * 3600 * 1000);
streamNames = config.getList("streams");
pageSize = config.getInt("pageSize", 500);
maxPages = config.getInt("maxPages", 500);
maxFileSize = 1024 * config.getInt("maxFileSizeKB", 100 * 1024);
this.maxTupleSize = config.getInt("maxTupleSize");
this.timeMsgFreqMillis = config.getLong("timeMsgFreqSec") * 1000;
int hdrSize = ReplicationFile.headerSize(pageSize, maxPages);
if (maxFileSize < hdrSize) {
throw new InitException(
"maxFileSize has to be higher than header size which for maxPages=" + maxPages + " is " + hdrSize);
this.filePattern = Pattern.compile(Pattern.quote(serviceName) + "_([0-9A-Fa-f]{16})\\.dat");
var exec = YamcsServer.getServer().getThreadPoolExecutor();
fileCloseTime = config.getLong("fileCloseTimeSec", 300) * 1000;
closeUnusedFilesSchedule = exec.scheduleAtFixedRate(() -> closeUnusedFiles(), fileCloseTime,
fileCloseTime, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS);
deleteExpiredFilesSchedule = exec.scheduleAtFixedRate(() -> deleteExpiredFiles(), fileCloseTime,
fileCloseTime, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS);
fileSyncTime = config.getLong("fileSyncTime", 10) * 1000;
syncCurrentFileSchedule = exec.scheduleAtFixedRate(() -> syncCurrentFile(), fileSyncTime,
fileSyncTime, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS);
if (tcpRole == TcpRole.SERVER) {
List servers = YamcsServer.getServer().getGlobalServices(ReplicationServer.class);
if (servers.isEmpty()) {
throw new InitException(
"ReplicationMaster is defined with the role Server; that requires the ReplicationServer global service (yamcs.yaml) to be defined");
} else if (servers.size() > 1) {
log.warn("There are {} ReplicationServer services defined. Registering to the first one.",
ReplicationServer server = servers.get(0);
} else {
reconnectionInterval = 1000 * config.getLong("reconnectionIntervalSec", 30);
List clist = config.getConfigList("slaves");
slaves = new ArrayList<>(clist.size());
for (YConfiguration yc : clist) {
slaves.add(new SlaveServer(yc.getString("host"), yc.getInt("port"), yc.getString("instance"),
yc.getBoolean("enableTls", false)));
boolean enableTls = slaves.stream().map(s -> s.enableTls).filter(b -> b).findAny().isPresent();
if (enableTls) {
try {
sslCtx = SslContextBuilder.forClient().build();
} catch (SSLException e) {
throw new InitException("Failed to initialize the TLS: " + e.toString());
String dataDir = YarchDatabase.getDataDir();
replicationDir = Paths.get(dataDir).resolve(yamcsInstance).resolve("replication");
try {
} catch (IOException e) {
throw new InitException("Cannot create the directory where replication files are stored " + replicationDir
+ ": " + e.getMessage());
try {
} catch (IOException e) {
throw new InitException("Error opening/creating a replication file: " + e.getMessage());
public Spec getSpec() {
Spec spec = new Spec();
Spec slaveSpec = new Spec();
slaveSpec.addOption("host", OptionType.STRING);
slaveSpec.addOption("port", OptionType.INTEGER);
slaveSpec.addOption("instance", OptionType.STRING);
slaveSpec.addOption("enableTls", OptionType.BOOLEAN);
spec.addOption("streams", OptionType.LIST).withElementType(OptionType.STRING).withRequired(true);
spec.addOption("tcpRole", OptionType.STRING);
spec.addOption("port", OptionType.INTEGER);
spec.addOption("expirationDays", OptionType.FLOAT);
spec.addOption("pageSize", OptionType.INTEGER);
spec.addOption("maxPages", OptionType.INTEGER);
spec.addOption("maxFileSizeKB", OptionType.INTEGER);
spec.addOption("fileCloseTimeSec", OptionType.INTEGER);
spec.addOption("reconnectionIntervalSec", OptionType.INTEGER);
spec.addOption("slaves", OptionType.LIST).withElementType(OptionType.MAP).withSpec(slaveSpec);
spec.addOption("maxTupleSize", OptionType.INTEGER).withDefault(65536)
.withDescription("Maximum size of the serialized tuple");
spec.addOption("timeMsgFreqSec", OptionType.INTEGER).withDefault(10)
.withDescription("How often (in seconds) to send the time message to the slaves");
return spec;
private void initCurrentFile() throws IOException, InitException {
if (replFiles.isEmpty()) {
} else { // open last file
Map.Entry e = replFiles.lastEntry();
long firstTxId = e.getKey();
ReplFileAccess rfa = e.getValue();
Path path = getPath(firstTxId);
if (Files.size(path) > maxFileSize) {
// the last file is greater that maxFileSize (probably maxFileSize has been changed)
// we have to open it read only to find out last transaction, then open a new file
rfa.rf = currentFile = ReplicationFile.openReadOnly(yamcsInstance, path, firstTxId);
if (currentFile.numTx() == 0) {
throw new InitException("file " + path
+ " has zero transactions inside but is bigger that currently defined maxiFileSize. Maybe maxFileSize is too small? Please consider the header size: "
+ ReplicationFile.headerSize(pageSize, maxPages) + " bytes");
} else {
rfa.rf = currentFile = ReplicationFile.openReadWrite(yamcsInstance, path,
firstTxId, maxFileSize);
if (currentFile.isFull()) {
protected void doStart() {
YarchDatabaseInstance db = YarchDatabase.getInstance(yamcsInstance);
for (int i = 0; i < streamNames.size(); i++) {
String sn = streamNames.get(i);
Stream s = db.getStream(sn);
if (s == null) {
notifyFailed(new ConfigurationException("Cannot find stream '" + sn + "'"));
translators.add(new StreamToFile(s, i));
if (tcpRole == TcpRole.CLIENT) {
// connect to all slaves
for (SlaveServer sa : slaves) {
sa.client = new ReplicationClient(yamcsInstance, sa.host, sa.port,
sa.enableTls ? sslCtx : null, reconnectionInterval, maxTupleSize,
() -> {
return new MasterChannelHandler(YamcsServer.getTimeService(yamcsInstance), this, sa);
protected void doStop() {
for (StreamToFile stf : translators) {
for (ReplFileAccess rf : replFiles.values()) {
if (rf.rf != null) {
if (tcpRole == TcpRole.CLIENT) {
for (SlaveServer sa : slaves) {
currentFile = null;
private synchronized void openNewFile(ReplicationFile rf) {
if (rf != currentFile) {// some other thread has already open a new file
long firstTxId = 0;
if (currentFile != null) {
firstTxId = currentFile.getNextTxId();
try {
currentFile = ReplicationFile.newFile(yamcsInstance, getPath(firstTxId), firstTxId, pageSize,
replFiles.put(firstTxId, new ReplFileAccess(currentFile));
// send a StreamInfo for all streams
for (StreamToFile stf : translators) {
if (currentFile.writeData(getProtoTransaction(stf.getStreamInfo())) == -1) {
throw new IOException(
"Failed to write stream info at the beginning of the replication file. Is the file too small??");
} catch (IOException | UncheckedIOException e) {
log.error("Failed to open a replication file", e);
private void scanFiles() throws InitException {
log.debug("Scanning for replication files in {}", replicationDir);
try (java.util.stream.Stream stream = Files.list(replicationDir)) {
List files = stream.collect(Collectors.toList());
for (Path file : files) {
String name = file.getFileName().toString();
Matcher m = filePattern.matcher(name);
if (m.matches()) {
long txId = Long.parseLong(m.group(1), 16);
replFiles.put(txId, new ReplFileAccess(file));
log.debug("Found file starting with txId {}", txId);
} catch (IOException e) {
throw new InitException(e);
* returns the id of the last transaction
* If there is no transaction, returns -1
public long getTxId() {
return (currentFile) == null ? -1 : currentFile.getNextTxId() - 1;
private void writeToFile(Transaction tx) {
ReplicationFile cf = currentFile;
try {
long txId = cf.writeData(tx);
if (txId == -1) {// file full
cf = currentFile;
txId = cf.writeData(tx);
if (txId == -1) {
"New file cannot accomodate a single transaction. Please increase the maxFileSize. Consider the header size "
+ ReplicationFile.headerSize(pageSize, maxPages));
abort("maxFileSize too small; cannot accomodate a single transaction");
} catch (UncheckedIOException e) {
log.error("Got exception when writing transaction to file, forcefully opening a new replication file", e);
private void abort(String msg) {
log.error("Aborting the replication master");
for (StreamToFile stf : translators) {
notifyFailed(new Exception(msg));
private Transaction getProtoTransaction(MessageLite msg) {
return new Transaction() {
public byte getType() {
return Message.STREAM_INFO;
public void marshall(ByteBuffer buf) {
try {
CodedOutputStream cos = CodedOutputStream.newInstance(buf);
buf.position(buf.position() + cos.getTotalBytesWritten());
} catch (CodedOutputStream.OutOfSpaceException e) {
throw new BufferOverflowException();
} catch (IOException e) {
throw new UncheckedIOException(e);
public int getInstanceId() {
return instanceId;
public ChannelHandler newChannelHandler(Request req) {
return new MasterChannelHandler(YamcsServer.getTimeService(yamcsInstance), this, req);
public List getStreamNames() {
return streamNames;
public boolean isTcpClient() {
return tcpRole == TcpRole.CLIENT;
public List getSlaveServers() {
return slaves;
class StreamToFile implements StreamSubscriber {
TupleDefinition completeTuple = new TupleDefinition();
final Stream stream;
private volatile ColumnSerializer>[] valueSerializers = new ColumnSerializer>[10];
final int streamId;
StreamToFile(Stream s, int streamId) {
this.stream = s;
this.streamId = streamId;
public void onTuple(Stream s, Tuple tuple) {
Transaction tx = new Transaction() {
public void marshall(ByteBuffer buf) {
TupleDefinition tdef = tuple.getDefinition();
for (int i = 0; i < tdef.size(); i++) {
Object v = tuple.getColumn(i);
if (v == null) { // since Yamcs 5.3.1 we allow nulls in the tuple values
ColumnDefinition cd = tdef.getColumn(i);
int cidx = completeTuple.getColumnIndex(cd.getName());
ColumnSerializer tcs = valueSerializers[cidx];
int x = (cd.getType().getTypeId() << 24) | cidx;
tcs.serialize(buf, v);
// add a final -1 eof marker
public byte getType() {
return Message.DATA;
public int getInstanceId() {// in the future we may put this as part of the tuple
return instanceId;
private synchronized void ensureIndices(TupleDefinition tdef) {
boolean addedColumns = false;
for (int i = 0; i < tdef.size(); i++) {
ColumnDefinition cd = tdef.getColumn(i);
int colId = completeTuple.getColumnIndex(cd.getName());
if (colId == -1) {
addedColumns = true;
for (int i = tdef.size() - 1; i >= 0; i--) { // we go backwards because columns with higher ids are likely
// added at the end
ColumnDefinition cd = tdef.getColumn(i);
int cidx = completeTuple.getColumnIndex(cd.getName());
assert (cidx != -1);
if (cidx >= valueSerializers.length) {
valueSerializers = Arrays.copyOf(valueSerializers, cidx + 1);
valueSerializers[cidx] = ColumnSerializerFactory.getColumnSerializerForReplication(cd);
if (addedColumns) {
StreamInfo strinfo = getStreamInfo();
log.debug("Writing stream info transaction {}", TextFormat.shortDebugString(strinfo));
Transaction tx = getProtoTransaction(strinfo);
ReplicationFile cf = currentFile;
long txId = cf.writeData(tx);
if (txId == -1) {
// file full - open a new one and don't write the metadata transaction anymore, it will be written
// in the openNewFile for all streams
private StreamInfo getStreamInfo() {
StreamInfo.Builder sib = StreamInfo.newBuilder();
for (int i = 0; i < completeTuple.size(); i++) {
ColumnDefinition cd = completeTuple.getColumn(i);
return sib.build();
void quit() {
* Get the file where startTxId transaction is or the earliest file available if the transaction is in the past
* Return null if the transaction is in the future. If there is a file which does not contain the startTxId but it's
* just the next one to come, then return that file.
* @param startTxId
* @return
public ReplicationFile getFile(long startTxId) {
Map.Entry e = replFiles.floorEntry(startTxId);
if (e == null) { // transaction is in the past not available
e = replFiles.firstEntry();
ReplFileAccess rfa = e.getValue();
synchronized (rfa) {
if (rfa.rf == null) {
long firstTxId = e.getKey();
rfa.rf = ReplicationFile.openReadOnly(yamcsInstance, getPath(firstTxId),
rfa.lastAccess = System.currentTimeMillis();
ReplicationFile rf = rfa.rf;
long nextTxId = rf.getNextTxId();
if (nextTxId < startTxId) {
Long k = replFiles.ceilingKey(nextTxId);
if (k != null && k != nextTxId) {
log.error("There is a gap in the replication files, transactions {} to {} are missing", nextTxId,
k - 1);
return getFile(k);
return null;
return rf;
Path getPath(long firstTxId) {
return replicationDir.resolve(String.format("%s_%016x.dat", serviceName, firstTxId));
* closes files not accessed in a while
private void closeUnusedFiles() {
long t = System.currentTimeMillis() - fileCloseTime;
try {
for (ReplFileAccess rfa : replFiles.values()) {
synchronized (rfa) {
if (rfa.rf != currentFile && rfa.rf != null && rfa.lastAccess < t) {
log.debug("Closing {} because it has not been accessed since {}", rfa.path,
rfa.rf = null;
} else if (rfa.rf.isSyncRequired()) {
// the file has just been rotated by the data thread
} catch (IOException e) {
log.warn("Caught exception when closing or syncing files", e);
try {
for (ReplFileAccess rfa : toDeleteList) {
synchronized (rfa) {
if (rfa.rf != null && rfa.lastAccess < t) {
log.debug("Closing and removing {} because it has not been accessed since {} "
+ "and it is on the list for deletion.",
rfa.path, Instant.ofEpochMilli(rfa.lastAccess));
rfa.rf = null;
} catch (IOException e) {
log.warn("Caught exception when looking for files to remove ", e);
private void deleteExpiredFiles() {
try (java.util.stream.Stream stream = Files.list(replicationDir)) {
List files = stream.collect(Collectors.toList());
for (Path file : files) {
String name = file.getFileName().toString();
Matcher m = filePattern.matcher(name);
if (m.matches()) {
long txId = Long.parseLong(m.group(1), 16);
if (txId != currentFile.getFirstId()) {// never remove the current file
checkForRemoval(file, txId);
} catch (IOException e) {
log.warn("Caught exception when looking for files to remove ", e);
private void syncCurrentFile() {
try {
log.trace("Syncing current replication file {}", currentFile.path);
} catch (Exception e) {
log.error("Error syncing current replication file", e);
void checkForRemoval(Path file, long firstTxId) throws IOException {
long t = System.currentTimeMillis() - expiration;
BasicFileAttributes bfa = Files.readAttributes(file, BasicFileAttributes.class);
if (bfa.creationTime().toMillis() > t) {
ReplFileAccess rfa = replFiles.remove(firstTxId);
if (rfa == null) {// probably one that is on the toDeleteList
synchronized (rfa) {
if (rfa.rf == null) {
log.debug("Deleting file {} created {}", file, bfa.creationTime());
} else {
// file is open for replay, put it on the list to be removed when it is closed
// this is called at init starting with yamcs 5.4.2 when the replication files have been renamed to contain the
// service name.
// it renames the old replication files to the new names
// to be removed after a while
private void renameOldReplicationFiles() throws InitException {
try (DirectoryStream stream = Files.newDirectoryStream(replicationDir)) {
for (Path path : stream) {
if (!Files.isDirectory(path)) {
String name = path.getFileName().toString();
if (name.matches("RPL_[0-9a-fA-F]{16}\\.dat")) {
Path newPath = replicationDir.resolve(name.replace("RPL_", serviceName + "_"));
log.info("Renaming {} to {}", path, newPath);
Files.move(path, newPath, StandardCopyOption.ATOMIC_MOVE);
} catch (IOException e) {
throw new InitException(e);
static class ReplFileAccess {
long lastAccess;
ReplicationFile rf;
Path path;
public ReplFileAccess(ReplicationFile file) {
this.lastAccess = System.currentTimeMillis();
this.rf = file;
public ReplFileAccess(Path path) {
this.lastAccess = -1;
this.rf = null;
this.path = path;
public static class SlaveServer {
String host;
int port;
ReplicationClient client;
String instance;
boolean enableTls = false;
public SlaveServer(String host, int port, String instance, boolean enableTls) {
this.host = host;
this.port = port;
this.instance = instance;
this.enableTls = enableTls;
public String getHost() {
return host;
public int getPort() {
return port;
public String getInstance() {
return instance;
public ReplicationClient getTcpClient() {
return client;