org.yamcs.simulation.simulator.SimulatorArgs Maven / Gradle / Ivy
package org.yamcs.simulation.simulator;
import com.beust.jcommander.Parameter;
public class SimulatorArgs {
@Parameter(names = "--telnet-port")
public int telnetPort = 10023;
@Parameter(names = "--tc-port")
public Integer tcPort = 10025;
@Parameter(names = "--tm-port")
public Integer tmPort = 10015;
@Parameter(names = "--tm2-port")
public Integer tm2Port = 10016;
@Parameter(names = "--los-port")
public int losPort = 10115;
@Parameter(names = "--tm-frame-type", description = "which frame type to send: TM, AOS or USLP")
public String tmFrameType = "AOS";
@Parameter(names = "--tm-frame-host", description = "the UDP host where to send TM/AOS/USLP frames")
public String tmFrameHost = "localhost";
@Parameter(names = "--tm-frame-port", description = "the UDP port where to send TM/AOS/USLP frames")
public int tmFramePort = 10017;
@Parameter(names = "--tm-frame-length", description = "the TM/AOS/USLP frame length (set to 0 to disable the frame functionality)")
public int tmFrameLength = 0;
@Parameter(names = "--tm-frame-freq", description = "the number of TM frames to send per second")
public double tmFrameFreq = 10;
@Parameter(names = "--perf-np", description = "performance test: number of packets. Set to 0 to disable sending the performance packets")
public int perfNp = 0;
@Parameter(names = "--perf-ps", description = "performance test: packet size")
public int perfPs = 1400;
@Parameter(names = "--perf-ms", description = "performance test: interval in between packets in milliseconds")
public long perfMs = 100l;