org.yamcs.xtce.MathOperator Maven / Gradle / Ivy
package org.yamcs.xtce;
* Mathematical operators used in the math operation. Behaviour of each operator on the stack is described using
* notation (before -- after), where "before" represents the stack before execution of the operator and "after"
* represent the stack after execution.
* The top of the stack is at the right, e.g. in (x1 x2 -- x1-x2), x2 is the element on the top, x1 is the second from
* the top and (x1-x2) is the top of the frame after the execution.
* @author nm
public enum MathOperator {
* addition (x1 x2 -- x1+x2)
PLUS("+", 2),
* subtraction (x1 x2 -- x1-x2)
MINUS("-", 2),
* multiplication (x1 x2 -- x1*x2)
STAR("*", 2),
* division (x1 x2 -- x1/x2) An undefined condition exists if x2 is zero
DIV("/", 2),
* unsigned mod (x1 x2 -- x3) Divide x1 by x2, giving the remainder x3; an undefined condition exists if x2 is zero
MODULO("%", 2),
* power function (x1 x2 -- x1**x2)
POW("^", 2),
* reverse power function (x1 x2 -- x2**x1)
REVPOW("y^x", 2),
* natural (base e) logarithm (x -- ln(x)) An undefined condition exists if x is less than or equal to zero
LN("ln", 1),
* base-10 logarithm (x-- log(x)) An undefined condition exists if x is less than or equal to zero
LOG("log", 1),
* exponentiation (x -- exp(x))
EXP("e^x", 1),
* inversion (x -- 1/x) An undefined condition exists if x is zero
INV("1/x", 1),
* factorial (x -- x!) An undefined condition exists if x is less than zero
FACT("x!", 1),
* tangent (x -- tan\(x)) radians
TAN("tan", 1),
* cosine (x -- cos\(x)) radians
COS("cos", 1),
* sine (x -- sin\(x)) radians
SIN("sin", 1),
* arctangent (x -- atan\(x)) radians
ATAN("atan", 1),
* arccosine (x -- acos\(x)) radians
ACOS("acos", 1),
* arcsine (x -- asin\(x)) radians
ASIN("asin", 1),
* hyperbolic tangent (x -- tanh(x))
TANH("tanh", 1),
* hyperbolic cosine (x -- cosh\(x))
COSH("cosh", 1),
* hyperbolic sine (x -- sinh\(x))
SINH("sinh", 1),
* hyperbolic arctangent (x -- atanh\(x))
* An undefined condition exists if x is outside the range [-1.0,+1.0]
ATANH("atanh", 1),
* hyperbolic arccosine (x -- acosh\(x))
* An undefined condition exists if n is less than one
ACOSH("acosh", 1),
* hyperbolic arcsine (x -- asinh\(x))
ASINH("asinh", 1),
* swap the top two stack items (x1 x2 -- x2 x1)
SWAP("swap", 2),
* Remove top item from the stack (x -- )
DROP("drop", 1),
* Duplicate top item on the stack (x -- x x)
DUP("dup", 1),
* Duplicate second item to the top of the stack (x1 x2 -- x1 x2 x1)
OVER("over", 1),
* absolute value (x1 -- abs(x1))
ABS("abs", 1),
* bitwise right shift (x1 x2 -- x1 >> x2)
LEFT_SHIFT("<<", 2),
* bitwise left shift (x1 x2 -- x1 << x2)
RIGHT_SHIFT(">>", 2),
* bitwise or (x1 x2 -- x1 | x2)
BITWISE_OR("|", 2),
* bitwise and (x1 x2 -- x1 & x2)
BITWISE_AND("&", 2);
private final String xtceName;
private final int arity;
MathOperator(String v, int arity) {
this.xtceName = v;
this.arity = arity;
public int getArity() {
return arity;
public static MathOperator fromXtceName(String s) {
for(MathOperator mo: values()) {
if(mo.xtceName.equals(s)) {
return mo;
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid math operator '"+s+"'");
public String xtceName() {
return xtceName;