org.zanata.adapter.po.PoWriter2 Maven / Gradle / Ivy
* Copyright 2013, Red Hat, Inc. and individual contributors
* as indicated by the @author tags. See the copyright.txt file in the
* distribution for a full listing of individual contributors.
* This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
* under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as
* published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of
* the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This software is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* Lesser General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
* License along with this software; if not, write to the Free
* Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA
* 02110-1301 USA, or see the FSF site: http://www.fsf.org.
package org.zanata.adapter.po;
import java.io.File;
import java.io.FileOutputStream;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.io.OutputStream;
import java.io.OutputStreamWriter;
import java.io.Writer;
import java.security.MessageDigest;
import java.security.NoSuchAlgorithmException;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.regex.Matcher;
import java.util.regex.Pattern;
import org.apache.commons.codec.binary.Hex;
import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils;
import org.fedorahosted.tennera.jgettext.HeaderFields;
import org.fedorahosted.tennera.jgettext.Message;
import org.fedorahosted.tennera.jgettext.PoWriter;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
import org.zanata.common.ContentState;
import org.zanata.common.io.DigestWriter;
import org.zanata.common.io.FileDetails;
import org.zanata.rest.dto.extensions.comment.SimpleComment;
import org.zanata.rest.dto.extensions.gettext.HeaderEntry;
import org.zanata.rest.dto.extensions.gettext.PoHeader;
import org.zanata.rest.dto.extensions.gettext.PoTargetHeader;
import org.zanata.rest.dto.extensions.gettext.PotEntryHeader;
import org.zanata.rest.dto.resource.Resource;
import org.zanata.rest.dto.resource.TextFlow;
import org.zanata.rest.dto.resource.TextFlowTarget;
import org.zanata.rest.dto.resource.TranslationsResource;
import org.zanata.util.PathUtil;
import com.google.common.base.Charsets;
public class PoWriter2 {
private static final Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(PoWriter2.class);
private static final int DEFAULT_NPLURALS = 1;
private static final String CONTINUE_ERROR_MESSAGE_FMT =
"%s. %s, please use --continue-after-error option.";
private final PoWriter poWriter;
private boolean mapIdToMsgctxt;
private boolean continueAfterError;
// TODO Expose and use the one in
// org.fedorahosted.tennera.jgettext.HeaderFields
// Modified version to extract the nplurals value
private static final Pattern pluralPattern = Pattern.compile(
* @param encodeTabs
* @param mapIdToMsgctxt
* true to output zanata id as msgctxt, which can be used by
* {@link PoReader2} to correctly match the ID for text flows
* that are not originally from po documents. This should be
* false if the documents to be written were originally in po
* files.
* @param continueAfterError
* true to try to workaround an error and continue
public PoWriter2(boolean encodeTabs, boolean mapIdToMsgctxt,
boolean continueAfterError) {
this.continueAfterError = continueAfterError;
this.poWriter = new PoWriter(encodeTabs);
this.mapIdToMsgctxt = mapIdToMsgctxt;
public PoWriter2(boolean encodeTabs, boolean mapIdToMsgctxt) {
this(encodeTabs, mapIdToMsgctxt, false);
public PoWriter2(boolean encodeTabs) {
this(encodeTabs, false, false);
public PoWriter2() {
* Generates a pot file from Resource (document), using the publican
* directory layout.
* @param baseDir
* @param doc
* @throws IOException
public void writePot(File baseDir, Resource doc) throws IOException {
// write the POT file to pot/$name.pot
File potDir = new File(baseDir, "pot");
writePotToDir(potDir, doc);
* Generates a pot file from Resource (document), in the specified
* directory.
* @param potDir
* @param doc
* @throws IOException
public void writePotToDir(File potDir, Resource doc) throws IOException {
// write the POT file to $potDir/$name.pot
File potFile = new File(potDir, doc.getName() + ".pot");
writePotToFile(potFile, doc);
* Generates a pot file from Resource (document).
* @param doc
* @param potFile
* file to be written
* @throws IOException
public void writePotToFile(File potFile, Resource doc) throws IOException {
Writer fWriter =
new OutputStreamWriter(new FileOutputStream(potFile),
try {
write(fWriter, "UTF-8", doc, null);
} finally {
* Generates a pot file from a Resource, writing it directly to an output
* stream.
public void writePot(OutputStream stream, String charset, Resource doc)
throws IOException {
OutputStreamWriter osWriter = new OutputStreamWriter(stream, charset);
write(osWriter, charset, doc, null);
* Generates a po file from a Resource and a TranslationsResource, using the
* publican directory layout.
* @param baseDir
* @param doc
* @param locale
* @param targetDoc
* @throws IOException
public void writePo(File baseDir, Resource doc, String locale,
TranslationsResource targetDoc) throws IOException {
// write the PO file to $locale/$name.po
File localeDir = new File(baseDir, locale);
File poFile = new File(localeDir, doc.getName() + ".po");
writePoToFile(poFile, doc, targetDoc);
* Generates a po file from a Resource and a TranslationsResource.
* @param poFile
* file to be written
* @param doc
* a source Resource whose translation is to be written
* @param targetDoc
* translated document to be written
* @return
* @throws IOException
public FileDetails writePoToFile(File poFile, Resource doc,
TranslationsResource targetDoc) throws IOException {
MessageDigest md5Digest;
try {
md5Digest = MessageDigest.getInstance("MD5");
} catch (NoSuchAlgorithmException e) {
throw new RuntimeException(e);
Writer fWriter =
new OutputStreamWriter(new FileOutputStream(poFile),
try {
DigestWriter dWriter = new DigestWriter(fWriter, md5Digest);
write(dWriter, "UTF-8", doc, targetDoc);
FileDetails details = new FileDetails(poFile);
details.setMd5(new String(Hex.encodeHex(md5Digest.digest())));
return details;
} finally {
* Generates a po file from a Resource and a TranslationsResource, writing
* it directly to an output stream.
* @param stream
* @param doc
* @param targetDoc
* @throws IOException
public void writePo(OutputStream stream, String charset, Resource doc,
TranslationsResource targetDoc) throws IOException {
OutputStreamWriter osWriter = new OutputStreamWriter(stream, charset);
write(osWriter, charset, doc, targetDoc);
* Generates a pot or po file from a Resource and/or TranslationsResource.
* If targetDoc is non-null, a po file will be generated from the Resource
* and TranslationsResource, otherwise a pot file will be generated from the
* Resource only.
* @param writer
* @param document
* @param targetDoc
* @throws IOException
private void write(Writer writer, String charset, Resource document,
TranslationsResource targetDoc) throws IOException {
PoHeader poHeader =
HeaderFields hf = new HeaderFields();
// we don't expect a pot header for mapped non-pot documents
if (poHeader == null) {
if (!mapIdToMsgctxt) {
log.warn("No PO header in document named " + document.getName());
} else {
copyToHeaderFields(hf, poHeader.getEntries());
setEncodingHeaderFields(hf, charset);
Map targets =
new HashMap();
Message headerMessage = null;
int nPlurals = DEFAULT_NPLURALS;
if (targetDoc != null) {
PoTargetHeader poTargetHeader =
if (poTargetHeader != null) {
copyToHeaderFields(hf, poTargetHeader.getEntries());
headerMessage = hf.unwrap();
// By default, header message unwraps as fuzzy, so avoid it
copyCommentsToHeader(poTargetHeader, headerMessage);
nPlurals = extractNPlurals(poTargetHeader);
for (TextFlowTarget target : targetDoc.getTextFlowTargets()) {
targets.put(target.getResId(), target);
if (headerMessage == null) {
headerMessage = hf.unwrap();
poWriter.write(headerMessage, writer);
// first write header
for (TextFlow textFlow : document.getTextFlows()) {
PotEntryHeader entryData =
SimpleComment srcComment =
Message message = new Message();
copyTFContentsToMessage(textFlow, message);
List tftContents = new ArrayList();
TextFlowTarget tfTarget = targets.get(textFlow.getId());
if (tfTarget != null) {
if (!tfTarget.getResId().equals(textFlow.getId())) {
throw new RuntimeException(
"ID from target doesn't match text-flow ID");
if (tfTarget.getState() == ContentState.NeedReview) {
copyCommentsToMessage(tfTarget, message);
copyTFTContentsToMessage(document.getName(), textFlow, tftContents, nPlurals, message);
if (entryData != null) {
copyMetadataToMessage(entryData, srcComment, message);
} else {
// we don't expect a pot header for mapped non-pot documents
if (!mapIdToMsgctxt) {
log.warn("Missing POT entry for text-flow ID "
+ textFlow.getId());
if (mapIdToMsgctxt) {
mapIdToMsgctxt(message, textFlow.getId());
poWriter.write(message, writer);
* Populate msgctxt with text flow id.
* @throws RuntimeException
* if there is already a value in msgctxt
private void mapIdToMsgctxt(Message message, String textFlowId) {
// safety check to avoid clobbering existing msgctxt
// (this mapping should not be used for resources from po files)
if (message.getMsgctxt() != null) {
throw new RuntimeException(
"Mapping id to msgctxt, but there is already a msgctxt for text flow id: "
+ textFlowId);
private static void copyCommentsToHeader(PoTargetHeader poTargetHeader,
Message headerMessage) {
for (String s : poTargetHeader.getComment().split("\n")) {
private void copyTFContentsToMessage(TextFlow textFlow, Message message) {
List tfContents = textFlow.getContents();
if (textFlow.isPlural()) {
if (tfContents.size() < 1) {
throw new RuntimeException(
"textflow has plural flag but only has one form: resId="
+ textFlow.getId());
} else {
if (tfContents.size() > 1) {
if (continueAfterError) {
"textflow has no plural flag but has multiple plural forms: resId={}",
} else {
"textflow has no plural flag but multiple plural forms: [resId="
+ textFlow.getId()
+ "]. This is likely caused by changed plural forms",
"To write content as singular form and continue");
if (tfContents.size() > 2) {
throw new RuntimeException(
"POT format only supports 2 plural forms: resId="
+ textFlow.getId());
* @see org.zanata.adapter.po.PoWriter2#CONTINUE_ERROR_MESSAGE_FMT
* @param specificErrorMessage
* @param specificRemedy
private static void throwContinueableException(String specificErrorMessage,
String specificRemedy) {
throw new RuntimeException(String.format(CONTINUE_ERROR_MESSAGE_FMT,
specificErrorMessage, specificRemedy));
private void
copyCommentsToMessage(TextFlowTarget tfTarget, Message message) {
SimpleComment poComment =
if (poComment != null) {
String[] comments = poComment.getValue().split("\n");
if (comments.length == 1 && comments[0].isEmpty()) {
// nothing
} else {
for (String comment : comments) {
private void copyTFTContentsToMessage(String docName, TextFlow textFlow,
List tftContents, int nPlurals, Message message) {
if (message.isPlural()) {
while (tftContents.size() < nPlurals) {
for (int i = 0; i < tftContents.size(); i++) {
message.addMsgstrPlural(tftContents.get(i), i);
if (tftContents.size() > nPlurals) {
log.warn("Marking as fuzzy: too many plural forms for text "
+ "flow: resId={}, doc={}", textFlow.getId(), docName);
} else {
if (tftContents.size() == 0) {
} else {
if (tftContents.size() > 1) {
log.warn("Marking as fuzzy: unexpected plural translation "
+ "found for text flow: resId={}, doc={}",
textFlow.getId(), docName);
static void setEncodingHeaderFields(HeaderFields hf, String charset) {
hf.setValue(HeaderFields.KEY_MimeVersion, "1.0");
hf.setValue(HeaderFields.KEY_ContentTransferEncoding, "8bit");
String ct, contentType = hf.getValue(HeaderFields.KEY_ContentType);
if (contentType == null) {
ct = "text/plain; charset=" + charset;
} else {
ct =
contentType.replaceFirst("charset=[^;]*", "charset="
+ charset);
hf.setValue(HeaderFields.KEY_ContentType, ct);
static void copyToHeaderFields(HeaderFields hf,
final List entries) {
for (HeaderEntry e : entries) {
hf.setValue(e.getKey(), e.getValue());
private static void copyMetadataToMessage(PotEntryHeader data,
SimpleComment simpleComment, Message message) {
if (data != null) {
String context = data.getContext();
if (context != null)
for (String flag : data.getFlags()) {
for (String ref : data.getReferences()) {
if (simpleComment != null) {
String[] comments =
simpleComment.getValue(), "\n");
if (!(comments.length == 1 && comments[0].isEmpty())) {
for (String comment : comments) {
* Determines the number of plural entries to fill for the TransResource. If
* this value can't be found, this method will provide a sensible default.
* TODO This method is similar to org.zanata.rest.service.ResourceUtils, so
* perhaps it should be placed in a common class.
private static int extractNPlurals(PoTargetHeader header) {
for (HeaderEntry entry : header.getEntries()) {
if (entry.getKey().equals("Plural-Forms")) {
Matcher pluralMatcher = pluralPattern.matcher(entry.getValue());
if (pluralMatcher.find()) {
String pluralStr = pluralMatcher.group(3);
return Integer.parseInt(pluralStr);
// No suitable nplural entry found. return default
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