org.parosproxy.paros.extension.option.OptionsParamView Maven / Gradle / Ivy
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* Paros and its related class files.
* Paros is an HTTP/HTTPS proxy for assessing web application security.
* Copyright (C) 2003-2004 Chinotec Technologies Company
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the Clarified Artistic License
* as published by the Free Software Foundation.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* Clarified Artistic License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the Clarified Artistic License
* along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
// ZAP: 2011/06/02 Warn the first time the user double clicks on a tab
// ZAP: 2012/03/15 Removed the options of the http panels.
// ZAP: 2012/08/01 Issue 332: added support for Modes
// ZAP: 2013/01/25 Removed the "(non-Javadoc)" comments.
// ZAP: 2013/07/23 Issue 738: Options to hide tabs
// ZAP: 2013/12/13 Added support for optional names in tabs.
// ZAP: 2014/03/23 Issue 589: Move Reveal extension to ZAP extensions project
// ZAP: 2014/04/25 Issue 642: Add timestamps to Output tab(s)
// ZAP: 2014/10/07 Issue 1357: Hide unused tabs
// ZAP: 2014/10/09 Issue 1359: Options for splash screen
// ZAP: 2014/12/16 Issue 1466: Config option for 'large display' size
// ZAP: 2015/03/04 Added dev build warning option
// ZAP: 2016/04/04 Do not require a restart to show/hide the tool bar
// ZAP: 2016/04/06 Fix layouts' issues
// ZAP: 2016/04/27 Save, always, the Locale as String
// ZAP: 2016/05/13 Add options to confirm removal of exclude from proxy, scanner and spider regexes
// ZAP: 2017/05/29 Add option to use system's locale for formatting.
// ZAP: 2017/09/26 Use helper methods to read the configurations.
// ZAP: 2018/01/25 Remove unused constant LOCALES.
// ZAP: 2018/02/14 Remove unnecessary boxing / unboxing
// ZAP: 2018/02/27 Added support for selecting the look and feel.
// ZAP: 2018/06/11 Added options for Work Panels Font.
// ZAP: 2019/06/01 Normalise line endings.
// ZAP: 2019/06/05 Normalise format/style.
// ZAP: 2020/02/24 Persist the class of the selected look and feel.
// ZAP: 2020/09/29 Add support for dynamic Look and Feel switching (Issue 6201)
// ZAP: 2020/10/26 Update pop up menus when changing look and feel.
// ZAP: 2020/11/26 Use Log4j 2 classes for logging.
// ZAP: 2021/09/16 Add support for enabling app integration in containers
// ZAP: 2022/02/25 Deprecate options no longer in use.
// ZAP: 2022/02/26 Remove code deprecated in 2.5.0
// ZAP: 2022/04/28 Add set and get of the open recent menu
// ZAP: 2022/09/21 Use format specifiers instead of concatenation when logging.
// ZAP: 2023/01/10 Tidy up logger.
// ZAP: 2023/01/21 Add option to set icon size independently of font.
package org.parosproxy.paros.extension.option;
import java.awt.Window;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.EnumMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Locale;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Objects;
import java.util.stream.Stream;
import javax.swing.JDialog;
import javax.swing.JPanel;
import javax.swing.SwingUtilities;
import javax.swing.Timer;
import javax.swing.UIManager;
import javax.swing.UIManager.LookAndFeelInfo;
import org.apache.logging.log4j.LogManager;
import org.apache.logging.log4j.Logger;
import org.parosproxy.paros.Constant;
import org.parosproxy.paros.common.AbstractParam;
import org.parosproxy.paros.control.Control.Mode;
import org.parosproxy.paros.extension.AbstractDialog;
import org.parosproxy.paros.view.View;
import org.parosproxy.paros.view.WorkbenchPanel;
import org.zaproxy.zap.utils.FontUtils;
import org.zaproxy.zap.utils.ZapHtmlLabel;
// ZAP: Added support for selecting the locale
public class OptionsParamView extends AbstractParam {
private static final Logger LOGGER = LogManager.getLogger(OptionsParamView.class);
private static final String DEFAULT_TIME_STAMP_FORMAT =
public static final String BASE_VIEW_KEY = "view";
private static final String SHOW_TEXT_ICONS = "view.showTabNames";
private static final String PROCESS_IMAGES = "view.processImages";
public static final String LOCALE = "view.locale";
public static final String DISPLAY_OPTION = "view.displayOption";
private static final String RESPONSE_PANEL_POS_KEY =
BASE_VIEW_KEY + ".messagePanelsPosition.lastSelectedPosition";
public static final String BRK_PANEL_VIEW_OPTION = "view.brkPanelView";
public static final String SHOW_MAIN_TOOLBAR_OPTION = "view.showMainToolbar";
public static final String DEFAULT_LOCALE = "en_GB";
public static final String ADVANCEDUI_OPTION = "view.advancedview";
public static final String WMUIHANDLING_OPTION = "view.uiWmHandling";
public static final String ASKONEXIT_OPTION = "view.askOnExit";
public static final String WARN_ON_TAB_DOUBLE_CLICK_OPTION = "view.warnOnTabDoubleClick";
public static final String MODE_OPTION = "view.mode";
public static final String TAB_PIN_OPTION = "view.tab.pin";
public static final String OUTPUT_TAB_TIMESTAMPING_OPTION = "view.outputTabsTimeStampsOption";
public static final String OUTPUT_TAB_TIMESTAMP_FORMAT = "view.outputTabsTimeStampsFormat";
/** The configuration key used to save/load the option {@link #showLocalConnectRequests}. */
private static final String SHOW_LOCAL_CONNECT_REQUESTS = "view.showLocalConnectRequests";
/** The configuration key used to save/load the option {@link #useSystemsLocaleForFormat}. */
private static final String USE_SYSTEMS_LOCALE_FOR_FORMAT_KEY =
BASE_VIEW_KEY + ".usesystemslocaleformat";
public static final String SPLASHSCREEN_OPTION = "view.splashScreen";
* @deprecated (2.12.0) No longer in use.
@Deprecated public static final String LARGE_REQUEST_SIZE = "view.largeRequest";
* @deprecated (2.12.0) No longer in use.
@Deprecated public static final String LARGE_RESPONSE_SIZE = "view.largeResponse";
public static final String FONT_NAME = "view.fontName";
public static final String FONT_SIZE = "view.fontSize";
public static final String ICON_SIZE = "view.iconSize";
public static final String SCALE_IMAGES = "view.scaleImages";
public static final String SHOW_DEV_WARNING = "view.showDevWarning";
public static final String LOOK_AND_FEEL = "view.lookAndFeel";
public static final String LOOK_AND_FEEL_CLASS = "view.lookAndFeelClass";
public static final String ALLOW_APP_INTEGRATION_IN_CONTAINERS = "view.allowAppsInContainers";
* The default look and feel: Flat Light.
* @since 2.10.0
public static final String DEFAULT_LOOK_AND_FEEL_NAME = "Flat Light";
public static final String DEFAULT_LOOK_AND_FEEL_CLASS = "com.formdev.flatlaf.FlatLightLaf";
public static final LookAndFeelInfo DEFAULT_LOOK_AND_FEEL =
private static final String CONFIRM_REMOVE_PROXY_EXCLUDE_REGEX_KEY =
private static final String FONT_NAME_POSTFIX = "Name";
private static final String FONT_SIZE_POSTFIX = "Size";
private static final String RECENT_SESSIONS_KEY = BASE_VIEW_KEY + ".recentsessions.path";
private int advancedViewEnabled = 0;
private int processImages = 0;
private int showMainToolbar = 1;
private String configLocale = "";
private String locale = "";
private int displayOption = 1;
private String responsePanelPosition;
private int brkPanelViewOption = 0;
private int askOnExitEnabled = 1;
private int wmUiHandlingEnabled = 0;
private boolean warnOnTabDoubleClick = false;
private boolean showTabNames = true;
private String mode = Mode.standard.name();
private boolean outputTabTimeStampingEnabled = false;
private String outputTabTimeStampFormat = DEFAULT_TIME_STAMP_FORMAT;
private Map fontTypePrefixes =
new EnumMap<>(FontUtils.FontType.class);
private Map fontSizes = new EnumMap<>(FontUtils.FontType.class);
private Map fontNames = new EnumMap<>(FontUtils.FontType.class);
private int iconSize = 16;
private List recentSessions;
* Flag that indicates if the HTTP CONNECT requests received by the local proxy should be
* (persisted and) shown in the UI.
* @see #isShowLocalConnectRequests()
* @see #setShowLocalConnectRequests(boolean)
private boolean showLocalConnectRequests;
private boolean showSplashScreen = true;
private boolean scaleImages = true;
private boolean showDevWarning = true;
private LookAndFeelInfo lookAndFeelInfo = DEFAULT_LOOK_AND_FEEL;
private boolean allowAppIntegrationInContainers;
private boolean confirmRemoveProxyExcludeRegex;
private boolean confirmRemoveScannerExcludeRegex;
private boolean confirmRemoveSpiderExcludeRegex;
* Flag that indicates if the system's locale should be used for formatting.
* @see #isUseSystemsLocaleForFormat()
* @see #setUseSystemsLocaleForFormat(boolean)
private boolean useSystemsLocaleForFormat;
public OptionsParamView() {
fontTypePrefixes.put(FontUtils.FontType.general, "font");
fontTypePrefixes.put(FontUtils.FontType.workPanels, "workPanelsFont");
for (FontUtils.FontType fontType : FontUtils.FontType.values()) {
fontNames.put(fontType, "");
fontSizes.put(fontType, -1);
protected void parse() {
showTabNames = getBoolean(SHOW_TEXT_ICONS, true);
processImages = getInt(PROCESS_IMAGES, 0);
configLocale = getString(LOCALE, null); // No default
locale = getString(LOCALE, DEFAULT_LOCALE);
useSystemsLocaleForFormat = getBoolean(USE_SYSTEMS_LOCALE_FOR_FORMAT_KEY, true);
displayOption = getInt(DISPLAY_OPTION, 1);
responsePanelPosition =
brkPanelViewOption = getInt(BRK_PANEL_VIEW_OPTION, 0);
showMainToolbar = getInt(SHOW_MAIN_TOOLBAR_OPTION, 1);
advancedViewEnabled = getInt(ADVANCEDUI_OPTION, 0);
wmUiHandlingEnabled = getInt(WMUIHANDLING_OPTION, 0);
askOnExitEnabled = getInt(ASKONEXIT_OPTION, 1);
warnOnTabDoubleClick = getBoolean(WARN_ON_TAB_DOUBLE_CLICK_OPTION, true);
mode = getString(MODE_OPTION, Mode.standard.name());
outputTabTimeStampingEnabled = getBoolean(OUTPUT_TAB_TIMESTAMPING_OPTION, false);
outputTabTimeStampFormat =
showLocalConnectRequests = getBoolean(SHOW_LOCAL_CONNECT_REQUESTS, false);
showSplashScreen = getBoolean(SPLASHSCREEN_OPTION, true);
for (FontUtils.FontType fontType : FontUtils.FontType.values()) {
fontNames.put(fontType, getString(getFontNameConfKey(fontType), ""));
fontSizes.put(fontType, getInt(getFontSizeConfKey(fontType), -1));
iconSize = getInt(ICON_SIZE, 16);
scaleImages = getBoolean(SCALE_IMAGES, true);
showDevWarning = getBoolean(SHOW_DEV_WARNING, true);
lookAndFeelInfo =
new LookAndFeelInfo(
allowAppIntegrationInContainers = getBoolean(ALLOW_APP_INTEGRATION_IN_CONTAINERS, false);
this.confirmRemoveProxyExcludeRegex =
this.confirmRemoveScannerExcludeRegex =
this.confirmRemoveSpiderExcludeRegex =
recentSessions = new ArrayList<>();
* @return Returns the skipImage.
public int getProcessImages() {
return processImages;
* @param processImages 0 = not to process. Other = process images
public void setProcessImages(int processImages) {
this.processImages = processImages;
getConfig().setProperty(PROCESS_IMAGES, Integer.toString(processImages));
public boolean isProcessImages() {
return !(processImages == 0);
* Tells whether or not the main tool bar should be shown.
* @return {@code true} if the main tool bar should be shown, {@code false} otherwise.
* @since 2.5.0
public boolean isShowMainToolbar() {
return showMainToolbar != 0;
* Sets whether or not the main tool bar should be shown.
* @param show {@code true} if the main tool bar should be shown, {@code false} otherwise.
* @since 2.5.0
public void setShowMainToolbar(boolean show) {
this.showMainToolbar = show ? 1 : 0;
getConfig().setProperty(SHOW_MAIN_TOOLBAR_OPTION, showMainToolbar);
* @return the locale, which should be used. It will return a default value, if nothing was
* configured yet. Never null
* @see #getConfigLocale()
public String getLocale() {
return locale;
public void setLocale(String locale) {
if (locale != null) {
this.locale = locale;
getConfig().setProperty(LOCALE, locale);
public void setLocale(Locale locale) {
if (locale != null) {
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
if (locale.getCountry().length() > 0) sb.append("_").append(locale.getCountry());
if (locale.getVariant().length() > 0) sb.append("_").append(locale.getVariant());
* @return The really configured locale, can be null
* @see #getLocale()
public String getConfigLocale() {
return configLocale;
public boolean getShowTabNames() {
return showTabNames;
public void setShowTabNames(boolean showTabNames) {
this.showTabNames = showTabNames;
getConfig().setProperty(SHOW_TEXT_ICONS, showTabNames);
public int getBrkPanelViewOption() {
return brkPanelViewOption;
public void setBrkPanelViewOption(int brkPanelViewIdx) {
brkPanelViewOption = brkPanelViewIdx;
getConfig().setProperty(BRK_PANEL_VIEW_OPTION, Integer.toString(brkPanelViewOption));
public int getDisplayOption() {
return displayOption;
public void setDisplayOption(int displayOption) {
this.displayOption = displayOption;
getConfig().setProperty(DISPLAY_OPTION, Integer.toString(displayOption));
* Gets the name of the current response panel position.
* @return the name of the current position
* @since 2.5.0
* @see org.parosproxy.paros.view.WorkbenchPanel.ResponsePanelPosition
public String getResponsePanelPosition() {
return responsePanelPosition;
* Sets the name of the current response panel position.
* @param position the name of the position
* @since 2.5.0
public void setResponsePanelPosition(String position) {
this.responsePanelPosition = position;
getConfig().setProperty(RESPONSE_PANEL_POS_KEY, position);
public int getAdvancedViewOption() {
return advancedViewEnabled;
public void setAdvancedViewOption(int isEnabled) {
advancedViewEnabled = isEnabled;
getConfig().setProperty(ADVANCEDUI_OPTION, Integer.toString(isEnabled));
public void setAskOnExitOption(int isEnabled) {
askOnExitEnabled = isEnabled;
getConfig().setProperty(ASKONEXIT_OPTION, Integer.toString(isEnabled));
public int getAskOnExitOption() {
return askOnExitEnabled;
public void setWmUiHandlingOption(int isEnabled) {
wmUiHandlingEnabled = isEnabled;
getConfig().setProperty(WMUIHANDLING_OPTION, Integer.toString(isEnabled));
public int getWmUiHandlingOption() {
return wmUiHandlingEnabled;
public boolean getWarnOnTabDoubleClick() {
return warnOnTabDoubleClick;
public void setWarnOnTabDoubleClick(boolean warnOnTabDoubleClick) {
this.warnOnTabDoubleClick = warnOnTabDoubleClick;
getConfig().setProperty(WARN_ON_TAB_DOUBLE_CLICK_OPTION, warnOnTabDoubleClick);
public String getMode() {
return mode;
public void setMode(String mode) {
this.mode = mode;
getConfig().setProperty(MODE_OPTION, mode);
public void setOutputTabTimeStampingEnabled(boolean enabled) {
outputTabTimeStampingEnabled = enabled;
getConfig().setProperty(OUTPUT_TAB_TIMESTAMPING_OPTION, enabled);
public boolean isOutputTabTimeStampingEnabled() {
return outputTabTimeStampingEnabled;
public void setOutputTabTimeStampsFormat(String format) {
outputTabTimeStampFormat = format;
getConfig().setProperty(OUTPUT_TAB_TIMESTAMP_FORMAT, format);
public String getOutputTabTimeStampsFormat() {
return outputTabTimeStampFormat;
* Sets whether or not the HTTP CONNECT requests received by the local proxy should be
* (persisted and) shown in the UI.
* @param showConnectRequests {@code true} if the HTTP CONNECT requests should be shown, {@code
* false} otherwise
* @since 2.5.0
* @see #isShowLocalConnectRequests()
public void setShowLocalConnectRequests(boolean showConnectRequests) {
if (showLocalConnectRequests != showConnectRequests) {
showLocalConnectRequests = showConnectRequests;
getConfig().setProperty(SHOW_LOCAL_CONNECT_REQUESTS, showConnectRequests);
* Tells whether or not the HTTP CONNECT requests received by the local proxy should be
* (persisted and) shown in the UI.
* The default is to not show the HTTP CONNECT requests.
* @return {@code true} if the HTTP CONNECT requests should be shown, {@code false} otherwise
* @since 2.5.0
* @see #setShowLocalConnectRequests(boolean)
public boolean isShowLocalConnectRequests() {
return showLocalConnectRequests;
public boolean isShowSplashScreen() {
return showSplashScreen;
public void setShowSplashScreen(boolean showSplashScreen) {
this.showSplashScreen = showSplashScreen;
getConfig().setProperty(SPLASHSCREEN_OPTION, showSplashScreen);
* @deprecated (2.12.0) No longer in use.
public int getLargeRequestSize() {
return 100000;
* @deprecated (2.12.0) No longer in use.
public void setLargeRequestSize(int largeRequestSize) {}
* @deprecated (2.12.0) No longer in use.
public int getLargeResponseSize() {
return 100000;
* @deprecated (2.12.0) No longer in use.
public void setLargeResponseSize(int largeResponseSize) {}
* @since 2.11.0
public boolean isAllowAppIntegrationInContainers() {
return allowAppIntegrationInContainers;
* @since 2.11.0
public void setAllowAppIntegrationInContainers(boolean allowAppIntegrationInContainers) {
this.allowAppIntegrationInContainers = allowAppIntegrationInContainers;
.setProperty(ALLOW_APP_INTEGRATION_IN_CONTAINERS, allowAppIntegrationInContainers);
* @deprecated (2.8.0) Replaced by {@link
* #getFontSize(org.zaproxy.zap.utils.FontUtils.FontType)}.
public int getFontSize() {
return getFontSize(FontUtils.FontType.general);
public int getFontSize(FontUtils.FontType fontType) {
return fontSizes.get(fontType);
* @deprecated (2.8.0) Replaced by {@link #setFontSize(org.zaproxy.zap.utils.FontUtils.FontType,
* int)}.
public void setFontSize(int fontSize) {
setFontSize(FontUtils.FontType.general, fontSize);
public void setFontSize(FontUtils.FontType fontType, int fontSize) {
fontSizes.put(fontType, fontSize);
getConfig().setProperty(getFontSizeConfKey(fontType), fontSize);
public int getIconSize() {
return iconSize;
public void setIconSize(int iconSize) {
this.iconSize = iconSize;
getConfig().setProperty(ICON_SIZE, iconSize);
* @deprecated (2.8.0) Replaced by {@link
* #getFontName(org.zaproxy.zap.utils.FontUtils.FontType)}.
public String getFontName() {
return getFontName(FontUtils.FontType.general);
public String getFontName(FontUtils.FontType fontType) {
return fontNames.get(fontType);
* @deprecated (2.8.0) Replaced by {@link #setFontName(org.zaproxy.zap.utils.FontUtils.FontType,
* String)}.
public void setFontName(String fontName) {
setFontName(FontUtils.FontType.general, fontName);
public void setFontName(FontUtils.FontType fontType, String fontName) {
fontNames.put(fontType, fontName);
getConfig().setProperty(getFontNameConfKey(fontType), fontName);
* Gets the name of the selected look and feel.
* @return the name, might be {@code null} or empty if none selected (i.e. using default).
* @see #getLookAndFeelInfo()
* @since 2.8.0
public String getLookAndFeel() {
return this.lookAndFeelInfo.getName();
* Sets the name of the selected look and feel.
* @param lookAndFeel the name.
* @since 2.8.0
* @deprecated (2.10.0) Use {@link #setLookAndFeelInfo(LookAndFeelInfo)} instead, which
* preserves the class of the look and feel.
public void setLookAndFeel(String lookAndFeel) {
setLookAndFeelInfo(new LookAndFeelInfo(lookAndFeel, ""));
* Gets the info of the selected look and feel.
* @return the info of the look and feel.
* @since 2.10.0
* @see #getLookAndFeel()
public LookAndFeelInfo getLookAndFeelInfo() {
return this.lookAndFeelInfo;
* Sets the info of the selected look and feel.
* @param lookAndFeelInfo the info of the look and feel.
* @throws NullPointerException if the given parameter is null.
* @since 2.10.0
public void setLookAndFeelInfo(LookAndFeelInfo lookAndFeelInfo) {
LookAndFeelInfo oldLookAndFeel = this.lookAndFeelInfo;
this.lookAndFeelInfo = Objects.requireNonNull(lookAndFeelInfo);
if (!oldLookAndFeel.getClassName().equals(this.getLookAndFeelInfo().getClassName())) {
// Only dynamically apply the LaF if its changed
getConfig().setProperty(LOOK_AND_FEEL, lookAndFeelInfo.getName());
getConfig().setProperty(LOOK_AND_FEEL_CLASS, lookAndFeelInfo.getClassName());
if (View.isInitialised()) {
final JDialog dialog = new SwitchingLookAndFeelDialog();
// Wait for 1/2 sec to allow the warning dialog to be rendered
Timer timer =
new Timer(
e -> {
try {
} catch (Exception e2) {
"Failed to set the look and feel: {}",
} finally {
public boolean isScaleImages() {
return scaleImages;
public void setScaleImages(boolean scaleImages) {
this.scaleImages = scaleImages;
getConfig().setProperty(SCALE_IMAGES, scaleImages);
public boolean isShowDevWarning() {
return showDevWarning;
public void setShowDevWarning(boolean showDevWarning) {
this.showDevWarning = showDevWarning;
getConfig().setProperty(SHOW_DEV_WARNING, showDevWarning);
public boolean isConfirmRemoveProxyExcludeRegex() {
return this.confirmRemoveProxyExcludeRegex;
public void setConfirmRemoveProxyExcludeRegex(boolean confirmRemove) {
this.confirmRemoveProxyExcludeRegex = confirmRemove;
getConfig().setProperty(CONFIRM_REMOVE_PROXY_EXCLUDE_REGEX_KEY, confirmRemove);
public boolean isConfirmRemoveScannerExcludeRegex() {
return this.confirmRemoveScannerExcludeRegex;
public void setConfirmRemoveScannerExcludeRegex(boolean confirmRemove) {
this.confirmRemoveScannerExcludeRegex = confirmRemove;
getConfig().setProperty(CONFIRM_REMOVE_SCANNER_EXCLUDE_REGEX_KEY, confirmRemove);
public boolean isConfirmRemoveSpiderExcludeRegex() {
return this.confirmRemoveSpiderExcludeRegex;
public void setConfirmRemoveSpiderExcludeRegex(boolean confirmRemove) {
this.confirmRemoveSpiderExcludeRegex = confirmRemove;
getConfig().setProperty(CONFIRM_REMOVE_SPIDER_EXCLUDE_REGEX_KEY, confirmRemove);
* Sets whether or not the system's locale should be used for formatting.
* @param useSystemsLocale {@code true} if the system's locale should be used for formatting,
* {@code false} otherwise.
* @since 2.7.0
* @see #isUseSystemsLocaleForFormat()
* @see java.util.Locale.Category#FORMAT
public void setUseSystemsLocaleForFormat(boolean useSystemsLocale) {
if (useSystemsLocaleForFormat != useSystemsLocale) {
useSystemsLocaleForFormat = useSystemsLocale;
getConfig().setProperty(USE_SYSTEMS_LOCALE_FOR_FORMAT_KEY, useSystemsLocaleForFormat);
* Tells whether or not the system's locale should be used for formatting.
* @return {@code true} if the system's locale should be used for formatting, {@code false}
* otherwise.
* @since 2.7.0
* @see #setUseSystemsLocaleForFormat(boolean)
* @see java.util.Locale.Category#FORMAT
public boolean isUseSystemsLocaleForFormat() {
return useSystemsLocaleForFormat;
private String getFontConfKey(FontUtils.FontType fontType, String postfix) {
StringBuilder result = new StringBuilder();
return result.toString();
private String getFontNameConfKey(FontUtils.FontType fontType) {
return getFontConfKey(fontType, FONT_NAME_POSTFIX);
private String getFontSizeConfKey(FontUtils.FontType fontType) {
return getFontConfKey(fontType, FONT_SIZE_POSTFIX);
private static class SwitchingLookAndFeelDialog extends AbstractDialog {
private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
private JPanel mainPanel;
public SwitchingLookAndFeelDialog() {
super(View.getSingleton().getMainFrame(), false);
private JPanel getMainPanel() {
if (mainPanel == null) {
mainPanel = new JPanel();
new ZapHtmlLabel(
return mainPanel;
public List getRecentSessions() {
return recentSessions;
public void addLatestSession(String path) {
int index = recentSessions.indexOf(path);
if (index == 0) {
if (index > 0) {
recentSessions.add(0, path);
if (recentSessions.size() > 10) {
recentSessions.subList(10, recentSessions.size()).clear();
for (int i = 0; i < recentSessions.size(); ++i) {
getConfig().setProperty(RECENT_SESSIONS_KEY + "(" + i + ")", recentSessions.get(i));