zmq.StreamEngine Maven / Gradle / Ivy
Copyright (c) 2009-2011 250bpm s.r.o.
Copyright (c) 2007-2009 iMatix Corporation
Copyright (c) 2007-2011 Other contributors as noted in the AUTHORS file
This file is part of 0MQ.
0MQ is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
0MQ is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
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package zmq;
import java.lang.reflect.Constructor;
import java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException;
import java.nio.ByteBuffer;
import java.nio.ByteOrder;
import java.nio.channels.SocketChannel;
public class StreamEngine implements IEngine, IPollEvents, IMsgSink {
// Size of the greeting message:
// Preamble (10 bytes) + version (1 byte) + socket type (1 byte).
private static final int GREETING_SIZE = 12;
// True iff we are registered with an I/O poller.
private boolean io_enabled;
//final private IOObject io_object;
private SocketChannel handle;
private ByteBuffer inbuf;
private int insize;
private DecoderBase decoder;
private Transfer outbuf;
private int outsize;
private EncoderBase encoder;
// When true, we are still trying to determine whether
// the peer is using versioned protocol, and if so, which
// version. When false, normal message flow has started.
private boolean handshaking;
// The receive buffer holding the greeting message
// that we are receiving from the peer.
private final ByteBuffer greeting;
// The send buffer holding the greeting message
// that we are sending to the peer.
private final ByteBuffer greeting_output_buffer;
// The session this engine is attached to.
private SessionBase session;
// Detached transient session.
//private SessionBase leftover_session;
private Options options;
// String representation of endpoint
private String endpoint;
private boolean plugged;
private boolean terminating;
// Socket
private SocketBase socket;
private IOObject io_object;
public StreamEngine (SocketChannel fd_, final Options options_, final String endpoint_)
handle = fd_;
inbuf = null;
insize = 0;
io_enabled = false;
outbuf = null;
outsize = 0;
handshaking = true;
session = null;
options = options_;
plugged = false;
terminating = false;
endpoint = endpoint_;
socket = null;
greeting = ByteBuffer.allocate(GREETING_SIZE).order(ByteOrder.BIG_ENDIAN);
greeting_output_buffer = ByteBuffer.allocate(GREETING_SIZE).order(ByteOrder.BIG_ENDIAN);
encoder = null;
decoder = null;
// Put the socket into non-blocking mode.
try {
Utils.unblock_socket (handle);
// Set the socket buffer limits for the underlying socket.
if (options.sndbuf != 0) {
if (options.rcvbuf != 0) {
} catch (IOException e) {
throw new ZError.IOException(e);
private DecoderBase new_decoder (int size, long max, SessionBase session, int version) {
if (options.decoder == null) {
if (version == V1Protocol.VERSION)
return new V1Decoder (size, max, session);
return new Decoder (size, max);
try {
Constructor extends DecoderBase> dcon;
if (version == 0) {
dcon = options.decoder.getConstructor (int.class, long.class);
return dcon.newInstance (size, max);
} else {
dcon = options.decoder.getConstructor (int.class, long.class, IMsgSink.class, int.class);
return dcon.newInstance (size, max, session, version);
} catch (SecurityException e) {
throw new ZError.InstantiationException (e);
} catch (NoSuchMethodException e) {
throw new ZError.InstantiationException (e);
} catch (InvocationTargetException e) {
throw new ZError.InstantiationException (e);
} catch (IllegalAccessException e) {
throw new ZError.InstantiationException (e);
} catch (InstantiationException e) {
throw new ZError.InstantiationException (e);
private EncoderBase new_encoder (int size, SessionBase session, int version) {
if (options.encoder == null) {
if (version == V1Protocol.VERSION)
return new V1Encoder (size, session);
return new Encoder (size);
try {
Constructor extends EncoderBase> econ;
if (version == 0) {
econ = options.encoder.getConstructor (int.class);
return econ.newInstance (size);
} else {
econ = options.encoder.getConstructor (int.class, IMsgSource.class, int.class);
return econ.newInstance (size, session, version);
} catch (SecurityException e) {
throw new ZError.InstantiationException (e);
} catch (NoSuchMethodException e) {
throw new ZError.InstantiationException (e);
} catch (InvocationTargetException e) {
throw new ZError.InstantiationException (e);
} catch (IllegalAccessException e) {
throw new ZError.InstantiationException (e);
} catch (InstantiationException e) {
throw new ZError.InstantiationException (e);
public void destroy ()
assert (!plugged);
if (handle != null) {
try {
} catch (IOException e) {
handle = null;
public void plug (IOThread io_thread_,
SessionBase session_)
assert (!plugged);
plugged = true;
// Connect to session object.
assert (session == null);
assert (session_ != null);
session = session_;
socket = session.get_soket ();
io_object = new IOObject(null);
// Connect to I/O threads poller object.
io_object.plug (io_thread_);
io_object.add_fd (handle);
io_enabled = true;
// Send the 'length' and 'flags' fields of the identity message.
// The 'length' field is encoded in the long format.
greeting_output_buffer.put ((byte) 0xff);
greeting_output_buffer.putLong (options.identity_size + 1);
greeting_output_buffer.put ((byte) 0x7f);
io_object.set_pollin (handle);
// When there's a raw custom encoder, we don't send 10 bytes frame
boolean custom = false;
try {
custom = options.encoder != null && options.encoder.getDeclaredField ("RAW_ENCODER") != null;
} catch (SecurityException e) {
} catch (NoSuchFieldException e) {
if (!custom) {
outsize = greeting_output_buffer.position ();
outbuf = new Transfer.ByteBufferTransfer (greeting_output_buffer);
io_object.set_pollout (handle);
// Flush all the data that may have been already received downstream.
in_event ();
private void unplug () {
assert (plugged);
plugged = false;
// Cancel all fd subscriptions.
if (io_enabled) {
io_object.rm_fd (handle);
io_enabled = false;
// Disconnect from I/O threads poller object.
io_object.unplug ();
// Disconnect from session object.
if (encoder != null)
encoder.set_msg_source (null);
if (decoder != null)
decoder.set_msg_sink (null);
session = null;
public void terminate ()
if (!terminating && encoder != null && encoder.has_data ())
terminating = true;
unplug ();
destroy ();
public void in_event ()
// If still handshaking, receive and process the greeting message.
if (handshaking)
if (!handshake ())
assert (decoder != null);
boolean disconnection = false;
// If there's no data to process in the buffer...
if (insize == 0) {
// Retrieve the buffer and read as much data as possible.
// Note that buffer can be arbitrarily large. However, we assume
// the underlying TCP layer has fixed buffer size and thus the
// number of bytes read will be always limited.
inbuf = decoder.get_buffer ();
insize = read (inbuf);
// Check whether the peer has closed the connection.
if (insize == -1) {
insize = 0;
disconnection = true;
// Push the data to the decoder.
int processed = decoder.process_buffer (inbuf, insize);
if (processed == -1) {
disconnection = true;
else {
// Stop polling for input if we got stuck.
if (processed < insize)
io_object.reset_pollin (handle);
// Adjust the buffer.
insize -= processed;
// Flush all messages the decoder may have produced.
session.flush ();
// An input error has occurred. If the last decoded message
// has already been accepted, we terminate the engine immediately.
// Otherwise, we stop waiting for socket events and postpone
// the termination until after the message is accepted.
if (disconnection) {
if (decoder.stalled ()) {
io_object.rm_fd (handle);
io_enabled = false;
} else
error ();
public void out_event ()
// If write buffer is empty, try to read new data from the encoder.
if (outsize == 0) {
// Even when we stop polling as soon as there is no
// data to send, the poller may invoke out_event one
// more time due to 'speculative write' optimisation.
if (encoder == null) {
assert (handshaking);
outbuf = encoder.get_data (null);
outsize = outbuf.remaining();
// If there is no data to send, stop polling for output.
if (outbuf.remaining() == 0) {
io_object.reset_pollout (handle);
// when we use custom encoder, we might want to close
if (encoder.is_error()) {
// If there are any data to write in write buffer, write as much as
// possible to the socket. Note that amount of data to write can be
// arbitratily large. However, we assume that underlying TCP layer has
// limited transmission buffer and thus the actual number of bytes
// written should be reasonably modest.
int nbytes = write (outbuf);
// IO error has occurred. We stop waiting for output events.
// The engine is not terminated until we detect input error;
// this is necessary to prevent losing incomming messages.
if (nbytes == -1) {
io_object.reset_pollout (handle);
if (terminating)
terminate ();
outsize -= nbytes;
// If we are still handshaking and there are no data
// to send, stop polling for output.
if (handshaking)
if (outsize == 0)
io_object.reset_pollout (handle);
// when we use custom encoder, we might want to close after sending a response
if (outsize == 0) {
if (encoder != null && encoder.is_error ()) {
if (terminating)
terminate ();
public void connect_event() {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException();
public void accept_event() {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException();
public void timer_event(int id_) {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException();
public void activate_out() {
io_object.set_pollout (handle);
// Speculative write: The assumption is that at the moment new message
// was sent by the user the socket is probably available for writing.
// Thus we try to write the data to socket avoiding polling for POLLOUT.
// Consequently, the latency should be better in request/reply scenarios.
out_event ();
public void activate_in ()
if (!io_enabled) {
// There was an input error but the engine could not
// be terminated (due to the stalled decoder).
// Flush the pending message and terminate the engine now.
decoder.process_buffer (inbuf, 0);
assert (!decoder.stalled ());
session.flush ();
error ();
io_object.set_pollin (handle);
// Speculative read.
io_object.in_event ();
private boolean handshake ()
assert (handshaking);
// Receive the greeting.
while (greeting.position () < GREETING_SIZE) {
final int n = read (greeting);
if (n == -1) {
error ();
return false;
if (n == 0)
return false;
// We have received at least one byte from the peer.
// If the first byte is not 0xff, we know that the
// peer is using unversioned protocol.
if ((greeting.get (0) & 0xff) != 0xff)
if (greeting.position () < 10)
// Inspect the right-most bit of the 10th byte (which coincides
// with the 'flags' field if a regular message was sent).
// Zero indicates this is a header of identity message
// (i.e. the peer is using the unversioned protocol).
if ((greeting.get (9) & 0x01) == 0)
// The peer is using versioned protocol.
// Send the rest of the greeting, if necessary.
if (greeting_output_buffer.limit () < GREETING_SIZE) {
if (outsize == 0)
io_object.set_pollout (handle);
int pos = greeting_output_buffer.position ();
greeting_output_buffer.position (10).limit (GREETING_SIZE);
greeting_output_buffer.put ((byte) 1); // Protocol version
greeting_output_buffer.put ((byte) options.type); // Socket type
greeting_output_buffer.position (pos);
outsize += 2;
// Position of the version field in the greeting.
final int version_pos = 10;
// Is the peer using the unversioned protocol?
// If so, we send and receive rests of identity
// messages.
if ((greeting.get (0) & 0xff) != 0xff || (greeting.get (9) & 0x01) == 0) {
encoder = new_encoder (Config.OUT_BATCH_SIZE.getValue (), null, 0);
encoder.set_msg_source (session);
decoder = new_decoder (Config.IN_BATCH_SIZE.getValue (), options.maxmsgsize, null, 0);
decoder.set_msg_sink (session);
// We have already sent the message header.
// Since there is no way to tell the encoder to
// skip the message header, we simply throw that
// header data away.
final int header_size = options.identity_size + 1 >= 255 ? 10 : 2;
ByteBuffer tmp = ByteBuffer.allocate (header_size);
encoder.get_data (tmp);
assert (tmp.remaining () == header_size);
// Make sure the decoder sees the data we have already received.
inbuf = greeting;
greeting.flip ();
insize = greeting.remaining ();
// To allow for interoperability with peers that do not forward
// their subscriptions, we inject a phony subsription
// message into the incomming message stream. To put this
// message right after the identity message, we temporarily
// divert the message stream from session to ourselves.
if (options.type == ZMQ.ZMQ_PUB || options.type == ZMQ.ZMQ_XPUB)
decoder.set_msg_sink (this);
if (greeting.get (version_pos) == 0) {
// ZMTP/1.0 framing.
encoder = new_encoder (Config.OUT_BATCH_SIZE.getValue (), null, 0);
encoder.set_msg_source (session);
decoder = new_decoder (Config.IN_BATCH_SIZE.getValue (), options.maxmsgsize, null, 0);
decoder.set_msg_sink (session);
else {
// v1 framing protocol.
encoder = new_encoder (Config.OUT_BATCH_SIZE.getValue (), session, V1Protocol.VERSION);
decoder = new_decoder (Config.IN_BATCH_SIZE.getValue (), options.maxmsgsize, session, V1Protocol.VERSION);
// Start polling for output if necessary.
if (outsize == 0)
io_object.set_pollout (handle);
// Handshaking was successful.
// Switch into the normal message flow.
handshaking = false;
return true;
public int push_msg (Msg msg_)
assert (options.type == ZMQ.ZMQ_PUB || options.type == ZMQ.ZMQ_XPUB);
// The first message is identity.
// Let the session process it.
int rc = session.push_msg (msg_);
assert (rc == 0);
// Inject the subscription message so that the ZMQ 2.x peer
// receives our messages.
msg_ = new Msg (new byte[] { 1 });
rc = session.push_msg (msg_);
session.flush ();
// Once we have injected the subscription message, we can
// Divert the message flow back to the session.
assert (decoder != null);
decoder.set_msg_sink (session);
return rc;
private void error ()
assert (session != null);
socket.event_disconnected (endpoint, handle);
session.detach ();
unplug ();
destroy ();
private int write (Transfer buf)
int nbytes = 0 ;
try {
nbytes = buf.transferTo(handle);
} catch (IOException e) {
return -1;
return nbytes;
private int read (ByteBuffer buf)
int nbytes = 0 ;
try {
nbytes = (buf);
} catch (IOException e) {
return -1;
return nbytes;
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