org.zkoss.web.fn.ThemeFns Maven / Gradle / Ivy
/* ThemeFns.java
Jul 10, 2012 9:35:27 AM , Created by jumperchen
Copyright (C) 2012 Potix Corporation. All Rights Reserved.
package org.zkoss.web.fn;
import java.nio.charset.StandardCharsets;
import java.util.Base64;
import java.util.Comparator;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Map;
import jakarta.servlet.ServletException;
import jakarta.servlet.ServletRequest;
import jakarta.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
import org.zkoss.lang.Library;
import org.zkoss.lang.Strings;
import org.zkoss.util.resource.Locators;
import org.zkoss.web.servlet.Servlets;
import org.zkoss.web.theme.StandardTheme;
import org.zkoss.web.theme.Theme;
import org.zkoss.web.theme.ThemeRegistry;
import org.zkoss.web.theme.ThemeResolver;
import org.zkoss.web.util.resource.ClassWebResource;
* Providing theme relevant functions for EL.
* @author simonpai
* @author jumperchen
* @since 6.5.0
public class ThemeFns {
private ThemeFns() {
private static Browser getBrowser() {
Double number = Servlets.getBrowser(ServletFns.getCurrentRequest(), "ff");
if (number != null && number >= 3.6)
return Browser.Firefox;
number = Servlets.getBrowser(ServletFns.getCurrentRequest(), "ie");
if (number != null) {
if (number <= 9) {
return Browser.IE9;
} else
return Browser.IE;
number = Servlets.getBrowser(ServletFns.getCurrentRequest(), "webkit");
if (number != null) {
Double android = Servlets.getBrowser(ServletFns.getCurrentRequest(), "android");
if (android != null && android < 3) {
return Browser.Old_WebKit;
Double version = Servlets.getBrowser(ServletFns.getCurrentRequest(), "chrome");
if (version != null) {
if (version >= 10)
return Browser.WebKit;
if (version >= 1)
return Browser.Old_WebKit;
// B65-ZK-1614: Full Screen iPad Web Apps Missing Component Buttons
version = Servlets.getBrowser(ServletFns.getCurrentRequest(), "ios");
if (version != null && version >= 500)
return Browser.WebKit;
version = Servlets.getBrowser(ServletFns.getCurrentRequest(), "safari");
if (version != null) {
if (version >= 5.1)
return Browser.WebKit;
if (version >= 4)
return Browser.Old_WebKit;
number = Servlets.getBrowser(ServletFns.getCurrentRequest(), "opera");
if (number != null && number >= 11.1)
return Browser.Opera;
return Browser.Old;
* Generates a specific of browser CSS color gradient rules String.
* @param direction
* "ver", "hor", "diag-", "diag+", "rad"
* @param colors
* the colors with stops, which are separated by semicolon ";".
* For example,
* ThemeFns.gradient("ver", "#fefefe 0%; #eeeeee 100%");
* @return A specific CSS gradient rules String
public static String gradient(String direction, String colors) {
Browser temp = getBrowser();
if (temp == Browser.Old || temp == Browser.W3C)
return "\tbackground:" + grad(direction, getBrowser(), colors.split(";"));
else {
String[] cols = colors.split(";");
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
sb.append(grad(direction, temp, cols));
sb.append("\tbackground:").append(grad(direction, Browser.W3C, cols));
return sb.toString();
* Generates a specific CSS color gradient value only.
* @param direction
* "ver", "hor", "diag-", "diag+", "rad"
* @param colors
* the colors with stops, which are separated by semicolon ";"
* For example,
* ThemeFns.gradValue("ver", "#fefefe 0%; #eeeeee 100%");
* @return A specific CSS gradient rules String without the words
* "background:".
public static String gradValue(String direction, String colors) {
return grad(direction, getBrowser(), colors.split(";")).replace(";", "");
private static String grad(String dir, Browser template, String[] colors) {
if ("|ver|hor|diag-|diag+|rad|".indexOf("|" + dir + "|") == -1)
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Type must be ver, hor, diag-, diag+, or rad.");
if (colors.length < 2)
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Please specify more than two colors.");
String color1 = toHex(colors[0]);
String color2 = toHex(colors[1]);
StringBuilder colorAll = new StringBuilder();
if (template == Browser.Old_WebKit) {
for (String color : colors) {
color = color.trim();
boolean hex = color.startsWith("#");
int end = hex ? color.indexOf(" ") + 1 : color.indexOf(")") + 1;
if (end == 0 && !color.toLowerCase(java.util.Locale.ENGLISH).contains("transparent"))
if (hex)
throw new IllegalArgumentException(
"The format of hexadecimal is wrong! [" + color + "] or without stops (%)");
throw new IllegalArgumentException(
"The format of RGBA is wrong! [" + color + "] or without stops (%)");
String pos = color.substring(end, color.length());
color = color.substring(0, end);
int len = colorAll.length();
if (len > 0)
colorAll.delete(len - 1, len);
} else if (template == Browser.IE9) {
for (String color : colors) {
color = color.trim();
boolean hex = color.startsWith("#");
int end = hex ? color.indexOf(" ") + 1 : color.indexOf(")") + 1;
if (end == 0 && !color.toLowerCase(java.util.Locale.ENGLISH).contains("transparent"))
if (hex)
throw new IllegalArgumentException(
"The format of hexadecimal is wrong! [" + color + "] or without stops (%)");
throw new IllegalArgumentException(
"The format of RGBA is wrong! [" + color + "] or without stops (%)");
String pos = color.substring(end, color.length());
color = color.substring(0, end);
} else {
for (String color : colors) {
int len = colorAll.length();
if (len > 0)
colorAll.delete(len - 1, len);
String gradType = "rad".equals(dir) ? "radial" : "linear";
int ieGradType = "hor".equals(dir) ? 1 : 0; // IE only supports
// ver/hor
String result = String.format(template.getGradient(dir), color1, color2, "", gradType, ieGradType,
if (template == Browser.IE9) {
result = "url(data:image/svg+xml;base64," + Base64.getEncoder()
.encodeToString(result.getBytes(StandardCharsets.UTF_8)) + ");";
return result;
* Generates a set of cross-browser CSS color gradient rules String.
* @param direction
* "ver", "hor", "diag-", "diag+", "rad"
* @param colors
* the colors, which are separated by semicolon ";"
* @return A set of cross-browser CSS gradient rules String
public static String gradients(String direction, String colors) {
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
String[] cols = colors.split(";");
for (Browser grad : Browser.values()) {
sb.append(grad(direction, grad, cols));
return sb.toString();
private static String CSS_TEMPLATE = "\t %1$s%2$s:\t %3$s;\n\t %2$s:\t%3$s;";
private static String CSS_TEMPLATE_W3C = "\t %1$s:\t%2$s;";
private static String applyCSS(String styleName, String styleValue) {
Browser browser = getBrowser();
if (!Strings.isEmpty(browser.getPrefix())) {
return String.format(CSS_TEMPLATE, browser.getPrefix(), styleName, styleValue);
return String.format(CSS_TEMPLATE_W3C, styleName, styleValue);
* Generates a specific browser CSS rule String for the given style name and
* value.
* Note: the method is only applied with the browser prefix as the style
* name, if the CSS3 style usage rule is different between browsers, please
* use another method instead.
* @param styleName
* the value of the style name, like box-sizing
* animation
* @param styleValue
* the value according to the style name, like
* border-box
, mymove 5s infinite
* @return a specific browser CSS rule string, like
* -moz-box-sizing
for firefox and
* -webkit-box-sizing
for safari and chrome
public static String applyCSS3(String styleName, String styleValue) {
return applyCSS(styleName, styleValue);
* Generates a specific browser CSS rule string for box model.
* @param styleName
* the value of the style name, like box-orient
* box-pack
* @param styleValue
* the value according to the style name, like
* horizontal
, center
* @return a specific browser CSS rule string, like
* -moz-box-orient
for firefox and
* -webkit-box-orient
for safari and chrome
public static String box(String styleName, String styleValue) {
Browser browser = getBrowser();
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(32);
if (browser == Browser.Firefox || browser == Browser.WebKit) {
sb.append("\t display:\t").append(browser.getPrefix()).append("box;\n");
sb.append("\t display:\t box;\n");
return sb.append(applyCSS(styleName, styleValue)).toString();
* Generates a specific browser CSS rule string for box model with two pair
* styles.
* @see #box(String, String)
public static String box2(String styleName, String styleValue, String styleName2, String styleValue2) {
Browser browser = getBrowser();
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(32);
if (browser == Browser.Firefox || browser == Browser.WebKit) {
sb.append("\t display:\t").append(browser.getPrefix()).append("box;\n");
sb.append("\t display:\t box;\n");
return sb.append(applyCSS(styleName, styleValue)).append(applyCSS(styleName2, styleValue2)).toString();
* Generates a specific browser CSS rule string for box model with three pair
* styles.
* @see #box(String, String)
* @see #box2(String, String, String, String)
public static String box3(String styleName, String styleValue, String styleName2, String styleValue2,
String styleName3, String styleValue3) {
Browser browser = getBrowser();
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(32);
if (browser == Browser.Firefox || browser == Browser.WebKit) {
sb.append("\t display:\t").append(browser.getPrefix()).append("box;\n");
sb.append("\t display:\t box;\n");
return sb.append(applyCSS(styleName, styleValue)).append(applyCSS(styleName2, styleValue2))
.append(applyCSS(styleName3, styleValue3)).toString();
* Generates a specific browser CSS transform.
* @param style
* the value of the transform
* @return a specific browser CSS transform
public static String transform(String style) {
return applyCSS("transform", style);
* Generates a specific browser CSS box-shadow.
* @param style
* the value of the box-shadow
* @return a specific browser CSS box-shadow
public static String boxShadow(String style) {
return applyCSS("box-shadow", style);
* Generates a specific browser CSS border-radius.
* @param style
* the value of the border-radius
* @return a specific browser CSS border-radius
public static String borderRadius(String style) {
return applyCSS("border-radius", style);
private static String toHex(String color) {
color = color.trim();
if (color.startsWith("#")) {
int end = color.indexOf(" ");
if (end > 0)
return color.substring(0, end);
return color;
int end = color.indexOf(')') + 1;
if (end > 0)
color = color.substring(0, end);
Map colors = (Map) ServletFns.getCurrentRequest()
if (colors == null)
ServletFns.getCurrentRequest().setAttribute("themeFns.colors", colors = new HashMap());
if (!colors.containsKey(color))
colors.put(color, toHex(toColor(color)));
return colors.get(color);
private static String toHex(Color color) {
return Colors.getHexString(color);
private static String toIEHex(String color) {
color = color.trim();
if (color.startsWith("#")) {
int end = color.indexOf(" ");
if (end > 0)
return color.substring(0, end);
return color;
int end = color.indexOf(')') + 1;
if (end > 0)
color = color.substring(0, end);
Map colors = (Map) ServletFns.getCurrentRequest()
if (colors == null)
ServletFns.getCurrentRequest().setAttribute("themeFns.IEcolors", colors = new HashMap());
if (!colors.containsKey(color))
colors.put(color, toIEHex(toColor(color)));
return colors.get(color);
private static String toIEHex(Color color) {
return Colors.getIEHexString(color);
private static String locate(String path) {
try {
if (path.startsWith("~./")) {
path = Servlets.locate(ServletFns.getCurrentServletContext(), ServletFns.getCurrentRequest(),
ClassWebResource.PATH_PREFIX + path.substring(2), Locators.getDefault());
return path;
return Servlets.locate(ServletFns.getCurrentServletContext(), ServletFns.getCurrentRequest(), path, null);
} catch (ServletException ex) {
return path;
private static void log(String msg) {
Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger("global");
if (log.isErrorEnabled())
* Loads a theme properties and apply them into the request scope.
* @param path a file path
public static void loadProperties(String path) {
// add ability to load theme properties from a folder
// @since 6.5.2
if (!ThemeProperties.loadProperties(ServletFns.getCurrentRequest(), locate(ServletFns.resolveThemeURL(path)))) {
log("The properties file is not loaded correctly! [" + path + "]");
private static Color toColor(String color) {
return Colors.parseCSS(color);
private enum Browser {
WebKit("-webkit-", "Chrome10+,Safari5.1+"), W3C("", "W3C"), Firefox("-moz-", "FF3.6+"), Opera("-o-",
"Opera 11.10+"), IE("-ms-", "IE10+"), IE9("-ms-", "IE9"), Old(null, null), Old_WebKit("-webkit-", "Chrome,Safari4+");
private final String _template;
private final String _prefix;
private HashMap _GRAD_TYPE = null;
Browser(String prefix, String browser) {
_prefix = prefix;
if ("IE9".equals(browser)) {
_template = new StringBuilder(
_GRAD_TYPE = new HashMap();
} else if ("Chrome,Safari4+".equals(browser)) {
_template = new StringBuilder().append("\t").append(prefix).append("gradient(%4$s, %3$s, %6$s); /* ")
.append(browser).append(" */\n").toString();
_GRAD_TYPE = new HashMap();
_GRAD_TYPE.put("ver", "left top, left bottom");
_GRAD_TYPE.put("hor", "left top, right top");
_GRAD_TYPE.put("diag-", "left top, right bottom");
_GRAD_TYPE.put("diag+", "left bottom, right top");
_GRAD_TYPE.put("rad", "center center, 0px, center center, 100%");
} else if (browser != null) {
_template = new StringBuilder().append("\t").append(prefix).append("%4$s-gradient(%3$s, %6$s); /* ")
.append(browser).append(" */\n").toString();
if ("W3C".equals(browser)) {
_GRAD_TYPE = new HashMap();
_GRAD_TYPE.put("ver", "to bottom");
_GRAD_TYPE.put("hor", "to right");
_GRAD_TYPE.put("diag-", "135deg");
_GRAD_TYPE.put("diag+", "45deg");
_GRAD_TYPE.put("rad", "ellipse at center");
} else {
_GRAD_TYPE = new HashMap();
_GRAD_TYPE.put("ver", "top");
_GRAD_TYPE.put("hor", "left");
_GRAD_TYPE.put("diag-", "-45deg");
_GRAD_TYPE.put("diag+", "45deg");
_GRAD_TYPE.put("rad", "center, ellipse cover");
} else
_template = "\t%1$s; /* Old browsers */\n";
public String getPrefix() {
return _prefix;
public String getGradient(String dir) {
return _template.replace("%3$s", getType(dir));
private String getType(String dir) {
return _GRAD_TYPE != null ? _GRAD_TYPE.get(dir) : "";
// the current theme registry
private static ThemeRegistry _themeRegistry = null;
// the current theme resolver
private static ThemeResolver _themeResolver = null;
* Returns the current theme registry
* @return the current theme registry
* @since 6.5.2
public static ThemeRegistry getThemeRegistry() {
return _themeRegistry;
* Change the theme registry
* @param themeRegistry the new theme registry
* @since 6.5.2
public static void setThemeRegistry(ThemeRegistry themeRegistry) {
_themeRegistry = themeRegistry;
* Returns the current theme resolver
* @return the current theme resolver
* @since 6.5.2
public static ThemeResolver getThemeResolver() {
return _themeResolver;
* Change the current theme resolver
* @param themeResolver the new theme resolver
public static void setThemeResolver(ThemeResolver themeResolver) {
_themeResolver = themeResolver;
private static final String THEME_PREFERRED_KEY = "org.zkoss.theme.preferred";
* Returns the current theme name
* @return the current theme name
* @since 6.5.2
public static String getCurrentTheme() {
// 1. cookie's key
String t = getTheme();
if (_themeRegistry.hasTheme(t))
return t;
// 2. library property
t = Library.getProperty(THEME_PREFERRED_KEY);
if (_themeRegistry.hasTheme(t))
return t;
// 3. theme of highest priority
Theme[] themes = _themeRegistry.getThemes();
StandardTheme highest = null;
Comparator comparator = StandardTheme.getComparator();
for (Theme theme : themes) {
if (theme instanceof StandardTheme) {
if (comparator.compare((StandardTheme) theme, highest) < 0) {
highest = (StandardTheme) theme;
return (highest != null) ? highest.getName() : StandardTheme.DEFAULT_NAME;
* Returns the theme specified in cookies
* @return the name of the theme or default theme.
private static String getTheme() {
ServletRequest request = ServletFns.getCurrentRequest();
if (!(request instanceof HttpServletRequest))
return StandardTheme.DEFAULT_NAME;
return _themeResolver.getTheme((HttpServletRequest) request);