org.zkoss.zkex.ui.impl.PollingServerPush Maven / Gradle / Ivy
Fri Aug 3 18:53:21 2007, Created by tomyeh
Copyright (C) 2007 Potix Corporation. All Rights Reserved.
This program is distributed under GPL Version 2.0 in the hope that
it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY.
package org.zkoss.zkex.ui.impl;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.LinkedList;
import java.util.Iterator;
import org.zkoss.lang.D;
import org.zkoss.util.logging.Log;
import org.zkoss.zk.ui.Executions;
import org.zkoss.zk.ui.Desktop;
import org.zkoss.zk.ui.UiException;
import org.zkoss.zk.ui.DesktopUnavailableException;
import org.zkoss.zk.ui.sys.ServerPush;
import org.zkoss.zk.ui.impl.ExecutionCarryOver;
import org.zkoss.zk.ui.util.Configuration;
import org.zkoss.zk.ui.util.Clients;
* A server-push implementation that is based on client-polling.
* @author tomyeh
* @since 3.0.0
public class PollingServerPush implements ServerPush {
private static final Log log = Log.lookup(PollingServerPush.class);
/** Denote a server-push thread gives up the activation (timeout). */
private static final int GIVEUP = -99;
private Desktop _desktop;
/** List of ThreadInfo. */
private final List _pending = new LinkedList();
/** The active thread. */
private ThreadInfo _active;
/** The info to carray over from onPiggyback to the server-push thread. */
private ExecutionCarryOver _carryOver;
/** A mutex that is used by this object to wait for the server-push thread
* to complete.
private final Object _mutex = new Object();
/** Returns the JavaScript codes to enable (aka., start) the server push.
protected String getStartScript() {
final String start = _desktop.getWebApp().getConfiguration()
.getPreference("PollingServerPush.start", null);
if (start != null)
return start;
final String dtid = _desktop.getId();
final StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(128)
final int v1 = getIntPref("PollingServerPush.delay.min"),
v2 = getIntPref("PollingServerPush.delay.max");
if (v1 > 0 && v2 > 0)
return sb.append(");},'").append(dtid).append("');").toString();
private int getIntPref(String key) {
final String s = _desktop.getWebApp().getConfiguration()
.getPreference(key, null);
if (s != null) {
try {
return Integer.parseInt(s);
} catch (NumberFormatException ex) {
log.warning("Not a number specified at "+key);
return -1;
/** Returns the JavaScript codes to disable (aka., stop) the server push.
protected String getStopScript() {
final String stop = _desktop.getWebApp().getConfiguration()
.getPreference("PollingServerPush.stop", null);
return stop != null ? stop:
"zkCpsp.stop('" + _desktop.getId() + "');";
public void start(Desktop desktop) {
if (_desktop != null) {
log.warning("Ignored: Sever-push already started");
_desktop = desktop;
Clients.response(new AuScript(null, getStartScript()));
public void stop() {
if (_desktop == null) {
log.warning("Ignored: Sever-push not started");
final boolean inexec = Executions.getCurrent() != null;
if (inexec) //Bug 1815480: don't send if timeout
Clients.response(new AuScript(null, getStopScript()));
_desktop = null; //to cause DesktopUnavailableException being thrown
synchronized (_pending) {
for (Iterator it = _pending.iterator(); it.hasNext();) {
final ThreadInfo info = (ThreadInfo);
synchronized (info) {
//if inexec, either in working thread, or other event listener
//if in working thread, we cannot notify here (too early to wake).
//if other listener, no need notify (since onPiggyback not running)
if (!inexec) {
synchronized (_mutex) {
_mutex.notify(); //wake up onPiggyback
/** Sets the delay between each polling request.
* Default: use the preference called
* PollingServerPush.delay.min
* PollingServerPush.delay.max
* and PollingServerPush.delay.factor
* If not defined, min is 1000, max is 15000, and factor is 5.
public void setDelay(int min, int max, int factor) {
new AuScript(null, "zkau.setSPushInfo('" + _desktop.getId()
+ "',{min:" + min + ",max:" + max + ",factor:" + factor + "})"));
public void onPiggyback() {
final Configuration config = _desktop.getWebApp().getConfiguration();
long tmexpired = 0;
for (int cnt = 0; !_pending.isEmpty();) {
//Don't hold the client too long.
//In addition, an ill-written code might activate again
//before onPiggyback returns. It causes dead-loop in this case.
if (tmexpired == 0) { //first time
tmexpired = System.currentTimeMillis()
+ (config.getMaxProcessTime() >> 1);
cnt = _pending.size() + 3;
} else if (--cnt < 0 || System.currentTimeMillis() > tmexpired) {
final ThreadInfo info;
synchronized (_pending) {
if (_pending.isEmpty())
return; //nothing to do
info = (ThreadInfo)_pending.remove(0);
//Note: we have to sync _mutex before info. Otherwise,
//sync(info) might cause deactivate() to run before _mutex.wait
synchronized (_mutex) {
_carryOver = new ExecutionCarryOver(_desktop);
synchronized (info) {
if (info.nActive == GIVEUP)
continue; //give up and try next
info.nActive = 1; //granted
if (_desktop == null) //just in case
try {
_mutex.wait(); //wait until the server push is done
} catch (InterruptedException ex) {
throw UiException.Aide.wrap(ex);
public boolean activate(long timeout)
throws InterruptedException, DesktopUnavailableException {
final Thread curr = Thread.currentThread();
if (_active != null && _active.thread.equals(curr)) { //re-activate
return true;
final ThreadInfo info = new ThreadInfo(curr);
synchronized (_pending) {
if (_desktop != null)
boolean loop;
do {
loop = false;
synchronized (info) {
if (_desktop != null) {
if (info.nActive == 0) //not granted yet
info.wait(timeout <= 0 ? 10*60*1000: timeout);
if (info.nActive <= 0) { //not granted
boolean bTimeout = timeout > 0;
boolean bDead = _desktop == null || !_desktop.isAlive();
if (bTimeout || bDead) { //not timeout
info.nActive = GIVEUP; //denote timeout (and give up)
synchronized (_pending) { //undo pending
if (bDead)
throw new DesktopUnavailableException("Stopped");
return false; //timeout
log.debug("Executions.activate() took more than 10 minutes");
loop = true; //try again
} while (loop);
if (_desktop == null)
throw new DesktopUnavailableException("Stopped");
_active = info;
return true;
//Note: we don't mimic inEventListener since 1) ZK doesn't assume it
//2) Window depends on it
public void deactivate() {
if (_active != null &&
Thread.currentThread().equals(_active.thread)) {
if (--_active.nActive <= 0) {
_carryOver = null;
_active.nActive = 0; //just in case
_active = null;
//wake up onPiggyback
synchronized (_mutex) {
try {Thread.sleep(100);} catch (Throwable ex) {}
//to minimize the chance that the server-push thread
//activate again, before onPiggback polls next _pending
/** The info of a server-push thread.
* It is also a mutex used to start a pending server-push thread.
private static class ThreadInfo {
private final Thread thread;
/** # of activate() was called. */
private int nActive;
private ThreadInfo(Thread thread) {
this.thread = thread;
public String toString() {
return "[" + thread + ',' + nActive + ']';