org.zkoss.zul.Messagebox Maven / Gradle / Ivy
Mon Jul 18 19:07:13 2005, Created by tomyeh
Copyright (C) 2004 Potix Corporation. All Rights Reserved.
This program is distributed under LGPL Version 2.1 in the hope that
it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY.
package org.zkoss.zul;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
import org.zkoss.mesg.Messages;
import org.zkoss.zk.ui.Component;
import org.zkoss.zk.ui.Executions;
import org.zkoss.zk.ui.UiException;
import org.zkoss.zk.ui.WebApp;
import org.zkoss.zk.ui.event.Event;
import org.zkoss.zk.ui.event.EventListener;
import org.zkoss.zk.ui.event.Events;
import org.zkoss.zk.ui.event.SerializableEventListener;
import org.zkoss.zul.impl.MessageboxDlg;
import org.zkoss.zul.mesg.MZul;
* Represents the message box.
* You don't create {@link Messagebox} directly. Rather, use {@link #show}.
A non-XUL extension.
* @author tomyeh
public class Messagebox {
private static final Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(Messagebox.class);
private static String _templ = "~./zul/html/messagebox.zul";
/** A symbol consisting of a question mark in a circle.
Since 3.5.0, they are actually style class names to display the icon.
public static final String QUESTION = "z-messagebox-icon z-messagebox-question";
/** A symbol consisting of an exclamation point in a triangle with
* a yellow background
Since 3.5.0, they are actually style class names to display the icon.
public static final String EXCLAMATION = "z-messagebox-icon z-messagebox-exclamation";
/** A symbol of a lower case letter i in a circle.
Since 3.5.0, they are actually style class names to display the icon.
public static final String INFORMATION = "z-messagebox-icon z-messagebox-information";
/** A symbol consisting of a white X in a circle with a red background.
Since 3.5.0, they are actually style class names to display the icon.
public static final String ERROR = "z-messagebox-icon z-messagebox-error";
/** Contains no symbols. */
public static final String NONE = null;
/** A OK button. */
public static final int OK = 0x0001;
/** A Cancel button. */
public static final int CANCEL = 0x0002;
/** A Yes button. */
public static final int YES = 0x0010;
/** A No button. */
public static final int NO = 0x0020;
/** A Abort button. */
public static final int ABORT = 0x0100;
/** A Retry button. */
public static final int RETRY = 0x0200;
/** A IGNORE button. */
public static final int IGNORE = 0x0400;
/** The event to indicate the Yes button being clicked.
* @since 5.0.8
public static final String ON_YES = "onYes";
/** The event to indicate the No button being clicked.
* @since 5.0.8
public static final String ON_NO = "onNo";
/** The event to indicate the RETRY button being clicked.
* @since 5.0.8
public static final String ON_RETRY = "onRetry";
/** The event to indicate the Abort button being clicked.
* @since 5.0.8
public static final String ON_ABORT = "onAbort";
/** The event to indicate the Ignore button being clicked.
* @since 5.0.8
public static final String ON_IGNORE = "onIgnore";
/** The event to indicate the OK button being clicked.
* @since 5.0.8
public static final String ON_OK = Events.ON_OK;
/** The event to indicate the Cancel button being clicked.
* @since 5.0.8
public static final String ON_CANCEL = Events.ON_CANCEL;
/** Shows a message box and returns what button is pressed.
* @param title the title. If null, {@link WebApp#getAppName} is used.
* @param buttons an array of buttons to show.
* The buttons will be displayed in the same order in the array.
* @param btnLabels the label used for each button specified in the buttons
* argument. If null, the default label will be used.
* @param icon one of predefined images: {@link #QUESTION},
* {@link #EXCLAMATION}, {@link #ERROR}, {@link #NONE}, or any style class
* name(s) to show an image.
* @param focus one of button to have to focus. If null, the first button
* will gain the focus.
* @param listener the event listener which is invoked when a button
* is clicked. Ignored if null.
* It is useful if the event processing thread is disabled
* ({@link org.zkoss.zk.ui.util.Configuration#enableEventThread}).
* If the event processing thread is disabled (system default), this method always
* return {@link Button#OK}. To know which button is pressed, you have to pass an
* event listener. Then, when the user clicks a button, the event
* listener is invoked with an instance of {@link ClickEvent}.
* You can identify which button is clicked
* by examining {@link ClickEvent#getButton} or {@link ClickEvent#getName}.
* If the close button is clicked, the onClose event is sent and
* {@link ClickEvent#getButton} return null;
* @return the button being pressed.
* Note: if the event processing thread is disabled (system default), it always
* returns {@link Button#OK}.
* @param params the parameters passed to the template. Ignored if null.
* Notice it will override the default parameters if there is any conflict.
* You could pass anything as long as the template ({@link #setTemplate})
* recognized. For the default template, typical parameters are
* width
: the width of the dialog.
* icon
: the URI of the icon
* sclass
: the CSS class name of the top level Window (since 7.0.1)
* @since 6.0.0
public static Button show(String message, String title, Button[] buttons, String[] btnLabels, String icon,
Button focus, EventListener listener, Map params) {
final Map arg = new HashMap();
arg.put("message", message);
arg.put("title", title != null ? title : Executions.getCurrent().getDesktop().getWebApp().getAppName());
arg.put("icon", icon);
if (buttons == null)
int btnmask = 0;
for (int j = 0; j < buttons.length; ++j) {
if (buttons[j] == null)
throw new IllegalArgumentException("The " + j + "-th button is null");
//Backward compatible to ZK 5: put buttons and id to arg
btnmask += buttons[j].id;
arg.put(buttons[j].stringId, buttons[j].id);
arg.put("buttons", btnmask);
if (params != null)
final MessageboxDlg dlg = (MessageboxDlg) Executions.createComponents(_templ, null, arg);
dlg.setButtons(buttons, btnLabels);
if (focus != null)
if (dlg.getDesktop().getWebApp().getConfiguration().isEventThreadEnabled()) {
try {
} catch (Throwable ex) {
try {
} catch (Throwable ex2) {
log.warn("Failed to detach when recovering from an error", ex2);
throw UiException.Aide.wrap(ex);
return dlg.getResult();
} else {
return Button.OK;
/** Shows a message box and returns what button is pressed.
* @param title the title. If null, {@link WebApp#getAppName} is used.
* @param buttons an array of buttons to show.
* The buttons will be displayed in the same order in the array.
* @param btnLabels the label used for each button specified in the buttons
* argument. If null, the default label will be used.
* @param icon one of predefined images: {@link #QUESTION},
* {@link #EXCLAMATION}, {@link #ERROR}, {@link #NONE}, or any style class
* name(s) to show an image.
* @param focus one of button to have to focus. If null, the first button
* will gain the focus.
* @param listener the event listener which is invoked when a button
* is clicked. Ignored if null.
* It is useful if the event processing thread is disabled
* ({@link org.zkoss.zk.ui.util.Configuration#enableEventThread}).
* If the event processing thread is disabled (system default), this method always
* return {@link Button#OK}. To know which button is pressed, you have to pass an
* event listener. Then, when the user clicks a button, the event
* listener is invoked with an instance of {@link ClickEvent}.
* You can identify which button is clicked
* by examining {@link ClickEvent#getButton} or {@link ClickEvent#getName}.
* If the close button is clicked, the onClose event is sent and
* {@link ClickEvent#getButton} return null;
* @return the button being pressed.
* Note: if the event processing thread is disabled (system default), it always
* returns {@link Button#OK}.
* @since 6.0.0
public static Button show(String message, String title, Button[] buttons, String[] btnLabels, String icon,
Button focus, EventListener listener) {
return show(message, title, buttons, btnLabels, icon, focus, listener, null);
private static final Messagebox.Button[] DEFAULT_BUTTONS = new Messagebox.Button[] { Messagebox.Button.OK };
/** Shows a message box and returns what button is pressed.
* @param title the title. If null, {@link WebApp#getAppName} is used.
* @param buttons an array of buttons to show.
* The buttons will be displayed in the same order in the array.
* @param icon one of predefined images: {@link #QUESTION},
* {@link #EXCLAMATION}, {@link #ERROR}, {@link #NONE}, or any style class
* name(s) to show an image.
* @param focus one of button to have to focus. If null, the first button
* will gain the focus.
* @param listener the event listener which is invoked when a button
* is clicked. Ignored if null.
* It is useful if the event processing thread is disabled
* ({@link org.zkoss.zk.ui.util.Configuration#enableEventThread}).
* If the event processing thread is disabled (system default), this method always
* return {@link Button#OK}. To know which button is pressed, you have to pass an
* event listener. Then, when the user clicks a button, the event
* listener is invoked with an instance of {@link ClickEvent}.
* You can identify which button is clicked
* by examining {@link ClickEvent#getButton} or {@link ClickEvent#getName}.
* If the close button is clicked, the onClose event is sent and
* {@link ClickEvent#getButton} return null;
* @return the button being pressed.
* Note: if the event processing thread is disabled (system default), it always
* returns {@link Button#OK}.
* @since 6.0.0
public static Button show(String message, String title, Button[] buttons, String icon, Button focus,
EventListener listener) {
return show(message, title, buttons, null, icon, focus, listener, null);
/** Shows a message box and returns what button is pressed.
* A shortcut to show(message, title, buttons, icon, null, listener).
* @since 6.0.0
public static Button show(String message, String title, Button[] buttons, String icon,
EventListener listener) {
return show(message, title, buttons, null, icon, null, listener, null);
/** Shows a message box and returns what button is pressed.
* A shortcut to show(message, null, buttons, INFORMATION, null, listener).
* @since 6.0.0
public static Button show(String message, Button[] buttons, EventListener listener) {
return show(message, null, buttons, null, INFORMATION, null, listener, null);
/** Shows a message box and returns what button is pressed.
* @param title the title. If null, {@link WebApp#getAppName} is used.
* @param buttons a combination of {@link #OK}, {@link #CANCEL},
* {@link #YES}, {@link #NO}, {@link #ABORT}, {@link #RETRY},
* and {@link #IGNORE}. If zero, {@link #OK} is assumed
* @param icon one of predefined images: {@link #QUESTION},
* {@link #EXCLAMATION}, {@link #ERROR}, {@link #NONE}, or any style class
* name(s) to show an image.
* @return the button being pressed (one of {@link #OK}, {@link #CANCEL},
* {@link #YES}, {@link #NO}, {@link #ABORT}, {@link #RETRY},
* and {@link #IGNORE}).
* Note: if the event processing thread is disabled, it always
* returns {@link #OK}.
public static int show(String message, String title, int buttons, String icon) {
return show(message, title, buttons, icon, 0, null);
/** Shows a message box and returns what button is pressed.
* @param title the title. If null, {@link WebApp#getAppName} is used.
* @param buttons a combination of {@link #OK}, {@link #CANCEL},
* {@link #YES}, {@link #NO}, {@link #ABORT}, {@link #RETRY},
* and {@link #IGNORE}. If zero, {@link #OK} is assumed
* @param icon one of predefined images: {@link #QUESTION},
* {@link #EXCLAMATION}, {@link #ERROR}, {@link #NONE}, or any style class
* name(s) to show an image.
* @param listener the event listener which is invoked when a button
* is clicked. Ignored if null.
* It is useful if the event processing thread is disabled
* ({@link org.zkoss.zk.ui.util.Configuration#enableEventThread}).
* If the event processing thread is disabled, this method always
* return {@link #OK}. To know which button is pressed, you have to pass an
* event listener. Then, when the user clicks a button, the event
* listener is invoked. You can identify which button is clicked
* by examining the event name ({@link org.zkoss.zk.ui.event.Event#getName}) as shown
* in the following table. Alternatively, you can examine the value
* of {@link org.zkoss.zk.ui.event.Event#getData}, which must be an
* integer representing the button, such as {@link #OK}, {@link #YES}
* and so on.
*Button Name Event Name
*OK onOK ({@link #ON_OK})
*Cancel onCancel ({@link #ON_CANCEL})
*Yes onYes ({@link #ON_YES})
*No onNo ({@link #ON_NO})
*Retry onRetry ({@link #ON_RETRY})
*Abort onAbort ({@link #ON_ABORT})
*Ignore onIgnore ({@link #ON_IGNORE})
* @return the button being pressed (one of {@link #OK}, {@link #CANCEL},
* {@link #YES}, {@link #NO}, {@link #ABORT}, {@link #RETRY},
* and {@link #IGNORE}).
* Note: if the event processing thread is disabled, it always
* returns {@link #OK}.
* @since 3.0.4
public static int show(String message, String title, int buttons, String icon, EventListener listener) {
return show(message, title, buttons, icon, 0, listener);
/** Shows a message box and returns what button is pressed.
* @param title the title. If null, {@link WebApp#getAppName} is used.
* @param buttons a combination of {@link #OK}, {@link #CANCEL},
* {@link #YES}, {@link #NO}, {@link #ABORT}, {@link #RETRY},
* and {@link #IGNORE}. If zero, {@link #OK} is assumed
* @param icon one of predefined images: {@link #QUESTION},
* {@link #EXCLAMATION}, {@link #ERROR}, {@link #NONE}, or any style class
* name(s) to show an image.
* @param focus one of button to have to focus. If 0, the first button
* will gain the focus. One of {@link #OK}, {@link #CANCEL},
* {@link #YES}, {@link #NO}, {@link #ABORT}, {@link #RETRY},
* and {@link #IGNORE}.
* @return the button being pressed (one of {@link #OK}, {@link #CANCEL},
* {@link #YES}, {@link #NO}, {@link #ABORT}, {@link #RETRY},
* and {@link #IGNORE}).
* Note: if the event processing thread is disabled, it always
* returns {@link #OK}.
* @since 3.0.0
public static int show(String message, String title, int buttons, String icon, int focus) {
return show(message, title, buttons, icon, focus, null);
/** Shows a message box and returns what button is pressed.
* @param title the title. If null, {@link WebApp#getAppName} is used.
* @param buttons a combination of {@link #OK}, {@link #CANCEL},
* {@link #YES}, {@link #NO}, {@link #ABORT}, {@link #RETRY},
* and {@link #IGNORE}. If zero, {@link #OK} is assumed
* @param icon one of predefined images: {@link #QUESTION},
* {@link #EXCLAMATION}, {@link #ERROR}, {@link #NONE}, or any style class
* name(s) to show an image.
* @param focus one of button to have to focus. If 0, the first button
* will gain the focus. One of {@link #OK}, {@link #CANCEL},
* {@link #YES}, {@link #NO}, {@link #ABORT}, {@link #RETRY},
* and {@link #IGNORE}.
* @param listener the event listener which is invoked when a button
* is clicked. Ignored if null.
* It is useful if the event processing thread is disabled
* ({@link org.zkoss.zk.ui.util.Configuration#enableEventThread}).
* If the event processing thread is disabled, this method always
* return {@link #OK}. To know which button is pressed, you have to pass an
* event listener. Then, when the user clicks a button, the event
* listener is invoked. You can identify which button is clicked
* by examining the event name ({@link org.zkoss.zk.ui.event.Event#getName}) as shown
* in the following table. Alternatively, you can examine the value
* of {@link org.zkoss.zk.ui.event.Event#getData}, which must be an
* integer representing the button, such as {@link #OK}, {@link #YES}
* and so on.
*Button Event Name
*OK onOK ({@link #ON_OK})
*Cancel onCancel ({@link #ON_CANCEL})
*Yes onYes ({@link #ON_YES})
*No onNo ({@link #ON_NO})
*Retry onRetry ({@link #ON_RETRY})
*Abort onAbort ({@link #ON_ABORT})
*Ignore onIgnore ({@link #ON_IGNORE})
* @return the button being pressed (one of {@link #OK}, {@link #CANCEL},
* {@link #YES}, {@link #NO}, {@link #ABORT}, {@link #RETRY},
* and {@link #IGNORE}).
* Note: if the event processing thread is disabled, it always
* returns {@link #OK}.
* @since 3.0.4
public static int show(String message, String title, int buttons, String icon, int focus,
EventListener listener) {
Button res = show(message, title, toButtonTypes(buttons), null, icon, focus != 0 ? toButtonType(focus) : null,
toButtonListener(listener), null);
return res != null ? : 0; // B60-ZK-946: NPE
/** Shows a message box and returns what button is pressed.
* A shortcut to show(message, null, OK, INFORMATION).
public static int show(String message) {
return show(message, null, OK, INFORMATION, 0, null);
/** Shows a message box by specifying a message code, and returns what
* button is pressed.
* @param titleCode the message code for the title. If non-positive,
* the default title is used.
* @return the button being pressed (one of {@link #OK}, {@link #CANCEL},
* {@link #YES}, {@link #NO}, {@link #ABORT}, {@link #RETRY},
* and {@link #IGNORE}).
* Note: if the event processing thread is disabled, it always
* returns {@link #OK}.
public static int show(int messageCode, Object[] args, int titleCode, int buttons, String icon) {
return show(messageCode, args, titleCode, buttons, icon, 0, null);
/** Shows a message box by specifying a message code, and returns what
* button is pressed.
* @param titleCode the message code for the title. If non-positive,
* the default title is used.
* @param focus one of button to have to focus. If 0, the first button
* will gain the focus. One of {@link #OK}, {@link #CANCEL},
* {@link #YES}, {@link #NO}, {@link #ABORT}, {@link #RETRY},
* and {@link #IGNORE}.
* @return the button being pressed (one of {@link #OK}, {@link #CANCEL},
* {@link #YES}, {@link #NO}, {@link #ABORT}, {@link #RETRY},
* and {@link #IGNORE}).
* Note: if the event processing thread is disabled, it always
* returns {@link #OK}.
* @since 3.0.0
public static int show(int messageCode, Object[] args, int titleCode, int buttons, String icon, int focus) {
return show(messageCode, args, titleCode, buttons, icon, focus, null);
/** Shows a message box by specifying a message code, and returns what
* button is pressed.
* @param titleCode the message code for the title. If non-positive,
* the default title is used.
* @param focus one of button to have to focus. If 0, the first button
* will gain the focus. One of {@link #OK}, {@link #CANCEL},
* {@link #YES}, {@link #NO}, {@link #ABORT}, {@link #RETRY},
* and {@link #IGNORE}.
* @param listener the event listener which is invoked when a button
* is clicked. Ignored if null.
* It is useful if the event processing thread is disabled
* ({@link org.zkoss.zk.ui.util.Configuration#enableEventThread}).
* If the event processing thread is disabled, this method always
* return {@link #OK}. To know which button is pressed, you have to pass an
* event listener. Then, when the user clicks a button, the event
* listener is invoked. You can identify which button is clicked
* by examining the event name ({@link org.zkoss.zk.ui.event.Event#getName}) as shown
* in the following table. Alternatively, you can examine the value
* of {@link org.zkoss.zk.ui.event.Event#getData}, which must be an
* integer representing the button, such as {@link #OK}, {@link #YES}
* and so on.
*Button Event Name
*OK onOK ({@link #ON_OK})
*Cancel onCancel ({@link #ON_CANCEL})
*Yes onYes ({@link #ON_YES})
*No onNo ({@link #ON_NO})
*Retry onRetry ({@link #ON_RETRY})
*Abort onAbort ({@link #ON_ABORT})
*Ignore onIgnore ({@link #ON_IGNORE})
* @return the button being pressed (one of {@link #OK}, {@link #CANCEL},
* {@link #YES}, {@link #NO}, {@link #ABORT}, {@link #RETRY},
* and {@link #IGNORE}).
* Note: if the event processing thread is disabled, it always
* returns {@link #OK}.
* @since 3.0.4
public static int show(int messageCode, Object[] args, int titleCode, int buttons, String icon, int focus,
EventListener listener) {
return show(Messages.get(messageCode, args), titleCode > 0 ? Messages.get(titleCode) : null, buttons, icon,
focus, listener);
/** Shows a message box by specifying a message code, and returns what
* button is pressed.
* @param titleCode the message code for the title. If non-positive,
* the default title is used.
* @return the button being pressed (one of {@link #OK}, {@link #CANCEL},
* {@link #YES}, {@link #NO}, {@link #ABORT}, {@link #RETRY},
* and {@link #IGNORE}).
* Note: if the event processing thread is disabled, it always
* returns {@link #OK}.
public static int show(int messageCode, Object arg, int titleCode, int buttons, String icon) {
return show(messageCode, arg, titleCode, buttons, icon, 0, null);
/** Shows a message box by specifying a message code, and returns what
* button is pressed.
* @param titleCode the message code for the title. If non-positive,
* the default title is used.
* @param focus one of button to have to focus. If 0, the first button
* will gain the focus. One of {@link #OK}, {@link #CANCEL},
* {@link #YES}, {@link #NO}, {@link #ABORT}, {@link #RETRY},
* and {@link #IGNORE}.
* @return the button being pressed (one of {@link #OK}, {@link #CANCEL},
* {@link #YES}, {@link #NO}, {@link #ABORT}, {@link #RETRY},
* and {@link #IGNORE}).
* Note: if the event processing thread is disabled, it always
* returns {@link #OK}.
* @since 3.0.0
public static int show(int messageCode, Object arg, int titleCode, int buttons, String icon, int focus) {
return show(messageCode, arg, titleCode, buttons, icon, focus, null);
/** Shows a message box by specifying a message code, and returns what
* button is pressed.
* @param titleCode the message code for the title. If non-positive,
* the default title is used.
* @param focus one of button to have to focus. If 0, the first button
* will gain the focus. One of {@link #OK}, {@link #CANCEL},
* {@link #YES}, {@link #NO}, {@link #ABORT}, {@link #RETRY},
* and {@link #IGNORE}.
* @param listener the event listener which is invoked when a button
* is clicked. Ignored if null.
* It is useful if the event processing thread is disabled
* ({@link org.zkoss.zk.ui.util.Configuration#enableEventThread}).
* If the event processing thread is disabled, this method always
* return {@link #OK}. To know which button is pressed, you have to pass an
* event listener. Then, when the user clicks a button, the event
* listener is invoked. You can identify which button is clicked
* by examining the event name ({@link org.zkoss.zk.ui.event.Event#getName}) as shown
* in the following table. Alternatively, you can examine the value
* of {@link org.zkoss.zk.ui.event.Event#getData}, which must be an
* integer representing the button, such as {@link #OK}, {@link #YES}
* and so on.
*Button Event Name
*OK onOK ({@link #ON_OK})
*Cancel onCancel ({@link #ON_CANCEL})
*Yes onYes ({@link #ON_YES})
*No onNo ({@link #ON_NO})
*Retry onRetry ({@link #ON_RETRY})
*Abort onAbort ({@link #ON_ABORT})
*Ignore onIgnore ({@link #ON_IGNORE})
* @return the button being pressed (one of {@link #OK}, {@link #CANCEL},
* {@link #YES}, {@link #NO}, {@link #ABORT}, {@link #RETRY},
* and {@link #IGNORE}).
* Note: if the event processing thread is disabled, it always
* returns {@link #OK}.
* @since 3.0.4
public static int show(int messageCode, Object arg, int titleCode, int buttons, String icon, int focus,
EventListener listener) {
return show(Messages.get(messageCode, arg), titleCode > 0 ? Messages.get(titleCode) : null, buttons, icon,
focus, listener);
/** Shows a message box by specifying a message code, and returns what
* button is pressed.
* @param titleCode the message code for the title. If non-positive,
* the default title is used.
public static int show(int messageCode, int titleCode, int buttons, String icon) {
return show(messageCode, titleCode, buttons, icon, 0);
/** Shows a message box by specifying a message code, and returns what
* button is pressed.
* @param titleCode the message code for the title. If non-positive,
* the default title is used.
* @param focus one of button to have to focus. If 0, the first button
* will gain the focus. One of {@link #OK}, {@link #CANCEL},
* {@link #YES}, {@link #NO}, {@link #ABORT}, {@link #RETRY},
* and {@link #IGNORE}.
* @since 3.0.0
public static int show(int messageCode, int titleCode, int buttons, String icon, int focus) {
return show(messageCode, titleCode, buttons, icon, focus, null);
/** Shows a message box by specifying a message code, and returns what
* button is pressed.
* @param titleCode the message code for the title. If non-positive,
* the default title is used.
* @param focus one of button to have to focus. If 0, the first button
* will gain the focus. One of {@link #OK}, {@link #CANCEL},
* {@link #YES}, {@link #NO}, {@link #ABORT}, {@link #RETRY},
* and {@link #IGNORE}.
* @param listener the event listener which is invoked when a button
* is clicked. Ignored if null.
* It is useful if the event processing thread is disabled
* ({@link org.zkoss.zk.ui.util.Configuration#enableEventThread}).
* If the event processing thread is disabled, this method always
* return {@link #OK}. To know which button is pressed, you have to pass an
* event listener. Then, when the user clicks a button, the event
* listener is invoked. You can identify which button is clicked
* by examining the event name ({@link org.zkoss.zk.ui.event.Event#getName}) as shown
* in the following table. Alternatively, you can examine the value
* of {@link org.zkoss.zk.ui.event.Event#getData}, which must be an
* integer representing the button, such as {@link #OK}, {@link #YES}
* and so on.
*Button Event Name
*OK onOK ({@link #ON_OK})
*Cancel onCancel ({@link #ON_CANCEL})
*Yes onYes ({@link #ON_YES})
*No onNo ({@link #ON_NO})
*Retry onRetry ({@link #ON_RETRY})
*Abort onAbort ({@link #ON_ABORT})
*Ignore onIgnore ({@link #ON_IGNORE})
*The close button on the right-top corner (x)
since 5.0.2 onClose
* @return the button being pressed (one of {@link #OK}, {@link #CANCEL},
* {@link #YES}, {@link #NO}, {@link #ABORT}, {@link #RETRY},
* and {@link #IGNORE}).
* Note: if the event processing thread is disabled, it always
* returns {@link #OK}.
* @since 3.0.4
public static int show(int messageCode, int titleCode, int buttons, String icon, int focus,
EventListener listener) {
return show(Messages.get(messageCode), titleCode > 0 ? Messages.get(titleCode) : null, buttons, icon, focus,
private static Button toButtonType(int btn) {
switch (btn) {
case CANCEL:
return Button.CANCEL;
case YES:
return Button.YES;
case NO:
return Button.NO;
case ABORT:
return Button.ABORT;
case RETRY:
return Button.RETRY;
case IGNORE:
return Button.IGNORE;
return Button.OK;
private static Button[] toButtonTypes(int buttons) {
final List