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package com.cloudera.spark.hbase
import org.apache.hadoop.conf.Configuration
import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.client.HConnection
import scala.collection.JavaConversions._
import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.client.Put
import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.client.Increment
import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.client.Delete
import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.client.Get
import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.client.Result
import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.client.Scan
import scala.reflect.ClassTag
class JavaHBaseContext(@transient jsc: JavaSparkContext,
@transient config: Configuration) extends Serializable {
val hbc = new HBaseContext(, config)
* A simple enrichment of the traditional Spark javaRdd foreachPartition.
* This function differs from the original in that it offers the
* developer access to a already connected HConnection object
* Note: Do not close the HConnection object. All HConnection
* management is handled outside this method
* @param javaRdd Original javaRdd with data to iterate over
* @param f Function to be given a iterator to iterate through
* the RDD values and a HConnection object to interact
* with HBase
def foreachPartition[T](javaRdd: JavaRDD[T],
f: VoidFunction[(java.util.Iterator[T], HConnection)] ) = {
(iterator:Iterator[T], hConnection) =>
{, hConnection))})
def foreach[T](javaRdd: JavaRDD[T],
f: VoidFunction[(T, HConnection)] ) = {
(iterator:Iterator[T], hConnection) =>
iterator.foreach(a =>, hConnection))))
//{, hConnection))})
* A simple enrichment of the traditional Spark Streaming dStream foreach
* This function differs from the original in that it offers the
* developer access to a already connected HConnection object
* Note: Do not close the HConnection object. All HConnection
* management is handled outside this method
* @param javaDstream Original DStream with data to iterate over
* @param f Function to be given a iterator to iterate through
* the JavaDStream values and a HConnection object to
* interact with HBase
def foreachRDD[T](javaDstream: JavaDStream[T],
f: VoidFunction[(Iterator[T], HConnection)]) = {
hbc.foreachRDD(javaDstream.dstream, (it:Iterator[T], hc: HConnection) =>, hc))
* A simple enrichment of the traditional Spark JavaRDD mapPartition.
* This function differs from the original in that it offers the
* developer access to a already connected HConnection object
* Note: Do not close the HConnection object. All HConnection
* management is handled outside this method
* Note: Make sure to partition correctly to avoid memory issue when
* getting data from HBase
* @param javaRdd Original JavaRdd with data to iterate over
* @param mp Function to be given a iterator to iterate through
* the RDD values and a HConnection object to interact
* with HBase
* @return Returns a new RDD generated by the user definition
* function just like normal mapPartition
def mapPartition[T,R](javaRdd: JavaRDD[T],
mp: FlatMapFunction[(java.util.Iterator[T], HConnection),R] ): JavaRDD[R] = {
def fn = (x: Iterator[T], hc: HConnection) =>
asScalaIterator(, hc)).iterator()
(iterator:Iterator[T], hConnection:HConnection) =>
fn(iterator, hConnection))(fakeClassTag[R]))(fakeClassTag[R])
* A simple enrichment of the traditional Spark Streaming JavaDStream
* mapPartition.
* This function differs from the original in that it offers the
* developer access to a already connected HConnection object
* Note: Do not close the HConnection object. All HConnection
* management is handled outside this method
* Note: Make sure to partition correctly to avoid memory issue when
* getting data from HBase
* @param javaDstream Original JavaDStream with data to iterate over
* @param mp Function to be given a iterator to iterate through
* the JavaDStream values and a HConnection object to
* interact with HBase
* @return Returns a new JavaDStream generated by the user
* definition function just like normal mapPartition
def streamMap[T, U](javaDstream: JavaDStream[T],
mp: Function[(Iterator[T], HConnection), Iterator[U]]): JavaDStream[U] = {
(it: Iterator[T], hc: HConnection) =>, hc) )(fakeClassTag[U]))(fakeClassTag[U])
* A simple abstraction over the HBaseContext.foreachPartition method.
* It allow addition support for a user to take JavaRDD
* and generate puts and send them to HBase.
* The complexity of managing the HConnection is
* removed from the developer
* @param javaRdd Original JavaRDD with data to iterate over
* @param tableName The name of the table to put into
* @param f Function to convert a value in the JavaRDD
* to a HBase Put
* @param autoFlush If autoFlush should be turned on
def bulkPut[T](javaRdd: JavaRDD[T],
tableName: String,
f: Function[(T), Put],
autoFlush: Boolean) {
hbc.bulkPut(javaRdd.rdd, tableName, (t:T) =>, autoFlush)
* A simple abstraction over the HBaseContext.streamMapPartition method.
* It allow addition support for a user to take a JavaDStream and
* generate puts and send them to HBase.
* The complexity of managing the HConnection is
* removed from the developer
* @param javaDstream Original DStream with data to iterate over
* @param tableName The name of the table to put into
* @param f Function to convert a value in
* the JavaDStream to a HBase Put
* @param autoFlush If autoFlush should be turned on
def streamBulkPut[T](javaDstream: JavaDStream[T],
tableName: String,
f: Function[T,Put],
autoFlush: Boolean) = {
(t:T) =>,
* A simple abstraction over the HBaseContext.foreachPartition method.
* It allow addition support for a user to take RDD
* and generate checkAndPuts and send them to HBase.
* The complexity of managing the HConnection is
* removed from the developer
* @param javaRdd Original RDD with data to iterate over
* @param tableName The name of the table to put into
* @param f Function to convert a value in the RDD to
* a HBase checkAndPut
* @param autoFlush If autoFlush should be turned on
def bulkCheckAndPut[T](javaRdd: JavaRDD[T],
tableName: String,
f: Function[T,(Array[Byte], Array[Byte], Array[Byte], Array[Byte], Put)],
autoFlush: Boolean) {
hbc.bulkCheckAndPut(javaRdd.rdd, tableName, (t:T) =>, autoFlush)
* A simple abstraction over the HBaseContext.foreachPartition method.
* It allow addition support for a user to take a JavaRDD and
* generate increments and send them to HBase.
* The complexity of managing the HConnection is
* removed from the developer
* @param javaRdd Original JavaRDD with data to iterate over
* @param tableName The name of the table to increment to
* @param f function to convert a value in the JavaRDD to a
* HBase Increments
* @param batchSize The number of increments to batch before sending to HBase
def bulkIncrement[T](javaRdd: JavaRDD[T], tableName: String,
f: Function[T,Increment], batchSize:Integer) {
hbc.bulkIncrement(javaRdd.rdd, tableName, (t:T) =>, batchSize)
* A simple abstraction over the HBaseContext.foreachPartition method.
* It allow addition support for a user to take a JavaRDD and
* generate delete and send them to HBase.
* The complexity of managing the HConnection is
* removed from the developer
* @param javaRdd Original JavaRDD with data to iterate over
* @param tableName The name of the table to delete from
* @param f Function to convert a value in the JavaRDD to a
* HBase Deletes
* @param batchSize The number of delete to batch before sending to HBase
def bulkDelete[T](javaRdd: JavaRDD[T], tableName: String,
f: Function[T, Delete], batchSize:Integer) {
hbc.bulkDelete(javaRdd.rdd, tableName, (t:T) =>, batchSize)
* A simple abstraction over the HBaseContext.streamBulkMutation method.
* It allow addition support for a user to take a DStream and
* generate Increments and send them to HBase.
* The complexity of managing the HConnection is
* removed from the developer
* @param javaDstream Original JavaDStream with data to iterate over
* @param tableName The name of the table to increments into
* @param f Function to convert a value in the JavaDStream to a
* HBase Increments
* @param batchSize The number of increments to batch before sending to HBase
def streamBulkIncrement[T](javaDstream: JavaDStream[T],
tableName: String,
f: Function[T, Increment],
batchSize: Integer) = {
hbc.streamBulkIncrement(javaDstream.dstream, tableName,
(t:T) =>,
* A simple abstraction over the HBaseContext.streamBulkMutation method.
* It allow addition support for a user to take a JavaDStream and
* generate Delete and send them to HBase.
* The complexity of managing the HConnection is
* removed from the developer
* @param javaDstream Original DStream with data to iterate over
* @param tableName The name of the table to delete from
* @param f function to convert a value in the JavaDStream to a
* HBase Delete
def streamBulkDelete[T](javaDstream: JavaDStream[T],
tableName: String,
f: Function[T, Delete],
batchSize: Integer) = {
hbc.streamBulkDelete(javaDstream.dstream, tableName,
(t:T) =>,
* A simple abstraction over the bulkCheckDelete method.
* It allow addition support for a user to take a JavaDStream and
* generate CheckAndDelete and send them to HBase.
* The complexity of managing the HConnection is
* removed from the developer
* @param javaDstream Original JavaDStream with data to iterate over
* @param tableName The name of the table to delete from
* @param f function to convert a value in the JavaDStream to a
* HBase Delete
def streamBulkCheckAndDelete[T](javaDstream: JavaDStream[T],
tableName: String,
f: Function[T, (Array[Byte], Array[Byte], Array[Byte], Array[Byte], Delete)]) = {
hbc.streamBulkCheckAndDelete(javaDstream.dstream, tableName,
(t:T) =>
* A simple abstraction over the HBaseContext.mapPartition method.
* It allow addition support for a user to take a JavaRDD and generates a
* new RDD based on Gets and the results they bring back from HBase
* @param javaRdd Original JavaRDD with data to iterate over
* @param tableName The name of the table to get from
* @param makeGet Function to convert a value in the JavaRDD to a
* HBase Get
* @param convertResult This will convert the HBase Result object to
* what ever the user wants to put in the resulting
* JavaRDD
* return new JavaRDD that is created by the Get to HBase
def bulkGet[T, U](tableName: String,
javaRdd: JavaRDD[T],
makeGet: Function[T, Get],
convertResult: Function[Result, U]): JavaRDD[U] = {
(t:T) =>,
(r:Result) => {}))(fakeClassTag[U])
* A simple abstraction over the HBaseContext.streamMap method.
* It allow addition support for a user to take a DStream and
* generates a new DStream based on Gets and the results
* they bring back from HBase
* @param javaDStream Original DStream with data to iterate over
* @param tableName The name of the table to get from
* @param makeGet Function to convert a value in the JavaDStream to a
* HBase Get
* @param convertResult This will convert the HBase Result object to
* what ever the user wants to put in the resulting
* JavaDStream
* return new JavaDStream that is created by the Get to HBase
def streamBulkGet[T, U](tableName:String,
javaDStream: JavaDStream[T],
makeGet: Function[T, Get],
convertResult: Function[Result, U]) {
(t:T) =>,
(r:Result) => )(fakeClassTag[U]))(fakeClassTag[U])
* This function will use the native HBase TableInputFormat with the
* given scan object to generate a new JavaRDD
* @param tableName the name of the table to scan
* @param scans the HBase scan object to use to read data from HBase
* @param f function to convert a Result object from HBase into
* what the user wants in the final generated JavaRDD
* @return new JavaRDD with results from scan
def hbaseRDD[U](tableName: String,
scans: Scan,
f: Function[(ImmutableBytesWritable, Result), U]):
JavaRDD[U] = {
(v:(ImmutableBytesWritable, Result)) =>, v._2))(fakeClassTag[U]))(fakeClassTag[U])
* A overloaded version of HBaseContext hbaseRDD that predefines the
* type of the outputing JavaRDD
* @param tableName the name of the table to scan
* @param scans the HBase scan object to use to read data from HBase
* @return New JavaRDD with results from scan
def hbaseRDD(tableName: String,
scans: Scan): JavaRDD[(Array[Byte], java.util.List[(Array[Byte], Array[Byte], Array[Byte])])] = {
JavaRDD.fromRDD(hbc.hbaseRDD(tableName, scans))
* Produces a ClassTag[T], which is actually just a casted ClassTag[AnyRef].
* This method is used to keep ClassTags out of the external Java API, as the Java compiler
* cannot produce them automatically. While this ClassTag-faking does please the compiler,
* it can cause problems at runtime if the Scala API relies on ClassTags for correctness.
* Often, though, a ClassTag[AnyRef] will not lead to incorrect behavior, just worse performance
* or security issues. For instance, an Array[AnyRef] can hold any type T, but may lose primitive
* specialization.
def fakeClassTag[T]: ClassTag[T] = ClassTag.AnyRef.asInstanceOf[ClassTag[T]]