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pink.madis.apk.arsc.ResourceConfiguration Maven / Gradle / Ivy

 * Copyright 2016 Google Inc. All Rights Reserved.
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.

package pink.madis.apk.arsc;

import static java.nio.charset.StandardCharsets.US_ASCII;


import java.nio.ByteBuffer;
import java.nio.ByteOrder;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.LinkedHashMap;
import java.util.Map;

/** Describes a particular resource configuration. */
public abstract class ResourceConfiguration implements SerializableResource {

  /** The different types of configs that can be present in a {@link ResourceConfiguration}. */
  public enum Type {

  /** The below constants are from android.content.res.Configuration. */
  private static final int DENSITY_DPI_UNDEFINED = 0;
  private static final int DENSITY_DPI_LDPI = 120;
  private static final int DENSITY_DPI_MDPI = 160;
  private static final int DENSITY_DPI_TVDPI = 213;
  private static final int DENSITY_DPI_HDPI = 240;
  private static final int DENSITY_DPI_XHDPI = 320;
  private static final int DENSITY_DPI_XXHDPI = 480;
  private static final int DENSITY_DPI_XXXHDPI = 640;
  private static final int DENSITY_DPI_ANY  = 0xFFFE;
  private static final int DENSITY_DPI_NONE = 0xFFFF;
  private static final Map DENSITY_DPI_VALUES =
      .put(DENSITY_DPI_LDPI, "ldpi")
      .put(DENSITY_DPI_MDPI, "mdpi")
      .put(DENSITY_DPI_TVDPI, "tvdpi")
      .put(DENSITY_DPI_HDPI, "hdpi")
      .put(DENSITY_DPI_XHDPI, "xhdpi")
      .put(DENSITY_DPI_XXHDPI, "xxhdpi")
      .put(DENSITY_DPI_XXXHDPI, "xxxhdpi")
      .put(DENSITY_DPI_ANY, "anydpi")
      .put(DENSITY_DPI_NONE, "nodpi")

  private static final int KEYBOARD_NOKEYS = 1;
  private static final int KEYBOARD_QWERTY = 2;
  private static final int KEYBOARD_12KEY  = 3;
  private static final Map KEYBOARD_VALUES = ImmutableMap.of(
      KEYBOARD_NOKEYS, "nokeys",
      KEYBOARD_QWERTY, "qwerty",
      KEYBOARD_12KEY, "12key");

  private static final int KEYBOARDHIDDEN_MASK = 0x03;
  private static final int KEYBOARDHIDDEN_NO   = 1;
  private static final int KEYBOARDHIDDEN_YES  = 2;
  private static final int KEYBOARDHIDDEN_SOFT = 3;
  private static final Map KEYBOARDHIDDEN_VALUES = ImmutableMap.of(
      KEYBOARDHIDDEN_NO, "keysexposed",
      KEYBOARDHIDDEN_YES, "keyshidden",
      KEYBOARDHIDDEN_SOFT, "keyssoft");

  private static final int NAVIGATION_NONAV     = 1;
  private static final int NAVIGATION_DPAD      = 2;
  private static final int NAVIGATION_TRACKBALL = 3;
  private static final int NAVIGATION_WHEEL     = 4;
  private static final Map NAVIGATION_VALUES = ImmutableMap.of(
      NAVIGATION_NONAV, "nonav",
      NAVIGATION_DPAD, "dpad",
      NAVIGATION_TRACKBALL, "trackball",
      NAVIGATION_WHEEL, "wheel");

  private static final int NAVIGATIONHIDDEN_MASK  = 0x0C;
  private static final int NAVIGATIONHIDDEN_NO    = 0x04;
  private static final int NAVIGATIONHIDDEN_YES   = 0x08;
  private static final Map NAVIGATIONHIDDEN_VALUES = ImmutableMap.of(
      NAVIGATIONHIDDEN_NO, "navexposed",
      NAVIGATIONHIDDEN_YES, "navhidden");

  private static final int ORIENTATION_PORTRAIT  = 0x01;
  private static final int ORIENTATION_LANDSCAPE = 0x02;
  private static final Map ORIENTATION_VALUES = ImmutableMap.of(

  private static final int SCREENLAYOUT_LAYOUTDIR_MASK = 0xC0;
  private static final int SCREENLAYOUT_LAYOUTDIR_LTR  = 0x40;
  private static final int SCREENLAYOUT_LAYOUTDIR_RTL  = 0x80;
  private static final Map SCREENLAYOUT_LAYOUTDIR_VALUES = ImmutableMap.of(

  private static final int SCREENLAYOUT_LONG_MASK = 0x30;
  private static final int SCREENLAYOUT_LONG_NO   = 0x10;
  private static final int SCREENLAYOUT_LONG_YES  = 0x20;
  private static final Map SCREENLAYOUT_LONG_VALUES = ImmutableMap.of(
      SCREENLAYOUT_LONG_NO, "notlong",

  private static final int SCREENLAYOUT_ROUND_MASK = 0x0300;
  private static final int SCREENLAYOUT_ROUND_NO   = 0x0100;
  private static final int SCREENLAYOUT_ROUND_YES  = 0x0200;
  private static final Map SCREENLAYOUT_ROUND_VALUES = ImmutableMap.of(
      SCREENLAYOUT_ROUND_NO, "notround",

  private static final int SCREENLAYOUT_SIZE_MASK   = 0x0F;
  private static final int SCREENLAYOUT_SIZE_SMALL  = 0x01;
  private static final int SCREENLAYOUT_SIZE_NORMAL = 0x02;
  private static final int SCREENLAYOUT_SIZE_LARGE  = 0x03;
  private static final int SCREENLAYOUT_SIZE_XLARGE = 0x04;
  private static final Map SCREENLAYOUT_SIZE_VALUES = ImmutableMap.of(

  private static final int TOUCHSCREEN_NOTOUCH = 1;
  private static final int TOUCHSCREEN_FINGER  = 3;
  private static final Map TOUCHSCREEN_VALUES = ImmutableMap.of(
      TOUCHSCREEN_NOTOUCH, "notouch",
      TOUCHSCREEN_FINGER, "finger");

  private static final int UI_MODE_NIGHT_MASK = 0x30;
  private static final int UI_MODE_NIGHT_NO   = 0x10;
  private static final int UI_MODE_NIGHT_YES  = 0x20;
  private static final Map UI_MODE_NIGHT_VALUES = ImmutableMap.of(
      UI_MODE_NIGHT_NO, "notnight",
      UI_MODE_NIGHT_YES, "night");

  private static final int UI_MODE_TYPE_MASK       = 0x0F;
  private static final int UI_MODE_TYPE_DESK       = 0x02;
  private static final int UI_MODE_TYPE_CAR        = 0x03;
  private static final int UI_MODE_TYPE_TELEVISION = 0x04;
  private static final int UI_MODE_TYPE_APPLIANCE  = 0x05;
  private static final int UI_MODE_TYPE_WATCH      = 0x06;
  private static final Map UI_MODE_TYPE_VALUES = ImmutableMap.of(
      UI_MODE_TYPE_DESK, "desk",
      UI_MODE_TYPE_CAR, "car",
      UI_MODE_TYPE_TELEVISION, "television",
      UI_MODE_TYPE_APPLIANCE, "appliance",
      UI_MODE_TYPE_WATCH, "watch");

  /** The minimum size in bytes that this configuration must be to contain screen config info. */
  private static final int SCREEN_CONFIG_MIN_SIZE = 32;

  /** The minimum size in bytes that this configuration must be to contain screen dp info. */
  private static final int SCREEN_DP_MIN_SIZE = 36;

  /** The minimum size in bytes that this configuration must be to contain locale info. */
  private static final int LOCALE_MIN_SIZE = 48;

  /** The minimum size in bytes that this config must be to contain the screenConfig extension. */
  private static final int SCREEN_CONFIG_EXTENSION_MIN_SIZE = 52;

  /** The number of bytes that this resource configuration takes up. */
  public abstract int size();

  public abstract int mcc();
  public abstract int mnc();

  /** Returns a packed 2-byte language code. */
  public abstract byte[] language();

  /** Returns {@link #language} as an unpacked string representation. */
  public final String languageString() {
    return unpackLanguage();

  /** Returns a packed 2-byte region code. */
  public abstract byte[] region();

  /** Returns {@link #region} as an unpacked string representation. */
  public final String regionString() {
    return unpackRegion();

  public abstract int orientation();
  public abstract int touchscreen();
  public abstract int density();
  public abstract int keyboard();
  public abstract int navigation();
  public abstract int inputFlags();

  public final int keyboardHidden() {
    return inputFlags() & KEYBOARDHIDDEN_MASK;

  public final int navigationHidden() {
    return inputFlags() & NAVIGATIONHIDDEN_MASK;

  public abstract int screenWidth();
  public abstract int screenHeight();
  public abstract int sdkVersion();

   * Returns a copy of this resource configuration with a different {@link #sdkVersion}, or this
   * configuration if the {@code sdkVersion} is the same.
   * @param sdkVersion The SDK version of the returned configuration.
   * @return A copy of this configuration with the only difference being #sdkVersion.
  public final ResourceConfiguration withSdkVersion(int sdkVersion) {
    if (sdkVersion == sdkVersion()) {
      return this;
    return new AutoValue_ResourceConfiguration(size(), mcc(), mnc(), language(), region(),
        orientation(), touchscreen(), density(), keyboard(), navigation(), inputFlags(),
        screenWidth(), screenHeight(), sdkVersion, minorVersion(), screenLayout(), uiMode(),
        smallestScreenWidthDp(), screenWidthDp(), screenHeightDp(), localeScript(), localeVariant(),
        screenLayout2(), unknown());

  public abstract int minorVersion();
  public abstract int screenLayout();

  public final int screenLayoutDirection() {
    return screenLayout() & SCREENLAYOUT_LAYOUTDIR_MASK;

  public final int screenLayoutSize() {
    return screenLayout() & SCREENLAYOUT_SIZE_MASK;

  public final int screenLayoutLong() {
    return screenLayout() & SCREENLAYOUT_LONG_MASK;

  public final int screenLayoutRound() {
    return screenLayout() & SCREENLAYOUT_ROUND_MASK;

  public abstract int uiMode();

  public final int uiModeType() {
    return uiMode() & UI_MODE_TYPE_MASK;

  public final int uiModeNight() {
    return uiMode() & UI_MODE_NIGHT_MASK;

  public abstract int smallestScreenWidthDp();
  public abstract int screenWidthDp();
  public abstract int screenHeightDp();

  /** The ISO-15924 short name for the script corresponding to this configuration. */
  public abstract byte[] localeScript();

  /** A single BCP-47 variant subtag. */
  public abstract byte[] localeVariant();

  /** An extension to {@link #screenLayout}. Contains round/notround qualifier. */
  public abstract int screenLayout2();

  /** Any remaining bytes in this resource configuration that are unaccounted for. */
  public abstract byte[] unknown();

  static ResourceConfiguration create(ByteBuffer buffer) {
    int startPosition = buffer.position();  // The starting buffer position to calculate bytes read.
    int size = buffer.getInt();
    int mcc = buffer.getShort() & 0xFFFF;
    int mnc = buffer.getShort() & 0xFFFF;
    byte[] language = new byte[2];
    byte[] region = new byte[2];
    int orientation = UnsignedBytes.toInt(buffer.get());
    int touchscreen = UnsignedBytes.toInt(buffer.get());
    int density = buffer.getShort() & 0xFFFF;
    int keyboard = UnsignedBytes.toInt(buffer.get());
    int navigation = UnsignedBytes.toInt(buffer.get());
    int inputFlags = UnsignedBytes.toInt(buffer.get());
    buffer.get();  // 1 byte of padding
    int screenWidth = buffer.getShort() & 0xFFFF;
    int screenHeight = buffer.getShort() & 0xFFFF;
    int sdkVersion = buffer.getShort() & 0xFFFF;
    int minorVersion = buffer.getShort() & 0xFFFF;

    // At this point, the configuration's size needs to be taken into account as not all
    // configurations have all values.
    int screenLayout = 0;
    int uiMode = 0;
    int smallestScreenWidthDp = 0;
    int screenWidthDp = 0;
    int screenHeightDp = 0;
    byte[] localeScript = new byte[4];
    byte[] localeVariant = new byte[8];
    int screenLayout2 = 0;

    if (size >= SCREEN_CONFIG_MIN_SIZE) {
      screenLayout = UnsignedBytes.toInt(buffer.get());
      uiMode = UnsignedBytes.toInt(buffer.get());
      smallestScreenWidthDp = buffer.getShort() & 0xFFFF;

    if (size >= SCREEN_DP_MIN_SIZE) {
      screenWidthDp = buffer.getShort() & 0xFFFF;
      screenHeightDp = buffer.getShort() & 0xFFFF;

    if (size >= LOCALE_MIN_SIZE) {

      screenLayout2 = UnsignedBytes.toInt(buffer.get());
      buffer.get();  // Reserved padding
      buffer.getShort();  // More reserved padding

    // After parsing everything that's known, account for anything that's unknown.
    int bytesRead = buffer.position() - startPosition;
    byte[] unknown = new byte[size - bytesRead];

    return new AutoValue_ResourceConfiguration(size, mcc, mnc, language, region, orientation,
        touchscreen, density, keyboard, navigation, inputFlags, screenWidth, screenHeight,
        sdkVersion, minorVersion, screenLayout, uiMode, smallestScreenWidthDp, screenWidthDp,
        screenHeightDp, localeScript, localeVariant, screenLayout2, unknown);

  private String unpackLanguage() {
    return unpackLanguageOrRegion(language(), 0x61);

  private String unpackRegion() {
    return unpackLanguageOrRegion(region(), 0x30);

  private String unpackLanguageOrRegion(byte[] value, int base) {
    Preconditions.checkState(value.length == 2, "Language or region value must be 2 bytes.");
    if (value[0] == 0 && value[1] == 0) {
      return "";
    if ((UnsignedBytes.toInt(value[0]) & 0x80) != 0) {
      byte[] result = new byte[3];
      result[0] = (byte) (base + (value[1] & 0x1F));
      result[1] = (byte) (base + ((value[1] & 0xE0) >>> 5) + ((value[0] & 0x03) << 3));
      result[2] = (byte) (base + ((value[0] & 0x7C) >>> 2));
      return new String(result, US_ASCII);
    return new String(value, US_ASCII);

  /** Returns true if this is the default "any" configuration. */
  public final boolean isDefault() {
    return mcc() == 0
        && mnc() == 0
        && Arrays.equals(language(), new byte[2])
        && Arrays.equals(region(), new byte[2])
        && orientation() == 0
        && touchscreen() == 0
        && density() == 0
        && keyboard() == 0
        && navigation() == 0
        && inputFlags() == 0
        && screenWidth() == 0
        && screenHeight() == 0
        && sdkVersion() == 0
        && minorVersion() == 0
        && screenLayout() == 0
        && uiMode() == 0
        && smallestScreenWidthDp() == 0
        && screenWidthDp() == 0
        && screenHeightDp() == 0
        && Arrays.equals(localeScript(), new byte[4])
        && Arrays.equals(localeVariant(), new byte[8])
        && screenLayout2() == 0;

  public final byte[] toByteArray() {
    return toByteArray(false);

  public final byte[] toByteArray(boolean shrink) {
    ByteBuffer buffer = ByteBuffer.allocate(size()).order(ByteOrder.LITTLE_ENDIAN);
    buffer.putShort((short) mcc());
    buffer.putShort((short) mnc());
    buffer.put((byte) orientation());
    buffer.put((byte) touchscreen());
    buffer.putShort((short) density());
    buffer.put((byte) keyboard());
    buffer.put((byte) navigation());
    buffer.put((byte) inputFlags());
    buffer.put((byte) 0);  // Padding
    buffer.putShort((short) screenWidth());
    buffer.putShort((short) screenHeight());
    buffer.putShort((short) sdkVersion());
    buffer.putShort((short) minorVersion());

    if (size() >= SCREEN_CONFIG_MIN_SIZE) {
      buffer.put((byte) screenLayout());
      buffer.put((byte) uiMode());
      buffer.putShort((short) smallestScreenWidthDp());

    if (size() >= SCREEN_DP_MIN_SIZE) {
      buffer.putShort((short) screenWidthDp());
      buffer.putShort((short) screenHeightDp());

    if (size() >= LOCALE_MIN_SIZE) {

      buffer.putInt(screenLayout2());  // Writing an unsigned byte + 3 padding


    return buffer.array();

  public final String toString() {
    if (isDefault()) {  // Prevent the default configuration from returning the empty string
      return "default";
    Collection parts = toStringParts().values();
    return Joiner.on('-').join(parts);

   * Returns a map of the configuration parts for {@link #toString}.

If a configuration part is not defined for this {@link ResourceConfiguration}, its value * will be the empty string. */ public final Map toStringParts() { Map result = new LinkedHashMap<>(); // Preserve order for #toString(). result.put(Type.MCC, mcc() != 0 ? "mcc" + mcc() : ""); result.put(Type.MNC, mnc() != 0 ? "mnc" + mnc() : ""); result.put(Type.LANGUAGE_STRING, !languageString().isEmpty() ? "" + languageString() : ""); result.put(Type.REGION_STRING, !regionString().isEmpty() ? "r" + regionString() : ""); result.put(Type.SCREEN_LAYOUT_DIRECTION, getOrDefault(SCREENLAYOUT_LAYOUTDIR_VALUES, screenLayoutDirection(), "")); result.put(Type.SMALLEST_SCREEN_WIDTH_DP, smallestScreenWidthDp() != 0 ? "sw" + smallestScreenWidthDp() + "dp" : ""); result.put(Type.SCREEN_WIDTH_DP, screenWidthDp() != 0 ? "w" + screenWidthDp() + "dp" : ""); result.put(Type.SCREEN_HEIGHT_DP, screenHeightDp() != 0 ? "h" + screenHeightDp() + "dp" : ""); result.put(Type.SCREEN_LAYOUT_SIZE, getOrDefault(SCREENLAYOUT_SIZE_VALUES, screenLayoutSize(), "")); result.put(Type.SCREEN_LAYOUT_LONG, getOrDefault(SCREENLAYOUT_LONG_VALUES, screenLayoutLong(), "")); result.put(Type.SCREEN_LAYOUT_ROUND, getOrDefault(SCREENLAYOUT_ROUND_VALUES, screenLayoutRound(), "")); result.put(Type.ORIENTATION, getOrDefault(ORIENTATION_VALUES, orientation(), "")); result.put(Type.UI_MODE_TYPE, getOrDefault(UI_MODE_TYPE_VALUES, uiModeType(), "")); result.put(Type.UI_MODE_NIGHT, getOrDefault(UI_MODE_NIGHT_VALUES, uiModeNight(), "")); result.put(Type.DENSITY_DPI, getOrDefault(DENSITY_DPI_VALUES, density(), density() + "dpi")); result.put(Type.TOUCHSCREEN, getOrDefault(TOUCHSCREEN_VALUES, touchscreen(), "")); result.put(Type.KEYBOARD_HIDDEN, getOrDefault(KEYBOARDHIDDEN_VALUES, keyboardHidden(), "")); result.put(Type.KEYBOARD, getOrDefault(KEYBOARD_VALUES, keyboard(), "")); result.put(Type.NAVIGATION_HIDDEN, getOrDefault(NAVIGATIONHIDDEN_VALUES, navigationHidden(), "")); result.put(Type.NAVIGATION, getOrDefault(NAVIGATION_VALUES, navigation(), "")); result.put(Type.SDK_VERSION, sdkVersion() != 0 ? "v" + sdkVersion() : ""); return result; } private V getOrDefault(Map map, K key, V defaultValue) { // TODO(acornwall): Remove this when Java 8's Map#getOrDefault is available. // Null is not returned, even if the map contains a key whose value is null. This is intended. V value = map.get(key); return value != null ? value : defaultValue; } }

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