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package pl.ais.commons.bean.validation;
import pl.ais.commons.bean.validation.constraint.AllOfConstraint;
import pl.ais.commons.bean.validation.constraint.AnyOfConstraint;
import pl.ais.commons.bean.validation.constraint.SimpleConstraint;
import pl.ais.commons.domain.specification.Specifications;
import javax.annotation.Nonnull;
import java.util.function.Predicate;
* Provides set of useful {@link SimpleConstraint} implementations.
* @author Warlock, AIS.PL
* @since 1.0.1
@SuppressWarnings({"PMD.AvoidFieldNameMatchingMethodName", "PMD.TooManyMethods"})
public final class Constraints {
private static final Constraint REQUIRED = new SimpleConstraint<>("required", Specifications.notNull());
private Constraints() {
throw new AssertionError("Creation of " + getClass().getName() + " instances is forbidden.");
* @param bound the bound
* @return constraint verifying if constrainable value is after predefined bound
public static > Constraint, T> after(final T bound) {
return new SimpleConstraint<>("after", Specifications.after(bound));
* @param first first constraint to be enclosed
* @param rest remaining constraints to be enclosed
* @return constraint matched if and only if all of the enclosed constraints are matched
public static Constraint, ? super T> allOf(@Nonnull final Constraint, T> first, final Constraint, T>... rest) {
return new AllOfConstraint<>(false, first, rest);
* @param first first constraint to be enclosed
* @param rest remaining constraints to be enclosed
* @return constraint matched if and only if any of the enclosed constraints are matched
public static Constraint, ? super T> anyOf(@Nonnull final Constraint, T> first, final Constraint, T>... rest) {
return new AnyOfConstraint<>(false, first, rest);
* @param bound the bound
* @return constraint verifying if constrainable value is before predefined bound
public static > Constraint, T> before(final T bound) {
return new SimpleConstraint<>("before", Specifications.before(bound));
* @param name name of the constraint
* @param determinant predicate being determinant of the constraint
* @param type of the values to be constrained
* @return constraint verifying if constrainable value matches given determinant
public static Constraint, T> constraint(final String name, final Predicate determinant) {
return new SimpleConstraint<>(name, determinant);
* @return constraint verifying if constrainable value is empty (applicable to Collection, Map or String)
public static SimpleConstraint empty() {
return new SimpleConstraint<>("empty", Specifications.empty());
* @param upperLimit the upper limit for character sequence length (inclusive)
* @return constraint verifying if character sequence is limited to predefined number of characters
public static Constraint, T> fitInto(final int upperLimit) {
return new SimpleConstraint<>("fitInto", Specifications.fitInto(upperLimit));
* @param bound the bound
* @return constraint verifying if constrainable value is greater than given bound
public static > Constraint, T> greaterThan(final T bound) {
return new SimpleConstraint<>("greaterThan", Specifications.after(bound));
* @param bound the bound
* @return constraint verifying if constrainable value is greater than given bound
public static Constraint, T> greaterThan(final T bound) {
return new SimpleConstraint<>("greaterThan", Specifications.after(bound));
* @param bound the bound
* @return constraint verifying if constrainable value is greater than or equal to the given bound
public static > Constraint, T> greaterThanOrEqualTo(final T bound) {
return new SimpleConstraint<>("greaterThanOrEqualTo", Specifications.before(bound).negate());
* @param bound the bound
* @return constraint verifying if constrainable value is greater than or equal to the given bound
public static Constraint, T> greaterThanOrEqualTo(final T bound) {
return new SimpleConstraint<>("greaterThanOrEqualTo", Specifications.before(bound).negate());
* @param value the value
* @return constraint verifying if constrainable value is equal to predefined value
public static Constraint, T> isEqual(final T value) {
return new SimpleConstraint<>("isEqual", Specifications.isEqual(value));
* @param bound the bound
* @return constraint verifying if constrainable value is less than given bound
public static > Constraint, T> lessThan(final T bound) {
return new SimpleConstraint<>("lessThan", Specifications.before(bound));
* @param bound the bound
* @return constraint verifying if constrainable value is less than given bound
public static Constraint, T> lessThan(final T bound) {
return new SimpleConstraint<>("lessThan", Specifications.before(bound));
* @param bound the bound
* @return constraint verifying if constrainable value is less than or equal to the given bound
public static > Constraint, T> lessThanOrEqualTo(final T bound) {
return new SimpleConstraint<>("lessThanOrEqualTo", Specifications.after(bound).negate());
* @param bound the bound
* @return constraint verifying if constrainable value is less than or equal to the given bound
public static Constraint, T> lessThanOrEqualTo(final T bound) {
return new SimpleConstraint<>("lessThanOrEqualTo", Specifications.after(bound).negate());
* @param regex the regular expression
* @return constraint verifying if constrainable value matches given regular expression
public static Constraint, T> matches(final String regex) {
return new SimpleConstraint<>("regex", Specifications.matches(regex));
* @return constraint verifying if character sequence is holding at least one non-whitespace character.
public static Constraint, CharSequence> notBlank() {
return new SimpleConstraint<>("notBlank", Specifications.notBlank());
* @return constraint verifying if required value has been defined (is not {@code null})
public static Constraint, Object> required() {
return REQUIRED;
* @return constraint verifying if string contains valid email address.
public static SimpleConstraint validEmail() {
return new SimpleConstraint<>("validEmail", Specifications.validEmail());