pl.iterators.stir.testkit.RouteTestResultComponent.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
The newest version!
package pl.iterators.stir.testkit
import cats.effect.IO
import cats.effect.unsafe.IORuntime
import fs2.Stream
import org.http4s.{ EntityBody, Response }
import pl.iterators.stir.server.{ Rejection, RejectionHandler, RouteResult }
trait RouteTestResultComponent {
def failTest(msg: String): Nothing
* A receptacle for the response or rejections created by a route.
class RouteTestResult() {
private[this] var result: Option[Either[Seq[Rejection], Response[IO]]] = None
// private[this] val latch = new CountDownLatch(1)
def handled: Boolean = synchronized { result.isDefined && result.get.isRight }
def rejections: Seq[Rejection] = synchronized {
result match {
case Some(Left(rejections)) => rejections
case Some(Right(response)) => failTest("Request was not rejected, response was " + response)
case None => failNeitherCompletedNorRejected()
def response(implicit runtime: IORuntime): Response[IO] = rawResponse.withEntity(entity)
/** Returns a "fresh" entity with a "fresh" unconsumed byte- or chunk stream (if not strict) */
def entity(implicit runtime: IORuntime): EntityBody[IO] = entityRecreator(runtime)
// def chunks: Seq[ChunkStreamPart] =
// entity match {
// case HttpEntity.Chunked(_, chunks) => awaitAllElements[ChunkStreamPart](chunks)
// case _ => Nil
// }
// def chunksStream: Source[ChunkStreamPart, Any] =
// rawResponse.entity match {
// case HttpEntity.Chunked(_, data) => data
// case _ => Source.empty
// }
def ~>[T](f: RouteTestResult => T): T = f(this)
private[testkit] def rawResponse: Response[IO] = synchronized {
result match {
case Some(Right(response)) => response
case Some(Left(Nil)) => failTest("Request was rejected")
case Some(Left(rejection :: Nil)) => failTest("Request was rejected with rejection " + rejection)
case Some(Left(rejections)) => failTest("Request was rejected with rejections " + rejections)
case None => failNeitherCompletedNorRejected()
private[testkit] def handleResult(rr: RouteResult): Unit =
synchronized {
if (result.isEmpty) {
result = rr match {
case RouteResult.Complete(response) => Some(Right(response))
case RouteResult.Rejected(rejections) => Some(Left(RejectionHandler.applyTransformations(rejections)))
// latch.countDown()
} else failTest("Route completed/rejected more than once")
private[testkit] def handleResponse(r: Response[IO]): Unit =
synchronized {
if (result.isEmpty) {
result = Some(Right(r))
// latch.countDown()
} else failTest("Route completed/rejected more than once")
// private[testkit] def awaitResult: this.type = scala.concurrent.blocking {
//// latch.await(timeout.toMillis, MILLISECONDS)
// this
// }
private[this] lazy val entityRecreator: IORuntime => EntityBody[IO] = implicit runtime => { bytes =>
Stream.emits(bytes): Stream[IO, Byte]
private def failNeitherCompletedNorRejected(): Nothing =
failTest("Request was neither completed nor rejected" /*within " + timeout */ )