pl.iterators.stir.util.TupleOps.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
The newest version!
package pl.iterators.stir.util
import scala.annotation.nowarn
class TupleOps[T](val tuple: T) extends AnyVal {
import TupleOps._
* Appends the given value to the tuple producing a tuple of arity n + 1.
def append[S](value: S)(implicit ao: AppendOne[T, S]): ao.Out = ao(tuple, value)
* Left-Folds over the tuple using the given binary poly-function.
def foldLeft[In](zero: In)(op: BinaryPolyFunc)(implicit fold: FoldLeft[In, T, op.type]): fold.Out = fold(zero, tuple)
* Appends the given tuple to the underlying tuple producing a tuple of arity n + m.
def join[S](suffixTuple: S)(implicit join: Join[T, S]): join.Out = join(tuple, suffixTuple)
object TupleOps {
implicit def enhanceTuple[T: Tuple](tuple: T): TupleOps[T] = new TupleOps(tuple)
trait AppendOne[P, S] {
type Out
def apply(prefix: P, last: S): Out
object AppendOne extends TupleAppendOneInstances
trait FoldLeft[In, T, Op] {
type Out
def apply(zero: In, tuple: T): Out
object FoldLeft extends TupleFoldInstances
trait Join[P, S] {
type Out
def apply(prefix: P, suffix: S): Out
type JoinAux[P, S, O] = Join[P, S] { type Out = O }
object Join extends LowLevelJoinImplicits {
// O(1) shortcut for the Join[Unit, T] case to avoid O(n) runtime in this case
implicit def join0P[T]: JoinAux[Unit, T, T] =
new Join[Unit, T] {
type Out = T
def apply(prefix: Unit, suffix: T): Out = suffix
// we implement the join by folding over the suffix with the prefix as growing accumulator
object Fold extends BinaryPolyFunc {
implicit def step[T, A](
implicit append: AppendOne[T, A]): BinaryPolyFunc.Case[T, A, Fold.type] { type Out = append.Out } =
at[T, A](append(_, _))
sealed abstract class LowLevelJoinImplicits {
implicit def join[P, S](implicit fold: FoldLeft[P, S, Join.Fold.type]): JoinAux[P, S, fold.Out] =
new Join[P, S] {
type Out = fold.Out
def apply(prefix: P, suffix: S): Out = fold(prefix, suffix)