pl.iterators.stir.server.Directive.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
The newest version!
package pl.iterators.stir.server
import cats.effect.IO
import pl.iterators.stir.server.directives.RouteDirectives
import pl.iterators.stir.util._
import pl.iterators.stir.util.TupleOps.Join
import pl.iterators.stir.impl.util._
abstract class Directive[L](implicit val ev: Tuple[L]) {
* Calls the inner route with a tuple of extracted values of type `L`.
* `tapply` is short for "tuple-apply". Usually, you will use the regular `apply` method instead,
* which is added by an implicit conversion (see `Directive.addDirectiveApply`).
def tapply(f: L => Route): Route
// #basic
* Joins two directives into one which runs the second directive if the first one rejects.
* Alias for [[or]].
def |[R >: L](that: Directive[R]): Directive[R] = or(that)
* Joins two directives into one which runs the second directive if the first one rejects.
def or[R >: L](that: Directive[R]): Directive[R] =
recover(rejections => directives.BasicDirectives.mapRejections(rejections ++ _) & that)(that.ev)
* Joins two directives into one which extracts the concatenation of its base directive extractions.
* NOTE: Extraction joining is an O(N) operation with N being the number of extractions on the right-side.
* Alias for [[and]].
def &(magnet: ConjunctionMagnet[L]): magnet.Out = magnet(this)
* Joins two directives into one which extracts the concatenation of its base directive extractions.
* NOTE: Extraction joining is an O(N) operation with N being the number of extractions on the right-side.
def and(magnet: ConjunctionMagnet[L]): magnet.Out = magnet(this)
* Converts this directive into one which, instead of a tuple of type `L`, creates an
* instance of type `A` (which is usually a case class).
def as[A](constructor: ConstructFromTuple[L, A]): Directive1[A] = {
def validatedMap[R](f: L => R)(implicit tupler: Tupler[R]): Directive[tupler.Out] =
Directive[tupler.Out] { inner =>
tapply { values => ctx =>
def routeResult(): IO[RouteResult] = {
val r: R =
try f(values)
catch {
case e: IllegalArgumentException =>
return ctx.reject(ValidationRejection(e.getMessage.nullAsEmpty, Some(e)))
* Maps over this directive using the given function, which can produce either a tuple or any other value
* (which will then we wrapped into a [[scala.Tuple1]]).
def tmap[R](f: L => R)(implicit tupler: Tupler[R]): Directive[tupler.Out] =
Directive[tupler.Out] { inner => tapply { values => inner(tupler(f(values))) } }(tupler.OutIsTuple)
* Flatmaps this directive using the given function.
def tflatMap[R: Tuple](f: L => Directive[R]): Directive[R] =
Directive[R] { inner => tapply { values => f(values).tapply(inner) } }
* Creates a new [[Directive0]], which passes if the given predicate matches the current
* extractions or rejects with the given rejections.
def trequire(predicate: L => Boolean, rejections: Rejection*): Directive0 =
tfilter(predicate, rejections: _*).tflatMap(_ => Directive.Empty)
* Creates a new directive of the same type, which passes if the given predicate matches the current
* extractions or rejects with the given rejections.
def tfilter(predicate: L => Boolean, rejections: Rejection*): Directive[L] =
Directive[L] { inner =>
tapply { values => ctx => if (predicate(values)) inner(values)(ctx) else ctx.reject(rejections: _*) }
* If the given [[scala.PartialFunction]] is defined for the input, maps this directive with the given function,
* which can produce either a tuple or any other value.
* If it is not defined however, the returned directive will reject with the given rejections.
def tcollect[R](pf: PartialFunction[L, R], rejections: Rejection*)(
implicit tupler: Tupler[R]): Directive[tupler.Out] =
Directive[tupler.Out] { inner =>
tapply { values => ctx =>
{ if (pf.isDefinedAt(values)) inner(tupler(pf(values)))(ctx) else ctx.reject(rejections: _*) }
* Creates a new directive that is able to recover from rejections that were produced by `this` Directive
* **before the inner route was applied**.
def recover[R >: L: Tuple](recovery: Seq[Rejection] => Directive[R]): Directive[R] =
Directive[R] { inner => ctx =>
@volatile var rejectedFromInnerRoute = false
tapply { list => c => rejectedFromInnerRoute = true; inner(list)(c) }(ctx).flatMap {
case RouteResult.Rejected(rejections) if !rejectedFromInnerRoute => recovery(rejections).tapply(inner)(ctx)
case x => IO.pure(x)
* Variant of `recover` that only recovers from rejections handled by the given PartialFunction.
def recoverPF[R >: L: Tuple](recovery: PartialFunction[Seq[Rejection], Directive[R]]): Directive[R] =
recover { rejections =>
recovery.applyOrElse(rejections, (rejs: Seq[Rejection]) => RouteDirectives.reject(rejs: _*))
// #basic
object Directive {
* Constructs a directive from a function literal.
def apply[T: Tuple](f: (T => Route) => Route): Directive[T] =
new Directive[T] { def tapply(inner: T => Route) = f(inner) }
* A Directive that always passes the request on to its inner route (i.e. does nothing).
val Empty: Directive0 = Directive(_(()))
* Adds `apply` to all Directives with 1 or more extractions,
* which allows specifying an n-ary function to receive the extractions instead of a Function1[TupleX, Route].
implicit def addDirectiveApply[L](directive: Directive[L])(implicit hac: ApplyConverter[L]): hac.In => Route =
f => directive.tapply(hac(f))
* Adds `apply` to Directive0. Note: The `apply` parameter is call-by-name to ensure consistent execution behavior
* with the directives producing extractions.
implicit def addByNameNullaryApply(directive: Directive0): (=> Route) => Route =
r => directive.tapply(_ => r)
* Adds helper functions to `Directive0`
implicit class Directive0Support(val underlying: Directive0) extends AnyVal {
def wrap[R](f: => Directive[R]): Directive[R] =
underlying.tflatMap { _ =>
}(Tuple.yes[R]) // we will create a Directive[R], so we know it will be tupled correctly
* "Standard" transformers for [[Directive1]].
* Easier to use than `tmap`, `tflatMap`, etc. defined on [[Directive]] itself,
* because they provide transparent conversion from [[scala.Tuple1]].
implicit class SingleValueTransformers[T](val underlying: Directive1[T]) extends AnyVal {
def map[R](f: T => R)(implicit tupler: Tupler[R]): Directive[tupler.Out] =
underlying.tmap { case Tuple1(value) => f(value) }
def flatMap[R: Tuple](f: T => Directive[R]): Directive[R] =
underlying.tflatMap { case Tuple1(value) => f(value) }
def require(predicate: T => Boolean, rejections: Rejection*): Directive0 =
underlying.filter(predicate, rejections: _*).tflatMap(_ => Empty)
def filter(predicate: T => Boolean, rejections: Rejection*): Directive1[T] =
underlying.tfilter({ case Tuple1(value) => predicate(value) }, rejections: _*)
def collect[R](pf: PartialFunction[T, R], rejections: Rejection*)(
implicit tupler: Tupler[R]): Directive[tupler.Out] =
underlying.tcollect({ case Tuple1(value) if pf.isDefinedAt(value) => pf(value) }, rejections: _*)
* previous, non-value class implementation kept around for binary compatibility
* TODO: remove with next binary incompatible release bump
def SingleValueModifiers[T](underlying: Directive1[T]): Directive.SingleValueModifiers[T] =
new Directive.SingleValueModifiers(underlying)
private[server] class SingleValueModifiers[T](underlying: Directive1[T]) {
def map[R](f: T => R)(implicit tupler: Tupler[R]): Directive[tupler.Out] =
def flatMap[R: Tuple](f: T => Directive[R]): Directive[R] =
def require(predicate: T => Boolean, rejections: Rejection*): Directive0 =
underlying.require(predicate, rejections: _*)
def filter(predicate: T => Boolean, rejections: Rejection*): Directive1[T] =
underlying.filter(predicate, rejections: _*)
def collect[R](pf: PartialFunction[T, R], rejections: Rejection*)(
implicit tupler: Tupler[R]): Directive[tupler.Out] =
underlying.collect(pf, rejections: _*)
trait ConjunctionMagnet[L] {
type Out
def apply(underlying: Directive[L]): Out
object ConjunctionMagnet {
implicit def fromDirective[L, R](other: Directive[R])(
implicit join: Join[L, R]): ConjunctionMagnet[L] { type Out = Directive[join.Out] } =
new ConjunctionMagnet[L] {
type Out = Directive[join.Out]
def apply(underlying: Directive[L]) =
Directive[join.Out] { inner =>
underlying.tapply { prefix => other.tapply { suffix => inner(join(prefix, suffix)) } }
}(Tuple.yes) // we know that join will only ever produce tuples
implicit def fromStandardRoute[L](route: StandardRoute): ConjunctionMagnet[L] { type Out = StandardRoute } =
new ConjunctionMagnet[L] {
type Out = StandardRoute
def apply(underlying: Directive[L]) = StandardRoute(underlying.tapply(_ => route))
implicit def fromRouteGenerator[T, R <: Route](
generator: T => R): ConjunctionMagnet[Unit] { type Out = RouteGenerator[T] } =
new ConjunctionMagnet[Unit] {
type Out = RouteGenerator[T]
def apply(underlying: Directive0) = value => underlying.tapply(_ => generator(value))