commonMain.ure.UreCore.kt Maven / Gradle / Ivy
package pl.mareklangiewicz.ure.core
import pl.mareklangiewicz.annotations.*
import pl.mareklangiewicz.bad.*
import pl.mareklangiewicz.text.*
import pl.mareklangiewicz.ure.*
import kotlin.jvm.JvmInline
import kotlin.text.RegexOption.*
/** IR is the traditional regular expression - no human should read - kind of "intermediate representation" */
value class IR @DelicateApi internal constructor(val str: String) {
override fun toString(): String = str
@OptIn(DelicateApi::class) private val String.asIR get() = IR(this)
* General info about Ure (Micro Regular Expressions):
* Multiplatform Kotlin Frontend / DSL for regular expressions. Actual regular expressions are used like IR
* (intermediate representation) just to compile it to standard kotlin.text.Regex,
* but the developer is using nice DSL to build regular expressions instead of writing them by hand.
* Reference links to RE engines/backends docs, etc.:
* (comprehensive information, notes about different implementations)
* (nice but closed source)
sealed interface Ure {
fun toIR(): IR
* Optionally wraps in a non-capturing group before generating IR, so it's safe to use with quantifiers, alternations, etc.
* Wrapping is done only when needed. For example, [UreConcatenation] with more than one element is wrapped.
* (UreConcatenation with zero elements also is wrapped - so f. e. external UreQuantif only catches empty concatenation)
fun toClosedIR(): IR
* It sets MULTILINE by default.
* Also, I decided NOT to use DOT_MATCHES_ALL by default. Let's keep the ".": [chAnyInLine] as single line matcher.
* Let's use explicit [chAnyAtAll] instead of changing the "." meaning all the time.
* We assume in all normal val/fun ureSth... That DOT_MATCHES_ALL is DISABLED, and MULTILINE is ENABLED,
* so we don't have to enable/disable it all the time "just to make sure".
@OptIn(DelicateApi::class, NotPortableApi::class)
fun compile() = compileWithOptions(MULTILINE)
@DelicateApi("Usually code using Ure assumes default options, so changing options can create hard to find issues.")
@NotPortableApi("Some options work only on some platforms. Check docs for each used platform.")
fun compileWithOptions(vararg options: RegexOption) = Regex(toIR().str, options.toSet())
/** */
sealed interface UreNonCapturing: Ure
/** */
sealed interface UreCapturing: Ure
/** */
sealed interface UreNumbered: UreCapturing
* Named group is also automatically numbered (in most implementations),
* but different regex implementations can number them differently.
* So better not to mix [UreNamedGroup] with [UreNumberedGroup] in one [Ure],
* but choose one way of capturing. See "Numbers for Named Capturing Groups" here:
sealed interface UreNamed: UreNumbered
* The first way it matches becomes the only way (backtracking info gets removed if there was any).
* So no trying if it could eat more or less chars (in particular place) when sth later failed.
* [UreAtomic] only means that this [Ure] is known to be atomic. Some others can also in practice be atomic.
sealed interface UreAtomic: UreNonCapturing
/** */
sealed interface UreAnchor: UreAtomic
* Also known as a character set:
* Note:
* It can sometimes match more than one char technically.
* For example, most (all?) emoji "code points" take two "code units" (16b chars).
* Such 32b encoding is also called "surrogate pair".
sealed interface UreCharClass: UreAtomic {
fun toIRInCharClass(): IR
value class UreConcatenation internal constructor(val tokens: MutableList = mutableListOf()) : UreNonCapturing {
// TODO_someday: make tokens publicly List, when kotlin have this feature:
private val debugWithClosedTokens: Boolean get() = false
// In case of difficult issues: try to temporarily change it to true see if matching changes somehow.
override fun toIR(): IR = when (tokens.size) {
0 -> "".asIR
else -> tokens.joinToString("") {
if ((it is UreAlternation) or (it is UreWithRawIR) or debugWithClosedTokens) it.toClosedIR().str else it.toIR().str
override fun toClosedIR() = when (tokens.size) {
1 -> tokens[0].toClosedIR()
else -> this.groupNonCapt().toIR() // In case 0, we also want to wrap it in groupNonCapt!
// To avoid issues when outside operator captures something else instead of empty concatenation.
// I decided NOT to throw IllegalStateError in case 0, so we can always monitor IR in half-baked UREs.
// (Like when creating UREs with some @Composable UI)
// Can't decide if this syntax is better in case of "1 of ..."; let's leave it for now.
// TODO_later: rethink syntax when context receivers become multiplatform.
// Maybe somehow force '+' in other cases too, but I don't want to force some syntax with additional parentheses.
operator fun Ure.unaryPlus() { tokens.add(this) }
class UreX internal constructor(val times: IntRange, val reluctant: Boolean, val possessive: Boolean)
fun x(times: IntRange, reluctant: Boolean = false, possessive: Boolean = false) = UreX(times, reluctant, possessive)
fun x(times: Int) = x(times..times)
infix fun UreX.of(ure: Ure) {
tokens.add(ure.times(times, reluctant, possessive))
infix fun UreX.of(init: UreConcatenation.() -> Unit) {
this of ure(init = init)
infix fun IntRange.of(ure: Ure) = x(this) of ure
infix fun Int.of(ure: Ure) = x(this) of ure
infix fun IntRange.of(init: UreConcatenation.() -> Unit) = x(this) of init
infix fun Int.of(init: UreConcatenation.() -> Unit) = x(this) of init
data class UreAlternation internal constructor(val first: Ure, val second: Ure) : UreNonCapturing {
override fun toIR() = "${first.toClosedIR()}|${second.toClosedIR()}".asIR
override fun toClosedIR() = this.groupNonCapt().toIR()
sealed interface UreGroup : Ure {
val content: Ure
private val contentIR get() = content.toIR()
val typeIR: IR // it's not full IR but just the part that signifies the type of group
override fun toIR(): IR = "($typeIR$contentIR)".asIR
// it looks like all possible typeIR prefixes cannot be confused with first contentIR characters.
// (meaning: RE designers thought about it, so I don't have to be extra careful here.)
override fun toClosedIR() = toIR() // group is always "closed" - has parentheses outside
data class UreNamedGroup internal constructor(override val content: Ure, val name: String) : UreGroup, UreNamed {
override val typeIR get() = "?<$name>".asIR
value class UreNonCapturingGroup internal constructor(override val content: Ure) : UreGroup, UreNonCapturing {
override val typeIR get() = "?:".asIR
value class UreNumberedGroup internal constructor(override val content: Ure) : UreGroup, UreNumbered {
override val typeIR get() = "".asIR
/** */
@NotPortableApi("Does NOT even compile (Ure.compile) on JS.")
value class UreAtomicGroup internal constructor(override val content: Ure) : UreGroup, UreAtomic {
override val typeIR get() = "?>".asIR
sealed class UreChangeOptions @DelicateApi @NotPortableApi protected constructor(
): UreNonCapturing {
abstract val enable: Set
abstract val disable: Set
// run it in init of final class
protected fun reqCorrectOptions() {
req((enable intersect disable).isEmpty()) { "Can not enable and disable the same option at the same time" }
req(enable.isNotEmpty() || disable.isNotEmpty()) { "No options provided" }
protected val RegexOption.code
get() = when (this) {
// Note: Kotlin stdlib RegexOption will probably evolve, so I'll enable more options here in the future.
// See also:
// LITERAL -> bad { "Looks like not even supported by kotlin stdlib RegexOption in common code." }
// UNIX_LINES -> "d" // bad { "Looks like not even supported by kotlin stdlib RegexOption in common code." }
// COMMENTS -> "x" // bad { "not really supported... maybe in UreIR, but I wouldn't use it." }
// DOT_MATCHES_ALL -> "s" // bad { "Looks like not even supported by kotlin stdlib RegexOption in common code." }
// CANON_EQ -> bad { "Looks like not even supported by kotlin stdlib RegexOption." }
// UNICODE_CASE -> "u" // bad { "Looks like not even supported by kotlin stdlib RegexOption in common code." }
else -> bad { "RegexOption: $this is not supported." }
private val oec get() = enable.code
private val odc get() = disable.code.let { if (it.isEmpty()) it else "-$it" }
private val Set.code get() = joinToString("") { it.code }
protected val optionsCode get() = "$oec$odc"
data class UreChangeOptionsGroup @DelicateApi @NotPortableApi internal constructor(
override val content: Ure,
override val enable: Set = emptySet(),
override val disable: Set = emptySet(),
) : UreChangeOptions(), UreGroup {
init { reqCorrectOptions() }
override val typeIR get() = "?$optionsCode:".asIR
* Changes regex options ([RegexOption]) from this point ahead. Very problematic construct.
* It is much safer to use [UreChangeOptionsGroup] instead of [UreChangeOptionsAhead].
* Or even safer not to change options at all, so all [Ure]s are interpreted the same way.
@DelicateApi("Makes the whole Ure very difficult to analyze.", ReplaceWith("UreChangingOptionsGroup"))
@SecondaryApi("Use UreChangingOptionsGroup", ReplaceWith("UreChangingOptionsGroup"))
@NotPortableApi("Does NOT even compile (Ure.compile) on JS.", ReplaceWith("UreChangingOptionsGroup"))
data class UreChangeOptionsAhead internal constructor(
override val enable: Set = emptySet(),
override val disable: Set = emptySet(),
) : UreChangeOptions(), UreNonCapturing {
init { reqCorrectOptions() }
override fun toClosedIR(): IR = toIR()
override fun toIR(): IR = "(?$optionsCode)".asIR
// Note: For delicate/not portable reasons, see
// search: "This behavior is reasonable...Therefore, it starts... Regexes in some other languages forbid..."
data class UreLookGroup @DelicateApi @NotPortableApi internal constructor(
override val content: Ure,
val ahead: Boolean = true,
val positive: Boolean = true,
) : UreGroup, UreAnchor {
override val typeIR
get() = when (ahead to positive) {
true to true -> "?="
true to false -> "?!"
false to true -> "?<="
false to false -> "? bad { "Impossible case" }
@OptIn(DelicateApi::class, NotPortableApi::class)
operator fun not() = UreLookGroup(content, ahead, !positive)
data class UreGroupRef internal constructor(val nr: Int? = null, val name: String? = null) : UreAtomic {
init {
nr == null || name == null || bad { "Can not reference capturing group by both nr ($nr) and name ($name)" }
nr == null && name == null && bad { "Either nr or name has to be provided for the group reference" }
override fun toIR(): IR = if (nr != null) "\\$nr".asIR else "\\k<$name>".asIR
override fun toClosedIR(): IR = toIR()
* By default, it's "greedy" - tries to match as many "times" as possible, but backs off one by one when about to fail.
* @param times - Uses shorter notation when appropriate, like: 0..1 -> "?"; 0..MAX -> "*"; 1..MAX -> "+"
* @param reluctant - Tries to eat as little "times" as possible. Opposite to default "greedy" behavior.
* @param possessive - It's like more greedy than default greedy. Never backtracks - fails instead. Just as [UreAtomicGroup].
data class UreQuantifier internal constructor(
val content: Ure,
val times: IntRange,
val reluctant: Boolean = false,
val possessive: Boolean = false,
) : UreNonCapturing {
init {
reluctant && possessive && bad { "UreQuantifier can't be reluctant and possessive at the same time" }
val greedy get() = !reluctant && !possessive
override fun toIR(): IR {
val timesIR = when (times) {
1..1 -> return content.toIR()
0..1 -> "?"
0..MAX -> "*"
1..MAX -> "+"
else -> when (times.last) {
times.first -> "{${times.first}}"
MAX -> "{${times.first},}" // Note: skipping min is not implicit 0, it's an incorrect syntax.
else -> "{${times.first},${times.last}}"
val suffixIR = when {
reluctant -> "?"
possessive -> "+"
greedy -> ""
else -> bad { "impossible" }
return "${content.toClosedIR()}$timesIR$suffixIR".asIR
override fun toClosedIR() = this.groupNonCapt().toIR()
// has to be wrapped, because stacking quantifiers doesn't compile in different cases, especially on JS
// (see TestUreQuantifiersEtc.kt: "dangling quantifiers", etc.)
// TODO_someday: Optimize: carefully multiply min and max when content is also UreQuantifier
* Represents exactly one character (code point in Unicode). Will be automatically escaped if needed.
* @param str can contain more than one jvm char in cases when one codepoint in utf16 takes more than one char,
* but it does not accept regexes representing special characters, like "\\t", or "\\n" - use single backslash,
* so kotlin compiler changes "\n" into actual newline character, etc;
* UreCharExact.toIR() will recreate necessary regex (like \n or \x{hhhhh}) for weird characters.
* Only surrogate pair case is not portable. It compiles to \x{hhhhh} which works only on JVM.
* Note: On JS there is \u{hhhhh} syntax instead of \x{hhhhh},
* but I really don't want to create different IR for different platforms.
* It all should be the same common implementation, except actual regex matching (which is outside Ure).
* (usecases like: tool on website creating IR to copy&paste to different places)
@JvmInline value class UreCharExact @NotPortableApi internal constructor(val str: String) : UreCharClass {
init {
req(str.isNotEmpty()) { "Empty char point." }
req(str.isSingleUnicodeCharacter) { "Looks like more than one char point." }
override fun toClosedIR() = toIR()
override fun toIR(): IR = toIR(str[0].isMeta)
override fun toIRInCharClass(): IR = toIR(str[0].isMetaInCharClass)
private fun toIR(justQuote: Boolean): IR = when {
justQuote -> "\\$str" // below, we know it's not meta-like character in this context
str == "\t" -> "\\t" // tab
str == "\n" -> "\\n" // newline
str == "\r" -> "\\r" // carriage-return
str == "\u000C" -> "\\f" // form-feed
str == "\u0007" -> "\\a" // alert bell
str == "\u001B" -> "\\e" // escape
// Note: other ascii control chars are encoded below as "\\x$hex" which is fine.
str.length == 1 && str[0].isAsciiPrintable -> str
// TODO_someday: make sure all ascii printable are fine (we already checked it's not meta in this context).
else -> {
val p = str.toSingleCodePoint()
when {
p < 0x100 -> "\\x${p.toUByte().toHexString()}" // ascii control chars are also represented this way
p < 0x10000 -> "\\u${p.toUShort().toHexString()}"
else -> "\\x{${p.toHexString(HexFormat { number { removeLeadingZeros = true } })}}"
private val Char.isMeta get() = this in "\\[].^\$?*+{}|()" //
private val Char.isMetaInCharClass get() = this in "\\[]^-" //
@JvmInline value class UreAnchorPreDef @NotPortableApi internal constructor(val name: Char) : UreAnchor {
init { req(name.isNameOfAnchorPreDef) { "Incorrect name of predefined anchor: $name" } }
override fun toIR(): IR = if (name in "^$") "$name".asIR else "\\$name".asIR
override fun toClosedIR(): IR = toIR()
@OptIn(NotPortableApi::class) operator fun not() =
if (name in "bB") UreAnchorPreDef(name.switchCase()) else bad { "The anchor: $name can't be negated." }
companion object {
private val Char.isNameOfAnchorPreDef get() = this in "^\$bBAGZz"
* Also known as shorthand character set
@JvmInline value class UreCharClassPreDef @DelicateApi internal constructor(val name: Char) : UreCharClass {
init { req(name.isNameOfPreDefCC) { "Incorrect name of predefined character class: $name" } }
override fun toIR(): IR = if (name == '.') "$name".asIR else "\\$name".asIR
override fun toClosedIR(): IR = toIR()
override fun toIRInCharClass(): IR = toIR()
@OptIn(DelicateApi::class) operator fun not() =
if (name == '.') bad { "The chAnyInLine can't be negated." }
else UreCharClassPreDef(name.switchCase())
companion object {
private val Char.isNameOfPreDefCC get() = this in ".dDhHsSvVwW"
data class UreCharClassUnion @NotPortableApi internal constructor(val tokens: List, val positive: Boolean = true) : UreCharClass {
init { req(tokens.isNotEmpty()) { "No tokens in UreCharClassUnion." } }
override fun toIR(): IR = if (tokens.size == 1 && positive) tokens[0].toIR()
else tokens.joinToString("", if (positive) "[" else "[^", "]") { it.toIRInCharClass().str }.asIR
override fun toClosedIR(): IR = toIR()
override fun toIRInCharClass(): IR = tokens.joinToString("", if (positive) "" else "[^", if (positive) "" else "]") { it.toIRInCharClass().str }.asIR
operator fun not() = UreCharClassUnion(tokens, !positive)
// TODO_later: analyze if some special kotlin progression/range would fit here better
data class UreCharClassRange @NotPortableApi constructor(val from: UreCharClass, val to: UreCharClass, val positive: Boolean = true) : UreCharClass {
override fun toClosedIR(): IR = toIR()
override fun toIR(): IR = "[$content]".asIR
override fun toIRInCharClass(): IR = if (positive) content.asIR else toIR()
private val neg get() = if (positive) "" else "^"
private val content get() = "$neg${from.toIRInCharClass()}-${to.toIRInCharClass()}"
operator fun not() = UreCharClassRange(from, to, !positive)
* This class is not only not-portable, but also VERY DELICATE.
* Please always write unit tests to make sure it behaves as expected on platforms you're using.
* There are weird inconsistencies when regex engines interpret intersections of unions, negated intersections, etc etc.
* Some are described here:
* Some are reproduced in fun testUreCharClasses in TestUreCharClasses.cmn.kt
* Usual workaround for weird behavior is to wrap some parts in additional chOfAny(token).
data class UreCharClassIntersect @NotPortableApi @DelicateApi internal constructor(val tokens: List, val positive: Boolean = true) : UreCharClass {
override fun toIR(): IR = tokens.joinToString("&&", if (positive) "[" else "[^", "]") { it.toIRInCharClass().str }.asIR
override fun toClosedIR(): IR = toIR()
override fun toIRInCharClass(): IR = toIR() // this class is delicate enough, so let's not try to drop brackets here
@NotPortableApi @DelicateApi
operator fun not() = UreCharClassIntersect(tokens, !positive)
data class UreCharClassProp @NotPortableApi internal constructor(val prop: String, val positive: Boolean = true) : UreCharClass {
override fun toIR(): IR = "\\${if (positive) "p" else "P"}{$prop}".asIR
override fun toClosedIR(): IR = toIR()
override fun toIRInCharClass(): IR = toIR()
operator fun not() = UreCharClassProp(prop, !positive)
/** Dirty way to inject whole regexes fast. Avoid if possible. */
@JvmInline value class UreWithRawIR @DelicateApi @NotPortableApi internal constructor(val ir: IR) : Ure {
override fun toIR(): IR = ir
override fun toClosedIR(): IR = if (isClosed) ir else this.groupNonCapt().toIR()
private val isClosed get() = when {
ir.str.length == 1 -> true
ir.str.length == 2 && ir.str[0] == '\\' -> true
else -> false
// TODO_someday: analyze more carefully and drop grouping when actually not needed.
@JvmInline value class UreQuote @NotPortableApi internal constructor(val str: String) : UreAtomic {
override fun toClosedIR(): IR = toIR()
override fun toIR() = "\\Q$str\\E".asIR
/** Could be implemented as [UreConcatenation] of each character, but it's better to have a smaller tree. */
@JvmInline value class UreText internal constructor(val str: String) : UreAtomic {
override fun toClosedIR(): IR = this.groupNonCapt().toIR()
override fun toIR() = { if (it.isMeta) "\\$it" else "$it" }.joinToString("").asIR
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