jvmMain.maintenance.MyProjects.kt Maven / Gradle / Ivy
@file:Suppress("unused", "PackageDirectoryMismatch")
package pl.mareklangiewicz.kgroundx.maintenance
import kotlinx.coroutines.flow.*
import okio.*
import okio.Path.Companion.toPath
import pl.mareklangiewicz.annotations.*
import pl.mareklangiewicz.io.*
import pl.mareklangiewicz.kground.io.UFileSys
import pl.mareklangiewicz.kground.io.implictx
import pl.mareklangiewicz.kground.logEach
import pl.mareklangiewicz.ulog.*
import pl.mareklangiewicz.kommand.ax
import pl.mareklangiewicz.kommand.find.*
import pl.mareklangiewicz.kommand.github.*
import pl.mareklangiewicz.kommand.reducedOutToFlow
import pl.mareklangiewicz.kommand.zenity.zenityAskIf
import pl.mareklangiewicz.ure.*
import pl.mareklangiewicz.ure.core.Ure
var PathToKotlinProjects = "/home/marek/code/kotlin".toPath()
var PathToKGroundProject = PathToKotlinProjects / "KGround"
var PathToRefreshDepsProject = PathToKotlinProjects / "refreshDeps"
var PathToDepsKtProject = PathToKotlinProjects / "DepsKt"
// TODO_later: refactor this little experiment fun
@ExampleApi suspend fun searchKotlinCodeInMyProjects(
codeInLineUre: Ure,
onlyPublic: Boolean = false,
alsoGradleKts: Boolean = true,
alsoFilterProjectPath: suspend (Path) -> Boolean = { true },
) {
val log = implictx()
var foundCount = 0
.mapFilterLocalKotlinProjectsPathS(alsoFilter = alsoFilterProjectPath)
.collect { projectPath ->
log.i("Searching in project: $projectPath")
val listKt = findMyKotlinCode(projectPath.toString()).ax()
val listKts =
if (alsoGradleKts)
withNameBase = "*.gradle.kts",
withNameFull = null,
else emptyList()
(listKt + listKts).forEach { ktFilePathStr ->
val ktFilePath = ktFilePathStr.toPath()
val lineContentUre = codeInLineUre.withOptWhatevaAroundInLine()
val result = readAndFindUreLineContentWithSomeLinesAround(ktFilePath, lineContentUre)
result?.value?.let {
log.i("found in file ($foundCount): $ktFilePathStr")
log.i("found code:")
log.i("Total found files: $foundCount")
// TODO_someday: sth like this public in UreIO.kt
@DelicateApi("FIXME: Probably leads to catastrophic backtracking. Keep maxLinesAround < 3.")
private suspend fun readAndFindUreLineContentWithSomeLinesAround(
file: Path,
ureLineContent: Ure,
maxLinesAround: Int = 1,
): MatchResult? {
val log = implictx()
val fs = implictx()
return fs.readUtf8(file).let { fileContent ->
.withSomeLinesAround(log, maxLinesBefore = maxLinesAround, maxLinesAfter = maxLinesAround)
@DelicateApi("FIXME: Probably leads to catastrophic backtracking. Keep maxLinesBefore < 3.")
private fun Ure.withSomeLinesAround(
log: ULog,
maxLinesBefore: Int = 1,
maxLinesAfter: Int = 1,
) = ure {
if (maxLinesBefore > 2) log.w("FIXME: this is terribly slow for maxLinesBefore > 2")
// FIXME investigate if it can be optimized. https://www.regular-expressions.info/catastrophic.html
0..maxLinesBefore of ureAnyLine()
0..maxLinesAfter of ureAnyLine()
@ExampleApi suspend fun checkMyDWorkflowsInMyProjects(onlyPublic: Boolean) =
.collect { checkMyDWorkflowsInProject(it) }
@ExampleApi suspend fun injectMyDWorkflowsToMyProjects(onlyPublic: Boolean) =
.collect { injectDWorkflowsToProject(it) }
@ExampleApi private fun Flow.mapFilterLocalDWorkflowsProjectsPathS() =
mapFilterLocalKotlinProjectsPathS {
val log = implictx()
val fs = implictx()
val isGradleRootProject = fs.exists(it / "settings.gradle.kts") || fs.exists(it / "settings.gradle")
if (!isGradleRootProject) {
log.w("Ignoring dworkflows in non-gradle project: $it")
// FIXME_maybe: Change when I have dworkflows for non-gradle projects
/** @receiver Flow of projects names. */
@ExampleApi internal fun Flow.mapFilterLocalKotlinProjectsPathS(
alsoFilter: suspend (Path) -> Boolean = { true },
): Flow {
return map { PathToKotlinProjects / it }
.filter { implictx().exists(it) }
.filter { alsoFilter(it) }
@ExampleApi suspend fun tryToInjectMyTemplatesToAllMyProjects(
onlyPublic: Boolean = false,
askInteractively: Boolean = true,
) {
val log = implictx()
val templates = collectMyTemplates()
.collect { path ->
suspend fun inject() {
log.i("Injecting my templates to project: $path")
tryInjectMyTemplatesToProject(path, templates, askInteractively)
!askInteractively || zenityAskIf("Try to inject my templates to project: $path ?").ax() || return@collect
@Deprecated("Temporary fun to fix templates from single to double square brackets marks")
@ExampleApi suspend fun tryFixMyTemplatesInAllMyProjects(
onlyPublic: Boolean = false,
askInteractively: Boolean = true,
) {
val log = implictx()
.collect { path ->
suspend fun fix() {
log.i("Fixing my templates in project: $path")
tryFixMyTemplatesInProject(path, askInteractively)
!askInteractively || zenityAskIf("Try to fix my templates in project: $path ?").ax() || return@collect
@ExampleApi suspend fun fetchMyProjectsNameS(onlyPublic: Boolean = true): Flow =
ghMyRepoList(onlyPublic = onlyPublic)
@ExampleApi suspend fun fetchMyProjectsNames(onlyPublic: Boolean = true, sorted: Boolean = true): List =
fetchMyProjectsNameS(onlyPublic).toList().let { if (sorted) it.sorted() else it }