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package pl.mareklangiewicz.ure
import pl.mareklangiewicz.annotations.*
import pl.mareklangiewicz.ure.core.Ure
* Micro regular expressions for XML, HTML, etc.
* WARNING: regular expressions are generally TERRIBLE for ML languages.
* Because these aren't just regular languages.
* Most problems are with "recursive" elements like
* (unable to find correct matching end-tag)
* Also commented out tags mess up RE matching, etc.
* So people are shaming using RE for ML and say only real parsers are acceptable.
* But… if you feel like a hacker (and need a lightweight "solution" that sometimes works)..
* - Be prepared for any unexpected errors/mismatches
* - Use only for scraping where mismatches are kinda OK, and easily recoverable/presented to user
* - Use mostly for "leafy" elements
* - empty tags ; only spaces
* - elements that can't contain other elements of the same type (reluctant RE matching end tag)
* - Maybe use for some "global" elements (possessive RE) - maybe use expected indentation?
* - Maybe first check with another RE if there is some dangerous comment with tag or sth like that?
* @param expectedAttrs
* Use ureExpectedAttr(..) or be very careful with providing own Ure for any expected attribute.
* Attrs not on the list are matched but ignored. It only matches expectedAttrs in given order!
* (With optional other attrs in between ignored)
fun ureStartTag(name: String, vararg expectedAttrs: Ure) = ureSomeTag(name, *expectedAttrs)
fun ureEndTag(name: String) = ureSomeTag(name, ureBegin = ureText(""))
fun ureCollapsedTag(name: String, vararg expectedAttrs: Ure) =
ureSomeTag(name, *expectedAttrs, ureEnd = ureText("/>"))
fun Ure.withTagAround(name: String, vararg expectedAttrs: Ure, withOptSpacesAroundContent: Boolean = true) = ure {
+ureStartTag(name, *expectedAttrs)
[email protected](
allowBefore = withOptSpacesAroundContent,
allowAfter = withOptSpacesAroundContent,
* Makes most sense if we ignore content anyway.
* (like ureWhateva().withTagAroundOrJustTagCollapsed(..) ure { 0..MAX of space }.withTAOJTC..)
* Purposefully long name to discourage using it directly. Use ureEmptyContentElement, ureWhatevaContentElement..
@OptIn(DelicateApi::class, NotPortableApi::class)
fun Ure.withTagAroundOrJustTagCollapsed(
name: String,
vararg expectedAttrs: Ure,
withOptSpacesAroundContent: Boolean = true,
allowJustTagCollapsed: Boolean = true,
) = ure {
+ureSomeTag(name, *expectedAttrs, ureEnd = ure { 0..1 of chSlash; +ch('>') })
val collapsed = ureText("/>").lookBehind()
val notCollapsed = ure {
+ureText("/>").lookBehind(positive = false)
.withOptSpacesAround(allowBefore = withOptSpacesAroundContent, allowAfter = withOptSpacesAroundContent)
if (allowJustTagCollapsed)
+(collapsed or notCollapsed)
fun ureEmptyContentElement(name: String, vararg expectedAttrs: Ure, allowCollapsed: Boolean = false) =
ure { 0..MAX of chWhiteSpace }
name, *expectedAttrs, withOptSpacesAroundContent = false, allowJustTagCollapsed = allowCollapsed,
fun ureWhatevaContentElement(
name: String,
vararg expectedAttrs: Ure,
withOptSpacesAroundContent: Boolean = true,
whatevaContentName: String? = null,
allowCollapsed: Boolean = false,
) = ureWhateva().withName(whatevaContentName)
name, *expectedAttrs,
withOptSpacesAroundContent = withOptSpacesAroundContent, allowJustTagCollapsed = allowCollapsed,
private val ureOptIgnoredAttrsOptSpaces = ureChain(ureTagAttr(), times = 0..MAX, reluctant = true)
private fun ureSomeTag(
name: String,
vararg expectedAttrs: Ure,
ureBegin: Ure = ch('<'),
ureEnd: Ure = ch('>'),
) = ure {
// boundaries in case we have no space after (we need to match but not glued )
for (expectedAttr in expectedAttrs) {
fun ureExpectAttr(
name: String,
value: Ure = ureWhatevaInLine(), // let's keep default inline, matching long multiline whateva can lead to hard to debug mismatches
valueGroupName: String? = name.filter { it != '-' },
optional: Boolean = false,
) = ureTagAttr(ureText(name), value, valueGroupName).let { if (optional) ure { 0..1 of it } else it }
fun ureTagAttr(
name: Ure = ureIdent(allowDashesInside = true),
value: Ure = ureWhatevaInLine(), // let's keep default inline, matching long multiline whateva can lead to hard to debug mismatches
valueGroupName: String? = null,
) = ure {
// boundaries in case user changed name: Ure to sth that doesn't check it (like default ureIdent() does)
+ch('=').withOptSpacesAround(allowBefore = false)