jvmMain.workflows.MyWorkflows.kt Maven / Gradle / Ivy
The newest version!
@file:Suppress("unused", "PackageDirectoryMismatch")
package pl.mareklangiewicz.kgroundx.workflows
import io.github.typesafegithub.workflows.actions.actions.Checkout
import io.github.typesafegithub.workflows.actions.actions.SetupJava
import io.github.typesafegithub.workflows.actions.endbug.AddAndCommit
import io.github.typesafegithub.workflows.domain.JobOutputs
import io.github.typesafegithub.workflows.domain.RunnerType
import io.github.typesafegithub.workflows.domain.Workflow
import io.github.typesafegithub.workflows.domain.actions.RegularAction
import io.github.typesafegithub.workflows.domain.actions.Action
import io.github.typesafegithub.workflows.domain.triggers.*
import io.github.typesafegithub.workflows.dsl.JobBuilder
import io.github.typesafegithub.workflows.dsl.WorkflowBuilder
import io.github.typesafegithub.workflows.dsl.expressions.expr
import io.github.typesafegithub.workflows.dsl.workflow
import io.github.typesafegithub.workflows.yaml.*
import kotlin.collections.LinkedHashMap
import kotlinx.coroutines.flow.Flow
import okio.*
import pl.mareklangiewicz.annotations.ExampleApi
import pl.mareklangiewicz.bad.*
import pl.mareklangiewicz.io.*
import pl.mareklangiewicz.kground.io.localUFileSys
import pl.mareklangiewicz.kgroundx.maintenance.*
import pl.mareklangiewicz.ulog.*
@ExampleApi suspend fun checkMyDWorkflowsInMyProjects(onlyPublic: Boolean) =
.collect { checkMyDWorkflowsInProject(it) }
@ExampleApi suspend fun injectMyDWorkflowsToMyProjects(onlyPublic: Boolean) =
.collect { injectDWorkflowsToProject(it) }
@ExampleApi private fun Flow.mapFilterLocalDWorkflowsProjectsPathS() =
mapFilterLocalKotlinProjectsPathS {
val log = localULog()
val fs = localUFileSys()
val isGradleRootProject = fs.exists(it / "settings.gradle.kts") || fs.exists(it / "settings.gradle")
if (!isGradleRootProject) {
log.w("Ignoring dworkflows in non-gradle project: $it")
// FIXME_maybe: Change when I have dworkflows for non-gradle projects
private val myFork = expr { "${github.repository_owner} == 'mareklangiewicz'" }
private val mySecretsEnv = listOf(
"signing_keyId", "signing_password", "signing_key",
"ossrhUsername", "ossrhPassword", "sonatypeStagingProfileId",
.map { "MYKOTLIBS_$it" }
.associateWith { expr("secrets.$it") } as LinkedHashMap
// Github cron is UTC so about 2 hours behind Warsaw.
// https://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/timezone/utc
// Github can delay or even drop scheduled events depending on
// high load times (like full hours), repo usage, and many different things.
// https://docs.github.com/en/actions/using-workflows/events-that-trigger-workflows#schedule
private val everydayAfter5amUTC = Cron(hour = "5", minute = "37")
// BTW refreshDeps should take less than 10min
private val everydayBefore6amUTC = Cron(hour = "5", minute = "53")
fun myWorkflow(
name: String,
on: List,
block: WorkflowBuilder.() -> Unit,
): Workflow {
lateinit var result: Workflow
workflow(name = name, on = on, block = block, useWorkflow = { result = it })
return result
// FIXME_maybe: something less hacky/hardcoded
fun injectHackyGenerateDepsWorkflowToRefreshDepsRepo() = myWorkflow(
"Generate Deps", listOf(Schedule(listOf(everydayAfter5amUTC)), WorkflowDispatch()),
) {
id = "generate-deps",
runsOn = RunnerType.UbuntuLatest,
_customArguments = mapOf("permissions" to mapOf("contents" to "write")),
) {
uses(action = Checkout())
usesGradle(gradleVersion = "8.10.1") // FIXME_someday: I had errors when null (when trying to use wrapper)
name = "MyExperiments.generateDeps",
env = linkedMapOf("GENERATE_DEPS" to "true"),
workingDirectory = "plugins",
command = "gradle --info :refreshVersions:test --tests MyExperiments.generateDeps"
}.write("generate-deps.yml", PProjRefreshDeps)
// FIXME: something less hacky/hardcoded/repetitive
fun injectUpdateGeneratedDepsWorkflowToDepsKtRepo() {
myWorkflow("Update Generated Deps", listOf(Schedule(listOf(everydayBefore6amUTC)), WorkflowDispatch())) {
id = "update-generated-deps",
runsOn = RunnerType.UbuntuLatest,
env = mySecretsEnv,
_customArguments = mapOf("permissions" to mapOf("contents" to "write")),
) {
uses(action = Checkout())
name = "updateGeneratedDeps",
command = "./gradlew updateGeneratedDeps --no-configuration-cache --no-parallel"
}.write("update-generated-deps.yml", PProjDepsKt)
private val MyDWorkflowNames = listOf("dbuild", "drelease")
suspend fun checkMyDWorkflowsInProject(
projectPath: Path,
yamlFilesPath: Path = projectPath / ".github" / "workflows",
yamlFilesExt: String = "yml",
failIfUnknownWorkflowFound: Boolean = false,
failIfKnownWorkflowNotFound: Boolean = false,
) {
val log = localULog()
val fs = localUFileSys()
log.i("Check my dworkflows in project: $projectPath")
val yamlFiles = findAllFiles(yamlFilesPath, maxDepth = 1).filterExt(yamlFilesExt)
val yamlNames = yamlFiles.map { it.name.substringBeforeLast('.') }
for (dname in MyDWorkflowNames) {
if (dname !in yamlNames) {
val summary = "Workflow $dname not found."
log.e("ERR project:${projectPath.name}: $summary")
if (failIfKnownWorkflowNotFound) bad { summary }
for (file in yamlFiles) {
val dname = file.name.substringBeforeLast('.')
val contentExpected = try {
} catch (e: IllegalStateException) {
if (failIfUnknownWorkflowFound) throw e
else {
log.e(e.message); continue
val contentActual = fs.readUtf8(file)
contentActual.chkEq(contentExpected) {
val summary = "Workflow $dname was modified."
log.e("ERR project:${projectPath.name}: $summary")
log.i("OK project:${projectPath.name} workflow:$dname")
@ExampleApi suspend fun injectDWorkflowsToKotlinProject(projectName: String) =
injectDWorkflowsToProject(PCodeKt / projectName)
suspend fun injectDWorkflowsToProject(
projectPath: Path,
yamlFilesPath: Path = projectPath / ".github" / "workflows",
yamlFilesExt: String = "yml",
) {
val log = localULog()
val fs = localUFileSys()
log.i("Inject default workflows to project: $projectPath")
for (dname in MyDWorkflowNames) {
val file = yamlFilesPath / "$dname.$yamlFilesExt"
val contentOld = try {
} catch (e: FileNotFoundException) {
val contentNew = myDefaultWorkflow(dname).generateYaml()
fs.writeUtf8(file, contentNew, createParentDir = true)
val summary =
if (contentNew == contentOld) "No changes."
else "Changes detected (len ${contentOld.length}->${contentNew.length})"
log.i("Inject workflow to project:${projectPath.name} dname:$dname - $summary")
* @dname name of both: workflow, and file name in .github/workflows (without .yml extension)
* hacky "d" prefix in all recognized names is mostly to avoid clashing with other workflows.
* (if I add it to existing repos/forks) (and it means "default")
internal fun myDefaultWorkflow(dname: String) = when (dname) {
"dbuild" -> myDefaultBuildWorkflow()
"drelease" -> myDefaultReleaseWorkflow()
else -> bad { "Unknown default workflow dname: $dname" }
private fun myDefaultBuildWorkflow(runners: List = listOf(RunnerType.UbuntuLatest)) =
myWorkflow("dbuild", listOf(Push(branches = listOf("master", "main")), PullRequest(), WorkflowDispatch()),
) {
runners.forEach { runnerType ->
id = "build-for-${runnerType::class.simpleName}",
runsOn = runnerType,
env = mySecretsEnv,
) {
uses(action = Checkout())
run(name = "Build", command = "./gradlew build --no-configuration-cache --no-parallel")
private fun myDefaultReleaseWorkflow() =
myWorkflow("drelease", listOf(Push(tags = listOf("v*.*.*")))) {
id = "release",
env = mySecretsEnv,
runsOn = RunnerType.UbuntuLatest,
) {
uses(action = Checkout())
run(name = "Build", command = "./gradlew build --no-configuration-cache --no-parallel")
name = "Publish to Sonatype",
command = "./gradlew publishToSonatype closeAndReleaseSonatypeStagingRepository --no-configuration-cache --no-parallel",
// TODO_someday: consider sth like: https://github.com/ansman/sonatype-publish-fix
// TODO_someday: something more like
// github-workflows-kt/.github/workflows/release.main.kts
// github-workflows-kt/buildSrc/src/main/kotlin/buildsrc/tasks/AwaitMavenCentralDeployTask.kt
fun JobBuilder.usesJdk(
name: String? = "Set up JDK",
version: String? = "22", // fixme_maybe: somehow take from DepsKt:Vers:JvmDefaultVer ?
distribution: SetupJava.Distribution = SetupJava.Distribution.Zulu, // fixme_later: which dist?
) = uses(
name = name,
action = SetupJava(
javaVersion = version,
distribution = distribution,
fun JobBuilder.usesGradle(
vararg useNamedArgs: Unit,
name: String? = null,
env: Map = mapOf(),
gradleVersion: String? = null, // null means it should try to use wrapper
) = uses(
name = name,
// action = ActionsSetupGradle(
// gradleVersion = gradleVersion,
// ),
// Workaround for issue with dependency: implementation("gradle:actions__setup-gradle:v4") (see build.gradle.kts)
action = MyActionsSetupGradle(gradleVersion),
env = env,
class MyActionsSetupGradle(
private val gradleVersion: String? = null, // null means it should try to use wrapper
) : RegularAction("gradle", "actions/setup-gradle", "v4") {
override fun toYamlArguments() = linkedMapOfNotNull(
"gradle-version" to gradleVersion,
override fun buildOutputObject(stepId: String) = Outputs(stepId)
fun linkedMapOfNotNull(vararg pairs: Pair): LinkedHashMap =
linkedMapOf(*pairs.mapNotNull { if (it.second == null) null else (it as Pair) }.toTypedArray())
fun JobBuilder.usesAddAndCommitFile(filePath: String, name: String? = "Add and commit file") =
name = name,
action = AddAndCommit(
add = filePath,
defaultAuthor = AddAndCommit.DefaultAuthor.UserInfo,
// without it, I get commits authored with my old username: langara
fun Workflow.write(fullPath: Path, createParentDir: Boolean = false, fs: FileSystem = FileSystem.SYSTEM) {
fs.writeUtf8(fullPath, generateYaml(), createParentDir)
fun Workflow.write(fileName: String, gitRootDir: Path, fs: FileSystem = FileSystem.SYSTEM) {
write(gitRootDir / ".github" / "workflows" / fileName, createParentDir = true, fs = fs)