jvmMain.Integration.kt Maven / Gradle / Ivy
package pl.mareklangiewicz.kommand.jupyter
import kotlinx.coroutines.*
import kotlinx.coroutines.flow.*
import okio.Path
import org.jetbrains.kotlinx.jupyter.api.libraries.*
import pl.mareklangiewicz.annotations.NotPortableApi
import pl.mareklangiewicz.bad.*
import pl.mareklangiewicz.kground.io.UWorkDir
import pl.mareklangiewicz.kground.io.localUWorkDirOrNull
import pl.mareklangiewicz.kground.plusIfNN
import pl.mareklangiewicz.kommand.*
import pl.mareklangiewicz.uctx.uctx
internal class Integration : JupyterIntegration() {
override fun Builder.onLoaded() {
// render { HTML("bla1: ${it.bla1}
bla2: ${it.bla2}
") }
// FIXME_later: refactor packages, so only high-level functions are imported automatically, and delicate api are NOT.
// maybe high-level fun stuff up to pl.mareklangiewicz.kommand package??
fun Flow<*>.logb() = logEachBlocking()
* Less strict flavor of ax, because in notebooks we are in more local "experimental" context.
* BTW I don't want too many shortcut names inside kommandline itself, but here in kommandjupyter it's fine.
suspend fun Kommand.ax(
vararg useNamedArgs: Unit,
inContent: String? = null,
inLineS: Flow? = inContent?.lineSequence()?.asFlow(),
inFile: Path? = null,
outFile: Path? = null,
outFileAppend: Boolean = false,
errToOut: Boolean = false,
errFile: Path? = null,
errFileAppend: Boolean = false,
expectedExit: ((Int) -> Boolean)? = { it == 0 },
expectedErr: ((List) -> Boolean)? = null,
outLinesCollector: FlowCollector? = null,
): List = coroutineScope {
val cli = localCLI()
req(cli.isRedirectFileSupported || (inFile == null && outFile == null)) { "redirect file not supported here" }
req(inLineS == null || inFile == null) { "Either inLineS or inFile or none, but not both" }
req(outLinesCollector == null || outFile == null) { "Either outLinesCollector or outFile or none, but not both" }
val workDir = localUWorkDirOrNull()
val eprocess = cli.lx(
workDir = workDir?.dir,
inFile = inFile,
outFile = outFile,
outFileAppend = outFileAppend,
errToOut = errToOut,
errFile = errFile,
errFileAppend = errFileAppend,
val inJob = inLineS?.let { launch { eprocess.stdin.collect(it) } }
// Note, Have to start pushing to stdin before collecting stdout,
// because many commands wait for stdin before outputting data.
val outJob = outLinesCollector?.let { eprocess.stdout.onEach(it::emit).launchIn(this) }
.awaitResult() // inLineS already used
.unwrap(expectedExit, expectedErr)
fun TypedKommand.lx(cli: CLI, workDir: Path? = null) =
cli.lx(this, workDir = workDir)
* Blocking flavor of fun Kommand.ax(...). Will be deprecated when kotlin notebooks support suspending fun.
* See: https://github.com/Kotlin/kotlin-jupyter/issues/239
fun Kommand.axb(
cli: CLI = getSysCLI(),
workDir: Path? = null,
vararg useNamedArgs: Unit,
inContent: String? = null,
inLineS: Flow? = inContent?.lineSequence()?.asFlow(),
inFile: Path? = null,
outFile: Path? = null,
outFileAppend: Boolean = false,
errToOut: Boolean = false,
errFile: Path? = null,
errFileAppend: Boolean = false,
expectedExit: ((Int) -> Boolean)? = { it == 0 },
expectedErr: ((List) -> Boolean)? = { it.isEmpty() },
outLinesCollector: FlowCollector? = null,
): List = runBlocking {
uctx(cli plusIfNN workDir?.let(::UWorkDir)) {
inContent = inContent,
inLineS = inLineS,
inFile = inFile,
outFile = outFile,
outFileAppend = outFileAppend,
errToOut = errToOut,
errFile = errFile,
errFileAppend = errFileAppend,
expectedExit = expectedExit,
expectedErr = expectedErr,
outLinesCollector = outLinesCollector,
* Blocking flavor of fun ReducedKommand.ax(...). Will be deprecated when kotlin notebooks support suspending fun.
* See: https://github.com/Kotlin/kotlin-jupyter/issues/239
fun ReducedKommand.axb(cli: CLI = getSysCLI(), workDir: Path? = null): ReducedOut =
runBlocking { uctx(cli plusIfNN workDir?.let(::UWorkDir)) { ax() } }