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commonMain.find.Find.kt Maven / Gradle / Ivy

The newest version!
@file:Suppress("unused", "UNUSED_PARAMETER")

package pl.mareklangiewicz.kommand.find

// TODO_later: add commands: xargs, locate, to the same "find" package (it's all part of "findutils")

import kotlinx.coroutines.flow.*
import okio.*
import pl.mareklangiewicz.annotations.DelicateApi
import pl.mareklangiewicz.bad.*
import pl.mareklangiewicz.kommand.*
import pl.mareklangiewicz.kommand.find.FindExpr.*
import pl.mareklangiewicz.udata.strf

 * It's best to find the format in console: "man find" -> "/-printf format", but there are also online docs:
 * [online docs](
 * TODO_someday: actual types/structures representing print format.
typealias FindPrintFormat = String
typealias FindColumnName = String
typealias FindDetailsDef = Collection>

// In all shortcut fun here, the first mandatory parameter will always be path.
// It's better to be explicit and just use ".", when needed, instead of relaying on implicit default behavior.

fun findDetailsTable(
  path: Path,
  vararg useNamedArgs: Unit,
  details: FindDetailsDef,
  baseNamePattern: String = "*",
  ignoreCase: Boolean = false,
) = find(
  path = path,
  baseNamePattern = baseNamePattern,
  ignoreCase = ignoreCase,
  whenFoundPrintF = details.detailsPrintFormat(),
).typed {
  map { details.detailsParseLine(it) }

private fun FindDetailsDef.detailsPrintFormat(): FindPrintFormat =
  joinToString("\\0\\0", postfix = "\\0\\n") { it.second }

private fun FindDetailsDef.detailsParseLine(line: String): List {
  chk(line.endsWith("\u0000")) { "Looks like there was some file with forbidden character (line break)" }
  // Not actually forbidden in unix, but it's weird and dangerous to have multiline file names, so better fail fast.
  val list = line.removeSuffix("\u0000").split("\u0000\u0000")
  list.size.chkEq(size) { "Wrong number of columns found: ${list.size} (expected: ${size})" }
  return list

// TODO: decide on some good typical details - headers names and formats
//  (need clear unambiguous data useful for postprocessing in dataframes, for charts, etc)
private val typicalDetails: FindDetailsDef = listOf(
  "access time" to "%A+",
  "status change time" to "%C+",
  "last modification time" to "%T+",
  "birth time" to "%B+",
  "depth" to "%d",
  "size" to "%s",
  "dir name" to "%h",
  "base name" to "%f",
  "full name" to "%p",
  "group name" to "%g",
  "user name" to "%u",
  "octal permissions" to "%m",
  "symbolic permissions" to "%M",

fun findTypicalDetailsTable(path: Path) =
  findDetailsTable(path, details = typicalDetails)

fun findTypicalDetailsTableToList(path: Path) =
  findDetailsTable(path, details = typicalDetails).reducedOutToList()

 * Most typical find invocation with default param values.
 * @param useNamedArgs requires to be named args if non-default used; avoids name clash with base / low level find fun.
 * @param whenFoundPrintF null means using ActPrint, non-null means ActPrintF(whenFoundPrintF!!)
fun find(
  path: Path,
  vararg useNamedArgs: Unit,
  fileType: String = "f",
  baseNamePattern: String = "*",
  ignoreCase: Boolean = false,
  whenFoundPrintF: FindPrintFormat? = null,
  whenFoundPrune: Boolean = false,
  whenFoundFirstQuit: Boolean = false,
) = findTypeNameBase(
  path, fileType, baseNamePattern, ignoreCase, whenFoundPrintF, whenFoundPrune, whenFoundFirstQuit,

fun findNameFull(path: Path, pattern: String, ignoreCase: Boolean = false) =
  find(path, NameFull(pattern, ignoreCase))

fun findNameBase(path: Path, pattern: String, ignoreCase: Boolean = false) =
  find(path, NameBase(pattern, ignoreCase))

fun findRegularNameBase(path: Path, pattern: String, ignoreCase: Boolean = false) =
  findTypeNameBase(path, "f", pattern, ignoreCase)

fun findDirNameBase(
  path: Path,
  pattern: String,
  ignoreCase: Boolean = false,
  whenFoundPrintF: FindPrintFormat? = null,
  whenFoundPrune: Boolean = false,
  whenFoundFirstQuit: Boolean = false,
) = findTypeNameBase(path, "d", pattern, ignoreCase, whenFoundPrintF, whenFoundPrune, whenFoundFirstQuit)

fun findTypeNameBase(
  path: Path,
  fileType: String,
  pattern: String,
  ignoreCase: Boolean = false,
  whenFoundPrintF: FindPrintFormat? = null,
  whenFoundPrune: Boolean = false,
  whenFoundFirstQuit: Boolean = false,
) =
  find(path, NameBase(pattern, ignoreCase), FileType(fileType)) {
    // NameBase is first, before FileType, as optimisation to avoid having to call stat(2) on every filename
    when {
      whenFoundFirstQuit && whenFoundPrune -> bad { "Can't quit and also prune" }
      whenFoundPrintF != null -> expr.add(ActPrintF(whenFoundPrintF))
      whenFoundFirstQuit || whenFoundPrune -> expr.add(ActPrint)
      // or else find will perform default printing
    when {
      whenFoundFirstQuit -> expr.add(ActQuit)
      whenFoundPrune -> expr.add(ActPrune)

fun findDirRegex(
  path: Path,
  nameRegex: String,
  ignoreCase: Boolean = false,
  whenFoundPrintF: FindPrintFormat? = null,
  whenFoundPrune: Boolean = false,
  whenFoundFirstQuit: Boolean = false,
) = findTypeRegex(path, "d", nameRegex, ignoreCase, whenFoundPrintF, whenFoundPrune, whenFoundFirstQuit)

fun findTypeRegex(
  path: Path,
  fileType: String,
  nameRegex: String,
  ignoreCase: Boolean = false,
  whenFoundPrintF: FindPrintFormat? = null,
  whenFoundPrune: Boolean = false,
  whenFoundFirstQuit: Boolean = false,
) =
  find(path, NameRegex(nameRegex, ignoreCase), FileType(fileType)) {
    // NameRegex is first, before FileType, as optimisation to avoid having to call stat(2) on every filename
    when {
      whenFoundFirstQuit && whenFoundPrune -> bad { "Can't quit and also prune" }
      whenFoundPrintF != null -> expr.add(ActPrintF(whenFoundPrintF))
      whenFoundFirstQuit || whenFoundPrune -> expr.add(ActPrint)
      // or else find will perform default printing
    when {
      whenFoundFirstQuit -> expr.add(ActQuit)
      whenFoundPrune -> expr.add(ActPrune)

fun findAndDeleteAllEmptyDirs(
  path: Path,
  vararg useNamedArgs: Unit,
  depthMin: Int? = null, // might be useful when don't want to remove root dir itself but all empty sub dirs
  depthMax: Int? = null, // might be useful when too deep tree suggest incorrect path (but it does NOT abort whole find)
  whenFoundPrintBeforeDelete: Boolean = false,
): Find = find(
  path, FileType("d"), depthMin?.let(::DepthMin), depthMax?.let(::DepthMax), IsEmpty,
  ActPrint.takeIf { whenFoundPrintBeforeDelete }, ActDelete,

// Will leave it here, to maybe hint user when typing rm... that he might want to use findAndDelete... instead
@Deprecated("Use findAndDeleteAllEmptyDirs", ReplaceWith("findAndDeleteAllEmptyDirs"))
fun rmAllEmptyDirs(path: Path) = findAndDeleteAllEmptyDirs(path)

/** null expressions are ignored */
fun find(path: Path, vararg ex: FindExpr?, init: Find.() -> Unit = {}) = find {

fun find(init: Find.() -> Unit = {}) = Find().apply(init)

 * [gnu findutils](
 * [gnu projects findutils](
 * [online findutils docs](
data class Find(
  val opts: MutableList = mutableListOf(),
  val paths: MutableList = mutableListOf(),
  val expr: MutableList = mutableListOf(),
) : Kommand {
  override val name get() = "find"
  override val args get() = opts.toArgsFlat() + { it.strf } + expr.toArgsFlat()
  operator fun FindOpt.unaryMinus() = opts.add(this)
  operator fun Path.unaryPlus() = paths.add(this)

private fun String.iff(condition: Boolean) = if (condition) this else ""

interface FindExpr : KOpt {

// region Find Expression Category: POSITIONAL OPTIONS

   * Measure times (for -amin, -atime, -cmin, -ctime, -mmin, and -mtime) from
   * the beginning of today rather than from 24 hours ago.
  data object DayStart : KOptS("daystart"), FindExpr

   * Deprecated; use the -L option instead.  Dereference symbolic links.  Implies -noleaf.
   * The -follow option affects only those tests which appear after it on the command line.
  @Deprecated("Use SymLinkFollowAlways")
  data object Follow : KOptS("follow"), FindExpr

   * Changes the regular expression syntax understood by "-regex" and "-iregex" tests
   * which occur later on the command line.
   * To see which regular expression types are known, use RegexType("help").
  data class RegexType(val type: String) : KOptS("regextype"), FindExpr

   * Turn warning messages on or off.  These warnings apply only to the command line usage,
   * not to any conditions that find might encounter when it searches directories.
   * The default behavior corresponds to "-warn" if standard input is a tty, and to "-nowarn" otherwise.
  data class Warn(val enabled: Boolean = true) : KOptS("no".iff(!enabled) + "warn"), FindExpr

// endregion Find Expression Category: POSITIONAL OPTIONS

// region Find Expression Category: GLOBAL OPTIONS

  // region [GNU Common Opts]
  data object Help : KOptLN(), FindExpr // Don't risk short -h (ambiguity: sudo -h host; ls -h (human-readable), etc.)
  data object Version : KOptLN(), FindExpr // Don't risk short -v (ambiguity with "verbose" for many commands)
  /** See man find / A double dash */
  @Deprecated("Separating options from non-options with -- doesn't work here.", level = DeprecationLevel.ERROR)
  data object EOOpt : KOptL(""), FindExpr
  // endregion [GNU Common Opts]

   * Process each directory's contents before the directory itself.
   * The "-delete" action also implies "-depth"
   * I use the "-depth" form by default because it's recommended on my system (man find) and POSIX compliant,
   * but "-d" should also do the same and additionally is supported on FreeBSD, NetBSD, Mac OS X and OpenBSD.
  data class DepthFirst(val posix: Boolean = true) : KOptS("d" + "epth".iff(posix)), FindExpr

  data class DepthMax(val levels: Int) : KOptS("maxdepth", levels.strf), FindExpr
  data class DepthMin(val levels: Int) : KOptS("mindepth", levels.strf), FindExpr

   * @param file default "-" is stdin
  data class Paths0From(val file: String = "-") : KOptS("files0-from"), FindExpr

   * Normally, find will emit an error message when it fails to stat a file.
   * If you set ReadDirRace(ignore = true), and a file is deleted
   * between the time find reads the name of the file from the directory
   * and the time it tries to stat the file,
   * then no error message will be issued.
  data class ReadDirRace(val ignore: Boolean = false) :
    KOptS("no".iff(!ignore) + "ignore_readdir_race"), FindExpr

   * Do not optimize by assuming that directories contain 2 fewer subdirectories than
   * their hard link count. This option is needed when searching filesystems
   * that do not follow the Unix directory link convention,
   * such as CD-ROM or MS-DOS filesystems or AFS volume mount points.
  data object NoLeaf : KOptS("noleaf"), FindExpr

  /** Don't descend directories on other filesystems. */
  data object XDev : KOptS("mount"), FindExpr
  // I use "-mount" instead of "-xdev" because it's more portable (it does the same thing)

// endregion Find Expression Category: GLOBAL OPTIONS

// region Find Expression Category: TESTS

  sealed class NumArg(val n: Int) {
    init {
      chk(n >= 0)

    abstract val arg: String
    override fun toString() = arg
    class Exactly(n: Int) : NumArg(n) {
      override val arg get() = "$n"

    class LessThan(n: Int) : NumArg(n) {
      override val arg get() = "-$n"

    class MoreThan(n: Int) : NumArg(n) {
      override val arg get() = "+$n"

  /** The file was last accessed less than, more than or exactly n minutes ago. */
  data class AccessMinutes(val minutes: NumArg) : KOptS("amin", minutes.arg), FindExpr

  data class AccessNewerThanModifOf(val referenceFile: String) :
    KOptS("anewer", referenceFile), FindExpr

  /** The file was last accessed less than, more than or exactly n*24 hours ago. */
  data class AccessTime24h(val time24h: NumArg) : KOptS("atime", time24h.arg), FindExpr

  /** The file status was last changed less than, more than or exactly n minutes ago. */
  data class ChangeMinutes(val minutes: NumArg) : KOptS("cmin", minutes.arg), FindExpr

  data class ChangeNewerThanModifOf(val referenceFile: String) :
    KOptS("cnewer", referenceFile), FindExpr

  /** The file status was changed less than, more than or exactly n*24 hours ago. */
  data class ChangeTime24h(val time24h: NumArg) : KOptS("ctime", time24h.arg), FindExpr

  /** The file data was last modified less than, more than or exactly n minutes ago. */
  data class ModifMinutes(val minutes: NumArg) : KOptS("mmin", minutes.arg), FindExpr

  data class ModifNewerThanModifOf(val referenceFile: String) :
    KOptS("newer", referenceFile), FindExpr

  /** The file data was last modified less than, more than or exactly n*24 hours ago. */
  data class ModifTime24h(val time24h: NumArg) : KOptS("mtime", time24h.arg), FindExpr

   * Succeeds if timestamp X of the file being considered is newer than timestamp Y
   * of the file reference. The letters X and Y can be any of the following letters:
   * a - The access time of the file reference
   * B - The birth time of the file reference
   * c - The inode status change time of reference
   * m - The modification time of the file reference
   * t - reference is interpreted directly as a time
  data class TimeXNewerThanYOf(val xy: String, val referenceFile: String) :
    KOptS("newer$xy", referenceFile), FindExpr
  // TODO_someday: better typed structure for -newerXY;
  // and generally more structured data classes for all time related tests
  // (enum for type of timestamp and collapse all those tests above to fewer cases with more params)

  /** The file is empty and is either a regular file or a directory. */
  data object IsEmpty : KOptS("empty"), FindExpr

   * Matches files which are executable and directories which are searchable
   * (in a file name resolution sense) by the current user.
  data object IsExecutable : KOptS("executable"), FindExpr

  data object AlwaysFalse : KOptS("false"), FindExpr
  data object AlwaysTrue : KOptS("true"), FindExpr

  data class OnFileSystemType(val type: String) : KOptS("fstype", type), FindExpr

  /** File's numeric group ID is less than, more than or exactly n. */
  data class GroupID(val n: NumArg) : KOptS("gid", n.arg), FindExpr

  /** The file belongs to group gname (numeric group ID allowed). */
  data class GroupName(val gname: String) : KOptS("group", gname), FindExpr

   * The file has inode number smaller than, greater than or exactly n.
   * It is normally easier to use the -samefile test instead.
  data class INodeNum(val num: NumArg) : KOptS("inum", num.arg), FindExpr

  /** The file has less than, more than or exactly n hard links. */
  data class HardLinksNum(val num: NumArg) : KOptS("links", num.arg), FindExpr

  /** The file is a symbolic link whose contents match a given shell pattern. */
  data class SymLinkTo(val pattern: String, val ignoreCase: Boolean = false) :
    KOptS("i".iff(ignoreCase) + "lname", pattern), FindExpr

  /** Base of file name (leading directories removed) matches the given shell pattern */
  data class NameBase(val pattern: String, val ignoreCase: Boolean = false) :
    KOptS("i".iff(ignoreCase) + "name", pattern), FindExpr

   * The file name matches the given shell pattern.
   * Note that the pattern match test applies to the whole file name,
   * starting from one of the start points named on the command line.
  data class NameFull(val pattern: String, val ignoreCase: Boolean = false) :
    KOptS("i".iff(ignoreCase) + "path", pattern), FindExpr
  // I use the "-path" notation which is more portable than "-wholename", but does the same thing.

   * The file name matches a regular expression pattern.
   * This is a match on the whole path, not a search.
   * The "NameRegex" means it's regex matched against (full) name.
   * (And also to be different from stdlib "Regex" class)
   * It does NOT mean a name OF some regex.
  data class NameRegex(val regex: String, val ignoreCase: Boolean = false) :
    KOptS("i".iff(ignoreCase) + "regex", regex), FindExpr

  /** No group corresponds to file's numeric group ID. */
  data object NoGroup : KOptS("nogroup"), FindExpr

  /** No user corresponds to file's numeric user ID. */
  data object NoUser : KOptS("nouser"), FindExpr

  data class PermAllOf(val mode: String) : KOptS("perm", "-$mode"), FindExpr
  data class PermAnyOf(val mode: String) : KOptS("perm", "/$mode"), FindExpr
  data class PermExactly(val mode: String) : KOptS("perm", mode), FindExpr

  /** Matches files which are readable by the current user. */
  data object Readable : KOptS("readable"), FindExpr

  /** The file refers to the same inode as name. */
  data class SameFileAs(val referenceFile: String) : KOptS("samefile", referenceFile), FindExpr

   * The file uses less than, more than or exactly n units of space, rounding up.
   * The following suffixes can be used:
   * b - for 512-byte blocks (this is the default if no suffix is used)
   * c - for bytes
   * w - for two-byte words
   * k - for kibibytes (KiB, units of 1024 bytes)
   * M - for mebibytes (MiB, units of 1024 * 1024 = 1048576 bytes)
   * G - for gibibytes (GiB, units of 1024 * 1024 * 1024 = 1073741824 bytes)
  data class FileSize(val n: NumArg, val unit: Char) : KOptS("size", "${n.arg}$unit"), FindExpr

   * Matches files of a specified type.
   * Note: it always calls system stat(2), which can be a bit expensive,
   * so usually it's faster to filter by name first ([NameRegex]/[NameBase]/[NameFull]).
   * @param type one of:
   * - b - block (buffered) special
   * - c - character (unbuffered) special
   * - d - directory
   * - p - named pipe (FIFO)
   * - f - regular file
   * - l - symbolic link
   * - s - socket
   * - D - door (Solaris)
   * - Additionally on GNU systems: To search for more than one type at once,
   * you can supply the combined list of type letters separated by a comma.
   * @param x When true: Change to alternative symbolic links matching strategy.
   * See "man find" for some crazy details.
  data class FileType(val type: String, val x: Boolean = false) : KOptS("x".iff(x) + "type", type), FindExpr

  /** (SELinux only) Security context of the file matches the glob pattern. */
  data class SEContext(val pattern: String) : KOptS("context", pattern), FindExpr

// endregion Find Expression Category: TESTS

// region Find Expression Category: ACTIONS

   * Delete files or directories; true if removal succeeded. If the removal failed, an error message is issued
   * and find's exit status will be nonzero (when it eventually exits).
   * WARNING: Don't forget that find evaluates the command line as an expression, so putting ActDelete first
   * will make find try to delete everything below the starting points you specified.
   * The use of the ActDelete action on the command line automatically turns on the DepthFirst option.
   * As in turn, DepthFirst makes ActPrune ineffective, the ActDelete cannot usefully be combined with ActPrune.
   * Often, the user might want to test a find command line with ActPrint prior to adding ActDelete
   * for the actual removal run. To avoid surprising results, it is usually best to remember
   * to use DepthFirst explicitly during those earlier test runs.
   * The ActDelete will fail to remove a directory unless it is empty.
   * Together with the ReadDirRace(ignore = true), find will ignore errors of the ActDelete
   * in case the file has disappeared since the parent directory was read:
   * it will not output an error diagnostic, not change the exit code to nonzero,
   * and the return code of the ActDelete will be true.
  data object ActDelete : KOptS("delete"), FindExpr

   * Execute kommand; true if 0 status is returned. Special arg ";" is used after all kommand args,
   * so no kommand arg can start with ";" Any kommand argument containing string '{}' is replaced
   * by the current file name being processed everywhere it occurs in the arguments to the kommand,
   * not just in arguments where it is alone, as in some versions of find. The specified kommand
   * is run once for each matched file.
   * @param inContainingDir
   * * true: The kommand is executed in dir containing matched file. (safer, especially regarding race conditions)
   * * false: The kommand is executed in the starting directory. (unavoidable security problems - see "man find")
  data class ActExec(
    val kommand: Kommand,
    val inContainingDir: Boolean = true,
    val askUserFirst: Boolean = false,
  ) : KOptS(name = (if (askUserFirst) "ok" else "exec") + "dir".iff(inContainingDir)), FindExpr {
    override fun toArgs(): List {
      val kta = kommand.toArgs()
      chk(!kta.any { it.startsWith(";") }) {
        "Find can't correctly execute any kommand with any argument starting with the ';'"
      return listOf("-$name") + kta + ";"

  data object ActPrint : KOptS("print"), FindExpr

  data class ActPrintF(val format: FindPrintFormat) : KOptS("printf", format), FindExpr
  // TODO_someday:
  //  One ActPrint with flags deciding which version of -(f)print(0/f) to use and optional format and/or file
  //  Also ActLs for -(f)ls

  data object ActPrune : KOptS("prune"), FindExpr

  data object ActQuit : KOptS("quit"), FindExpr

// endregion Find Expression Category: ACTIONS

// region Find Expression Category: OPERATORS

  data class OpParent(val children: List) : FindExpr {
    constructor(vararg ex: FindExpr) : this(ex.toList())

    override fun toArgs(): List = listOf("(") + children.flatMap { it.toArgs() } + ")"

  data object OpAnd : KOptS("a"), FindExpr
  data object OpOr : KOptS("o"), FindExpr
  data object OpNot : FindExpr {
    override fun toArgs() = listOf("!")

  data object OpComma : FindExpr {
    override fun toArgs() = listOf(",")

  // FIXME_someday: rethink all grouping expressions and precedence,
  // so I don't need so many OpParent to make it always correct.
  // It would be better for FindExpr to always represent ONE expression, and not arbitrary list.
  // (then make Find hold ONE FindExpr expr instead of list)
  // (also make OpXXX stuff more private and expose only koltliny operator funs)
  operator fun FindExpr.not() = OpParent(OpNot, OpParent(this))
  infix fun FindExpr.and(other: FindExpr) = OpParent(OpParent(this), OpAnd, OpParent(other))
  infix fun FindExpr.or(other: FindExpr) = OpParent(OpParent(this), OpOr, OpParent(other))
// endregion Find Expression Category: OPERATORS


interface FindOpt : KOpt {

  // Note: Help and Version are inside FindExpr (formally these are expressions for find)

  /** Never follow symbolic links.  This is the default behavior. */
  data object SymLinkFollowNever : KOptS("P"), FindOpt
  /** Follow symbolic links. */
  data object SymLinkFollowAlways : KOptS("L"), FindOpt
  /** Do not follow symbolic links, except while processing the command line arguments. */
  data object SymLinkFollowCmdArg : KOptS("H"), FindOpt

  data class Debug(val dopts: List) : KOptS("D", dopts.joinToString(",")), FindOpt {
    constructor(vararg o: String) : this(o.toList())

    init {
      chk(dopts.all { it.all { it.isLetter() } })

  data class Optimisation(val level: Int) : KOptS("O", level.strf, nameSeparator = ""), FindOpt {
    init {
      chk(level in 0..3)

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