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commonMain.CLI.kt Maven / Gradle / Ivy

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package pl.mareklangiewicz.kommand

import kotlin.coroutines.*
import kotlinx.coroutines.*
import kotlinx.coroutines.flow.*
import okio.Path
import pl.mareklangiewicz.annotations.DelicateApi
import pl.mareklangiewicz.annotations.NotPortableApi
import pl.mareklangiewicz.bad.bad
import pl.mareklangiewicz.uctx.UCtx
import pl.mareklangiewicz.ulog.ULog
import pl.mareklangiewicz.ulog.d
import pl.mareklangiewicz.ulog.hack.UHackySharedFlowLog

/** It's NOT for "consuming side". Instead, use: val cli = localCLI() */
@NotPortableApi("Returns very different CLIs on different platforms. Can fail or return CLI with failing fun start.")
expect fun getSysCLI(): CLI

suspend inline fun  localCLIAs(): T =
  localCLIAsOrNull() ?: bad { "No ${T::class.simpleName} provided in coroutine context." }

suspend inline fun  localCLIAsOrNull(): T? = localCLIOrNull() as? T

suspend inline fun localCLI(): CLI =
  localCLIOrNull() ?: bad { "No CLI provided in coroutine context." }

suspend inline fun localCLIOrNull(): CLI? = coroutineContext[CLI]

interface CLI : UCtx {
  companion object Key : CoroutineContext.Key
  override val key: CoroutineContext.Key<*> get() = Key

   * TODO_later: experiment with wrapping some remote (ssh? adb?) CLI in sth like bash kommands,
   * so it supports redirect using remote bash operators like < > << >> or sth like that.
  val isRedirectFileSupported: Boolean

   * Launch eXternal process.
   * Why weird short name:
   * It has to be explicitly called for every kommand in the "script" so has to be short "keyword" to memorize.
   * Also I will have same convention for shell aliases:
   * lx: Launches eXternal process without waiting;
   * ax: launches and Awaits eXternal process;
   * TODO_someday: how to colorize it (can I somehow use @DslMarker ?)
   * see also []
   * @param workDir working directory for started subprocess - null means inherit from current process
   * @param inFile - redirect std input from given file - null means do not redirect
   * @param outFile - redirect std output (std err too) to given file - null means do not redirect
   * TODO_maybe: support other redirections (streams/strings with content)
   *   (might require separate flag like: isRedirectStreamsSupported)
   * @param envModify Allows to modify default inherited environment variables for child process.
   *   Can throw exception if it's unsupported on particular platform.
  fun lx(
    kommand: Kommand,
    vararg useNamedArgs: Unit,
    workDir: Path? = null,
    inFile: Path? = null,
    outFile: Path? = null,
    outFileAppend: Boolean = false,
    errToOut: Boolean = false,
    errFile: Path? = null,
    errFileAppend: Boolean = false,
    envModify: (MutableMap.() -> Unit)? = null,
  ): ExecProcess
  // TODO_maybe: access to input/output/error streams (when not redirected) with Okio source/sink
  // TODO_someday: @CheckResult
  // TODO_someday: access to input/output streams wrapped in okio Source/Sink
  // (but what about platforms running kommands through ssh or adb?)

class FakeCLI(
  val log: ULog = UHackySharedFlowLog(),
  private val chkStart: (Kommand, Path?, Path?, Path?, Boolean, Boolean, Path?, Boolean) -> Unit =
    { _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _ -> },
) : CLI {

  override val isRedirectFileSupported get() = true // not really, but it's all fake

  override fun lx(
    kommand: Kommand,
    vararg useNamedArgs: Unit,
    workDir: Path?,
    inFile: Path?,
    outFile: Path?,
    outFileAppend: Boolean,
    errToOut: Boolean,
    errFile: Path?,
    errFileAppend: Boolean,
    envModify: (MutableMap.() -> Unit)?,
  ): ExecProcess {
    log.d("lx($kommand, $workDir, ...)")
    chkStart(kommand, workDir, inFile, outFile, outFileAppend, errToOut, errFile, errFileAppend)
    return FakeProcess(log)

class FakeProcess(val log: ULog) : ExecProcess {
  override fun waitForExit(finallyClose: Boolean) = 0
  override suspend fun awaitExit(finallyClose: Boolean): Int = waitForExit(finallyClose)
  override fun kill(forcibly: Boolean) = log.d("cancel($forcibly)")
  override fun close() = Unit
  override fun stdinWriteLine(line: String, lineEnd: String, thenFlush: Boolean): Unit = log.d("input line: $line")
  override fun stdinClose() = Unit
  override fun stdoutReadLine() = null
  override fun stdoutClose() = Unit
  override fun stderrReadLine() = null
  override fun stderrClose() = Unit
  override val stdin = defaultStdinCollector(Dispatchers.Default, ::stdinWriteLine, ::stdinClose)
  override val stdout: Flow = defaultStdOutOrErrFlow(Dispatchers.Default, ::stdoutReadLine, ::stdoutClose)
  override val stderr: Flow = defaultStdOutOrErrFlow(Dispatchers.Default, ::stderrReadLine, ::stderrClose)

internal fun defaultStdinCollector(
  stdinContext: CoroutineContext,
  writeLine: (line: String, lineEnd: String, thenFlush: Boolean) -> Unit,
  close: () -> Unit,
) = StdinCollector { lineS, lineEnd, flushAfterEachLine, finallyStdinClose ->
  withContext(stdinContext) {
    try {
      lineS.collect { writeLine(it, lineEnd, flushAfterEachLine) }
    } finally {
      if (finallyStdinClose) close()

internal fun defaultStdOutOrErrFlow(
  flowOnContext: CoroutineContext,
  readLine: () -> String?,
  close: () -> Unit,
) = flow { while (true) emit(readLine() ?: break) }
  .onCompletion { close() }

fun interface StdinCollector {
  suspend fun collect(
    lineS: Flow,
    lineEnd: String,
    flushAfterEachLine: Boolean,
    finallyStdinClose: Boolean,

suspend fun StdinCollector.collect(
  lineS: Flow,
  vararg useNamedArgs: Unit,
  lineEnd: String = "\n",
  flushAfterEachLine: Boolean = true,
  finallyStdinClose: Boolean = true,
): Unit = collect(lineS, lineEnd, flushAfterEachLine, finallyStdinClose)

 * Methods marked DelicateApi are NOT thread safe! Use other ones.
 * Impl notes: Careful with threads. Especially delicate are std streams.
 * Each should use separate thread to avoid strange deadlocks with external process.
 * For example see:
interface ExecProcess : AutoCloseable {
  // TODO_later: make ExecProcess implement CoroutineScope. It's natural to be scope and useful for .reducedXxx {...}
  //   (on JVM use processContext), be careful not to cancel scope too early (when reduced is still collecting),
  //   so make sure I correctly guarantee cooperative cancelation (rethink finallyClose flags etc.).

   * Tries to kill/destroy/cancel the process. Might not work immediately!
   * @param forcibly - Hint to do it less politely. Some platforms can ignore the hint.
  fun kill(forcibly: Boolean = false)

  suspend fun awaitExit(finallyClose: Boolean = true): Int

  val stdin: StdinCollector

  val stdout: Flow

  val stderr: Flow

  // TODO_later: move all delicate methods below to separate interface: (Delicate/Unsafe/LowLevel)ExecProcess
  // maybe access it here as property: val unsafe: UnsafeExecProcess ??

  fun waitForExit(finallyClose: Boolean = true): Int

  /** System.lineSeparator() is added automatically after each input line, so input lines should NOT contain them! */
  fun stdinWriteLine(line: String, lineEnd: String = "\n", thenFlush: Boolean = true)

  /** Idempotent. Flushes buffer before closing. */
  fun stdinClose()

  /** @return null means end of stream */
  fun stdoutReadLine(): String?

  /** Idempotent. */
  fun stdoutClose()

  /** @return null means end of stream */
  fun stderrReadLine(): String?

  /** Indepotent. */
  fun stderrClose()

/** Catches exception thrown by */
fun Flow.catchStreamClosed() =
  catch { it::class.simpleName == "IOException" && it.message == "Stream closed" || throw it }

 * Can be used only once. It always finally closes input stream.
 * System.lineSeparator() is added automatically after each input line, so input lines should NOT contain them!
@Deprecated("Use stdin.") // do not remove it - it's here as kinda "educational" example
fun ExecProcess.useInLines(input: Sequence, flushAfterEachLine: Boolean = true) =
  try {
    input.forEach { stdinWriteLine(it, thenFlush = flushAfterEachLine) }
  } finally {

/** Can be used only once. It always finally closes output stream. */
@Deprecated("Use stout Flow.") // do not remove it - it's here as kinda "educational" example
fun ExecProcess.useOutLines(block: (output: Sequence) -> Unit) =
  useSomeLines(block, ::stdoutReadLine, ::stdoutClose)

/** Can be used only once. It always finally closes error stream. */
@Deprecated("Use sterr Flow.") // do not remove it - it's here as kinda "educational" example
fun ExecProcess.useErrLines(block: (output: Sequence) -> Unit) =
  useSomeLines(block, ::stderrReadLine, ::stderrClose)

private fun useSomeLines(block: (output: Sequence) -> Unit, readLine: () -> String?, close: () -> Unit) =
  try {
  } finally {

@Deprecated("Use stout Flow.") // do not remove it - it's here as kinda "educational" example
fun ExecProcess.useOutLinesOrEmptyIfClosed(block: (output: Sequence) -> Unit) =
  useSomeLinesOrEmptyIfClosed(block, ::useOutLines)

@Deprecated("Use sterr Flow.") // do not remove it - it's here as kinda "educational" example
fun ExecProcess.useErrLinesOrEmptyIfClosed(block: (error: Sequence) -> Unit) =
  useSomeLinesOrEmptyIfClosed(block, ::useErrLines)

private fun useSomeLinesOrEmptyIfClosed(
  block: (output: Sequence) -> Unit,
  useLines: ((Sequence) -> Unit) -> Unit,
) {
  try {
  } catch (e: Exception) {
    if (e.message == "Stream closed") block(emptySequence())
    else throw e

// TODO_someday: @CheckResult
 * Not only awaits for process to exit, but collects all output in lists.
 * Then returns both exit code and all output in ExecResult.
suspend fun ExecProcess.awaitResult(
  inContent: String? = null,
  inLineS: Flow? = inContent?.lineSequence()?.asFlow(),
): ExecResult = coroutineScope {
  val inJob = inLineS?.let { launch { stdin.collect(it) } }
  // Note: Have to start pushing to stdin before collecting stdout,
  // because many commands wait for stdin before outputting data.
  val outDeferred = async { stdout.catchStreamClosed().toList() }
  val errDeferred = async { stderr.catchStreamClosed().toList() }
  val out = outDeferred.await()
  val err = errDeferred.await()
  val exit = awaitExit()
  ExecResult(exit, out, err)

// TODO_someday: @CheckResult
 * Not only waits for process to exit, but collects all output in lists.
 * Then returns both exit code and all output in ExecResult.
 * Warning: it sequencially tries to consume input first, then output, then err stream.
 * It's much better to use suspend ExecProcess.awaitResult which uses async flows.
@Deprecated("Use suspending awaitResult.") // do not remove it - it's here as kinda "educational" example
fun ExecProcess.waitForResult(
  inContent: String? = null,
  inLines: Sequence? = inContent?.lineSequence(),
): ExecResult {
  val out = buildList { useOutLinesOrEmptyIfClosed { addAll(it) } }
  val err = buildList { useErrLinesOrEmptyIfClosed { addAll(it) } }
  // FIXME: is there any chance it's correct to collect err SEQUENCIALLY AFTER collecting whole out?
  //    What happens when we are still collecting output, but subprocess send a LOT of error,
  //    so stderr pipe buffer is full?? Probably subprocess is blocked on writing to err,
  //    and we are here blocked still collecting still open output stream??
  //    if that's the case: it would be much better to make subprocess crash and we throw sth,
  //    instead os such deadlock..
  val exit = waitForExit()
  return ExecResult(exit, out, err)

 * Represents full result of execution an external process.
 * @param exit The exit value of the process.
 * @param out The standard output of the process.
 * @param err The standard error of the process.
data class ExecResult(val exit: Int, val out: List, val err: List)

 * Returns the output but ensures the exit value was as expected (0 by default) first.
 * Also can ensure collected error is as expected (for example expectedErr = { it.isEmpty }),
 * but by default expectedErr is null, so stderr is ignored.
 * @throws BadStateErr if sth unexpected found. Either [BadExitStateErr] or [BadStdErrStateErr].
 * Note: Many times it's better to accept non-empty error stream, and just log it somewhere or sth.
 *   It's because many commands put non-fatal messages in stderr stream,
 *   and only the exit value actually defines if whole command succeded or not.
fun ExecResult.unwrap(
  expectedExit: ((Int) -> Boolean)? = { it == 0 },
  expectedErr: ((List) -> Boolean)? = null,
): List {
  expectedExit?.let { exit.chkExit(it, stderr = err) }
  expectedErr?.let { err.chkStdErr(it) }
  return out

fun ExecResult.chkResult(
  expectedExit: ((Int) -> Boolean)? = { it == 0 },
  expectedErr: ((List) -> Boolean)? = null,
  expectedOut: ((List) -> Boolean)?,
): ExecResult {
  unwrap(expectedExit, expectedErr)
  expectedOut?.let { out.chkStdOut(it) }
  return this

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