pl.morgwai.base.logging.JulConfig Maven / Gradle / Ivy
// Copyright (c) Piotr Morgwai Kotarbinski, Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0
package pl.morgwai.base.logging;
import java.util.Properties;
import java.util.logging.Level;
import java.util.logging.LogManager;
* Utility to override {@code java.util.logging} properties with values from system properties.
* Note: overriding can be applied to an existing java app at startup: just add
* {@code java-utils jar} to the class-path and define system properties as described in
* {@link #JulConfig()} and {@link #overrideLogLevels(String...)}.
public class JulConfig {
* Overrides {@link Level}s of {@code java.util.logging} {@link java.util.logging.Logger}s and
* {@link java.util.logging.Handler}s with values obtained from system properties.
* Fully qualified names of {@link java.util.logging.Logger Logger}s and
* {@link java.util.logging.Handler Handler}s whose {@link Level}s will be overridden by this
* method can be provided as {@code loggerNames} arguments and/or comma separated on
* {@value #OVERRIDE_LEVEL_PROPERTY} system property.
* Name of the system property containing a new {@link Level} for a given
* {@code Logger/Handler} is constructed by appending {@value #LEVEL_SUFFIX} to the given
* {@link java.util.logging.Logger}'s / {@link java.util.logging.Handler}'s
* fully-qualified-name.
* If a system property with a new {@link Level} is missing, it is ignored. If it is present,
* its validity is verified using {@link Level#parse(String)} method.
* Example:
* Output all entries from com.example
name-space with level FINE
* higher to the console. Entries from other name-spaces will be logged only if they have at
* least level WARNING
(unless configured otherwise in the default
file) :
* java -cp ${CLASSPATH}:/path/to/pl/morgwai/base/java-utils.jar \
* -Djava.util.logging.config.class=pl.morgwai.base.logging.JulConfig \
* -Djava.util.logging.overrideLevel=,com.example,java.util.logging.ConsoleHandler \
* -D.level=WARNING \
* -Dcom.example.level=FINE \
* -Djava.util.logging.ConsoleHandler.level=FINE \
* com.example.someproject.MainClass
* (Name of the root logger is an empty string, hence the value of
* {@value #OVERRIDE_LEVEL_PROPERTY} starts with a comma (so that the first element of the list
* is an empty string), while {@code -D.level} provides the new {@link Level} for the root
* {@link java.util.logging.Logger}).
public static void overrideLogLevels(String... loggerNames) {
final var newLogLevels = new Properties(); // loggerName.level -> newLevel
// store into newLogLevels levels from system properties for loggers & handlers enlisted
// on loggerNames param or on the system property
int characterCount = 30; // 30 is date comment character length
if (loggerNames.length > 0) characterCount += readLogLevels(newLogLevels, loggerNames);
final var loggerNamesFromProperty = System.getProperty(OVERRIDE_LEVEL_PROPERTY);
if (loggerNamesFromProperty != null) {
characterCount += readLogLevels(newLogLevels, loggerNamesFromProperty.split(","));
if (newLogLevels.size() == 0) return;
// write newLogLevels into a ByteArrayInputStream and pass it to
// LogManager.updateConfiguration(...)
final var outputBytes = new ByteArrayOutputStream(characterCount * 2); // *2 for utf chars
try {
try (outputBytes) {, null); }
try (var inputBytes = new ByteArrayInputStream(outputBytes.toByteArray())) {
(key) -> (oldVal, newVal) -> newVal != null ? newVal : oldVal);
} catch (IOException e) { // this is probably impossible to happen for byte array streams
throw new RuntimeException(e);
* Name of the system property that can contain comma separated, fully qualified names of
* {@link java.util.logging.Logger}s and {@link java.util.logging.Handler}s whose
* {@link java.util.logging.Level}s will be overridden by {@link #overrideLogLevels(String...)}.
public static final String OVERRIDE_LEVEL_PROPERTY = "java.util.logging.overrideLevel";
* Reads system properties containing overridden levels for {@code loggerNames} and puts them
* into {@code newLogLevels}.
* @return number of characters put into {@code newLogLevels}.
private static int readLogLevels(Properties newLogLevels, String[] loggerNames) {
int characterCount = 0;
for (var loggerName: loggerNames) {
final var loggerLevelPropertyName = loggerName + LEVEL_SUFFIX;
final var level = System.getProperty(loggerLevelPropertyName);
if (level == null) continue;
newLogLevels.put(loggerLevelPropertyName, level);
characterCount += loggerLevelPropertyName.length();
characterCount += level.length();
characterCount += 2; // '=' and '\n'
return characterCount;
* {@value #LEVEL_SUFFIX}
public static final String LEVEL_SUFFIX = ".level";
* Reads logging config normally and then calls {@link #overrideLogLevels(String...)}.
* For use with {@value #JUL_CONFIG_CLASS_PROPERTY} system property: when this property is
* set to the fully qualified name of this class, then {@link LogManager} will call this
* constructor instead of reading the configuration the normal way.
* @see LogManager
public JulConfig() throws Exception {
public static final String JUL_CONFIG_CLASS_PROPERTY = "java.util.logging.config.class";