eventstore.Settings.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
The newest version!
package eventstore
import eventstore.cluster.ClusterSettings
import eventstore.util.ToCoarsest
import scala.concurrent.duration._
import java.net.InetSocketAddress
import com.typesafe.config.{ ConfigFactory, Config }
* @param address IP & port of Event Store
* @param connectionTimeout The desired connection timeout
* @param maxReconnections Maximum number of reconnections before backing off, -1 to reconnect forever
* @param reconnectionDelayMin Delay before first reconnection
* @param reconnectionDelayMax Maximum delay on reconnections
* @param defaultCredentials The [[UserCredentials]] to use for operations where other [[UserCredentials]] are not explicitly supplied.
* @param heartbeatInterval The interval at which to send heartbeat messages.
* @param heartbeatTimeout The interval after which an unacknowledged heartbeat will cause the connection to be considered faulted and disconnect.
* @param operationMaxRetries The maximum number of operation retries
* @param operationTimeout The amount of time before an operation is considered to have timed out
* @param resolveLinkTos Whether to resolve LinkTo events automatically
* @param requireMaster Whether or not to require Event Store to refuse serving read or write request if it is not master
* @param readBatchSize Number of events to be retrieved by client as single message
* @param backpressure See [[eventstore.pipeline.BackpressureBuffer]]
case class Settings(
address: InetSocketAddress = "" :: 1113,
connectionTimeout: FiniteDuration = 1.second,
maxReconnections: Int = 100,
reconnectionDelayMin: FiniteDuration = 250.millis,
reconnectionDelayMax: FiniteDuration = 10.seconds,
defaultCredentials: Option[UserCredentials] = Some(UserCredentials.DefaultAdmin),
heartbeatInterval: FiniteDuration = 500.millis,
heartbeatTimeout: FiniteDuration = 2.seconds,
operationMaxRetries: Int = 10,
operationTimeout: FiniteDuration = 7.seconds, // TODO used for futures?!
resolveLinkTos: Boolean = false,
requireMaster: Boolean = true,
readBatchSize: Int = 500,
backpressure: BackpressureSettings = BackpressureSettings(),
cluster: Option[ClusterSettings] = None) {
require(reconnectionDelayMin > Duration.Zero, "reconnectionDelayMin must be > 0")
require(reconnectionDelayMax > Duration.Zero, "reconnectionDelayMax must be > 0")
require(operationTimeout > Duration.Zero, "operationTimeout must be > 0")
object Settings {
lazy val Default: Settings = Settings(ConfigFactory.load())
def apply(conf: Config): Settings = {
def cluster = ClusterSettings.opt(conf)
def apply(conf: Config): Settings = {
def duration(path: String) = ToCoarsest(FiniteDuration(conf.getDuration(path, MILLISECONDS), MILLISECONDS))
def operationTimeout = {
val deprecated = "operation-timeout"
if (conf hasPath deprecated) duration(deprecated)
else duration("operation.timeout")
address = (conf getString "address.host") :: (conf getInt "address.port"),
connectionTimeout = duration("connection-timeout"),
maxReconnections = conf getInt "max-reconnections",
reconnectionDelayMin = duration("reconnection-delay.min"),
reconnectionDelayMax = duration("reconnection-delay.max"),
defaultCredentials = for {
l <- Option(conf getString "credentials.login")
p <- Option(conf getString "credentials.password")
} yield UserCredentials(login = l, password = p),
heartbeatInterval = duration("heartbeat.interval"),
heartbeatTimeout = duration("heartbeat.timeout"),
operationMaxRetries = conf getInt "operation.max-retries",
operationTimeout = operationTimeout,
resolveLinkTos = conf getBoolean "resolve-linkTos",
requireMaster = conf getBoolean "require-master",
readBatchSize = conf getInt "read-batch-size",
backpressure = BackpressureSettings(conf),
cluster = cluster)
apply(conf getConfig "eventstore")
* Java API
def getInstance(): Settings = Default
* see [[eventstore.pipeline.BackpressureBuffer]]
case class BackpressureSettings(lowWatermark: Int = 100, highWatermark: Int = 10000, maxCapacity: Int = 1000000) {
require(lowWatermark >= 0, s"lowWatermark must be >= 0, but is $lowWatermark")
require(highWatermark >= lowWatermark, s"highWatermark must be >= lowWatermark, but $highWatermark < $lowWatermark")
require(maxCapacity >= highWatermark, s"maxCapacity >= highWatermark, but $maxCapacity < $highWatermark")
object BackpressureSettings {
def apply(conf: Config): BackpressureSettings = BackpressureSettings(
lowWatermark = conf getInt "backpressure.low-watermark",
highWatermark = conf getInt "backpressure.high-watermark",
maxCapacity = conf getInt "backpressure.max-capacity")
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