eventstore.cluster.ClusterSettings.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
The newest version!
package eventstore
package cluster
import java.net.InetSocketAddress
import com.typesafe.config.Config
import eventstore.util.ToCoarsest
import scala.collection.JavaConverters._
import scala.concurrent.duration._
* Contains settings relating to a connection to a cluster.
* @param gossipSeedsOrDns Gossip seeds or DNS settings
* @param dnsLookupTimeout The time given to resolve dns
* @param maxDiscoverAttempts Maximum number of attempts for discovering endpoints
* @param discoverAttemptInterval The interval between cluster discovery attempts
* @param discoveryInterval The interval at which to keep discovering cluster
* @param gossipTimeout Timeout for cluster gossip.
case class ClusterSettings(
gossipSeedsOrDns: GossipSeedsOrDns = GossipSeedsOrDns.GossipSeeds("" :: 2113),
dnsLookupTimeout: FiniteDuration = 2.seconds,
maxDiscoverAttempts: Int = 10,
discoverAttemptInterval: FiniteDuration = 500.millis,
discoveryInterval: FiniteDuration = 1.second,
gossipTimeout: FiniteDuration = 1.second) {
require(maxDiscoverAttempts >= 1, s"maxDiscoverAttempts must be >= 1, but is $maxDiscoverAttempts")
object ClusterSettings {
def opt(conf: Config): Option[ClusterSettings] = {
def opt(conf: Config) = {
def option[T](path: String, f: String => T): Option[T] = {
if (conf hasPath path) Option(f(path)) else None
def clusterDns = option("dns", conf.getString).map { dns =>
clusterDns = dns,
externalGossipPort = conf getInt "external-gossip-port")
def gossipSeeds = option("gossip-seeds", conf.getStringList).flatMap { ss =>
if (ss.isEmpty) None
else {
val seeds = ss.asScala.map { s =>
s.split(":") match {
case Array(host, port) => new InetSocketAddress(host, port.toInt)
case _ => sys.error(s"Cannot parse address from $s, expected format is host:port")
def duration(path: String) = ToCoarsest(FiniteDuration(conf.getDuration(path, MILLISECONDS), MILLISECONDS))
(clusterDns orElse gossipSeeds).map { gossipSeedsOrDns =>
gossipSeedsOrDns = gossipSeedsOrDns,
dnsLookupTimeout = duration("dns-lookup-timeout"),
maxDiscoverAttempts = conf getInt "max-discover-attempts",
discoverAttemptInterval = duration("discover-attempt-interval"),
discoveryInterval = duration("discovery-interval"),
gossipTimeout = duration("gossip-timeout"))
opt(conf getConfig "eventstore.cluster")
sealed trait GossipSeedsOrDns
object GossipSeedsOrDns {
def apply(clusterDns: String): GossipSeedsOrDns = ClusterDns(clusterDns)
def apply(clusterDns: String, externalGossipPort: Int): GossipSeedsOrDns = ClusterDns(clusterDns, externalGossipPort)
def apply(gossipSeeds: InetSocketAddress*): GossipSeedsOrDns = GossipSeeds(gossipSeeds.toList)
* Used if we're discovering via DNS
* @param clusterDns The DNS name to use for discovering endpoints.
* @param externalGossipPort The well-known endpoint on which cluster managers are running.
case class ClusterDns(
clusterDns: String = "localhost",
externalGossipPort: Int = 30778) extends GossipSeedsOrDns {
require(0 < externalGossipPort && externalGossipPort < 65536, s"externalGossipPort is not valid :$externalGossipPort")
require(clusterDns != null, "clusterDns must be not null")
require(clusterDns.nonEmpty, "clusterDns must be not empty")
* Used if we're connecting with gossip seeds
* @param gossipSeeds Endpoints for seeding gossip.
case class GossipSeeds(gossipSeeds: List[InetSocketAddress]) extends GossipSeedsOrDns {
require(gossipSeeds.nonEmpty, s"gossipSeeds must be non empty")
object GossipSeeds {
def apply(gossipSeeds: InetSocketAddress*): GossipSeeds = GossipSeeds(gossipSeeds.toList)
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