eventstore.operations.SubscriptionOperation.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
The newest version!
package eventstore
package operations
import akka.actor.ActorRef
import eventstore.NotHandled.{ TooBusy, NotReady }
import eventstore.tcp.PackOut
import eventstore.SubscriptionDropped.AccessDenied
import eventstore.operations.OnIncoming._
import scala.util.{ Success, Failure, Try }
private[eventstore] sealed trait SubscriptionOperation extends Operation {
def stream: EventStream
def pack: PackOut
def id = pack.correlationId
protected def unexpected(actual: Any, expectedClass: Class[_]): OnIncoming = {
val expected = expectedClass.getSimpleName
val msg = s"Expected: $expected, actual: $actual"
Stop(new CommandNotExpectedException(msg))
protected def retry: OnIncoming = Retry(this, pack)
protected def accessDenied(msg: String): OnIncoming = Stop(new AccessDeniedException(msg))
private[eventstore] object SubscriptionOperation {
def apply(
subscribeTo: SubscribeTo,
pack: PackOut,
client: ActorRef,
ongoing: Boolean): Operation = {
Subscribing(subscribeTo, pack, client, ongoing, 0)
case class Subscribing(
subscribeTo: SubscribeTo,
pack: PackOut,
client: ActorRef,
ongoing: Boolean,
version: Int) extends SubscriptionOperation {
def stream = subscribeTo.stream
def clientTerminated = Some(pack.copy(message = Unsubscribe))
def inspectIn(in: Try[In]) = {
def subscribed =
if (!ongoing) Ignore
else Continue(Subscribed(subscribeTo, pack, client, ongoing, version + 1), in)
def unexpected(x: Any) = this.unexpected(x, Completed.expected)
in match {
case Success(Completed()) => subscribed
case Success(_: StreamEventAppeared) => Continue(this, in)
case Success(x) => unexpected(x)
case Failure(AccessDenied) => accessDenied(s"Subscription to $stream failed due to access denied")
case Failure(OperationTimedOut) => Stop(OperationTimeoutException(pack))
case Failure(NotHandled(NotReady)) => retry
case Failure(NotHandled(TooBusy)) => retry
case Failure(BadRequest) => Stop(new ServerErrorException(s"Bad request: $pack"))
case Failure(NotAuthenticated) => Stop(NotAuthenticatedException(pack))
case Failure(x) => unexpected(x)
def inspectOut = {
case Unsubscribe => OnOutgoing.Stop(pack.copy(message = Unsubscribe), Try(Unsubscribed))
def disconnected = {
val operation = if (ongoing) copy(ongoing = false) else this
def connected = {
val operation = if (ongoing) this else copy(ongoing = true)
OnConnected.Retry(operation, pack)
object Completed {
def unapply(x: SubscribeCompleted): Boolean = (stream, x) match {
case (EventStream.All, _: SubscribeToAllCompleted) => true
case (_: EventStream.Id, _: SubscribeToStreamCompleted) => true
case _ => false
def expected: Class[_] = stream match {
case EventStream.All => classOf[SubscribeToAllCompleted]
case _: EventStream.Id => classOf[SubscribeToStreamCompleted]
case class Subscribed(
subscribeTo: SubscribeTo,
pack: PackOut,
client: ActorRef,
ongoing: Boolean,
version: Int) extends SubscriptionOperation {
def stream = subscribeTo.stream
def inspectIn(in: Try[In]): OnIncoming = {
def unexpected(x: Any) = this.unexpected(x, classOf[StreamEventAppeared])
in match {
case Success(_: StreamEventAppeared) => Continue(this, in)
case Success(Unsubscribed) => Stop(in)
case Success(x) => unexpected(x)
case Failure(AccessDenied) => accessDenied(s"Subscription on $stream dropped due to access denied")
case Failure(x) => unexpected(x)
def clientTerminated = Some(pack.copy(message = Unsubscribe))
def inspectOut = {
case Unsubscribe =>
val pack = this.pack.copy(message = Unsubscribe)
val operation = Unsubscribing(stream, pack, client, ongoing, version + 1)
OnOutgoing.Continue(operation, pack)
def disconnected = {
val operation = Subscribing(subscribeTo, pack, client, ongoing = false, version + 1)
def connected = {
val operation = Subscribing(subscribeTo, pack, client, ongoing = true, version + 1)
OnConnected.Retry(operation, pack)
case class Unsubscribing(
stream: EventStream,
pack: PackOut,
client: ActorRef,
ongoing: Boolean,
version: Int) extends SubscriptionOperation {
def inspectIn(in: Try[In]) = {
def unexpected(x: Any) = this.unexpected(x, Unsubscribed.getClass)
in match {
case Success(Unsubscribed) => Stop(Unsubscribed)
case Success(_: StreamEventAppeared) => Ignore
case Success(x) => unexpected(x)
case Failure(AccessDenied) => accessDenied(s"Unsubscribed from $stream due to access denied")
case Failure(OperationTimedOut) => Stop(OperationTimeoutException(pack))
case Failure(NotHandled(NotReady)) => retry
case Failure(NotHandled(TooBusy)) => retry
case Failure(BadRequest) => Stop(new ServerErrorException(s"Bad request: $pack"))
case Failure(x) => unexpected(x)
def clientTerminated = None
def inspectOut = PartialFunction.empty
def disconnected = OnDisconnected.Stop(Try(Unsubscribed))
def connected = OnConnected.Stop(Try(Unsubscribed))
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