pl.poznan.put.circular.Angle Maven / Gradle / Ivy
package pl.poznan.put.circular;
import org.apache.commons.lang3.Validate;
import org.apache.commons.math3.geometry.euclidean.threed.Vector3D;
import org.apache.commons.math3.util.FastMath;
import org.apache.commons.math3.util.MathUtils;
import org.apache.commons.math3.util.Precision;
import org.immutables.value.Value;
import pl.poznan.put.circular.exception.InvalidCircularValueException;
import pl.poznan.put.circular.exception.InvalidVectorFormatException;
import javax.annotation.Nullable;
import java.util.Locale;
import java.util.regex.Pattern;
/** A measurement for which one can distinguish a direction (i.e. [0..360) degrees) */
public abstract class Angle implements Comparable {
private static final Pattern DOT = Pattern.compile("[.]");
private static final int MINUTES_IN_DAY = 24 * 60;
* Calculates angle ABC.
* @param coordA Coordinate of point A.
* @param coordB Coordinate of point B.
* @param coordC Coordinate of point C.
* @return An angle between points A, B and C.
public static Angle betweenPoints(
final Vector3D coordA, final Vector3D coordB, final Vector3D coordC) {
final Vector3D vectorAB = coordB.subtract(coordA);
final Vector3D vectorCB = coordB.subtract(coordC);
return ImmutableAngle.of(Vector3D.angle(vectorAB, vectorCB));
* Calculates torsion angle given four points. Uses cos^-1 and a check for pseudovector.
* @param a1 Atom 1.
* @param a2 Atom 2.
* @param a3 Atom 3.
* @param a4 Atom 4.
* @return A torsion angle (rotation around vector B-C).
public static Angle torsionAngleByAcos(
final Vector3D a1, final Vector3D a2, final Vector3D a3, final Vector3D a4) {
final Vector3D d1 = a1.subtract(a2);
final Vector3D d2 = a2.subtract(a3);
final Vector3D d3 = a3.subtract(a4);
final Vector3D u1 = d1.crossProduct(d2);
final Vector3D u2 = d2.crossProduct(d3);
final double ctor = u1.dotProduct(u2) / FastMath.sqrt(u1.dotProduct(u1) * u2.dotProduct(u2));
final double torp = FastMath.acos(ctor < -1.0 ? -1.0 : Math.min(ctor, 1.0));
return ImmutableAngle.of(u1.dotProduct(u2.crossProduct(d2)) >= 0 ? torp : -torp);
* Calculates torsion angle given four points. Uses atan2 method.
* @param coordA Coordinate of point A.
* @param coordB Coordinate of point B.
* @param coordC Coordinate of point C.
* @param coordD Coordinate of point D.
* @return A torsion angle (rotation around vector B-C).
public static Angle torsionAngle(
final Vector3D coordA, final Vector3D coordB, final Vector3D coordC, final Vector3D coordD) {
final Vector3D v1 = coordB.subtract(coordA);
final Vector3D v2 = coordC.subtract(coordB);
final Vector3D v3 = coordD.subtract(coordC);
final Vector3D tmp1 = v1.crossProduct(v2);
final Vector3D tmp2 = v2.crossProduct(v3);
final Vector3D tmp3 = v1.scalarMultiply(v2.getNorm());
return ImmutableAngle.of(FastMath.atan2(tmp3.dotProduct(tmp2), tmp1.dotProduct(tmp2)));
* Parses a string in format HH.MM as a vector on a circular clock. For 'm' minutes after
* midnight, the vector has value of '360 * m / (24 * 60)'.
* @param hourMinute String in format HH.MM.
* @return A vector representation of time on a circular clock.
* @throws InvalidVectorFormatException If the input string has an invalid format.
* @throws InvalidCircularValueException If the input string is parsed to a value outside the
* range [0..360)
public static Angle fromHourMinuteString(final String hourMinute) {
final String[] split = Angle.DOT.split(hourMinute);
if (split.length != 2) {
throw new InvalidVectorFormatException(
"Required format is HH.MM eg. 02.40. The input given was: " + hourMinute);
try {
final int hours = Integer.parseInt(split[0]);
int minutes = Integer.parseInt(split[1]);
minutes += hours * 60;
return ImmutableAngle.of(
(MathUtils.TWO_PI * (double) minutes) / (double) Angle.MINUTES_IN_DAY);
} catch (final NumberFormatException e) {
throw new InvalidVectorFormatException(
"Required format is HH.MM eg. 02.40. The input given was: " + hourMinute, e);
* Calculates angles' difference using formula min(|left - right|, 360 - |left - right|).
* @param left Minuend in radians.
* @param right Subtrahend in radians.
* @return The result of minuend - subtrahend in angular space.
public static double subtractByMinimum(final double left, final double right) {
final double d = FastMath.abs(left - right);
return FastMath.min(d, MathUtils.TWO_PI - d);
* Calculates angles' difference using formula acos(dot(left, right)).
* @param left Minuend in radians.
* @param right Subtrahend in radians.
* @return The result of minuend - subtrahend in angular space.
public static double subtractAsVectors(final double left, final double right) {
double v = FastMath.sin(left) * FastMath.sin(right);
v += FastMath.cos(left) * FastMath.cos(right);
v = FastMath.min(1.0, v);
v = FastMath.max(-1.0, v);
return FastMath.acos(v);
* Calculates angles' difference using formula: pi - |pi - |left - right||.
* @param left Minuend in radians.
* @param right Subtrahend in radians.
* @return The result of minuend - subtrahend in angular space.
public static double subtractByAbsolutes(final double left, final double right) {
return FastMath.PI - FastMath.abs(FastMath.PI - FastMath.abs(left - right));
/** @return Value in radians in range (-pi; pi]. */
@Value.Parameter(order = 1)
public abstract double radians();
/** @return Value in degrees in range (-180; 180]. */
public final double degrees() {
return FastMath.toDegrees(radians());
/** @return Value in degrees in range [0; 360). */
public final double degrees360() {
return FastMath.toDegrees(radians2PI());
/** @return Value in radians in range [0; 2pi). */
public final double radians2PI() {
return (radians() < 0.0) ? (radians() + MathUtils.TWO_PI) : radians();
/** @return True if value is not NaN. */
public final boolean isValid() {
return !Double.isNaN(radians());
* Return strue if this instance is in range [begin; end). For example 45 degrees is between 30
* degrees and 60 degrees. Also, 15 degrees is between -30 and 30 degrees.
* @param begin Beginning of the range of values.
* @param end Ending of the range of values.
* @return true if object is between [begin; end)
public final boolean isBetween(final Angle begin, final Angle end) {
final double radians2PI = radians2PI();
final double begin2PI = begin.radians2PI();
final double end2PI = end.radians2PI();
return (begin2PI < end2PI)
? ((radians2PI >= begin2PI) && (radians2PI < end2PI))
: ((radians2PI >= begin2PI) || (radians2PI < end2PI));
* Multiplies the angular value by a constant.
* @param v Multiplier.
* @return Angular value multiplied.
public final Angle multiply(final double v) {
return ImmutableAngle.of((radians() * v));
* Subtracts another angular value from this.
* @param other Another angular value.
* @return Result of this - other in angular space.
public final Angle subtract(final Angle other) {
return ImmutableAngle.of(Angle.subtractByAbsolutes(radians(), other.radians()));
* Returns an ordered difference between angles. It describes a rotation from one angle to another
* one and is therefore in range [-180; 180) degrees.
* @param other The other angle which value should be subtracted from this one.
* @return An ordered difference from first to second angle in range [-180; 180) degrees.
public final Angle orderedSubtract(final Angle other) {
double d = radians() - other.radians();
while (Precision.compareTo(d, -FastMath.PI, 1.0e-3) < 0) {
d += MathUtils.TWO_PI;
while (Precision.compareTo(d, FastMath.PI, 1.0e-3) > 0) {
d -= MathUtils.TWO_PI;
return ImmutableAngle.of(d);
* Computes a useful distance in range [0; 2] between two angular values.
* @param other The other angle.
* @return Value in range [0; 2] denoting distance between two angles.
public final double distance(final Angle other) {
return 1 - FastMath.cos(radians() - other.radians());
public final int compareTo(final Angle t) {
return, t.radians());
public final boolean equals(@Nullable final Object obj) {
if (this == obj) return true;
return obj instanceof Angle && Precision.equals(radians(), ((Angle) obj).radians(), 1.0e-3);
public final String toString() {
return String.format(Locale.US, "Angle{degrees=%.2f}", degrees());
protected Angle normalize() {
double value = radians();
if (Double.isNaN(value)) {
return this;
if ((value > -FastMath.PI && value <= FastMath.PI)) {
return this;
while (value <= -FastMath.PI) {
value += MathUtils.TWO_PI;
while (value > FastMath.PI) {
value -= MathUtils.TWO_PI;
return ImmutableAngle.of(value);