pl.touk.nussknacker.ui.api.BaseHttpService.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
package pl.touk.nussknacker.ui.api
import cats.data.EitherT
import pl.touk.nussknacker.security.AuthCredentials
import pl.touk.nussknacker.ui.api.BaseHttpService.{CustomAuthorizationError, NoRequirementServerEndpoint}
import pl.touk.nussknacker.ui.security.api.SecurityError.InsufficientPermission
import pl.touk.nussknacker.ui.security.api._
import sttp.tapir.server.{PartialServerEndpoint, ServerEndpoint}
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicReference
import scala.concurrent.{ExecutionContext, Future}
abstract class BaseHttpService(
authManager: AuthManager
)(implicit executionContext: ExecutionContext) {
// the discussion about this approach can be found here: https://github.com/TouK/nussknacker/pull/4685#discussion_r1329794444
type LogicResult[BUSINESS_ERROR, RESULT] = Either[Either[BUSINESS_ERROR, SecurityError], RESULT]
private val allServerEndpoints = new AtomicReference(List.empty[NoRequirementServerEndpoint])
protected def expose(serverEndpoint: NoRequirementServerEndpoint): Unit = {
protected def expose(serverEndpoints: List[NoRequirementServerEndpoint]): Unit = {
(l1, l2) => l1 ::: l2
protected def expose(when: => Boolean)(serverEndpoint: NoRequirementServerEndpoint): Unit = {
if (when) expose(serverEndpoint)
def serverEndpoints: List[NoRequirementServerEndpoint] = allServerEndpoints.get()
protected def authorizeAdminUser[BUSINESS_ERROR](
credentials: AuthCredentials
): Future[LogicResult[BUSINESS_ERROR, LoggedUser]] = {
.map {
case right @ Right(AdminUser(_, _)) => right
case Right(_: CommonUser) => securityError(InsufficientPermission)
case Right(_: ImpersonatedUser) => securityError(InsufficientPermission)
case error @ Left(_) => error
protected def authorizeKnownUser[BUSINESS_ERROR](
credentials: AuthCredentials
): Future[LogicResult[BUSINESS_ERROR, LoggedUser]] = {
.map {
case Left(authenticationError) => securityError(authenticationError)
case Right(authenticatedUser) =>
authManager.authorize(authenticatedUser) match {
case Right(loggedUser) => success(loggedUser)
case Left(authorizationError) => securityError(authorizationError)
protected def success[RESULT](value: RESULT) = Right(value)
protected def businessError[BUSINESS_ERROR](error: BUSINESS_ERROR) = Left(Left(error))
protected def securityError[SE <: SecurityError](error: SE) = Left(Right(error))
private type PartialEndpoint[INPUT, OUTPUT, BUSINESS_ERROR, -R] =
PartialServerEndpoint[_, LoggedUser, INPUT, Either[BUSINESS_ERROR, SecurityError], OUTPUT, R, Future]
implicit class ServerLogicExtension[INPUT, OUTPUT, BUSINESS_ERROR, -R](
endpoint: PartialEndpoint[INPUT, OUTPUT, BUSINESS_ERROR, R]
) {
def serverLogicFlatErrors(f: LoggedUser => INPUT => Future[Either[BUSINESS_ERROR, OUTPUT]]) =
endpoint.serverLogic { loggedUser: LoggedUser => input: INPUT =>
// We have EitherT variant because EitherT hasn't got covariant A and E parameters and when we when is used with serverLogicFlatErrors,
// we have to declare these types explicitly
def serverLogicEitherT(f: LoggedUser => INPUT => EitherT[Future, BUSINESS_ERROR, OUTPUT]) =
endpoint.serverLogic { loggedUser: LoggedUser => input: INPUT =>
private def toTapirResponse(result: Either[BUSINESS_ERROR, OUTPUT]): LogicResult[BUSINESS_ERROR, OUTPUT] =
result match {
case Left(error) =>
error match {
case _: CustomAuthorizationError => securityError(InsufficientPermission)
case e => businessError(e)
case Right(value) => success(value)
object BaseHttpService {
// we assume that our endpoints have no special requirements (in the Tapir sense)
type NoRequirementServerEndpoint = ServerEndpoint[Any, Future]
// it's marker interface which simplifies error handling when serverLogicEitherT is used
trait CustomAuthorizationError
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