pl.touk.nussknacker.ui.extrajs.ExtraScriptsListingPreparer.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
package pl.touk.nussknacker.ui.extrajs
import com.typesafe.scalalogging.LazyLogging
import java.io.File
import java.nio.file.Path
import scala.io.Source
// The purpose of this listing is to be possible to dynamically (without changing application image)
// add some java scripts to our main.html. Example usage:
// docker run -it --network host -e CLASSPATH="/opt/nussknacker/lib/*:/opt/nussknacker/managers/*:/opt/nussknacker/extra-resources"
// -v ./extrajs:/opt/nussknacker/extra-resources/web/static/extra touk/nussknacker:latest
// After this, all *.js in the extrajs directory will be injected into main.html in the lexicographic order. Notice that if you want to locally
// develop with ./buildServer.sh and ./runServer.sh and place js in src/main/resource/web/static/extra, you should add
// scripts.lst listing file next to them, because resources inside jars can't be listed
class ExtraScriptsListingPreparer(classLoader: ClassLoader, extraScriptsPath: Path, webResourcesRoot: Path)
extends LazyLogging {
private val listingFilePath = extraScriptsPath.resolve("scripts.lst")
def scriptsListing: String = {
webResourcesListing.map(resourcePath => s"""""").mkString("\n")
private[extrajs] def webResourcesListing: Seq[String] = {
val matchingFiles = readListingFile orElse listDirector getOrElse {
logger.debug(s"Neither listing file $listingFilePath nor listable directory $extraScriptsPath are available")
.map(name => webResourcesRoot.resolve(name).toString)
private def readListingFile: Option[Seq[String]] = {
.map { seq =>
logger.debug(s"Extra scripts listed in the listing file $listingFilePath: ${seq.mkString(", ")}")
private def listDirector: Option[Seq[String]] = {
for {
existingExtraScriptsRoot <- Option(classLoader.getResource(extraScriptsPath.toString))
extraScriptsRootFile = new File(existingExtraScriptsRoot.getFile)
matchingFiles <- Option(extraScriptsRootFile.listFiles((_, fileName) => fileName.endsWith(".js")))
fileNamesSeq = matchingFiles.toIndexedSeq.map(_.getName)
} yield {
logger.debug(s"Extra scripts listed in the directory $extraScriptsPath: ${matchingFiles.mkString(", ")}")
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