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package pl.touk.nussknacker.processCounts.influxdb
import java.time.format.DateTimeFormatter
import java.time.{Instant, ZonedDateTime}
import sttp.client3.SttpBackend
import sttp.monad.MonadError
import sttp.monad.syntax._
import com.typesafe.scalalogging.LazyLogging
import pl.touk.nussknacker.engine.api.process.ProcessName
import scala.language.higherKinds
import pl.touk.nussknacker.engine.util.Implicits.RichScalaMap
private[influxdb] class InfluxGenerator[F[_]](config: InfluxConfig, env: String)(implicit backend: SttpBackend[F, Any])
extends LazyLogging {
import InfluxGenerator._
private implicit val monadError: MonadError[F] = backend.responseMonad
private val influxClient = new SimpleInfluxClient(config)
def queryBySingleDifference(
processName: ProcessName,
dateFrom: Option[Instant],
dateTo: Instant,
config: MetricsConfig
): F[Map[String, Long]] = {
val pointInTimeQuery = new PointInTimeQuery(influxClient.query, processName, env, config)
for {
valuesAtEnd <- pointInTimeQuery.query(dateTo)
valuesAtStart <- dateFrom
.getOrElse(monadError.unit(Map[String, Long]()))
} yield { case (key, value) =>
key -> (value - valuesAtStart.getOrElse(key, 0L))
def queryBySumOfDifferences(
processName: ProcessName,
dateFrom: Instant,
dateTo: Instant,
config: MetricsConfig
): F[Map[String, Long]] = {
val query = s"""select sum(diff) as count from (SELECT non_negative_difference("${config.countField}") AS diff
FROM "${config.nodeCountMetric}"
WHERE ${config.envTag} = '$env' AND ${config.scenarioTag} = '$processName'
AND time > ${dateFrom.getEpochSecond}s AND time < ${dateTo.getEpochSecond}s
GROUP BY ${config.nodeIdTag}, ${config.additionalGroupByTags.mkString(",")}) group by ${config.nodeIdTag}"""
InfluxGenerator.retrieveOnlyResultFromActionValueQuery(config, influxClient.query, query)
def detectRestarts(
processName: ProcessName,
dateFrom: Instant,
dateTo: Instant,
config: MetricsConfig
): F[List[Instant]] = {
val from = dateFrom.getEpochSecond
val to = dateTo.getEpochSecond
val queryString =
s"""SELECT diff FROM (
| SELECT difference(${config.countField}) as diff FROM "${config.sourceCountMetric}" WHERE
| "${config.scenarioTag}" = '$processName' AND ${config.envTag} = '$env'
| AND time >= ${from}s and time < ${to}s GROUP BY ${config.additionalGroupByTags.mkString(
)}, ${config.nodeIdTag}) where diff < 0 """.stripMargin
influxClient.query(queryString).map { series =>
private def readRestartsFromSourceCounts(sourceCounts: InfluxSeries): List[Instant] = {
val restarts = sourceCounts.values.collect { case (date: String) :: (derivative: BigDecimal) :: Nil =>
private def parseInfluxDate(date: String): Instant =
ZonedDateTime.parse(date, DateTimeFormatter.ISO_ZONED_DATE_TIME).toInstant
object InfluxGenerator extends LazyLogging {
// see InfluxGeneratorSpec for influx return format...
def retrieveOnlyResultFromActionValueQuery[F[_]: MonadError](
config: MetricsConfig,
invokeQuery: String => F[List[InfluxSeries]],
queryString: String
): F[Map[String, Long]] = {
val groupedResults = invokeQuery(queryString).map { seriesList =>
.map { oneSeries =>
// in case of our queries we know there will be only one result (we use only first/last aggregations), rest will be handled by aggregations
val firstResult = oneSeries.toMap.headOption.getOrElse(Map())
oneSeries.tags.getOrElse(Map.empty).getOrElse(config.nodeIdTag, "UNKNOWN"),
firstResult.getOrElse("count", 0L).asInstanceOf[Number].longValue()
} { evaluated =>
logger.debug(s"Query: $queryString retrieved grouped results: $evaluated")
// influx cannot give us result for "give me value nearest in time to t1", so we try to do it by looking for
// last point before t1 and first after t1.
// TODO: probably we should just take one of them, but the one which is closer to t1?
class PointInTimeQuery[F[_]: MonadError](
invokeQuery: String => F[List[InfluxSeries]],
processName: ProcessName,
env: String,
config: MetricsConfig
) extends LazyLogging {
// two hour window is for possible delays in sending metrics from taskmanager to jobmanager (or upd sending problems...)
// it's VERY unclear how large it should be. If it's too large, we may overlap with end and still generate
// bad results...
def query(date: Instant): F[Map[String, Long]] = {
def query(timeCondition: String, aggregateFunction: String) =
s"""select ${config.nodeIdTag} as nodeId, $aggregateFunction(${config.countField}) as count
| from "${config.nodeCountMetric}" where ${config.scenarioTag} = '$processName'
| and $timeCondition and ${config.envTag} = '$env' group by ${config.additionalGroupByTags.mkString(
)}, ${config.nodeIdTag} fill(0)""".stripMargin
val around = date.getEpochSecond
for {
valuesBefore <- retrieveOnlyResultFromActionValueQuery(
query(timeCondition = s"time <= ${around}s and time > ${around}s - 1h", aggregateFunction = "last")
valuesAfter <- retrieveOnlyResultFromActionValueQuery(
query(timeCondition = s"time >= ${around}s and time < ${around}s + 1h", aggregateFunction = "first")
} yield valuesBefore ++ valuesAfter