pl.touk.nussknacker.restmodel.processdetails.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
package pl.touk.nussknacker.restmodel
import java.time.LocalDateTime
import io.circe.{Decoder, Encoder}
import io.circe.generic.semiauto.{deriveDecoder, deriveEncoder}
import io.circe.generic.JsonCodec
import io.circe.java8.time.{JavaTimeDecoders, JavaTimeEncoders}
import pl.touk.nussknacker.engine.ProcessingTypeData.ProcessingType
import pl.touk.nussknacker.engine.api.deployment.ProcessActionType.ProcessActionType
import pl.touk.nussknacker.engine.api.deployment.{ProcessActionType, ProcessState}
import pl.touk.nussknacker.engine.api.process.{ProcessName, ProcessId => ApiProcessId}
import pl.touk.nussknacker.engine.canonicalgraph.CanonicalProcess
import pl.touk.nussknacker.restmodel.ProcessType.ProcessType
import pl.touk.nussknacker.restmodel.displayedgraph.{DisplayableProcess, ProcessStatus, ValidatedDisplayableProcess}
import pl.touk.nussknacker.restmodel.process.{ProcessId, ProcessIdWithName}
object processdetails extends JavaTimeEncoders with JavaTimeDecoders {
sealed trait Process {
val lastAction: Option[ProcessAction]
def isDeployed: Boolean = !isNotDeployed && lastAction.exists(_.isDeployed)
def isCanceled: Boolean = !isNotDeployed && lastAction.exists(_.isCanceled)
def isNotDeployed: Boolean = lastAction.isEmpty
object BasicProcess {
def apply[ProcessShape](baseProcessDetails: BaseProcessDetails[ProcessShape]) = new BasicProcess(
id =,
name = ProcessName(,
processId = baseProcessDetails.processId,
processVersionId = baseProcessDetails.processVersionId,
isSubprocess = baseProcessDetails.isSubprocess,
isArchived = baseProcessDetails.isArchived,
processCategory = baseProcessDetails.processCategory,
processType = baseProcessDetails.processType,
processingType = baseProcessDetails.processingType,
modificationDate = baseProcessDetails.modificationDate,
createdAt = baseProcessDetails.createdAt,
createdBy = baseProcessDetails.createdBy,
lastAction = baseProcessDetails.lastAction,
lastDeployedAction = baseProcessDetails.lastDeployedAction,
state = baseProcessDetails.state
@JsonCodec case class BasicProcess(id: String,
name: ProcessName,
processId: ApiProcessId,
processVersionId: Long,
isArchived: Boolean,
isSubprocess: Boolean,
processCategory: String,
processType: ProcessType,
processingType: ProcessingType,
modificationDate: LocalDateTime,
createdAt: LocalDateTime,
createdBy: String,
lastAction: Option[ProcessAction],
lastDeployedAction: Option[ProcessAction],
state: Option[ProcessState] = Option.empty //It temporary holds mapped action -> status. Now this field is fill at router. In future we will keep there cached sate
) extends Process
object BaseProcessDetails {
//It's necessary to encode / decode ProcessState
import ProcessState._
implicit def encoder[T](implicit shape: Encoder[T]): Encoder[BaseProcessDetails[T]] = deriveEncoder
implicit def decoder[T](implicit shape: Decoder[T]): Decoder[BaseProcessDetails[T]] = deriveDecoder
case class BaseProcessDetails[ProcessShape](id: String, //It temporary holds the name of process, because it's used everywhere in GUI - TODO: change type to ProcessId and explicitly use processName
name: String,
processId: ApiProcessId, //TODO: Remove it when we will support Long / ProcessId
processVersionId: Long,
isLatestVersion: Boolean,
description: Option[String],
isArchived: Boolean,
isSubprocess: Boolean,
processType: ProcessType,
processingType: ProcessingType,
processCategory: String,
modificationDate: LocalDateTime,
createdAt: LocalDateTime,
createdBy: String,
tags: List[String],
lastDeployedAction: Option[ProcessAction],
lastAction: Option[ProcessAction],
json: Option[ProcessShape],
history: List[ProcessVersion],
modelVersion: Option[Int],
state: Option[ProcessState] = Option.empty //It temporary holds mapped action -> status. Now this field is fill at router. In future we will keep there cached sate
) extends Process {
def mapProcess[NewShape](action: ProcessShape => NewShape) : BaseProcessDetails[NewShape] = copy(json =
// todo: unsafe toLong; we need it for now - we use this class for both backend (id == real id) and frontend (id == name) purposes
lazy val idWithName: ProcessIdWithName = ProcessIdWithName(ProcessId(processId.value), ProcessName(name))
// TODO we should split ProcessDetails and ProcessShape (json), than it won't be needed. Also BasicProcess won't be necessary than.
sealed trait ProcessShapeFetchStrategy[ProcessShape]
object ProcessShapeFetchStrategy {
// TODO: Find places where FetchDisplayable is used and think about replacing it with FetchCanonical. We generally should use displayable representation
// only in GUI (not for deployment or exports) and in GUI it should be post processed using ProcessDictSubstitutor
implicit case object FetchDisplayable extends ProcessShapeFetchStrategy[DisplayableProcess]
implicit case object FetchCanonical extends ProcessShapeFetchStrategy[CanonicalProcess]
// In fact Unit won't be returned inside shape and Nothing would be more verbose but it won't help in compilation because Nothing <: DisplayableProcess
implicit case object NotFetch extends ProcessShapeFetchStrategy[Unit]
type ProcessDetails = BaseProcessDetails[DisplayableProcess]
type ValidatedProcessDetails = BaseProcessDetails[ValidatedDisplayableProcess]
@JsonCodec case class ProcessVersion(//processId: Long, //TODO: support it when will support processId as Long / ProcessId
processVersionId: Long,
createDate: LocalDateTime,
user: String,
modelVersion: Option[Int],
actions: List[ProcessAction])
@JsonCodec case class ProcessAction( //processId: Long, //TODO: support it when will support processId as Long / ProcessId
processVersionId: Long,
performedAt: LocalDateTime,
user: String,
action: ProcessActionType,
commentId: Option[Long],
comment: Option[String],
buildInfo: Map[String, String]) {
def isDeployed: Boolean = action.equals(ProcessActionType.Deploy)
def isCanceled: Boolean = action.equals(ProcessActionType.Cancel)
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