pl.touk.nussknacker.engine.definition.component.ComponentDefinitionWithImplementation.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
The newest version!
package pl.touk.nussknacker.engine.definition.component
import pl.touk.nussknacker.engine.api.component.Component._
import pl.touk.nussknacker.engine.api.component.ComponentType.ComponentType
import pl.touk.nussknacker.engine.api.component._
import pl.touk.nussknacker.engine.api.definition.WithExplicitTypesToExtract
import pl.touk.nussknacker.engine.api.typed.typing.TypingResult
import pl.touk.nussknacker.engine.modelconfig.ComponentsUiConfig
// This class represents component's definition and implementation. It is used on the designer side for definitions
// served to the FE and for validations. It is used on the runtime side for component's runtime execution and for stubbing.
// Implementing component is in hte implementation field. It should be rarely used - instead, we should extract information
// into definition. Runtime logic should be mainly used via implementationInvoker which can be transformed
// (e.g.) for purpose of stubbing.
trait ComponentDefinitionWithImplementation extends ObjectOperatingOnTypes {
def implementationInvoker: ComponentImplementationInvoker
// For purpose of transforming (e.g.) stubbing of the implementation
def withImplementationInvoker(invoker: ComponentImplementationInvoker): ComponentDefinitionWithImplementation
def component: Component
def componentTypeSpecificData: ComponentTypeSpecificData
// This field is used as a part of identifier so it is important that it should be stable.
// Currently it is used also for a label presented at the toolbox palette but we should probably extract another
// field (e.g. label) that will be in a more human friendly format`- see vs Parameter.label
def name: String
final def componentType: ComponentType = componentTypeSpecificData.componentType
final def id: ComponentId = ComponentId(componentType, name)
protected def uiDefinition: ComponentUiDefinition
final def designerWideId: DesignerWideComponentId = uiDefinition.designerWideId
final def componentGroup: ComponentGroupName = uiDefinition.componentGroup
final def originalGroupName: ComponentGroupName = uiDefinition.originalGroupName
final def icon: String = uiDefinition.icon
final def docsUrl: Option[String] = uiDefinition.docsUrl
override final def definedTypes: List[TypingResult] = {
val fromExplicitTypes = component match {
case explicit: WithExplicitTypesToExtract => explicit.typesToExtract
case _ => Nil
typesFromStaticDefinition ++ fromExplicitTypes
protected def typesFromStaticDefinition: List[TypingResult]
def allowedProcessingModes: AllowedProcessingModes = component.allowedProcessingModes
trait ObjectOperatingOnTypes {
def definedTypes: List[TypingResult]
final case class ComponentUiDefinition(
originalGroupName: ComponentGroupName,
componentGroup: ComponentGroupName,
icon: String,
docsUrl: Option[String],
designerWideId: DesignerWideComponentId
object ComponentDefinitionWithImplementation {
def forList(
components: List[ComponentDefinition],
additionalConfigs: ComponentsUiConfig,
determineDesignerWideId: ComponentId => DesignerWideComponentId,
additionalConfigsFromProvider: Map[DesignerWideComponentId, ComponentAdditionalConfig]
): List[ComponentDefinitionWithImplementation] = {
ComponentDefinitionExtractor.extract(_, additionalConfigs, determineDesignerWideId, additionalConfigsFromProvider)
/* This method is mainly for the tests purpose. It doesn't take into an account:
* - additionalConfigs from the model configuration
* - additionalConfigsFromProvider provided by AdditionalUIConfigProvider
def withEmptyConfig(name: String, component: Component): ComponentDefinitionWithImplementation = {
id => DesignerWideComponentId(id.toString),
throw new IllegalStateException(
s"Cannot extract component definition for $name (and component type: ${component.getClass.getName})"