pl.touk.nussknacker.engine.resultcollector.ResultCollector.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
The newest version!
package pl.touk.nussknacker.engine.resultcollector
import cats.Monad
import cats.implicits._
import pl.touk.nussknacker.engine.api.ContextId
import pl.touk.nussknacker.engine.api.test.InvocationCollectors.{CollectableAction, ToCollect, TransmissionNames}
import pl.touk.nussknacker.engine.api.NodeId
import scala.language.higherKinds
This is base API for collecting results of invocations of services (in the future - also sinks, custom nodes etc.),
used by tests from UI, service queries from UI etc.
trait ResultCollector extends Serializable {
@request - object that should be recorded (e.g. REST request)
@mockValue - value to return when invocation is stubbed, None means normal invocation should proceed
@action - e.g. REST service invocation, stubbed e.g. during tests. CollectableAction contains not only result, but also can contain
"raw" format, e.g. REST service response
@names - in more complex scenarios we may want to distinguish different invocations
def collectWithResponse[A, F[_]: Monad](
contextId: ContextId,
nodeId: NodeId,
serviceRef: String,
request: => ToCollect,
mockValue: Option[A],
action: => F[CollectableAction[A]],
names: TransmissionNames
): F[A]
//just invoke the action and ignore raw output from CollectableAction
object ProductionServiceInvocationCollector extends ResultCollector {
override def collectWithResponse[A, F[_]: Monad](
contextId: ContextId,
nodeId: NodeId,
serviceRef: String,
request: => ToCollect,
mockValue: Option[A],
action: => F[CollectableAction[A]],
names: TransmissionNames
): F[A] = {
//Sanity check, when we compile objects just for validation, we don't really want to invoke e.g. REST services etc.
object PreventInvocationCollector extends ResultCollector {
override def collectWithResponse[A, F[_]: Monad](
contextId: ContextId,
nodeId: NodeId,
serviceRef: String,
request: => ToCollect,
mockValue: Option[A],
action: => F[CollectableAction[A]],
names: TransmissionNames
): F[A] = {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Service invocations should not be used in this context")