pt.kcry.blake3.HasherImpl.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
The newest version!
* scala-blake3 - highly optimized blake3 implementation for scala, scala-js and scala-native.
* Written in 2020, 2021 by Kirill A. Korinsky
* Supported since 2022 by Kcrypt Lab UG
* This work is released into the public domain with CC0 1.0.
* Alternatively, it is licensed under the Apache License 2.0.
package pt.kcry.blake3
import CompressRounds._
import{InputStream, OutputStream}
import java.nio.ByteBuffer
// An incremental hasher that can accept any number of writes.
private[blake3] class HasherImpl(val key: Array[Int], val flags: Int)
extends Hasher {
private val tmpChunkCV = new Array[Int](BLOCK_LEN_WORDS)
private val tmpBlockWords = new Array[Int](BLOCK_LEN_WORDS)
private val chunkState =
new ChunkState(key, 0, flags, tmpChunkCV, tmpBlockWords)
private val output =
new Output(key, tmpBlockWords, BLOCK_LEN, flags, tmpChunkCV)
// Space for 54 subtree chaining values
private val cvStack: Array[Array[Int]] = {
val cvStack = new Array[Array[Int]](MAX_DEPTH)
var i = 0
while (i < MAX_DEPTH) {
cvStack(i) = new Array[Int](BLOCK_LEN_WORDS)
i += 1
private var cvStackLen: Int = 0
// Section 5.1.2 of the BLAKE3 spec explains this algorithm in more detail.
private def finalizeWhenCompleted(): Int = {
val len = chunkState.len()
// If the current chunk is complete, finalize it and reset the
// chunk state. More input is coming, so this chunk is not ROOT.
if (len == CHUNK_LEN) {
var totalChunks = chunkState.reset(key)
// This chunk might complete some subtrees. For each completed subtree,
// its left child will be the current top entry in the CV stack, and
// its right child will be the current value of `newCv`. Pop each left
// child off the stack, merge it with `newCv`, and overwrite `newCv`
// with the result. After all these merges, push the final value of
// `newCv` onto the stack. The number of completed subtrees is given
// by the number of trailing 0-bits in the new total number of chunks.
while ((totalChunks & 1) == 0) {
cvStackLen -= 1
mergeChildCV(tmpBlockWords, cvStack(cvStackLen), tmpChunkCV)
compressRounds(tmpChunkCV, tmpBlockWords, key, 0, BLOCK_LEN,
flags | PARENT)
totalChunks >>= 1
System.arraycopy(tmpChunkCV, 0, cvStack(cvStackLen), 0, BLOCK_LEN_WORDS)
cvStackLen += 1
} else len
// Add input to the hash state. This can be called any number of times.
override def update(input: Array[Byte], offset: Int, len: Int): Hasher =
synchronized {
var i = offset
val end = offset + len
while (i < end) {
val len = finalizeWhenCompleted()
val consume = Math.min(CHUNK_LEN - len, end - i)
chunkState.update(input, i, i + consume)
i += consume
// Simplified version of update(Array[Byte])
override def update(input: Byte): Hasher = synchronized {
// Simplified version of update(Array[Byte])
override def update(input: Short): Hasher = synchronized {
var v = input
var i = 0
while (i < 2) {
v = (v >> 8).toShort
i += 1
// Simplified version of update(Array[Byte])
override def update(input: Int): Hasher = synchronized {
var v = input
var i = 0
while (i < 4) {
v >>= 8
i += 1
// Simplified version of update(Array[Byte])
override def update(input: Long): Hasher = synchronized {
var v = input
var i = 0
while (i < 8) {
v >>= 8
i += 1
override def update(input: InputStream, len: Int): Hasher = synchronized {
val bytes = new Array[Byte](CHUNK_LEN)
var consume = chunkState.len() match {
case len => CHUNK_LEN - len
var read =, 0, consume)
var remaining = len - read
while (remaining > 0 && read >= 0) {
val len = finalizeWhenCompleted()
chunkState.update(bytes, 0, read)
consume = CHUNK_LEN - len
read =, 0, consume)
remaining -= read
override def update(input: ByteBuffer, len: Int): Hasher = synchronized {
val bytes = new Array[Byte](CHUNK_LEN)
var remaining = len
while (remaining > 0 && input.hasRemaining) {
val chunkLen = finalizeWhenCompleted()
val consume = Math.min(CHUNK_LEN - chunkLen, remaining)
input.get(bytes, 0, consume)
chunkState.update(bytes, 0, consume)
remaining -= consume
private def getOutput: Output = {
// let start from round block
// Starting with the Output from the current chunk, compute all the
// parent chaining values along the right edge of the tree, until we
// have the root Output.
var parentNodesRemaining = cvStackLen
var inputChainingValue = chunkState.chainingValue
var counter = chunkState.chunkCounter
var blockLen = chunkState.blockLen
var outputFlags = flags | chunkState.startFlag() | CHUNK_END
while (parentNodesRemaining > 0) {
parentNodesRemaining -= 1
compressRounds(tmpChunkCV, tmpBlockWords, inputChainingValue, counter,
blockLen, outputFlags)
// emulate reset
inputChainingValue = key
counter = 0
blockLen = BLOCK_LEN
outputFlags = flags | PARENT
mergeChildCV(tmpBlockWords, cvStack(parentNodesRemaining), tmpChunkCV)
// reset cached output
output.inputChainingValue = inputChainingValue
output.blockLen = blockLen
output.flags = outputFlags
private def mergeChildCV(
merged: Array[Int], leftChildCV: Array[Int], rightChildCv: Array[Int]
): Unit = {
System.arraycopy(rightChildCv, 0, merged, KEY_LEN_WORDS, KEY_LEN_WORDS)
System.arraycopy(leftChildCV, 0, merged, 0, KEY_LEN_WORDS)
// Finalize the hash and write any number of output bytes.
override def done(out: Array[Byte], offset: Int, len: Int): Unit =
synchronized(getOutput.rootBytes(out, offset, len))
// Finalize the hash and write one byte.
override def done(): Byte = synchronized(getOutput.rootByte())
override def doneShort(): Short = synchronized(getOutput.rootShort())
override def doneInt(): Int = synchronized(getOutput.rootInt())
override def doneLong(): Long = synchronized(getOutput.rootLong())
override def doneCallBack[T](out: Byte => T, len: Int): Unit =
synchronized(getOutput.rootBytes(out, len))
// avoid callback here to prevent make a call GC friendly
override def done(out: OutputStream, len: Int): Unit =
synchronized(getOutput.rootBytes(out, len))
// avoid callback here to prevent make a call GC friendly
override def done(out: ByteBuffer, len: Int): Unit =
synchronized(getOutput.rootBytes(out, len))
override def doneXor(
in: Array[Byte], inOff: Int, out: Array[Byte], outOff: Int, len: Int
): Unit = synchronized(getOutput.rootBytesXor(in, inOff, out, outOff, len))
override def doneXor(in: InputStream, out: OutputStream, len: Int): Unit =
synchronized(getOutput.rootBytesXor(in, out, len))
override def doneXor(in: ByteBuffer, out: ByteBuffer, len: Int): Unit =
synchronized(getOutput.rootBytesXor(in, out, len))
override def doneXorCallBack[T](
in: () => Byte, out: Byte => T, len: Int
): Unit = synchronized(getOutput.rootBytesXor(in, out, len))